Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

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Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

Postby MyImplant » Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:28 pm

Activation in 2 days..

A few comments about size loss, use of VED, orgasms, and physical conditioning required by the implant:

Size: I have started extensive use of my VED. Maybe 4 sessions greater than 15 min each. I am sill deflated so these results are not to be compared with my pre revision stats or my pre implant stats. Pre implant I could get almost to 8" in the VED. Very thick and I filled up my VED with my girth. All very temporary.

After my original implant my length dropped to 7" from the 8" in the VED. I wanted to know what the revision has done. Am I worse off? Last night, after my revision, I starting my VED program, I got to at least 6 5/8" to which I must add for my fat pad and rounding to the tip. Also I had taken a cialis pill on Thursday so I think I did not have any enhancement to the glans. If I add in the fat pad, the tip and a cialis pill with no inflation I am probably better than my pre revision stats. Conclusion.. I have proven that the revision has not cost me any length. (not really proof until I am fully inflated and I can duplicate everything.. But a pretty good idea nevertheless.)

I know that my girth 5 1/4"now uninflated is the same as my inflated pre revision girth. So I can probably say I have actually increased girth when I estimate that inflation will give me more girth which is what I am looking for. I am hoping for at least a 6" girth assuming that my tunica will expand to accommodate my new Titan cylinders.

Ongoing question:
My revision added cylinders that are 4 CM longer that the original cylinders. Where do I see this? Where do I find it? One place is when I release the vacuum my shrinkage is less than when I was exiting the pre revision VED status. But I did not record this statistic and I am relying on my memory. While I cannot compare yet since I am not inflated, I would think that the overall length out of the VED will be greater since the penis will shrink to the tunica tip. On second thought this may not be true. My tunica was stretched possibly by the 4 CM, assuming that the original implant was max sized, the tunica length at the time pf the revision should be the same as the prerevision size at the time of the revision. Same tunica etc. In other words the 4 cm add on really just consolidates the gains and forms a new basis for further growth. BUT just because the tunica is longer does not mean the penis will be as longer if the inflated cylinders are not longer. Restated I could have a longer tunica but if the cylinders will not stretch to the tunica tips, my penis will conform to the shorter cylinders and the difference in penis length will show itself as a a floppy head. So I think that from day 1 of the revision I should have a longer penis because of my new longer cylinders.

Ability to orgasm: Because I am deflated I am depended on the deflated cylinders themselves to give me rigidity to fuck my FL. I had one great orgasm about 3 weeks ago, but was not able to orgasm since. For me to get to the point of inevitability I have to really speed fuck and I have trained myself to edge and avoid the POI. I am fighting the battle of not wanting to cum so I can continue fucking and wanting to cum to relieve the tension, So much is going on in my head. Not being fully inflated is a factor. I think that If I am very hard and long the sensations will be more intense and take me over the top, Thus awaiting the activation.

BUT something happened last night when I orgasmed for the second time since my revision. (Yes I know that I am not supposed to have sex yet, but fucking a fleshlight is not sex,, right?) I had the sensation of my cum flowing but it went on a very long time. More than a minute. A minute of orgasmic pleasure it huge. While my orgasm continued I was aware that something new was happening and I had an argument with myself whether to just keep going. I continued for minutes and I slowly came down. I assumed I would reach the super sensitivity state right after a climax during which I would have to fight thru this stage and get back into full fucking mode. I did not go there. No super sensitivity. I stayed in full fuck mode and did not miss a stroke. Now this is interesting. Most probably explanation is that I effectively separated the orgasm from the ejaculation which I used to be able to do with my prostate massage and NOHANDS orgasm, OR I did not really climax even though it felt like it OR something new happened that I have not figured out yet. In any event this is exciting for nothing I know beats the orgasmic explosion.

