Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Mon Aug 20, 2018 8:39 am

Day 13. No pain no swelling but moderate set back. Last night had a burning urination. Could not see in the dark went back to bed. This AM woke up with dried blood on my underwear. Peed and coag and fresh blood came out also died blood on the tip of the urethra. The cut from my cysto has died out and reopened.
Great news. Go to work in a few hours and feeling great. I've finished all of my antibiotics. Last night for the first time I wore underwear! No discomfort. And I have been able to sleep on both sides for at least 2 nights when I did not use the wedge. Also I have not peed myself in my sleep. A couple of guys had this problem right after the catheter was removed so I have been sleeping on plastic and towels beneath the sheets.
Still have 2 pumps and a very crooked penis. Staples out on Tuesday. My scrotum color looking much better almost true pink and the thickness has softened but there is still a small lump. My pump is well placed near the bottom of the sac easy to access.
My surgical team was great, next to none. Can never complain about their top notch skills. Very very nice. If you don't mind having a smaller penis for life I highly recommend them.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Mon Aug 20, 2018 7:58 pm

Day 13 heading for work in a few. Wanted to clarify something. Either chose a shrink to fit doctor or carefully find a preserver. Do not do like I did and try to convert one to the other. They are like oil and water.
The AMS CX was developed for folks who have lost too much girth from ED to dilate big enough for an LGX. So CX first to stretch out the corpora and then the LGX. The LGX was designed as stage to for these folks like me who have severe scarring. It stretches out both the length and the girth simultaneously. Because I successfully used the VED I skipped the CX.
The Andrology report(see the url in previous post in this string) describes how to properly use the LGX which was NOT designed to be used like an ordinary implant. And I'm sorry but doctors are not scientist and have no business misusing a product any more than a builder, automotive, etc. Let me amend this, the manufacturer could care less how it is used only that it is used. They fully support both methods. So as a former builder this is just my very biased opinion.
Pre surgery max stretch is determined. This is done by firmly grasping the tip of the patient's penis pulling hard and measuring from pubic bone to tip. One preserver doc in America joking said that no he does not put his knee in your chest and pull like hell. THIS PRE SURGERY MEASUREMENT DETERMINES WHAT THE FINAL LENGTH WILL BE WITHIN 1 CM, about .39 inch.
During surgery the lower measurement is taken. If the bone was properly reached then every surgeon will measure the same except those who subtract an extra cm just to be incorrectly safe. There should NEVER be anything subtracted for any reason when using the LGX and this method.
Next the upper measurement is taken making sure that the length of the penis outside exactly matches the prior max stretch made earlier.
Finally after closing all patients were inflated 50% and left that way until healed to make sure that during that time scarring would not further shrink them.
This completely shatters the smoke and mirrors that most implanters try to hide behind. Every surgeon can make you as long or as short as he wants by measuring both inside and outside simultaneously.

To be completely honest the shrink to fit is a perfectly tried and trued method used much longer than any other. Unless you were pumped before you went home you had a type of this version. And frankly the manufacturers could care less how their product is used only that it is used. I'm sorry that my anger has spilled onto these fine and perfectly legit Docs who prefer shrink to fit and are experts at it. My first three were very upfront about shrinking me. I was the one who was uptight because they could not offer me a choice. Well that's life, right? So I'm changing my attitude about these guys except for #3 who bragged that he would shrink me as small as he pleased. Very arrogant. But hey I left, right so what is the big deal. We all face rudeness daily. I am sorry for name calling perfectly respectable surgeons who have chosen the method that best suits them. That is America. I fully support them. The worst part of my experience is that I have suffered through the additional misery of preservation, being pumped but will receive no reward because they shorted me against my will. I had no idea when I went home that they had lied to me.
Today went well made 8 hours no problems. I continued to bleed some though. And it's not from the cut in my urethra made during cysto. It's just a little deeper. Tomorrow is my apt to take staples out, then work again.
So most surgeons do a vertical scrotal cut but my tag team did horizontal, looks like a tight lipped smile. But makes it very easy to measure the distal distance.
My penis is still very much curved. No fault of the surgeons, just of my anatomy. And of technology. AMS bragged that they could match the dilated measurement within one millimeter. Turns out the Doc is the one who makes sure the measurement is given in even cms. Sounded like the rtes were made in 1mm increments. Wrong. My bad. Anyway I could pay AMS to make an rte that would make both sides even. But then I'd need to go through this all over again. No thanks.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Tue Aug 21, 2018 8:12 am

