Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

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Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby defiant » Wed Jun 27, 2018 6:27 am

It's a truly unique and hellacious position a young man finds himself in when he has been experiencing declining erectile function and a subsequent dependence on pills over a 13 year period, unable to rouse even himself reliably and single at 34 but told time and again by andrologists with the help of ultrasounds, bloods and night-time studies that absolutely nothing is wrong physically.

When one is pragmatic and considers the battle ahead; trying to find someone with a confidence that is all but zero, heavily dependent on pills which have their own set of side-effects and implications, one has to ask, 'how long can I go on like this?', 'how many years of my youth can I waste?'. So at this stage, one is forced to consider...

The implant.

At first, when you hear this treatment option for the first time, having no prior knowledge of it, you are stunned that such an option exists, perhaps even, like I ignorantly was, mortified that people even did this. And while this is a truly amazing, and I would say, life-saving treatment, there is much to be considered, especially for a 34-year-old man such as myself, who 'apparently', despite no AM erections since goodness knows when, is normal down there.

So I'm trying to gather as much user-testimony as possible; accounts, opinions, facts, risks, the whole shebang. And while I seek answers from everyone who has an implant, I am particularly interested in young, single men here who find themselves in a similar phase of life, with all its implications as well.

- How dramatically did the look of your penis change?

- How did the feel of your penis change?

- Did you lose or gain sensitivity?

- How much. (if any) length was lost?

- How was your girth affected?

- Now that normal erectile response is gone, when you are kissing/entering foreplay/about to have sex, how do you activate?

- What have the responses of women been? How did your girlfriends react to your decision, your wives or your partners?
(IF YOU ARE SINGLE, what has been the reaction of your partners?

- Have your partners ever commented or made it apparent, they feel hard-done-by now they are no longer responsible for (technically) arousing you?

- Have you encountered any negative feedback?

- For those who have had revisions, what implications did this have for the overall look and feel of your penis? Does this degrade over time or is it as simple as replacement with everything else remaining the same?

- Do you find it easier to cum? Harder? Or the same?

- Do you feel as though it is 'your' penis? Or do you feel as though it is truly a foreign body that creates a disconnect in the mind/body process?

- What has the implant done for your self-esteem? Do you feel an element of regret and self-loathing? Or do you feel conversely a lot better about yourself?

- Similarly, what has the implant done for your confidence?

- Have you ever been in the situation where you were in the beginning stages with a partner who didn't know and she/he felt your pump? What did they do? Did they say anything? Did you intervene? How did you handle the situation?

- For those who have had more than one implant, how long, typically, did your previous implants last?

- What have been the best parts of having an implant?

- Have your loved ones and/or (sexual partners) been supportive of you?

- When you are having sex, are you able to lose yourself, as you once did before (naturally) and enjoy the sex thoroughly?

- Does your glans engorge? If so, at what points? Does this require arousal as before?

- Do you feel that getting the implant was the right call for you?

- How long does it take you to go from flaccid to sex-ready?

- If you could sum up the implant and what is has done for you in two words, what would they be?

Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer these questions.

I am really in a very tricky zone where on the one hand I'm told there's nothing physically wrong with me but after 13 years of a declining function, both physically and mentally, does it matter if its in the body or mind? I've tried all interventions; psychs, shrinks, anxiety meds, meditation, even over half a grand on hypnosis recently all to no benefit. The only thing that has helped me reverse this was the love of a good woman but in this current situation, things being the way they are, the problem is eating me alive, diminishing my life and the implant option is very, very viable. Injection therapy is not an answer.

37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby dg_moore » Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:06 am

defiant wrote:......Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer these questions!

Each and every one of these questions is addressed repeatedly in this forum. They are the same questions all of us have struggled with - It took me five years, which it turned out I could ill afford, and two cancellations before I could muster the courage to go ahead and even then it didn't make any difference.

Do some serious reading and use the forum search feature - all the information you seek is already here in abundwnce.
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby defiant » Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:20 am

dg_moore wrote:
defiant wrote:......Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer these questions!

Each and every one of these questions is addressed repeatedly in this forum. They are the same questions all of us have struggled with - It took me five years, which it turned out I could ill afford, and two cancellations before I could muster the courage to go ahead and even then it didn't make any difference.

Do some serious reading and use the forum search feature - all the information you seek is already here in abundwnce.

It’s an attempt at consolidation as opposed to endless searching for specific tidbits of information, which would actually benefit greatly newcomers to this subject, having such a centralised form. Thanks for the input though.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby David_R » Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:53 am

defiant wrote:- How dramatically did the look of your penis change? It is larger when flaccid.

- How did the feel of your penis change? It is the same.

- Did you lose or gain sensitivity? I neither lost nor gained sensitivity.

- How much. (if any) length was lost? I did not lose any length.

- How was your girth affected? My girth is a little less I think, but that's OK with me.

