My Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: My Journal

Postby David_R » Sun May 27, 2018 3:56 pm

+ 1

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Postby merrix » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:58 am

Another two questions I got which might be of interest to someone else as well:

The first one:

Hi merrix congratulations on your journey. Im freaking out, depressed, and very scared. Im 44 yo, being dealing w/ED for the past 10 years. Pills no longer work and injections are painful and very inconvenient when you have to tell a girl to please wait a moment because i have to go inject my pennis. I find myself lying and telling them that I'm a diabetic sometimes. My life is a nightmare and i wanna make the move, but I'm freaking out. I feel that you could maybe put things in perspective for me. Give it to me straight, the good the bad and the ugly. Same age as you and looking for some good advice. Thank you.

Wow, that’s a huge one.
Basically, I would say “Read this whole thread”. That is how you will get the good, the bad and the ugly from my perspective.
I mean it. Read this whole thread.

But I’ll still come up with some sort of “short” answer to your question. The way I see it.

First of all, why are you scared? Really, I mean it. A lot of people seem to be scared about issues that when put in perspective, really is no big deal.
People here say they are scared of, as in making them doubt whether to get an implant or not, things like if a woman will notice the implant, if they can do 6 hours of bicycling 4 days per week, if they can do heavy weights exercises sitting on an upright bench (e.g. barbell presses behind the neck), if they can pump with one hand while giving oral or if they need two hands, if they will feel the cylinders in their dick when they touch the shaft in flaccid mode, etc, etc.
The first question is: Am I ok with what I have now? If yes, well then fuck the implant. You’re good. Enjoy your sex.
If no, well then we’re already half way there. If you are not ok with what you have now, then you must start comparing what you have now to what it will be when implanted. Of course, getting implanted can mean different things. Leaving infection (the worst complication) out of it, the range is all the way from a dick which lost 3 cm of length, wobbles at a shitty 4 o’clock angle when inflated, has a pump sitting at the bottom of/on the shaft, with a floppy head that folds back when trying to penetrate, unable to orgasm because of nerve damage caused by a failed pubic installation. Not a nice scenario, but worst case, even though highly inlikely, is that bad.
When I went in to this, I was not even expecting things to go perfect. I had my mind set to that I will get some issue. Not all of them, as in my worst case scenario above, but one or two. And I kept saying to myself, "so what if I lose 1-2 cm of length? So what if I will not be able to come from intercourse, but need to finish myself off with my hand? So what if women I have sex with will notice my implant? Am I better off today? Fuck no. I am not." At that time I had a 30% chance of not even finishing my intercourse even when on 100 mg Viagra and 20 mg Cialis combined. And during the 70% when I could finish, I must rush through it to avoid my dick going down.
When I was single I often turned opportunities down because I preferred no sex to the embarrassment and disappointment of failing.

What do I prefer:
Scenario A
I am out partying. I hook up with a woman. She invites me to her place. We are both really horny. On the way back home in the taxi she puts her hand on my dick and it is soft. She kisses me and keeps touching my dick. Nothing. I already now feel where this is going. My confidence drops from an already low point. We get to her place. She gets undressed, looking fucking hot, kneels in front of me and starts unzipping my pants. My dick pops out, full and heavy, but not hard. She starts to blow it, and it slowly gets harder. She tells me to come with her in the bedroom. She lies down. My dick is already down to semi again, too soft to penetrate. So I start to give her oral, hoping it will get my lame dick up. After a while she asks me to get inside her. Dick still not hard enough. I put my dick to her mouth, she starts again working on that semi. It gets hard. I quickly penetrate her. Missionary, that’s what works best. I fuck her for 3 minutes, constantly worrying about how long it will last. She asks me to take her from behind. I know that’s a big risk. But I don’t want to say no. So I pull out. She turns over. And I can’t get in. Too soft. She asks what’s wrong. I make some lame excuses about too much wine, too much work, no sleep, stress, bla, bla, bla. We both lie there starring at the ceiling in silence for a while. I get up, get dressed, go home. And feel like shit.