DAY 14!!!!! I made it. I can now safely deflate without the danger of shrinking from the trauma and scarring of surgery. Doctor Saracino removes staples in a few hours. Then off to work again.
Bleeding has stopped again, but I'm afraid that it might be caused by uneven pressure from the right cylinder of my bent penis. The std is no more than 1 cm difference between the right and left measurements. That might have nothing to do with uneven cylinder lengths. I have no idea what that std is but 1 cm is more than a 1/3 of an inch. That is far too much . Should be no more than 1 mm. About 4 hundredths of an inch. Anyway if this bleeding has nothing to do with my very uneven cylinder fits then Larry I might private message you for tips on using the VED after implants. You seem to be the only one that does?
For those of you who are lost have no idea what I'm talking about the body is not perfectly symmetrical. But it would take a good scan to see if my problem is personal anatomy, surgical error or both. The lower measurement is in my case the problem. I can feel that the tips are very evenly placed in the glans. Also I assume that both surgeons reached the bone down south was told it was a picture perfect surgery, very easy and no problems so that means my anatomy is uneven. It happens, just the bad luck of the draw. So both of my measurements are given as 11 cm. Obviously that is not accurate nor is it intended to be. Since the cylinders are both exactly the same size within 1 mm then my left downward chamber must be longer than my right downward chamber. So for example my tag team may have measured 11.4 or 5 cm on the left and rounded down to 11. Then measured 10.5 or 6 on the right and rounded up to 11. Because cylinders and rtes are only made in whole cms they had no other choice. The rtes only come in 1 cm lengths. Now I wished that I had taken surgeon #3 up on his offer to see a picture of a cylinder coming through the head of the penis. I'd bet dollars to donuts that it was only on one side and that the poor guy had very mismatched cylinders like I do.
My goal is to soak in a very hot tub for a very long time, deflate my self tonight and wait for my 6 week appt for cycling. If I have any pain from a crooked penis at that time either I will simply call it quits and never inflate again or I will see another surgeon and either try to buy a corrected size rte that will straighten out my penis and then do this fun again.
If there is no pain or danger of the longer tip popping out of my penis then I will contact Larry for help in using VED to straighten things out. Well wish me good luck. More tonight
Almost forgot to mention that I am writing another book. Originally it was to be called: "Penile Implants: Erections on Demand." But now after this debacle it will be "MY Teeny Weeny Peeny." I will be using a pen name and no one will be mentioned by name. Unless asked to in writing I will not name but will only say an online web site for implant support.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby radioradio » Tue Aug 21, 2018 12:38 pm

I have tried to follow your thread but I get confused with the many issues, studies, fears and opinions you share. Can you just tell us what was your dick size (girth and bone pressed length) and what is it now?
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Wed Aug 22, 2018 10:00 am

DAY 15 !! This will be my last entry for this strand. I thank you guys for all your help and support given during a very difficult time. After this I will leave FrankTalk. My cycle date starts 18 Sep. I might start a new thread in implants then, maybe just to let you know how things turned out.

Yesterday had an appt before work to remove staples. The doc was pleasant, checked me out said how nice I looked hoe well the surgery went. Straightened out my crooked penis and said I was only partially inflated still had a lot left. He feel he said you see it's not even fully stretched yet. Then he told me that the AMS rep had sent him the email that I had sent to her.