- Now that normal erectile response is gone, when you are kissing/entering foreplay/about to have sex, how do you activate? When I realize that we are going to have sex, I go to the bathroom (like I used to anyway to pee) and inflate there. Then I return to where we "left off." ;)

- What have the responses of women been? How did your girlfriends react to your decision, your wives or your partners?
(IF YOU ARE SINGLE, what has been the reaction of your partners? My wife (of 45 years) was with me all the way through my struggle with E.D. -- which actually was our struggle with E.D. -- and she is very happy with it, says that it looks and feels natural.

- Have your partners ever commented or made it apparent, they feel hard-done-by now they are no longer responsible for (technically) arousing you? No, because she understands that my E.D. had nothing to do with her arousing me; it's strictly a medical solution.

- Have you encountered any negative feedback? No

- For those who have had revisions, what implications did this have for the overall look and feel of your penis? Does this degrade over time or is it as simple as replacement with everything else remaining the same? My second implant was simply because after 12 years my first implant wore out. I knew that it had worn out when I tried to inflate it but nothing happened.

- Do you find it easier to cum? Harder? Or the same? The same.

- Do you feel as though it is 'your' penis? Or do you feel as though it is truly a foreign body that creates a disconnect in the mind/body process? It is still my penis, and always will be -- remember, this is not a penis transplant; it is simply a mechanism so you can get hard.

- What has the implant done for your self-esteem? Do you feel an element of regret and self-loathing? Or do you feel conversely a lot better about yourself? Better

- Similarly, what has the implant done for your confidence? Increased it.

- Have you ever been in the situation where you were in the beginning stages with a partner who didn't know and she/he felt your pump? What did they do? Did they say anything? Did you intervene? How did you handle the situation?

- For those who have had more than one implant, how long, typically, did your previous implants last? 12 years

- What have been the best parts of having an implant? Being able to have a hard dick, which makes all kinds of sex better and/or possible.

- Have your loved ones and/or (sexual partners) been supportive of you? Yes

- When you are having sex, are you able to lose yourself, as you once did before (naturally) and enjoy the sex thoroughly? Oh yeah, baby!

- Does your glans engorge? If so, at what points? Does this require arousal as before? My glans engorges naturally when I am aroused. I remember years ago hearing a urologist at a prostate cancer support group explain how the process of glans engorgement is separate from the process of having an erection.

- Do you feel that getting the implant was the right call for you? Oh yeah!

- How long does it take you to go from flaccid to sex-ready? Less than a minute.

- If you could sum up the implant and what is has done for you in two words, what would they be? Thank you.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby defiant » Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:49 am

David_R wrote:
defiant wrote:- How dramatically did the look of your penis change? It is larger when flaccid.

- How did the feel of your penis change? It is the same.

- Did you lose or gain sensitivity? I neither lost nor gained sensitivity.

- How much. (if any) length was lost? I did not lose any length.

- How was your girth affected? My girth is a little less I think, but that's OK with me.

- Now that normal erectile response is gone, when you are kissing/entering foreplay/about to have sex, how do you activate? When I realize that we are going to have sex, I go to the bathroom (like I used to anyway to pee) and inflate there. Then I return to where we "left off." ;)

- What have the responses of women been? How did your girlfriends react to your decision, your wives or your partners?
(IF YOU ARE SINGLE, what has been the reaction of your partners? My wife (of 45 years) was with me all the way through my struggle with E.D. -- which actually was our struggle with E.D. -- and she is very happy with it, says that it looks and feels natural.

- Have your partners ever commented or made it apparent, they feel hard-done-by now they are no longer responsible for (technically) arousing you? No, because she understands that my E.D. had nothing to do with her arousing me; it's strictly a medical solution.

- Have you encountered any negative feedback? No

- For those who have had revisions, what implications did this have for the overall look and feel of your penis? Does this degrade over time or is it as simple as replacement with everything else remaining the same? My second implant was simply because after 12 years my first implant wore out. I knew that it had worn out when I tried to inflate it but nothing happened.

- Do you find it easier to cum? Harder? Or the same? The same.

- Do you feel as though it is 'your' penis? Or do you feel as though it is truly a foreign body that creates a disconnect in the mind/body process? It is still my penis, and always will be -- remember, this is not a penis transplant; it is simply a mechanism so you can get hard.

- What has the implant done for your self-esteem? Do you feel an element of regret and self-loathing? Or do you feel conversely a lot better about yourself? Better

- Similarly, what has the implant done for your confidence? Increased it.

- Have you ever been in the situation where you were in the beginning stages with a partner who didn't know and she/he felt your pump? What did they do? Did they say anything? Did you intervene? How did you handle the situation?

- For those who have had more than one implant, how long, typically, did your previous implants last? 12 years

- What have been the best parts of having an implant? Being able to have a hard dick, which makes all kinds of sex better and/or possible.

