Skier123 wrote:A few more thoughts on this thread, in no particular order:
1. Some people can and do "save up" for this procedure. Often the docs will discount their fees for private pay patients.
2. You may be better off financially buying health insurance on your own for a year, and declining your employer's coverage. (you don't want to have 2 "primary" insurance providers, then neither one will pay.) Many (most I think) Blue Cross / Blue shield plans that you can buy on the open market will cover the implant.
3. How much do you like your job? The economy is good right now and maybe its a good time for a job change to an employer who has better health insurance?
4. At the very least, make sure you read you current policy's exclusions with your own eyes. Insurance companies are notorious for discouraging the actual use of the insurance - so don't take anyone's word for it that this procedure is actually excluded until you read it yourself. (With a little digging, I was able to find the actual policy language on my insurance company's website.)
5. Although I have not looked into this myself ... there may be a supplimental health insurance plan that you could tack on to your employers coverage for a reasonable cost that would cover this procedure. It may be worth a call to a reputable insurance broker to find out.
5. Lastly, and I don't want to be too mean here - but all I can say is that once you get over these health-related speed bumps, your next girlfriend is going to be WAY better than your last one ... and you will be much better off in the long run.
Thank you for those encouraging words. I did look into another policy as a secondary. The problem I ran into is that this would be considered preexisting condition and no one would give me coverage. The only way you can get a preexisting condition covered is during open enrollment. They have to honor preexisting issues. I missed that window. I'm calling the insurance commissioner tomorrow and asking for help. Probably will get shot down. Yes my next thought is to try and move on. Really don't want to work for a bank (Wells Fargo) that could give a shit about guys ED issues. The other thought I had that was discussed with me by a close friend on FT is I'm looking to see if my policy will cover urgery for my peyronies? If they will fix my peyronies and then I get an implant why is that surgery categorized as an implant surgery which then is technically excluded. Half of the surgery should be covered????? Sound interesting but the way things are going it will probably get shot down too. And as fas as my old gf..... I really did not need to hear that today. I would have done anything in the world for her and all I asked was for some help with a ride because nobody knows this except me and her. No reason for her to tell me she met someone. She knows how this is killing me. That hurt. I hope I can get back dating again. Cant really do anything till I have my manhood back. And I hope I do meet someone that will be way better...… I wish I good have my life back.... seems like eternity . Thank you so much for your support. You've been great and thank you again