So actually when I saw the crooked penis I was freaked but gave it a week until my next apt with the doc to clear up. It got worse and at times because I was inflated it hurt like hell! He saw it said no big deal just hold it straight. I did that for a couple of days and at times it was at 90%. Well the day of my apt or the morning after I took a pic and emailed it to the rep for a second opinion. I also reminded her that my only consent to surgery had been for what I was shown, 6+" and nothing less. That I had made that very clear to both her and the local rep and that the local rep had convinced me to go to the doc she would call tell him what I wanted and have him stretch me out to show me what he could do. (He did 6+") Then came the Doppler results and he went on about excessive scarring and plaque. Again I contacted the local AMS rep and told her that if I could not trust these guys I was done and had already called Kramer's office in MD had received hotel, travel and food info and was leaving. She convinced me to keep my appt with the tag team doc that she would call and speak to him tell him the same thing that she had said before. Went to the 2nd doc he said feel this you are very soft and elastic you have no scarring or plaque problems this will be a very easy procedure. He stretched me out 6+" and said this is how long you will be then tilted me down a little and said this is about where your erection will stand. Again I consented.

Well the cat was out of the bag so I began to address the issue. I know that you guys use arbitrary measurements. Oh no my measurements are exact. I replied there is a one in a quadrillion chance that ever patient just happens to measure to an exact cm. Oh well we do make adjustments he answered. Then he drew a diagram of my surgery. The first incision is horizontal like this but the cut into the corpora are both vertical and we never make them parallel, one is always above the other. We measure based on this thread that we use to close up with. At that point I said ok because I was staring to get emotional and lose. Had to calm myself down. I'm sure he didn't remember his report that both measurements were identical lengths. 11 cm. He had just shown me what I had feared all along that they had fudged the measurements. My penis outside of the body is perfectly symmetrical And I can feel the tips evenly place on each side. No way there is a 1/4" difference. There was no way I could finish this conversation at that time.

He moved on to filling out a report. Apparently if there is a complaint you have to so that or maybe it is std. He did not do it on the first visit. Anyway he was writing down just how well I looked, healed etc. I started bleeding again I said. Well it's probably just from the catheter. No this was fresh blood. Stained my underwear twice. Well just a spot of blood is not unusual. Half my underwear was covered and it burned right near the tip that's pushing so hard against me. But now it's stopped. Well since it has stopped. He wasn't writing any of that down. I want you to note that the right cylinder is higher than the left. Ok so patient says that the right cylinder is longer than the left. No I'm saying that the left cavity is longer than the right, the cylinders are exactly identical. he wrote that down and hurried me out. See you in 5 weeks. I already have an appt in 4. Ok 4 weeks. Out the door I went and just out of the parking lot I realized that my staples were still in! No way JOSE! Flipped a u-y and back inside. A nurse was at the counter got his attention. She took me inside, laid me on a table, opened a wrapper which had a special tool and pulled away. 10 staples at least. Done and gone.

Could not finish yesterday. His arbitrary measurements. I was going to point out that I had VED measured the night before surgery 6.5", no way I could have shrunk 1.5" over night. So in a month I will tell him that his flawed measurements make no difference. He saw himself before surgery what it should have been and if he had any doubts should have fully inflated before closing and measured from pubic to tip just to be sure. If he were not qualified to do this surgery he should have told me up front, but chose not to. Bad choice, very bad.

Guys most of you were not inflated when you left for home, right? My guess is perhaps 95% of you were shrink to fit. Read the Andrology report the url I posted on this thread earlier. Pumped patients do not shrink after surgery. Their first pump is 100% whereas yours was how ever many days or months it took to fully inflate and of course LGXers could keep on going but for most of the it was a dead end after that. I was pumped 20% came home 4" took out catheter 4.5", couple of days later 5.25", then a day of so ago back down to 5" and now 4 7/8" so I am slowly shrinking. Still my first full pump should be almost a the implant's 21 cm length. And that I'm guessing will be 5.25 to 5.5". Not even close to 6+". Till then
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby Vagabond127 » Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:36 pm

DougAnd stated he had zero pain first day out. How common is this? What about intolerable pain first day? Do the pain meds really work?
Implanted with Titan 1/15/19 with Dr. Eid.
6-length 4.5-girth.

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby Hawkman » Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:42 pm

Vagabond127 wrote:DougAnd stated he had zero pain first day out. How common is this? What about intolerable pain first day? Do the pain meds really work?