I have some tools still unused. I will have a full inflated thick and long dick, I will use the VED, I will insert my prostate massager, add Cialis to my routine, and look forward to the extensive use of the Venus 2000 and I will have a wild time. I am probably addicted now and all of this will probably guarantee that I spend my whole time looking forward to my next fuck session which could be multiple times each day. Will I at some point think like a normal person? It is hard do think about anything else when I have this new friend between my legs. It is a constant reminder that I always want more…

Another observation I have not read about on this site. My libido is obviously increasing, my sexual pleasure is going thru the roof which is putting new demands on my physical conditioning. I am thrusting like mad, my whole body is shaking, I am grunting, shouting like I a speaking in tongues.. Gibberish, pounding hard. We all know the feelings. I am no different than you. Just how am I to keep up with this physically? I am old, my knees and my back hurt while I am fucking etc. The return to full fuck mode with a new implant can be a challenge for older guys. When I am finished I have to be careful trying to stand up. I am weak for a few moments and tend to lose my balance. So any guys on this site are worried about revealing that they have an implant. That is the least of my problems. I want to hide the fact I am so old. Now that is a turn off. However if I have fucked their eyeballs out maybe the women will not be so critical. Pretty hard to hide this. In my defense I am fucking, thrusting, for hours.. Not minutes. So maybe I should cut myself some slack. But I just do not want them to call 911. I am not dying.. Just an orgasm. Stay calm and carry on.

My point is.. When thinking about an implant to set you free to renewed sexual bliss, you better think about your conditioning. You certainly need more of it. So it is not just the hours of sex but also hours at the gym trying to keep up with the sex. And you have time for this? You get the whole package with the implant. It really changes your life. Are you really ready? Confucius said you are not truly free until you lose your sex drive. I really understand that now. I have been having orgasms for 70 years and I do not remember being this charged up. Whatever, probably not of interest to anyone other than me and probably off subject, but I just had to say it. And upon review and reflection I do not want to be set free. Ah.. The chains of love! (no I am not into bondage.)

In any event there are exciting times for me. I love my implant.
AMS 700 LGX 19 CM (15CM + 4CM RTE) Sept 2009 by Dr. Neil Baum (erect 7.25 BPL to tip Girth 5 1/4" Replaced by Dr. Hellstrum 8/17/18 with Titan 22 CM + 1 CM RTE. Now 8 1/4' BPEL side to tip, 5 7/8" girth midshaft and 7+" at base.

Posts: 121
Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:22 pm

Re: Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

Postby MyImplant » Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:47 pm

Activation Sept 25!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
6:05 PM

Dr able to overcome the hard pump issue. I was able to inflate and deflate. However I still may have problems. More on this later.

FIRST.. I pumped up my dick to a near max. Possibly could have done more. I think I did less than 25 pumps and none of them were "full depressions". I had no pain or discomfort getting maxed out. From 0 to 100% first try. This is really good news because I think this makes a case that I have adequate reservoir capacity. (remember that Hellstrum reused my old LGX reservoir .. 100 ml.. Rather than the matching Titan reservoir with 120 ml.) It also may mean that I have room to grow in my tunica I felt the tightness in both length and girth. If I maxed out with this minimal pumping I probably have not stretched my tunica to the max girth of the cylinders. If I have 35 or more FULL depressions I probably needed this for a fully expanded cylinder. Less pumps may mean I maxed out with some expandability [left in the cylinders. i.e. the tunica shut me down before the cylinders reached the full 22 m. This could mean that I can grow more IF the tunica continues to grow. The resident dr said that my tunica has a lot more growth potential. I think he was trying to say that the ligament can always grow more. There is no limit to tunica growth. Not sure he meant this and not sure that this is true if he meant that. On this point he thought that continued use of VED is OK.

Went home and pumped up. WOW! My dick was significantly longer. I really think I got the 4 CM I picked up with my revision. Very strange. When I pump my dick in the VED I did not see any change in the pumped up length. I do think that when I released the vacuum there was less falloff.

I did a quick measure with my tape measure and I got over 7 1/2 " measuring from the side. If I remember I got almost 7 from the top. When I look at my dick while laying on my back I was blown away. This length improvement produced great results. Using my FL I had been used to really spreading my knees for max penetration. And my stroke length e.g. 2 or 3 ". But with the new length, I increased my stroke length by another inch or two. I did not have to work at full penetration. I had what I needed and I could simply fuck anyway I wanted. I found the corkscrew motion really easy. I felt the deeper regions of the FL.

I had all of my sensations and sensitivities. My dick is impressive. As far as wanting more length, I could maybe use another inch, but this is being greedy. I have a perfect length. HOMERUN.

