wish for an implant comprehensibly??

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wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby michaeleurope1 » Wed Apr 25, 2018 5:37 pm

Dear All,

my problem is I guess rather psychic, though I want to ask this question here to implanted brothers and not in the „mental support“ section.

To keep it short:

I had absolute normal erectile function till the age of 42 (lets say: at 18, my erectile function was 100%, at 42 it was a felt function of 80%, as normal in that age…).

At 42, an (as it turned out) experimental, unworthy and unnecessary „laser treatment“ against a prostatitis went quite wrong (you can read my whole story here if you are interested: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9644) and costed me a lot of my erectile quality and function: The speed of getting my member up is much slower, I need manual stimulation to get him up at all, the blood circulation in my penis is much worse than before,… In short: It is now felt 40-60% depending on my daily constitutional. But: I am not impotent, it works, especially with pills. But: Much worse than before that fateful “treatment” (may the responsible “urologist” be sent to hell for it).

This “treatment” was now 2 ½ years ago, since that things don’t get worse, but also not much better, regardless what I try. So I am captured in that situation and have to come clear with it.

But no day, no hour passes by where I don’t struggle with myself.

To my question:

I often – very often – envy implanted guys: You have solved the problem, there is also no way back, so: Mission completed, there is not much to think or worry about anymore. No worrying if “he” will work this time, no desparate hopes, no ups and downs, no “my topic nr. 1 is my erection” anymore.

On the other hand, am I only an ungrateful idiot who should be happy that he kept his erectile function at all and that pills work?? In other words: Is my secret wish in the back of my mind for an implant (although I am still far away from needing one) completely rubbish or is it comprehensibly in your view?
44 y, moderate ED after laser treatment against prostatitis. Searching for the exact reason to get a reference point for a proper treatment. Urologists could not help. My story: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9644

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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby radioradio » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:09 pm

I don't think you're an idiot.
I think you deserve to be happy.
I think being happy is largely a choice.
I completely comprehend your implant thoughts.
I sort of knew that I would end up there sooner or later, and after my prostatectomy I wanted it as soon as possible. Pills had stopped working altogether. I used a VED for penis blood flow/health, but could never make it work for intercourse. I tried 3 different versions of injections without success, and finally, 4 months after the prostatectomy I signed up for the implant. I did not want to wait and see if I'd regain any erectile capability over a year and a half,when I knew my prior ability was pretty shitty.
You're fortunate that the pills work, and most guys here will probably tell you to hold off on the implant until nothing else works. But I think the deal decision point, as explained by Greg1956, is this: What do I have to lose if the implant surgery is a failure compared to what I have now? When you have nothing to lose, you're ready.
Wish you the best. Sorry to hear about the effects of the laser procedure.
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby jelquinginjury » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:50 pm

How do the pills work for you?
Do you need manual stimulation to get it up?
Is the erection maintained for a long time when you stop stimulating it physically?

Do they always work? in all positions?
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant

Lost Sheep
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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed Apr 25, 2018 10:51 pm

A Doctor of my acquaintance implanted a young man who was impotent. (That was the word they used back then for Erectile Dysfunction.) A couple months later, Viagra was released for use. The patient would have been a perfect candidate for the pill.

It speaks well of the Doctor that an unneccessarily invasive and irreversible surgery was visited on this young man.

The story demonstrates a lesson mentioned by Radioradio earlier in this thread. Around the corner may be a treatment (or maybe even a true cure) better than an implant. (It is worthwhile to note that an implant does not cure E.D. It is a treatment. A prosthetic. If the prosthetic fails, the patient is just as impotent as before and probably more so, as the operation compromises or destroys some or all of the erectile tissue)

If ANYTHING works to let you have satisfactory coitus, the advice to keep the implant option "in yu back pocket" is worth remembering.

In my case, I had (my estimate) 20% erectile capacity with the best pills, and only for a very short sexual session. V.E.D. and constriction rings were irritating and distracting for both my partner and me. I never considered injections or suppositories as I figured the injections invited scar tissue and the suppositories were too iffy and not conducive to fellatio. So, I opted for the implant when offered.

As a side note, fellatio is seldom done any more. It served two purposes 1) to get me "prepped" which is no longer required and 2) my partner seemed to enjoy the activity. But coitus is the activity of choice these days.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby michaeleurope1 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:35 am

Many many thanks for your answers!

Well, pills work, but of course there is no automatism. Cialis 5mg is best for me, taken every two days, but it causes too strong nocturnal erections sometimes.

Now I try shockwave, electrotherapy and high frequency therapy to "wake" up my - I guess - partly damaged nerves. Why I suspect the nerves: Cause all other tests (MRT of Penis, Sonography, MRT of arterias and veins) were quite normal, so it can only be the nerves that have been damaged. Stimulation is needed, so there is almost no "erection by thought"...

