The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby ThePlumber1964 » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:49 pm

Great posting, merrix!
54 years old, happily married for 30 years to a beautiful & outstanding lady. Onset ED at 49. Finally fixed on 11/08/2017 by the master Dr. Eid with a Titan XL 26, no RTEs! Previously had 3 AMS implants (LGX & CX), all botched.

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby NickNickNick » Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:25 pm

defiant wrote:Hi all,

Personally, I'm in the worst place, mentally, I've ever been in my life. I am very seriously considering implant surgery. Therefore, I am doing my research. Extensive research. I will not be beaten by this.

I would like to ask the implanted among us an exhaustive list of questions that hopefully can serve as a good guide and user-feedback form for those of us considering implantation surgery.

It is a HUGE decision, one with many ramifications, good, bad and ugly (potentially). Therefore, I would like to be as fully armed as I can be with all pertinent information and it is my hope that those with the implant can use these questions to give the fullest and most honest assessment of their device and the impact it has had upon them, their sex lives and wider lives.

Thank you.

Please feel free to copy and paste responses in this thread. Knowledge is power.

1) - How long do 'most' implants last? I know this is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. Most things I read tend to hint at a decade.

I've heard between 0 -26 years. Looks like the average is about 10-15 years.

2) - As I am from the UK, I only have access to one implant specialist. A Dr David Ralph. However, he is not the best of the best. Would it be prudent for me to seek the best possible option in the world, that being Dr Eid or Dr Kramer in the US?

I wouldn't waste my time/money with an inexperienced surgeon who is probably not going to give you the best results. Stick with a top surgeon if you can.

4) - If one were to travel to the US, would that mean all future revisions would have to be completed by the same surgeon? This cost outlay begins to make one shudder.


5) - Being (just about) 34, I would most likely require at least 4 revisions in my life (were I to live a normal lifespan). By the 4th, would my penis not be at risk of being completely demolished?

I don't think so. Implants and technology continues to get better and better, so hopefully we won't need too many more revisions

6) Would you advise against those on the younger side getting implanted?

I've went through and exhausted all other solutions before considering the implant (pills, pumps, shots, urethral suppositories) and I recommend you do the same. Nothing worked for me. So that only left me with 3 options. 1) Wait who knows how long for science to come up with a "better" solution 2) kill myself 3) Implant. I chose the latter.

7) - How do you go about inflating when you are about to have sex/foreplay with someone? I would imagine this vastly depends upon who you are having sex with. If it is a long term partner, the will likely know and then I'm sure there are all kinds of fun ways to inflate? But what about at the beginning of relationships or one-night-stands?

Takes me about 45 seconds to pump to maximum

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another.

Nope. There was no other option for me. I rather live with a solution that's going to allow me to live a "normal" life than go on suffering with ED. Face the facts...
Life/God/Mother nature/whatever fucked us over. So we can either live with our situation, or make a change.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with.

My only sexual partner since implant has been my wife and she's the best, most supportive person ever. She can barely tell the difference. For casual sex/encounters, it all depends on how well you know the girl or trust her. If you don't want her know, you can pump up pretty quick and be discrete, I don't think she would be able to tell the difference between real vs. implant....just make sure they don't touch your balls, the pump will give everything away!

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless).

My flaccid penis is twice as big as before.

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example?

I lift heavy and I weight train 3x's a week, haven't noticed a problem

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size.

My situation is a little different from others cause I've always had ED.
So it's hard to tell if I'm bigger or not. Seems a little bigger to me. Girth is a little on the oval side, but it's not too bad overall. If you want to maintain as much of your original side then I recommend you go for a high volume, experienced surgeon.

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please.

Cumming with an implant is much more satisfying than cumming with a semi

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis?

I did at first, but I've gotten used to it over time.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one).

We already had a great relationship preimplant. The implant was the icing on the cake

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant?

It's not perfect (see my pros and cons post) but it's helping me live a much better life.

Thank you, so much, guys and to anyone who answers these questions. I really hope this can form some kind of comprehensive user-feedback form for those considering this journey.

We are stronger together. United in brotherhood. Fortified by knowledge.

AMS 700 LGX. Edward Karpman, California. 02/2015

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:03 am

There has been some incredible participation thus far but I feel as though there are so many more who could add to this, what could be a valuable resource for those thinking of implantation. Therefore I’m resurrecting it!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

Posts: 844
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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby TANGERINE » Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:25 am

1) - How long do 'most' implants last?
AMS survival val rate (ji et al).png
AMS survival val rate (ji et al).png (36.65 KiB) Viewed 3659 times

As shown in the above graph, the mechanical survival rate of implants is roughly 75% at 10 years. In other words, if you take 100 frank talk brothers, 75 of them still have a working implant at ten years. That is why some surgeons (for example, Dr Eid) provide a ten year guarantee with regards to their surgical fee. If you are lucky, you might get twenty years. Another paper cites that the failure rate is “3% per year”, so, after ten years, expect that 30% of the implants have failed. When I pressed Dr Eid about what I can do to maximize the implant lifespan, his reply was “when you pump, try not to torque and bounce the ball too much since that can maybe lead to tube fatigue. " Also, he does not think that daily inflation just to stretch things out is a great idea since “the more cycles, the sooner you will wear it out” THOUGH, he quickly points put that “the entire point of the implant is to use it, so definitely use it for love making” Personally, I do think that
activities which lead to pump bouncing (for example horseback riding or motorcycle are maybe not a good idea; but I do not know)

2) - As I am from the UK, I only have access to one implant specialist. A Dr David Ralph. However, he is not the best of the best. Would it be prudent for me to seek the best possible option in the world, that being Dr Eid or Dr Kramer in the US?