Scenario B
Same intro. Before getting in the taxi I have given my dick 5-6 pumps. It makes it as big already as my pre-op erect size. Quite hard already, but soft enough to bend sideways in my jeans. She touches it in the taxi, looking at me, smiling, saying “Wow”.
We get to her place. She gets undressed. She starts unzipping my pants. I tell her “Wow you are so fucking hot. But please give me a minute, I need to go somewhere first”. I go to the WC, take a piss, wash my dick quickly with a bit of soap to make the blowjob more pleasant for her, and I pump my dick up to good oral level. It can barely bend in my jeans anymore, but WTF, I just leave my button and zipper open. I walk out to her, she pulls my jeans down and gives me a great oral. She touches my scrotum, feels the pump bulb and looks up at me. I just say don’t worry about that, I had an accident many years ago, it’s ok. Please keep going, it feels so good. She does.
After a while she tells me to come with her to the bedroom. She lies down, asking me to take her. I tell her confidently that I will, just not yet. I give her oral while I finish off my pumping with one hand. Then I fuck her for an hour in all positions imaginable, making her come twice. After I come, I just deflate with one hand while still inside her, and in the same move I grab my dick/condom and pull out. She asks me to stay till tomorrow. I do. When I wake up, I go take a piss, inflates, walks out to her bed with my dick straight out, ready to go again. She just wakes up, looks at me and says, Oh my God. I do her again, before I get home with a huge smile on my face.

What is better?
And even if I throw in a couple of negatives, as in you would struggle to orgasm. So what? Finish it off with your hand. Does that tip the advantage over to Scenario A? Of course not.

But what is still important to remember, is that this is a prosthesis. It is a prosthesis in your dick. It is not repairing and resetting your natural dick. Nothing will beat a perfect natural dick. Forget about that. An implant is not an enhanced dick. It is an alternative dick. A dick that works as great to fuck with, but that comes with some drawbacks.
You must pump it, it won’t get hard by arousal. That’s the major disadvantage.
Some women may think it is weird. If you are young, single and dating, you may end up in a few awkward situations. But how awkward isn’t it to not get it up at all? That’s the benchmark, remember. The benchmark is not a porn actor. If that’s what you had, you wouldn’t consider an implant, would you? You are considering an implant because you are impotent. So get your benchmark to the implant in order.

You may, if you’re unlucky, have to give up on some activities, e.g. bicycling for long hours. You will need a few revisions, hopefully every ten years.
But again, what is the option?

At least this dick gets hard with pumping. The one you have today does not get hard at all. To say the implant sucks because it needs pumping is not relevant in the case of having a dick that doesn’t get (reliably) hard at all.
Many women will definitely think it is weird when your natural ED dick goes soft as well. At least with your implant dick you can fuck them. You can’t with your soft, natural ED dick. And that will be twice as awkward.
So what do you prefer? What is more important? Doing your weekend 7 hours cycling sessions or being able to fuck? And those heavy seated barbell behind the neck presses, well just swap them to standing presses. Not that any of these two activities are automatically ruled out, probably they are not, but it could happen. And it wouldn’t be a big deal if so.

The revisions, well that’s not fun. But seriously, what is a surgery every ten years? A lot of people do surgery in any given ten years’ period. And this one is for a good cause…

So yes, I understand you’re scared. That’s natural. But this is not experimental stuff. This is proven. It works. Some guys get unlucky, but it is a surgery. They always come with risks. Try to see it as any surgery. If your knee was crap and you could no longer run, walk up and down stairs, you struggled to get in and out of the car – would you have surgery? I am sure you would do it without hesitation. You would say, hey, I am only in my forties, I need to be able to move properly. I am not 90, I am 40. You wouldn’t even consider the risks with that meniscus surgery. You wouldn’t google for horror stories of failed knee surgeries on the internet. You probably wouldn’t even ask your doc what the risk of infection is etc. You’d just do it.
In some way, this is the same thing. You are 40. You should have a good sex life for many, many years to come. Something is broken and there is a fix for it. If you don’t fix it, it will have severe negative consequences on your quality of life, potentially on your marriage/relation/future relations.