@ lost sheep and radioradio:
many many thanks for your encouraging words, they helped me a lot! My vicious circle pray is: Please destroy my erectile function entrirely so that I can get an implant without regrets, or please make it as it was before, recover me fully, but don't leave the situation "in between" like this.

But as long as there is hope... you are right.
44 y, moderate ED after laser treatment against prostatitis. Searching for the exact reason to get a reference point for a proper treatment. Urologists could not help. My story: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9644

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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:46 am

Bob (radioradio) already gave you my viewpoint in his comments to you. I just want to elaborate. I don’t know of any guys who don’t want a dick that functions at 100% throughout their lifetime. That is not the reality for very many. Your concerns are valid and I think it is great you are having tests done and trying treatments to determine the exact problem and hopefully then find a solution. You, like all of us, deserve to be happy and have a fulfilling sex life.

I understand your comment about envying implanted guys for being able to get it up and keep it up whenever we want to, but I doubt there are any of us who have implants who wouldn’t prefer a naturally functioning penis. If you are only taking 5mg Cialis and still getting usable erections, I personally would still want to try the stronger pills before even giving thought to an implant. I hated injections for me, but there are men here at FT who love them. I had a Venous Leak and they didn’t work that well. You may find they give you a really great hard cock.

I know how frustrating this is because I had issues for years and all of the doctors were more interested in writing prescriptions than determining what the problem was. Push your doctor to figure out what is wrong. Until you know for sure what the issue is it is not easy to solve it.

I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.


Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:41 am

michaeleurope1 wrote:Dear All,

my problem is I guess rather psychic, though I want to ask this question here to implanted brothers and not in the „mental support“ section.

To keep it short:

I had absolute normal erectile function till the age of 42 (lets say: at 18, my erectile function was 100%, at 42 it was a felt function of 80%, as normal in that age…).

At 42, an (as it turned out) experimental, unworthy and unnecessary „laser treatment“ against a prostatitis went quite wrong (you can read my whole story here if you are interested: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9644) and costed me a lot of my erectile quality and function: The speed of getting my member up is much slower, I need manual stimulation to get him up at all, the blood circulation in my penis is much worse than before,… In short: It is now felt 40-60% depending on my daily constitutional. But: I am not impotent, it works, especially with pills. But: Much worse than before that fateful “treatment” (may the responsible “urologist” be sent to hell for it).

This “treatment” was now 2 ½ years ago, since that things don’t get worse, but also not much better, regardless what I try. So I am captured in that situation and have to come clear with it.

But no day, no hour passes by where I don’t struggle with myself.

To my question:

I often – very often – envy implanted guys: You have solved the problem, there is also no way back, so: Mission completed, there is not much to think or worry about anymore. No worrying if “he” will work this time, no desparate hopes, no ups and downs, no “my topic nr. 1 is my erection” anymore.

On the other hand, am I only an ungrateful idiot who should be happy that he kept his erectile function at all and that pills work?? In other words: Is my secret wish in the back of my mind for an implant (although I am still far away from needing one) completely rubbish or is it comprehensibly in your view?

Hey Michael, welcome to Frank Talk. Not rubbish, just practical. Now would be a good time to make sure you have insurance to pay as close to 100%. Don't ask the insurance company, ask you new Frank Talk buddies. You've got some time, but, as you pointed out, the implant is probably inevitable but, as the injectors on here will tell you, it could be quite a while before the injections fail. Just be careful of scar tissue. There is a downside to the implant... you could end up in bed all day, every day.. ;) :)


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Re: wish for an implant comprehensibly??

Postby michaeleurope1 » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:03 pm

many thanks for all your replies.

I visited all renowned Urologists of my country...did all tests medicine offers (MRT Penis, MRT Prostata, Caversonography, Dopler, X-Rays,...)

...nobody could tell me what it is, or i have been told rubbish, or they declrared me for mad or obsessed, or they wanted to sell me their other questionable methods...

The crucial thing is that my problem is simply not on any medical check list (damage from an experimental laser therapy using photosensitizers). The "method" seems not to be researched on enough, neither the damage that it can result.

And if there are no clues for the experts, even the best Urologists (University professors!) become helpless.

Since all tests have been more or less normal, it only can be damaged nerves, since the erectile nerves cannot be examined...Exclusion method...

Btw, if necessary in the future, I would go to the US (Eid, Kramer,...) for my implant. Too many ignorants here in Europe... I my (in other matters) oversocial country insurances NEVER pay anything aganinst ED, also no implants. Male sexual health is declared als a "matter of personal lifestyle" that is NEVER covered by state or private insurances...
44 y, moderate ED after laser treatment against prostatitis. Searching for the exact reason to get a reference point for a proper treatment. Urologists could not help. My story: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=9644

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