Star's Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Star's Journal

Postby star_of_pramen » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:54 am

Thanks Quincy, I am just sticking to paracetamol and ibuprofen. Pain is more discomfort but not too bad.

Maxxxxx, yes this is the same surgeon who implanted Ruktitan. Under the NHS he was the doctor I was assigned at UCLH, and my only other option would have been to go private which I couldn't afford. I am hoping he has done a good job but only time will tell
30 yo based in UK. ED for 9Y & complex med history. Tried pills, injections, dorsal vein ligation before implanted with 20cm Titan on 31-May-18. First implant had floppy glans + bad tubing. On 28-Aug-20 underwent a revision to 20cm Titan + 4cm RTEs


Re: Star's Journal

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:58 am

star_of_pramen wrote:So, I officially became part of the bionic brotherhood today as I was implanted with a 20cm Titan by Dr Muneer in London.

I have been out of surgery for around 5 hours and feeling okay so far, bit of discomfort but not too much pain......I'm sure this will change tomorrow.

I spoke to my surgeon for a few seconds when I came round, long enough to know I was implanted with a 20cm device and no RTEs. He also mentioned there was some fibrosis (mentioned could be from injections although I doubt it as the injections didn't work for me so probably used them less than 15 times in my life), but that overall the surgery was a success. I have been left inflated and will be deflated tomorrow (ouch) when the doctor comes back around to see me

Pre surgery my penis was 5.5 inches flaccid in length (always been a bit of a shower) and 4.5 inches girth, when erect my length was 6.5 inches, so hoping not to lose too much, but time will tell. I took pictures of my penis yday pre-op as well as it all bandaged up post op, but the files are too large to upload. I tried compressing them but still too large.........if anyone knows how I can get around this then please let me know.

I turned 28 years old on Monday and thought I would document my experience for younger guys worried about the implant, in particular the perception of it from younger females. I have a 26 year old girlfriend who I have been with the 9 years, so appreciate this isn't a one night stand or dating scenario, however, when I told her about my implant she was exceptionally supportive. Her initial questions were 1) will you still be able to get a natural erection; 2) can i pump it?; 3) so does that mean you can have sex for however long you want?; 4) can we try out the kama sutra now you can have sex in different positions?; 5) does it effect your ability to have children; 6) when will we be able to have sex again?. I am not trying to embellish the story, and the karma sutra question was tongue in cheek, but at the same time serious as my ED has been an issue for both me and her. I have probably forgotten a few others, but I suppose the point I am trying to make is, after a few questions she honestly wasn't phased by the implant, nor thing it was some freakish device that made me weird. I too have been worried about the perception of the implant from younger woman and read many threads about how you could conceal it or hide it, so it was a relief that my gf saw it as a positive.

Anyway, hope this is helpful and I will continue to document my journey over the coming days, weeks and month. If anyone has any questions then please feel free to reach out.

My wife loves to lick and flick with her tongue, the pump.... I kinda love her lickin and flickin it too. My one most favourite thing is the staying power before the big O... it is incredible. :)


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Re: Star's Journal

Postby Donnie1954 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 11:14 am

Your pics are awesome. Thanks for posting such a great journal. Many guys your age have so many questions about an implant. Keep healing my young bionic brother. Your dick wrapped up like a mummy brings back so many memories. It looks awesome. Take care. PM if you have questions. Welcome to our bionic brotherhood. Please post some pictures in Implant Pics and Natural Hang.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby Spikepork » Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:19 pm

Hi there and welcome to the Brotherhood. As a uk implanted (ralph) I’m hoping you have had an excellent result and that unlike some worrying results from your surgeon that you have tips extending into your glans and all is ok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and awesome bionic dick. Feel free to PM if you feel support is required anytime.
Now Implanted 9/12/17. 52 years old with ED for over 20 years. Tried all the pills and injections. Update. Implanted with Titan 22 + 1. by DR Ralph Dec 9th London. Now in recovery and at 3 months feeling the journey was worth the pain.

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby star_of_pramen » Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:56 am

Day 5 post implant:

First few days were plain sailing, bit of discomfort but nothing too bad and on Sunday went for a walk and in to town for a coffee with my girlfriend. Then day 4 came and I have been in a lot of pain since. I don't know if it is swelling that has come out or something but I can't stand up for more than 1 minute without having the worst dull ache in my balls and groin. I just went and had a shower and to brush my teeth and it was agony, so I have spent yday and this morning flat on my back. Did anyone else's pain get worse a few days post surgery?
30 yo based in UK. ED for 9Y & complex med history. Tried pills, injections, dorsal vein ligation before implanted with 20cm Titan on 31-May-18. First implant had floppy glans + bad tubing. On 28-Aug-20 underwent a revision to 20cm Titan + 4cm RTEs