Just two things to wrap up with:
Go to a doc you trust, and one that you think gives you the best possible (within reasonable limits) chance to a successful outcome. There are guys here who will tell you that any doc who offers implant surgery is good enough. I disagree. I disagree with their logic, their way of thinking and I say they are wrong.
Of course not all docs are equally skilled. Not all professional tennis players are equally good, not all lawyers are equally good, not all carpenters are equally good, not all whatever are equally good.
Normally skill comes down to talent, training and experience. Talent we can’t know about. But experience we can. It speaks for itself that a doc who has done thousands have an advantage over a doc who has done 50.
By saying all implants docs are qualified to do the surgery, and hence it doesn’t matter which one we go to, we are either ignoring reality (all docs are not equally talented, trained and with equal experience), or we are saying that I settle for average, or even below average. Any random doc is allowed to have surgery on my penis. I will not aim for the best. I will take what I get and just hope he’s good.
I advice you to find the best doc you can within your accessible range (whatever limits that; budget probably).

Secondly and finally: Remember this is not cosmetic surgery. This is not to improve something that works. This is to replace something that doesn’t work. If it works ok today with pills, don’t to it. If it doesn’t work ok today, then do it if you can understand that it will come with some drawbacks. You won’t get your natural erections back. You get a prosthesis in your dick which you can pump up to an erection. If that doesn’t appeal to you, then compare that to what you have. Don’t compare it to what you had before ED hit you with its sledgehammer. Those days won’t come back. Be realistic. Compare the implant with its pros and cons to what you currently have. Or even to what you will have in a few years if it keeps getting worse, which it often does.

Good luck.

Second question:

… Any thought on an accordion looking flaccid dick or "dog ears" with a Titan? The last I read, you were at your pre-op size. Has there been any more increase in length or girth?"
Thanks for your time and your great journal.

I seriously don’t even exactly understand what those are. I don’t have them and hence it is hard for me to know. My flaccid looks completely normal, except maybe the size, which is larger than any normal flaccid dick. There are pics in this thread.
It hangs almost straight down, and it is round and smooth.
When I touch the shaft in completely deflated state, I can sure feel the edges of the cylinders, since they flatten out when deflated. But they don’t get flat enough to give the penis a flat look. And there are no such obvious kinks and folds that they are visible.
I guess one major reason for an “accordion” would be oversizing.

My length…
I am beyond my pre-op size. I was around 16.5 cm on my best erection before implant. I am now very close to 18 cm.
Girth was 14 cm, is now very close to 14.5 cm.
I haven’t been cycling my implant for a long time. Don’t even remember last time I did that, but probably close to a year ago now. I just inflate when using it. Which is around 3-4 times per week.

Good luck!
Last edited by merrix on Tue Jun 05, 2018 9:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: My Journal

Postby defiant » Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:03 am


You’re a damn hero to me, for real.

Keep on keepin’ it real!

And from me certainly, thank you so so much for your in-depth analysis, information and advice.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: My Journal

Postby Hawkman » Fri Aug 17, 2018 10:47 am

Merrix, thanks for what is possibly the greatest contribution to the implant forum. A member of our asked me if I had read your journal. I had not so I started at your first post and read thru 36 pages (only your posts) until 2:30 AM. I got so many answers I have been looking for. Our stories have some similarities although I am a couple decades older. Same Dr., same presurgery response to shots, my pain is close to your pain timeline the first 10 days, angle of our inflated and deflated penis at this stage. Both in shape. Dr. Eid promised me 6.25” but I was hoping for 6.50”. So far I am about 6” but difficult to measure when standing at 1:30 o’clock.

