
There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Postby Gingertom3 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:57 am

This is a subject that always embarrassed me. if someone had ever asked me if Ihad masturbated, i would have lied and said no. is it really something that every man does?
yes, I have done it. there! I've told the truth at last. But I always felt jaded and depressed afterwards. Nature designed us to stick our cocks into vaginas not into our hands. And there's a vast difference in the pleasure you get from either. I mean, it's a quantum leap. With a woman you get the best feeling in the world.
So why masturbation? Well the occasions when I masturbated were times when I was out of sorts with my wife. it's hard to make love to someone when you're angry with her or when she's angry with you. But you need that relief anyway. So you wank.
How do you other men feel about the subject, and how do you feel after jacking off?

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Re: masturbation

Postby rich1958 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:17 pm

Hi Jim and welcome again. We chatted the other day.
There is a topic in the General Discussion boards called "Am I a Wanker". Give it a read. I love jerking off, do it oh at least 3-4 times a week. Of course i enjoyed it more when I was able to get hard without the use of pills, but I still enjoy it. Maybe as you say nature designed us to stick our cocks into vaginas but my wife has health issues and is not always willing to have sex. Sure I'd prefer that but using my hand is fun in a different way even though it doesn't get hard like it used to, but at least I can still shoot.

So enjoy jerking off and don't be embarrassed about it.


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Re: masturbation

Postby Gingertom3 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 1:45 pm

Thanks, Rich. I'm happy for you. Sorry about your wife having health issues.
I'll read that discussiion topic that you mentioned.
By the way, did I send you a private message today? I know that I sent private messages to two or three men but I'm not sure I did it right.


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Re: masturbation

Postby Thomas » Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:44 pm

To me, I love both, making love to my wife and masturbation. Hey, it's every honestly married man's way to get variety! In addition, masturbation is how a person discovers, fine tunes, and enjoy's their own sexuality. Soon after my PC surgery I masturbated every day as I was relearning how to make my orgasm great again. My wife had no problem with this. Actually, I use to tell her all about the sessions and if it was good or not. Many times she would join me! ...and yes, everyone does it.

As my doctor says, "if it feels good, do it".

As that song goes, "if it makes you happy, it can't be that bad"!

Robotic RP Sept 2008
Cancer free
ED, but still hopeful (meds work well)

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Re: masturbation

Postby Gingertom3 » Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:15 pm

Thanks Thomas. As a matter of fact after my op I felt the need to masturbate, and I did so maybe once a week or more. I'm glad I did because otherwise my dick would have atrophied. If you don't use it you lose it. Before the op I could get a 6 inch hard-on. Over two years after the op, with the hop of the vacuum device, the longest it got was 5 inches. But the girth was a lot better. And it was good enough for intercourse. So I don't feel so bad about it. But I had always been taught that it was wrong. I think now that if it's healthy for you, it's ok. But for some men it can become an addiction that takes over their lives. So long as you can control it instead of the other way round, it's alright.
I recall a quiz program where the question was "What is a good reason to beat meat?" the contestant replied "Loneliness."
Loneliness and stress were my usual reasons. Now that I am neither lonely nor stressed, I don't really feel the need in that way. but I masturbate gently in order to train my body to feed blood into my shaft. And it's working well.

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Re: masturbation

Postby padreest » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:57 pm

I just wish it was easier. Maybe with a hard dick it might be. Yet to be dtermined
This will probably be my sexual release til the lid closes

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Re: masturbation

Postby mtnman » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:19 pm

New to Forum I like already!
I look at this a therapy! If you don't use it you lose it!Everything I have read tells me you need to keep adequete blood supply to the penis for both erections and healing,the orgasam is just like a tax return,something you cant count on but when you get it it's great.I actually felt guilty about masterbation before PC but what the heck ,you have to please yourself sometimes to keep balance,it's a shame we aren't taught more about sexuality in general.I believe in order to do anything better you must practice,WELL,using the VED,injections all helped keeping a healthy healing attude to combat this PC thing we had no choice about :x .I am lucky I have a wife willing to cope with all this,and be understanding when things fail,as they did the first few times we tried sex :oops: .The pump works for me, but not for intercourse,the injections are the best for us now,I need to find out more about rings,I bought a 500$ ericade pump,but I returned it,the OSBORN 125$ PUMP is both manual and battery and does better than the 500$ pump the uro office perscribed.The rings I think are better with the ericade than the encore,so I MAY BUY THEM FOR 18$ EACH. Well back to therapy! getting anxious for spring fly fishing in Colorado and hunting brocheres are already out!This is going to be a better year. :D

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Re: masturbation

Postby regal1945 » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:29 pm

Without masturbation, would be no reason to live lol! :lol: :lol:

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Re: masturbation

Postby ontopher469 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:24 pm

I used to feel embarrassed about masturbation as well. In my case, much of my problem was religious related. As a youngster, I was taught that masturbation was sinful and boys shouldn’t do it.

So, as a young adult I was always struggling with my desire for venting my sexual frustrations by masturbating. I usually would fondle myself and get very ‘charged’ up and then stop before the ejaculation. I always told myself masturbating wouldn’t be wrong so long as I didn’t spill my semen. When I did this, I usually would become more frustrated than previously. So, I’d usually find that I was masturbating again. And, I then I would try to stop the exercise each time. Most of the time, I was able to avoid but sooner or later I eventually would ‘succumb’. When I was very young and did ejaculate, I frequently would continue to masturbate until a second ejaculation would occur. A second ejaculation used to be easy for me when I was young. The intensity of the ecstasy during the second ejaculation was much greater.

I also always became very depressed afterwards and would tell myself never again. Of course, I always would repeat the process throughout life.

Now, many years later with diabetes, high blood pressure, ED, penis pumping and penis Trimix injections, I’ve overcome my guilt about masturbation. I’ve become more concerned about my health, being able to get sufficient erection to penetrate my wife, being able to ejaculate and my semen volume.

My biggest thrill now is to pump my penis for about 20 minutes. This length of time allows me to maintain my hardness and larger size for half and hour or more. This allows me to get off a solid ejaculation. Thereafter, I shoot my penis full of Trimix and continue to masturbate. I’m able to get a second ejaculation. This second ejaculation takes considerable time, sometimes as much as an hour or more jacking. There’s nothing like being able to shoot semen twice during one jacking session.

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