implant at 29

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Re: implant at 29

Postby defiant » Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:52 am

Trav8701 wrote:Hey whatsup defiant!
I'm inclined to agree with you... i mean im not on injection therapy NOR am i implanted but to my very subjective preferences and just intuition...the implant sounds infinitely more attractive than injection therapy. That being said though i know that not everyone will agree with me and my little rant was in no way meant to attack anyone's choices...i just see the sentiment repeated here so much that it makes me ask why is that so? but ive left the topic from my mind since :D

defiant wrote:
Trav8701 wrote:This is a sentiment that confuses me greatly, especially as you are a fellow jelq-HF member. I’m at the point where cialis is reliable although I expect that to wane with time as it does most people here and also owing to the fact that HF tends to be progressive AND ALSO owing to the fact that my ED is due to decreased glans sensation, which there is no treatment for (an implant will allow me to stay hard to complete the act, but will not help sensation). In my mind, injections are WAY less attractive than just getting an implant. The thought of having to endure the pain of an injection every single time I want to have sex or make love… what is so awful about the implant that I consistently see implanted people in these forums say “I would gladly rely on injections if they worked, instead of living with this implant”. To me, that means the implant has to be GOD AWFUL. I see injection therapy as the bottom of the barrel way of dealing with ED. Please understand I do not wish to offend, and I know I’m being hysterical, but I just have to convey my feelings on this because I want someone to challenge my understanding and maybe even convince me otherwise. So, my question to y’all is… would so many of y’all actually prefer to rely on injection therapy than continue living on with an implant if you could wave a magic wand? If so…why?

I don’t know what you’re reading but I’ve read countless and I mean countless posts and spoken with many men - all with implants - who absolutely love it!!!!!

It changed my life this, I’m so much more confident that!…

These are the vast majority of reviews I’ve heard about an implant.

You’re probably reading reviews by people in god-awful starting situations.

Do some proper research and stop latching on to the bad ones.

I’ve spoken with at least 3 implanted men on the very topic of injections vs implants and they all said they fucking hated injections. No spontaneity, long term damage, pain, storage issues, the works.

Hey man,

It’s funny you say that because I feel like I’ve read this forum to death which is a questionable way to be but that’s by the by and I can’t remember seeing one person say that.

Of course you have seen it, many according to what you say but honestly, you gotta look at it like this. This is an Internet forum and probably the best resource online when it comes to implants. Of course people who are dissatisfied will come here with their axes to grind and their complaints, concerns and worries. This is where they’ll come eagerly hoping someone, anyone can allay their fears.

That said, even with this in mind, honestly, all one need do is really read the reports and reviews and you’ll soon realise just how popular the implant is and how happy people who get them are.

As I’ve said, the amount of men I’ve spoken to. I’ve yet to speak to someone who said ‘ohhhhh it was the worst thing I’ve ever done’ but what I have heard many many many times now is how it’s given men back their sense of confidence, their happiness and ultimately their lives.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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