Anyway, thanks so much for the journal. One suggestion I would not even make but you are so meticulous. I would be awesome to edit your first post and put a table of contents; Day 1 - 3 (page one) etc
Last edited by Hawkman on Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal ->,56.0.html

Posts: 42
Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:03 am

Re: My Journal

Postby bloomingguy » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:49 am

Wow, thank you for the time it took to write your post. Much appreciated
Born 1953, Implant July 2022 University Hospital using the Titan 18cm +1RTE. Northern Ohio

Posts: 1188
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Postby merrix » Thu Sep 13, 2018 10:35 pm

Here is another type of post.
I don't come to this forum very often these days, but once in a while I do post in a thread where i think I can contribute.
Some of the posts I made in other threads would fit very well into this Journal and probably be appreciated by those appreciating this whole thread.
Hence, I will do some copy and paste from other posts I've made into this thread. In cases (most of them) where i answer a question, and the question is needed to understand the context of my post,I will post both the question and the answer.


Q: ”I am semi-inflating. I roughly estimate it to be about the equivalent of 6 pumps. Even with the auto inflation it takes an additional 30 pumps to get my penis to maximum hardness.
I have some concern that because I was mistakingly not fully deflating for the first 10 days post op that the pseudocapsul is somewhat constricted. While it is not inflating to a full fledged errection it fills enough that at this stage it is difficult to comfortably point down. I actually awoke this morning with the idea of deflating and wrapping an ace elastic bandage around my penis to prevent refill and stretch the capsul around my reservoir.
I have heard some suggest that after deflating the Titan, they pump once or twice and this in some way prevents auto inflation??? That makes no sense to me since it seems that should reset the one way valve to allow saline to flow from reservoir to the cylinders.
Any thoughts, or any good Coloplast support contacts. I am also going to contact Dr. Eid
Thank to all.”

Think i pretty much answered this question in this topic:

And to the creator of the thread, relax. You're just a few weeks out. Things will keep getting better for a long, long time. This issue has just kept getting better for me all the time up till now.
Combination of many factors. Body fluids disappearing/healing. The pump getting broken in. Cylinders getting softer. You getting used to your implant.
My flaccid was a total joke at four weeks. It pointed to 4:00 and was as big as my natural erection. Huge issues hiding it in my suit pants at work.
But it gets better. Now it looks pretty good. Hangs straight down. Look for pics in my thread "My Journal".
Accept things will take time, and that it is worth every second.

How to tell a woman about your implant

Q: "What is a suggested script that you might use to tell a woman you are bionic"
Question was followed by a discussion on why this would be an issue. Some members suggested just telling her upfront.

No right or wrong here in terms of should you tell them or try to hide it. We're all different and many things influence our standpoint in the matter.

However, the issue of whether you will be "detected" or not, is for sure an issue about how you have sex. The whole thing is about her touching the balls thoroughly. If she does, with her fingers or mouth, she most likely will find the pump. If she doesn't touch your scrotum at all, she will most likely not find anything unusual, except for the stamina.

My experience is that most partners I've been with actually do touch my balls thoroughly when giving oral. I am sure most of them felt the pump. However, not all of them choose to say something. The ones who do say something, usually say "What is this?".

And my answer is always something like: "Don't worry about it, I had surgery after an accident when I was young. Just keep going, it feels so good".

For those of you dating, and having sex with a woman you want to get more serious with, I'd still use the same approach the first time. But at some point, i would of course tell them.

I also agree with what someone said in one of the earlier posts in this thread.
You don't want to go from avoiding (or feeling stress when having) sex because of the risk you won't get it up, to avoiding (or feeling stress when having) sex because you are afraid your partner will detect your implant.
Then it was all for nothing, wasn't it?
We got the implant because we wanted to be free.
Free to have sex, good sex, with focus on pleasure for all involved and not focus on whether your fucking crap dick stays up or not.
You wanted to feel strong, confident and as a man again.
So don't let this thing take over.
Remember, having sex with an implant, even if discovered by your partner, is still a million times better than not getting it up at all.
Put things in perspective.
I advise you young guys to use my explanation. No one has ever continued the conversation after that answer. And these women have been all from 25-45 years old

