It All Quit Working… Then I had the Penile Implant

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It All Quit Working… Then I had the Penile Implant

Postby SimmondsJ » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:11 pm

Being a man, aging 50’s I reached a breaking point for ED remedies and costly attempts to get an erection.
History: Like so many young men, from the time I was 13 to 25 years old, I had erections that were so hard and almost painful. I was a very active bike riding, motorcycle enthusiast that played sports, lifted weights and played hard all around. Most people had a sexual preference at that age but I just preferred sex. One day in my late twenties, I was on a bike in Boston and wiped out big time. I had a pelvic injury between my ball sack and anus. It was black and blue and sore for months. I did not want sex as it hurt so much. I did the best I could to get to my job in Cambridge and sit in my office chair. After this pain subsided and healed, I still had a big thick impressive erection, however, it did not stay erect long and sometimes became a floppy semi-erection from the start. This affected my appetite for sex and hindered my confidence as I grew to like oral sex more because the perfect erection was not frequent. Years later, I found medications, Viagra, Cialis, Vacuum Pump, cock rings and then Trimix. The Medicine headaches, painful penis and nuts snapped by the cock ring brought me to realize that I needed serious medical help. I always complained to my doctor and anyone else whom listened about my floppy dick. I was often tired, disinterested and regretted when a sexual encounter prevailed. I made excuses during sex but tried diligently to get that perfect erection back with Testosterone therapy, hormone therapy, and even a few kinky encounters. This past January 2018, I had time off (contract downtime). I researched all the medical possibilities as I narrowed down to three (3) names in surgical solutions. Dr. Andrew Kramer of Baltimore, Dr. Eid of NYC and Dr. Perito of Miami. I turned to YouTube and watched so many doctors and found many to be very impressive, I made appointments with all three (3) of these ‘Go to Doctors’. Since I am a business consultant and I work in NYC, Dr. Eid would be convenient, and I live in Miami so Dr. Perito would be convenient to my Home. I made a decision tree of pluses and negatives weighing each doctor.
Decision: This was tough, so I eliminated cost as a factor. I should mention that Dr. Andrew Kramer was a clear first for cost because he was in Network for my BCBS plan. I watched Dr. Kramer’s many YouTubes as he was so informative and very much impressed me with many thousands of penile implant surgeries behind him. I spoke with the other clinics and considered them as well. I was clearly drawn to Dr. Andrew Kramer. I called Dr. Kramer’s clinic daily to ask more questions and made people there crazy, but I did not shy because this was my penis at stake here. His staff knew my name well and then I chose to go to his clinic and meet him in person. I had decided to have the surgery and went to my primary care doctor (friend) at Massachusetts General Hospital for medical clearance. He gladly approved me for penile implant surgery because he knew how I always wanted a resolution for my ED.
The Surgery: Dr. Kramer approved me for surgery as I had scheduled and subsequently reserved a Suite at the Hyatt Regency Waterfront. I also invited a medical professional friend to accompany me. I was told to fast, meaning no food or fluids starting at midnight before surgery. The morning of surgery, I walked to the Medical Center, checked in for Outpatient surgery, they took my insurance card, verified my identity, sent me to the Healing Garden, were I sat about 30 minutes at 7:00AM. The nurse came and walked me to the pre-surgical room, where I stripped down and put on a Gown wiped down with a surgical soap. Put on the surgical socks and hair net. A nurse came in put in an IV, later the Anesthetist, came introduced herself. Dr. Kramer came in and said hello and told me that this is a very easy procedure. The Surgical nurse came in and introduced himself, as he asked me a few questions verified my signatures and identity. He asked me something as they were pushing my bed toward the door. He put something in my IV to sedate me. I never saw the surgical center as I woke up in a recovery bed. They ask me a few questions and then I stood up, put on my sweat pants and sweat shirt, was wheelchaired to the exit, as I walked to the car waiting out front. I was quickly at the Hyatt Suite, watched TV all night. I only took one of the pain killers, but after that Advil was adequate. There was very little pain with only a little scrotal swelling. I had a catheter in yet and emptied the contents a few times. I did Ice pack all night.
Day After Surgery: Dr. Kramer came to my hotel suite and he helped me remove the catheter and adjusted the pump to decrease the erection. We sat in the living room of my suite and had a great conversation. He is a great doctor as I have friend in him with a great amount of trust and respect for him. Continued ice packing through the day. Started my antibiotics, applied the Bacitracin to the incision on the scrotum. I ate that night at the Hotel Restaurant and returned to the couch at the Suite to watch TV. I was told to stay elevated and icepack, drink water. I did just that.
Two Days After: Dr. Kramer stopped by and showed me the video of my surgery. Told me I could fly home three (3) or Four (4) days after surgery. I watched the video as it is on YouTube to this day. The surgery was quick, narrated by Dr. Kramer as he talks size, implant(Titan) and procedure.
The Size and Implant: Dr. Kramer suggested the Titan Implant because I have girth as he suggested that I retain the best girth and length. In the video he points out that I had 23.5 Centimeters in length. Basically, I see that I maintain about 8 inches length in full erection.
A few Weeks Post Surgery: The pain was nearly all gone, and the swelling was nearly behind me. Continued to apply the Bacitracin to the incision on the scrotum for at least a month.
Three Weeks after Surgery: I began pumping up the penile implant with a little discomfort to quickly deflate the implant. This took some getting use to as it is at first a little awkward. Masturbation was very cool.
A month Later: There was no pain and very little scrotal swelling and the dissolvable sutures were all gone. No visual scar or anything. Showing it off like a porn star!
Two Months Later: Pumps up like a champ and looks great … really happy with the results and very hot sex with the implant. I am free now from the pressures of getting a rock-solid erection. I get in a potential sexual encounter and go to the bathroom brush my teeth and pump it up. I am also saving a lot of money because I do not need expensive meds and all that craziness. I am back on a bike and exercising regularly.
Commentary: If I were to do this again, I would have done the penile implant much earlier with Dr. Andrew Kramer as my surgeon. I would have saved a lot of money and not missed out on good healthy sex and a normal life that so many enjoy. I do regret that for so many years, that I had deprived myself of a youth with good reliable sex.

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Re: It All Quit Working… Then I had the Penile Implant

Postby hallfighter4 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:56 pm

Last edited by hallfighter4 on Sat May 25, 2019 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: It All Quit Working… Then I had the Penile Implant

Postby tomas1 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:19 pm

I also enjoyed reading your account.
That's even my home town, and I used to ride by that hospital every day on the way to work.
Haven't lived there since 1965 though.
If I ever need to go that surgery route, I'd consider visiting there again.
If staying with relatives, I'd probably have to say I need abdominal surgery or something lol.
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: It All Quit Working… Then I had the Penile Implant

Postby DougAnd » Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:17 am

This is very encouraging news. Puts things into better perspective. My surgery is sch for Aug 8th. Glad I found this. It answers many questions. I can see that swelling can be reduced but will remain for several weeks. I had thought once down permanently gone. Recently I cut my finger down to the bone. Took about 2 weeks for the swelling to completely go and another week to heal. It has now been a few months and the thickness of skin is almost back to normal. So healing is a process. I guess the penis works about the same way. Thank you.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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