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:25 am

Oh yes,
You have been invaded in your most private precious place. There is significant trauma to the area. Pain, sometimes a dull ache to more prominent, is expected the first week especially. I promise my young brother it does get better. Then the itching as your hair starts growing back is a new experience entirely. Rest until the Dr. gives you the all clear. Take care my friend.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:26 am

Oh yes,
You have been invaded in your most private precious place. There is significant trauma to the area. Pain, sometimes a dull ache to more prominent, is expected the first week especially. I promise my young brother it does get better. Then the itching as your hair starts growing back is a new experience entirely. Rest until the Dr. gives you the all clear. Take care my friend.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby star_of_pramen » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:00 am

1 week post implant. Can't believe this time last week I was in surgery, time flies.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the first couple of days I felt okay, followed by quite high pain levels on days 4, 5 and 6. Today I am feeling much better but still can't stand or sit on a chair for long. Ice has been particularly helpful to relieve some pain during this period as I feel the painkillers really don't help much. I've been pretty bored laying on my back for a week but have managed to watch a few seasons of The Wire ha. Swelling is starting to subside although bruising seems to still be coming out, pretty much all contained to my sack and the groin on the RHS where tubing has been directed.

Next Wednesday I am due to go back and see the nurse specialist at UCLH who will run me through the inflating and deflating and I assume give me the go ahead to proceed with this. At the moment I can't think of anything worse than my sack being squeezed, but hopefully by Wednesday things will have calmed down a lot. They have recommended no sex for 6 weeks post surgery.

On a side note, I know one concern for posters on this forum both young and old is ejaculation and the change post implant, both in terms of sensation and delay or inability. I did today masturbate (I'm only 30% inflated but I've been masturbating with a flaccid cock for the last few years so this felt much harder lol) as I was horny and have been incredibly bored lying on my back all day ha. Anyway, I can confirm there was no change to sensation from pre-implant, in fact it felt better, although this may be because I haven't ejaculated in a week. Another thing I thought was interesting was pre implant, as I mention above I was masturbating with a pretty much floppy cock, and as a result when I did cum it just dribbled out and wouldn't reach any higher than my belly button. I remember when I was 16 or so and I used it cum it would fly up and nearly hit me in the face! Anyway today at only 30% inflated the increased firmness sent the cum flying up towards my nipple, which is a significant improvement.

Hope that helps. Feel free to DM anytime
30 yo based in UK. ED for 9Y & complex med history. Tried pills, injections, dorsal vein ligation before implanted with 20cm Titan on 31-May-18. First implant had floppy glans + bad tubing. On 28-Aug-20 underwent a revision to 20cm Titan + 4cm RTEs

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby Quincy » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:33 am

Thanks for continuing your journal, Star. It's very helpful as I'm just a short time behind you.

I'm very interested to know about the pain levels increasing at days 4, 5, and 6. I'm glad it's getting better now. And if this happens to me, at least I'll know it's normal.

I know you are using ice to help. I'm getting mixed signals from what I've read at FT and my doc. Ice is to help reduce swelling and pain. But then everyone says by about the 3rd day you start taking hot baths, as hot as you can stand it, and that is supposed to feel wonderful.

So are you doing hot baths? If ice = less swelling, does heat make it worse?

I'm very glad to know your climaxes are at least as good as before. Grats on the improved experience. Looking forward to seeing what it's like with a hard dick again.

71, Boise area, Married
ED from type 2 diabetes and PCa radiation.
AMS LGX surgery 6/5/18 with Edward Karpman in Silicon Valley, 18cm+3RTE

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Re: Star's Journal

Postby star_of_pramen » Thu Jun 07, 2018 11:49 am

Quincy wrote:Thanks for continuing your journal, Star. It's very helpful as I'm just a short time behind you.

I'm very interested to know about the pain levels increasing at days 4, 5, and 6. I'm glad it's getting better now. And if this happens to me, at least I'll know it's normal.

I know you are using ice to help. I'm getting mixed signals from what I've read at FT and my doc. Ice is to help reduce swelling and pain. But then everyone says by about the 3rd day you start taking hot baths, as hot as you can stand it, and that is supposed to feel wonderful.

So are you doing hot baths? If ice = less swelling, does heat make it worse?

I'm very glad to know your climaxes are at least as good as before. Grats on the improved experience. Looking forward to seeing what it's like with a hard dick again.


Yes I did start getting a bit concerned that my pain was getting worse after 3 days, but luckily it has started to subside so I'm feeling a bit better.

I am only using ice a couple of times a day when I have quite bad pain. I haven't actually been given any guidance of when I can bath but wanted to ask this. I assumed you shouldn't bath for the first week given the stitches and risk of the wound opening at all......I was planning on having hot baths after I saw the nurse next week.
30 yo based in UK. ED for 9Y & complex med history. Tried pills, injections, dorsal vein ligation before implanted with 20cm Titan on 31-May-18. First implant had floppy glans + bad tubing. On 28-Aug-20 underwent a revision to 20cm Titan + 4cm RTEs

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