I am also 100% sure that how we handle it makes a big difference. If you feel ashamed about it, if you do all you can to hide it, if you worry about it, it will shine through. It will make you a worse lover. It will also make you feel even more embarrassed when she does find out. Just try to be strong and confident. Take some moderate measures to avoid detection if that is important to you. E.g. you don't need to inflate in front of her, do it in the bathroom. But don't go overboard, putting all your focus on her not finding out. Your focus should be on the moment. The sexy woman, the pleasure, your confidence to be a stallion who can fuck as long as anybody wants you to. If shit happens and she feels your pump, just say something like I suggested and move on. Don't let this fill up your mind.

How the Titan Touch is really supposed to work.

Members having questions on how it is supposed to work and some claiming it doesn’t work as it is supposed to, i.e. one touch deflation.

This is an interesting subject.

I think my experience in the matter is interesting for our understanding of how it works/is supposed to work.

As I have said many times before here, in the beginning I had issues with this. I thought that either the "One Touch" was nothing but marketing bullshit which didn't work in reality, or that my pump had some malfunction.
I had to hold the deflation button pressed during the whole deflation. I also had to squeeze my dick really hard with the other hand. That was, as I felt then, the only way to get a decent deflation. And even then, my flaccid did not hang straight down.

However, this changed with time. Moving forward till today, 32 months after surgery, deflation is a breeze, and the one touch works exactly as it is supposed to, well even better maybe since in the animated video above the man squeezes his dick to deflate.
All I have to do is just give the valve one firm press for 2-3 seconds and that's it.
My dick goes down by itself. No squeezing needed. And it goes down to a complete flaccid which hangs as straight down as my natural dick ever did.
I often deflate while still inside after having sex (yes, with one hand). This mimics very much a natural dick in how fast it goes down.

So what is the conclusion of this?
Apparently not all Titan Touch guys here have the same experience as me.
So, assuming I am telling the truth, which I do, what are the options?

A. The Titan Touch pump is a piece of crap and I am one of the few lucky ones which actually got one that works the way it is designed to work.

B. People not experiencing that the One Touch technique works are not doing it right. I.e. they don't press the deflate valve hard enough to open and keep the valve open. They just press it halfway and in that position the valve needs maintained pressure on the button to stay open. And the valve needs a break-in time to make it easier to press the valve open.

C. The whole thing is an installation issue, and some docs get it right more often than others.

I would say C sounds unlikely. This is a valve inside the pump, and should not be affected by installation, should it?
A and B are both possibilities. But I think B is more likely than many others think. I actually think this is the explanation for myself. The reason I could not get the one touch to work in the beginning was simply because I didn't press it hard enough. And believe me, I pressed it hard. Of course, I also think the valve has had its break-in time, and nowadays I don't need nearly as much force as I did in the beginning. I was really thinking to myself in the beginning that if I press any harder than this, the whole pump will implode, I'll crush it. So I didn't dare to press any harder.

It would be interesting to know what men who had their Titans for let's say minimum two years say about this. Do most of them have the same experience as me, or do they still feel the one touch doesn't work?
If there is a substantial difference between new implants and old, then that would support B.

If no difference, well then probably A. Or that most people still after two years just don't press hard enough, but in some way, if the force needed is so much more than people normally feel comfortable applying, we would still have A.

Good Luck.

Also posting Alibaba’s post in this thread, which I think gives valuable input:
“I've been following this with great interest and did not want to post the theory I had until Hawkman had an answer.

His relayed answer is pop valve, and squeeze penis. So the penis still needs a squeeze.

