injections are the pits

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.

Re: injections are the pits

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 6:19 am

oldbeek wrote:
Larry10625 wrote:I tried injections and hated it. Since when did sex get so god damn scientific? If it hurts or doesn't get hard enough etc. how in the hell can it be enjoyable??? I'll take my implant (my wife too) any day!!! ;)


Your last revision work well? For your sake, I sure hope so. Be Well


Hi John, thanks, yes, my revision worked very well. When Dr. Brock was explaining the steps they took to prevent infection this time, there were so many I got a little chuckle out of it. He was being very serious and I was laughing. Here goes;
- pre-op IV antibiotics
- skin wash with antibiotic wash
- all team members wore scrubs, gown, cap, gloves. boot/shoe covers
- once surgery started, OR door STAYS CLOSED
- IV antibiotics during surgery
- observers are to be dressed like the surgical team
- surgical field washed with antibiotic wash, skin draped
- AMS implant with special antibiotic coating
- very powerful post op IV antibiotics
- surgical field dressed

The doctor wanted me to start cycling at week 3, so I did. After 3 pushes the bulb was hard as a rock, I spoke with the rep from AMS and he talked me through a few things and I was able to get at least 10 pumps and I am loving it. My wife tried to pump it but she doesn't have the hand strength. She was able to deflate it. While I was waiting to have surgery and then after, waiting to cycle, I got far into Frank Talk. My wife said I was obsessed. After the surgery she started becoming more and more interested. We have now used it twice, the first time was three weeks after surgery and it just hurt WAY too much. Then tried again at 5 weeks and it started to hurt again but like,,,, at about the 20 minute mark so was much better. I have to fake an orgasm or else she will blame herself. I have very little feeling in the shaft but head is ok. During sex I didn't even come close to an orgasm but it is getting better every day so fingers crossed all will be good again soon. :)


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Re: injections are the pits

Postby jeff65 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 8:11 am

DaveKell wrote:My opening line for the implant seminars I speak at is "can I get a show of hands. How many think there should be a special place in hell for whoever came up with the idea of sticking a needle in your penis?". Enough said.

If I end up facing long term ED, then I won’t hesitate to go down the implant path. But, for post-prostatectomy guys like me, for whom this issue is hopefully temporary, trimix injections allow a much quicker return to a somewhat normal sex life.
53 yo, married 31 years. DX with prostate cancer on Aug 28, 2017. RALP on Oct 30, 2017 with bilateral nerve sparing. Cancer-free but with ED without meds. Taking 40mg sildenafil daily and 10 units trimix (16.7mg pap; .56mg phent; 5.6 mcg PGE1) 1-2x/week.

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