SECOND … GIRTH.. I grew to 5 1/2 (possibly 6") right under the glans. Midway down the shaft I measured 6/1/2"! At the base I was 7". Unfucking believable! This tapered effect allows for blow jobs by a woman with smaller mouth, the middle girth means I can give a woman that stretched feeling and my base girth says I can give almost any woman a full stretch. This is PERFECT! I could not design my dick any better. Note that I still have some swelling at the base. So maybe my girth will diminish. On the other hand, I will be pumping and cycling and will probably increase my tunica size.

THIRD.. HANG ANGLE. I hand at the 3 o'clock position. Straight out. I can fuck from any angle.

SO WHAT IS MISSING? My fat pad is hiding about 3 " from appearing. When fucking the pad is not a big factor. But I would be porn star competitive with no fat pad.

Still to resolve.. I have swelling and stiches that do not take advantage of my scrotoplasty. Better than before but still not perfect. Gives me some pain while fucking. Breaks concentration Guaranteed that this will go away quickly.

I have trouble deflating. Cannot feel the button. Scared to pump up and not be able to deflate. Hellstrum believes I have been overly active using my dick and I should give it a rest for a week. The edema would go down and I could find the deflate button. Good news is that I have no trouble inflating. Just the deflation.

Squeezing for deflation. The dr is really hard doing this. Very painful. I found I can squeeze with less pressure and this is not painful but I do feel slight discomfort. I can move the squeeze around from the base to the tip etc. Once I can find the button my deflation problems will be manageable.

Exception: while I can squeeze to deflate.. The cylinders can be bent.. I seem to autofill a lot. Not full max but enough to be noticeable. I can live with this.. But why is this happening? Since using the old AMS reservoir, there is no lock out mechanism on the reservoir. I am depending on the pump lock out. But this may not be working. When the swelling goes down I can test. Issue still not resolved. But not a deal breaker.

So far I think the pump sucks. The AMS may be better. Both are poor.

BIG PICTURE? I am ecstatic. My revision has been successful.

Remaining areas.. Get rid of swelling. Cycle to where it is a non-event, lose 30 pounds, get more physically fit, order the Venus 2000.
AMS 700 LGX 19 CM (15CM + 4CM RTE) Sept 2009 by Dr. Neil Baum (erect 7.25 BPL to tip Girth 5 1/4" Replaced by Dr. Hellstrum 8/17/18 with Titan 22 CM + 1 CM RTE. Now 8 1/4' BPEL side to tip, 5 7/8" girth midshaft and 7+" at base.

Posts: 121
Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:22 pm

Re: Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

Postby MyImplant » Wed Sep 26, 2018 8:57 pm

Added note. The Titan reservoir is 125 ml not the 120 I just stated.

My op notes say the drs "instilled 120 ml". I asked where did this extra 20 ml go? Strange and confusing answers. One dr said the could put 20 ml extra in the reservoir! Really? Maybe.. what do I know. For me to get a clear answer I might seem confrontational. I just let this go and said to myself if I get my desired size increase stop worrying about this. A few hours later at home I got all of my growth targets. I did it. So the mystery of the missing 20 ml will continue unanswered.
AMS 700 LGX 19 CM (15CM + 4CM RTE) Sept 2009 by Dr. Neil Baum (erect 7.25 BPL to tip Girth 5 1/4" Replaced by Dr. Hellstrum 8/17/18 with Titan 22 CM + 1 CM RTE. Now 8 1/4' BPEL side to tip, 5 7/8" girth midshaft and 7+" at base.

Posts: 3027
Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:04 pm

Re: Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

Postby alibaba » Wed Sep 26, 2018 10:53 pm

As long as you got your size back and have all the fluid you need to pump, I wouldn't care if they made ice cubes out of the 20cc and used them to make a slushy. Glad things are better.
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.


Re: Day 36 after my revision from LGX to Titan..

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:26 am

MyImplant wrote:Activation Sept 25!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018
6:05 PM

Dr able to overcome the hard pump issue. I was able to inflate and deflate. However I still may have problems. More on this later.