Merrix's "B" more coincides with my theory which varies slightly. I think due to the "give" on the thumb tissue, scrotal tissue, and capsule around the pump valve, combined with 1) small size of the button and 2) very very slight difference in height of the button v.s. the surrounding valve, that the issue is that when you push the button in, some of us get to a point we are pushing on the valve body itself and can no-longer push the tiny center button in any further. If we stabbed it in with a small diameter blunt object dead center on the button or used the corner of a thumb nail, it might work as advertised but I see both as painful and injurious. I have tried various positions to try to be exact center to try this theory over the last few months with little success. At least thumb only trials. What I can say for certain, is that the HARDER I try to squeeze, the faster I can deflate. The push to deflate button definitely takes more pressure than the AMS/Boston and the buzz on that does give a clear signal. I've only had about 5 hours sleep in the last 48 hours so hoping this makes sense and I don't read tomorrow that I typed a wreck today. Cheers.”

OK, for those of you who didn’t read those posts in the original threads, hope you found them interesting.

Will do a few more of these sum-ups to gather some of my posts from other threads in to “My Journal”, with the intention of making it a good source of information for anybody considering an implant.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 1192
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:05 pm
Location: Australia

Re: My Journal

Postby Smetro » Fri Sep 14, 2018 11:52 pm

I was implanted 19 months ago and I would report that when I squeeze the release valve firmly once I do deflate, not all the way down, but an educated guess would be about 50%.....then, to get myself flat enough to lay comfortably on my surfboard I have to hold and squeeze.
It will be interesting to see if I get to the same place as you Merrix over the coming months.
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Location: PA

Re: My Journal

Postby Hawkman » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:23 pm


I read a comment by you that if you had a revision you would keep it pointed up. I assume this means when deflated. Clearly, we all want it to look like a natural unaroused penis in the locker room or public shower. To accomplish that I have been trying to point mine down with the hope it would speed up it developing a natural hang. The only point I can think of for pointing it up is that it might preserve the angle when inflated but when you point a deflated implant down I think that is accomplished more by bending the cylinders near the base of the penis and not by the internal part of the implant unstable.

Can you elaborate?
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal ->,56.0.html

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: My Journal

Postby merrix » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:37 pm

Hawkman wrote:Merrix,

I read a comment by you that if you had a revision you would keep it pointed up. I assume this means when deflated. Clearly, we all want it to look like a natural unaroused penis in the locker room or public shower. To accomplish that I have been trying to point mine down with the hope it would speed up it developing a natural hang. The only point I can think of for pointing it up is that it might preserve the angle when inflated but when you point a deflated implant down I think that is accomplished more by bending the cylinders near the base of the penis and not by the internal part of the implant unstable.

Can you elaborate?

Yes, let me try to explain what I mean.
I base this simply on my own experience and nothing else. I have many times said that using one example to make general statements is a bad idea. So let me emphasise that I am not in any way claiming this to be scientific facts. It is just my experience and my conclusion of my experience. But for sure, we all must take our own responsibility for our results and outcome, and this is what I would do if (when) I do this surgery again.

Right after surgery, my dick literally pointed straight up. A ridiculous angle of something like 1:30 or even higher. And this was in a state which Eid claimed was only marginally inflated. He likes to do it that way since it allows scar tissue form around an almost full reservoir. Penis shrinkage will not happen since his patients start cycling very early. His explanation to the extreme angle without inflation was, if I remember right, internal swelling, blood and body fluids trapped in the penis, together with the stiffness of the brand new Titan cylinders.
After activation at day 13, I was of course completely deflated. Well, at least as completely deflated as a beginner can achieve. Deflation is a skill which takes some time to master...

But still, after two weeks and with a "complete" deflation, my dick pointed basically straight out at 3:00 or maybe slightly lower.
That was an issue when travelling back from New York JFK to my home in SE Asia... I looked like a fucking moron in my extremely baggy sweat pants which I pulled way up my torso to cover my dick pointing straight up, tacked to my body with the waistband of my underwear.

If I remember right (check in the early pages of this thread if you want to know for sure), I started working after 3 (or 4?) weeks.
That was an even bigger challenge. My dick still pointed at something like 4:00 when deflated and was quite stiff and non flexible. I was hosting a large sales conference and needed to spend hours standing up holding presentations for people. In a suit. And I wear the modern type of slim fit suits.
I struggled big time to conceal my dick. Pointing it up didn't work since the waist of the pants was too low, plus my dick would have been to visible.
Sideways didn't work either since it would stick out too much looking like a full blown erection. Only solution I thought was to point it down. I basically force bent it down in my tight underwear and tight suit pants.
I did this for a few weeks till the deflated angle improved.