Pain meds certainly work. They are not guaranteed to remove all discomfort or even all pain but they always reduce pain significantly (from any source). If you are experiencing a lot of pain it is important not to let the pain get ahead of you. If you are prescribed to dose every 4 to 6 hours you win no manly badge of honor or anything else to wait for 6hrs if your pain starts to climb in 5 hours. It takes a minimum of 20 minutes after taking a pill to feel the first effects and probably 40 minutes to feel the full effects. If you wait for pain and let the pain peak, it is much more difficult to get under control than it is to keep it under control

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS take a stool softener with every opioid. If you do not have a bowel movement every 24 hrs add Milk of Magnesia. Being in pain and dealing with serious constipation is no fun after surgery and it happens to people that never otherwise suffer from constipation. Do NOT let it get ahead of you.

WARNING: Most prescription opioids have Acetaminiphin (Tylenol) in them so you can NOT mix them with Tylenol without a risk of Tylenol toxicity which is SERIOUS.
You can mix these prescription opioids with either Alev or Ibuprofen at regular dosing for those over the counter drugs.
Prostatectomy 2004-Bimix caused Peyronies-Viagra had little effect. Active sex life with wife of 50 yrs- been dependent on a VED for 10 yrs. 22cm Titan w/Dr. Eid Aug 7th See my Implant Journal ->,56.0.html

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:49 am

Hello all. I wasn't going to post until I started cycling later this month on the 18th I think. Anyway. So my Surgery was Wed morn Aug 8th. That Sun night when I took a shower I decided to try and fix my uneven tips. The right side is higher than the left by 1/4" or so, a rookie mistake. The number one cause of distal erosion and a tip coming through your penis is uneven tip pressure. It had started to burn when I peed and some blood was passed. In the shower somehow I managed to deflate the implant. Then I tried to re inflate it less than 2 full pumps. Well now I realize that according to the video I just found it isn't inflated at all. The soft in the gym isn't soft at all. I thought the tips would become invisible to the touch. No they stay hard as a rock. So I've been fully deflated since day 5 without realizing it. Apparently it was just in time. After midnight when I peed it burned like hell. The next morning my underwear were stained red. Went to pee and saw the floor and toilet were a mess. Peed coag blood and burned for hours just where the right tip had been pushing so hard against my urethra. And I have shrunk, maybe. I can still flaccid stretch to 6"+ no problem so not sure how this will play out. My guess is because of a rookie mistake on tip mismatch that I have 100% turned into a shrink to fit surgery. If so then 5.5" is the best I can hope for. That's a 1 1/2 inch loss. And half an inch less than my very clear consent for no less than 6+.
My main concern is my very bent penis. Still 90 degrees to the left, pee all over everything at night. Hopefully my fears are un based and I will pump 6+" first time as promised. But the surgeon's report does not support that. According to it the best I can expect is 5.5" no matter how many pumps I do. Time will tell.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:32 pm

Day 99 No pain of course, just tip pressure from the right side. The day of surgery I came home with the right tip about 1/4" higher than the left, did everything in my power to keep it safe. Right tip pressure tore down the inside barrier between the to cylinders so that the left tip sat in the right side. And because the cylinders were both bent and could never be straight they are deformed and the right one is now pressing against my urethra 24/7. I have already had 2 bouts of bleeding out of my penis. Because they dilated me unevenly there is no resolution for the problem.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Pain Diary 8 Aug 2018 DougAnd

Postby DougAnd » Thu Nov 15, 2018 7:15 pm

Day 100! Right now some right tip pain, no time to VED this AM or PM. Cystoscopy ordered by Dr Rafael Carrion of Tampa to access damage done by the right tip. The greatest danger currently is the deformed tip pushing constantly against my urethra. So far he has told me that he can fix everything except my uneven dilation. Not very encouraging.
Doc Edward Kata of Kissimmee is scheduled to move my pump on Dec 4th. He also has no clue how to fix my uneven tips. Both of these surgeons want to replace my distorted cylinders but neither one can promise that it simply won't happen again in 3 more months. Not sure what to do?
I'm going to reach out to Jamie Matson and see if she can help even out my tips.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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