FIRST.. I pumped up my dick to a near max. Possibly could have done more. I think I did less than 25 pumps and none of them were "full depressions". I had no pain or discomfort getting maxed out. From 0 to 100% first try. This is really good news because I think this makes a case that I have adequate reservoir capacity. (remember that Hellstrum reused my old LGX reservoir .. 100 ml.. Rather than the matching Titan reservoir with 120 ml.) It also may mean that I have room to grow in my tunica I felt the tightness in both length and girth. If I maxed out with this minimal pumping I probably have not stretched my tunica to the max girth of the cylinders. If I have 35 or more FULL depressions I probably needed this for a fully expanded cylinder. Less pumps may mean I maxed out with some expandability [left in the cylinders. i.e. the tunica shut me down before the cylinders reached the full 22 m. This could mean that I can grow more IF the tunica continues to grow. The resident dr said that my tunica has a lot more growth potential. I think he was trying to say that the ligament can always grow more. There is no limit to tunica growth. Not sure he meant this and not sure that this is true if he meant that. On this point he thought that continued use of VED is OK.

Went home and pumped up. WOW! My dick was significantly longer. I really think I got the 4 CM I picked up with my revision. Very strange. When I pump my dick in the VED I did not see any change in the pumped up length. I do think that when I released the vacuum there was less falloff.

I did a quick measure with my tape measure and I got over 7 1/2 " measuring from the side. If I remember I got almost 7 from the top. When I look at my dick while laying on my back I was blown away. This length improvement produced great results. Using my FL I had been used to really spreading my knees for max penetration. And my stroke length e.g. 2 or 3 ". But with the new length, I increased my stroke length by another inch or two. I did not have to work at full penetration. I had what I needed and I could simply fuck anyway I wanted. I found the corkscrew motion really easy. I felt the deeper regions of the FL.

I had all of my sensations and sensitivities. My dick is impressive. As far as wanting more length, I could maybe use another inch, but this is being greedy. I have a perfect length. HOMERUN.

SECOND … GIRTH.. I grew to 5 1/2 (possibly 6") right under the glans. Midway down the shaft I measured 6/1/2"! At the base I was 7". Unfucking believable! This tapered effect allows for blow jobs by a woman with smaller mouth, the middle girth means I can give a woman that stretched feeling and my base girth says I can give almost any woman a full stretch. This is PERFECT! I could not design my dick any better. Note that I still have some swelling at the base. So maybe my girth will diminish. On the other hand, I will be pumping and cycling and will probably increase my tunica size.

THIRD.. HANG ANGLE. I hand at the 3 o'clock position. Straight out. I can fuck from any angle.

SO WHAT IS MISSING? My fat pad is hiding about 3 " from appearing. When fucking the pad is not a big factor. But I would be porn star competitive with no fat pad.

Still to resolve.. I have swelling and stiches that do not take advantage of my scrotoplasty. Better than before but still not perfect. Gives me some pain while fucking. Breaks concentration Guaranteed that this will go away quickly.

I have trouble deflating. Cannot feel the button. Scared to pump up and not be able to deflate. Hellstrum believes I have been overly active using my dick and I should give it a rest for a week. The edema would go down and I could find the deflate button. Good news is that I have no trouble inflating. Just the deflation.

Squeezing for deflation. The dr is really hard doing this. Very painful. I found I can squeeze with less pressure and this is not painful but I do feel slight discomfort. I can move the squeeze around from the base to the tip etc. Once I can find the button my deflation problems will be manageable.

Exception: while I can squeeze to deflate.. The cylinders can be bent.. I seem to autofill a lot. Not full max but enough to be noticeable. I can live with this.. But why is this happening? Since using the old AMS reservoir, there is no lock out mechanism on the reservoir. I am depending on the pump lock out. But this may not be working. When the swelling goes down I can test. Issue still not resolved. But not a deal breaker.

So far I think the pump sucks. The AMS may be better. Both are poor.

BIG PICTURE? I am ecstatic. My revision has been successful.

Remaining areas.. Get rid of swelling. Cycle to where it is a non-event, lose 30 pounds, get more physically fit, order the Venus 2000.

I have a pretty big suprapubic fat pad. When I went septic I lost just over 40 pounds but, to my dismay, the fat pad didn't change at all. When I was re-implanted, a plastic surgeon used liposuction to remove 25ml of fat from the fat pad. He said that although that doesn't sound like a lot, it really is. He told me that I needed to give it 3 months to totally settle. At the end of three months there was still very little change. I need to find a plastic surgeon who is much more aggressive. Dr. Gan is a great surgeon (based on the other fuck ups he fixed but, I am still unhappy about my fat pad to date. :(


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