And during this time, my erect angle changed as well. Again, I don't remember the exact details, but it is all documented in this thread if you want to know the exact numbers.
But as I remember it now, my inflated angle in the early days was very, very high. Around 1:30 or maybe slightly lower.
But shortly after my weeks of force bending my dick down in my suit it changed to where I am now. Around 2:00-2:30.
I am not saying with 100% certainty that this happened because I forced it down in the flaccid state. But that is when it happened. And that is enough for me to recommend anyone to not take that risk.
There is simply no reason.
I should have planned my timing for the surgery better. Not having this conference so shortly after. Or I should just have dealt with it otherwise. Maybe wearing an ugly high-waist suit and just suck up the fact I'd look like an idiot. Or been even more creative, taping it tight to my body sideways or whatever.

And I am certain that forcing the dick down will not help with the flaccid angle.
The flaccid angle will improve over time. Irrespectively of forcing it down.
I believe the high flaccid angle in the beginning depends on internal swelling, poor deflation and brand new stiff cylinders. None of this will improve faster by forcing the dick down.

How then would the angle be affected by forcing the dick down?
I don't know of course. I am not even sure there is a correlation. But I think it is.
And one theory could be this:

Imagine you drill a hole in a wall. You drill a 13 mm diameter hole. Then you stick a steel rod in the hole with a diameter of 13 mm (which is the diameter of the RTEs of a Titan, an AMS is 9 mm) to give it a nice snug fit. The hole is 10 cm deep and the rod is 25 cm long, so it will stick out 15 cm from the wall.
If you just leave it like this, there is of course some force pushing down on the lower part of the hole just at the wall surface from the weight of the rod. But this is not enough to make the hole any larger.
However, if you hang some weight on the rod, or you use force to push it downwards, there will be increased force on the bottom of the hole. And on the top of the hole in the deepest end.
If you push it down hard enough and long enough, your hole in the wall will eventually increase in diameter in the outer end and in the deepest end. And your rod will no longer have a snug fit pointing straight out at 3 o'clock, It will rather hang down a bit and point at something lower than 3:00.

Again, I am not a doctor, and no doctor has told me this.
All I am saying is that my erect angle clearly changed when I forced my flaccid down.
I am lucky to having started with a ridiculously high angle, and could hence afford to lose some of it.
But had I started with a 3:00 and ended up with a 3:45 I would have been pissed off.

So, take it for what it is, layman's advice, but my advice is still not to ever force the flaccid down and to keep the flaccid dick pointing straight up for as often and as long as possible in the beginning. Even when sleeping.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 556
Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:09 pm
Location: PA

Re: My Journal

Postby Hawkman » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:00 pm

merrix wrote: So, take it for what it is, layman's advice, but my advice is still not to ever force the flaccid down and to keep the flaccid dick pointing straight up for as often and as long as possible in the beginning. Even when sleeping.

Merrix, thanks for the response. I too started off at 1:00 O'clock. Inflated I could not slide my finger between my stomach and the head of my dick without them touching. I assumed reverse cowgirl with her leaning toward my feet was certainly gone forever.

Your theory makes some sense. My deflated angle and my inflated angle have both dropped together even though I have consciously tried to bend my dick by bending the cylinders near the base and not by prying down on the internal portion. I am still about 2:45 O'clock or better when pumped and would like to preserve that. I started pointing it up at night and in clothes since I read your comment last week even though I had no idea on the theory. As you said, I assume the cylinders will soften no matter which way I point it.

For some reason, it folds upward better than down. I have a wad of cylinders when deflated. It takes close to a full pump to get ever kink and dimple out of them.

Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal ->,56.0.html

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