- Have your loved ones and/or (sexual partners) been supportive of you? Yes

- When you are having sex, are you able to lose yourself, as you once did before (naturally) and enjoy the sex thoroughly? Oh yeah, baby!

- Does your glans engorge? If so, at what points? Does this require arousal as before? My glans engorges naturally when I am aroused. I remember years ago hearing a urologist at a prostate cancer support group explain how the process of glans engorgement is separate from the process of having an erection.

- Do you feel that getting the implant was the right call for you? Oh yeah!

- How long does it take you to go from flaccid to sex-ready? Less than a minute.

- If you could sum up the implant and what is has done for you in two words, what would they be? Thank you.

This was exactly the kind of concise response I was hoping for.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby Cajun Jeff » Wed Jun 27, 2018 12:08 pm

I hope other Bionic guys will also answer the questions.
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20


Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby rocco84 » Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:34 pm

That's exactly what it should be. Short questions and the answers. That's perfect for researching!
It's so bad that some others just write you will find all the answers if your researching at Franktalk. Yes you can find it for sure but usually we don't have plenty of hours to go through all this long stories because in many posts there is so much blablabla written.

That's perfect just detailed questions and short direct answers. Everything else is very exhausting.
For example the implant pics thread.... there are not even a third from all sides pics and the rest is just blablabla it's ok that some make a short comment that it looks good or bad but it should be a pic topic for example and this here should be a question and answer topic! So answer the questions if you want to be supportive or write nothing that's better. Because we could also close Franktalk because I guess every single topic is at least one time already here at franktalk written

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby Spikepork » Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:55 pm

How dramatically did the look of your penis change?
- How did the feel of your penis change?
- Did you lose or gain sensitivity?
- How much. (if any) length was lost?
NONE NOW AFTER 6 months.
- How was your girth affected?

- Now that normal erectile response is gone, when you are kissing/entering foreplay/about to have sex, how do you activate? YOU TEND TO KNOW WHEN AND SUMPOY EITHER PREINFLATE A LITTLE AND FINISH INFLATING DURING FOREPLAY OR GO TO THE LOO FIRST AND HET IT UP FULLY.

- What have the responses of women been? How did your girlfriends react to your decision, your wives or your partners? VERY SUPPORTIVE.
(IF YOU ARE SINGLE, what has been the reaction of your partners?

- Have your partners ever commented or made it apparent, they feel hard-done-by now they are no longer responsible for (technically) arousing you? NO. BUT MAKING SURE YOUR WONEN IS THE MOST PRIZED ITEM IN THE BEDROOM NEVER CHANGES. SHE STILL GETS ME HARD!

- Have you encountered any negative feedback?
- For those who have had revisions, what implications did this have for the overall look and feel of your penis? Does this degrade over time or is it as simple as replacement with everything else remaining the same? N/A FOR ME

- Do you find it easier to cum? Harder? Or the same? BETTER BY FAR. MORE INTENSE

- Do you feel as though it is 'your' penis? Or do you feel as though it is truly a foreign body that creates a disconnect in the mind/body process? FOR SURE. IT IS.

- What has the implant done for your self-esteem? Do you feel an element of regret and self-loathing? Or do you feel conversely a lot better about yourself? IM THE MOST COMFISENT BOTHNIN AND OUT OF THE BEDROOM IVE BEEN FOR MANY YEARS.

- Similarly, what has the implant done for your confidence? AS ABOVE

- Have you ever been in the situation where you were in the beginning stages with a partner who didn't know and she/he felt your pump? What did they do? Did they say anything? Did you intervene? How did you handle the situation? N/A

- For those who have had more than one implant, how long, typically, did your previous implants last? N/A

- What have been the best parts of having an implant? ROCK HARD FOR AS LONG AS I CHOOSE

- Have your loved ones and/or (sexual partners) been supportive of you? VERY ITS BER COCK TOO

- When you are having sex, are you able to lose yourself, as you once did before (naturally) and enjoy the sex thoroughly? OH BLIMEY YES

- Does your glans engorge? If so, at what points? Does this require arousal as before? NORMAL AS BEFORE

- Do you feel that getting the implant was the right call for you? 2000%

- How long does it take you to go from flaccid to sex-ready? 30-45 SECONDS DEPENDING HOW HARD I WANT TO BE

- If you could sum up the implant and what is has done for you in two words, what would they be? THANK FUCK
Now Implanted 9/12/17. 52 years old with ED for over 20 years. Tried all the pills and injections. Update. Implanted with Titan 22 + 1. by DR Ralph Dec 9th London. Now in recovery and at 3 months feeling the journey was worth the pain.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby defiant » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:56 am

These are some brilliant answers coming through.

Very helpful indeed.

I hope more will follow suit!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: Implant User-Feedback Form - QUESTIONS

Postby defiant » Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:34 pm

Come on guys,

There must be more amongst you who’ve been implanted who are willing to answer these questions.

As you can see, at least one other chap would find this a useful thread.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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