Your surgeon should do at least one implant a week (50 per year). If they do over 200 per year, then they are a real expert and one of the few. If you can afford the $28,000 cash price, then yes you should get a celebrity surgeon. There are complications with implant surgery, and unlike other surgery, placing a “bionic implant” with multiple parts takes huge skill. With the install of a bionic implant, if the install is not done just right, the implant will not get better just because you heal nicely; the result depends totally on a correctly done install at the outset. Since my penis and its function represent a central part of my self identity (just the way I think), I would prioritize the $28,000 over spending on a car or on any house remodeling project. Easily, I would work a second job at night for a whole year to pay for an implant if that is what I needed just to have the likelihood of an awesome result from a celebrity surgeon.

3) Indeed, would you advise anyone from anywhere in the world to seek the very best or would local implant specialists suffice?
The issue is follow-up care. The majority of patients who see a super expert get the surgery, and then have a two week follow-up appointment, and then disappear for a decade or more having life with a great implant. HOWEVER, if there are surgical complications, you need to be financially ready to return to the doctor who did your surgery (because most docs will not take care of another surgeon’s complications — unless it is a life threatening situation). For me, i spent four days in New York, and had follow up at home at two weeks by local urologist since I had no post operative issues.

4) - If one were to travel to the US, would that mean all future revisions would have to be completed by the same surgeon? This cost outlay begins to make one shudder.
No, you can get a great install the first time, and then the next install should be almost as good since they can use the same size implant. Revisions are difficult, so you need a good surgeon for those, but anyone who is an expert can and will do it since it is a start new for that surgeon.

5) - Being (just about) 34, I would most likely require at least 4 revisions in my life (were I to live a normal lifespan). By the 4th, would my penis not be at risk of being completely demolished?
No. Many have noticed that the revision, if done years later, might actually be longer than the original since the surgeon is not as scared of oversize complications — IE, surgeon might choose an implant just a little bigger than the original figuring you will be OK. Also, medical progress means new model implants might be better . Do realize that infection complications are higher for a re-do; so going to a real expert is key. Also, a revision operation is easier on you, but harder on the surgeon, so must be done by a high volume surgeon.

6) Would you advise against those on the younger side getting implanted?
Young males really need to have a well functioning penis.
. EVERY SINGLE BIONIC MALE states that they with they had done this sooner (includes me). Once your wife or partner hits menopause (? age 52), sex desire declines. Peak sex years, therefore, are between age 20 and 50. Also, erectile dysfunction is “catastrophic” for a younger male, while an older man might just learn to pursue other hobbies. That being said, the odds are that you will need a new implant every 10 to 15 years. Note, you do not HAVE to get the implant fixed if you are in a position where sex is not important (for example, you are penniless, uninsured, and aged 60 and no girlfriends)

7) - How do you go about inflating when you are about to have sex/foreplay with someone? I would imagine this vastly depends upon who you are having sex with. If it is a long term partner, the will likely know and then I'm sure there are all kinds of fun ways to inflate? But what about at the beginning of relationships or one-night-stands?

Many have written about this and it is definitely possible. Techniques are as follows:
a) have a hole in your pocket so you can pump with pants on (and wear boxers so pump access is easy)
b) pump to a level hard enough so you can still keep penis bent in your pants thirty minutes prior to sex, then during foreplay, pump the extra 5 pumps to make it to sex hardness level
c) rub your penis along the girls lower leg and shin, you can hold your penis with one hand and pump with your other hand — she will not notice because it can look like you are just scratching your balls (technique devised by franktalk brother MAXXX)
d) during cunnilinugus, you can easily pump up taking as much time as you want
e) during fore play you can get behind your girl, kiss the nape of her neck, finger her clit and nipples, while pumping with one hand
f) between position changes, you can give two pumps between each new position; especially effective during the shift to doggy style since she will be looking else where

Many of us, including me, have a pump placed far back where it is hard for a girl to feel. However, it is likely that the girl might notice the pump in your scrotum if she feels your balls a lot. The standard answer: “yes, I had some surgery down there after an accident; do not worry, everything works totally fine and it is all hardly noticeable” or you can say: “yes, I had some work down there but do not worry, everything works totally fine and you won’t notice anything different except that I get harder and last longer than most men—and when she asks what do you mean, you can say that you are one of the few men capable of multiple orgasms” or you can say: “ yes, I got that thing (called a bolita) in the phillipines back when I was young and dumb since they told me it supposedly makes doggy style sex more pleasurable for the woman since the scrotum will bang pleasurably into her butt during doggy style.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another.
When the injection treatment stopped working, I became depressed since I faced the notion that my sex life was over. The implant is a surgical cure. For me, if I am having sex, I am happy. If I know that I can perform spectacularly with any woman at anytime, I am super happy. That mindset is what the implant is all about. Sure, I can only have sex with those who are willing, but having the knowledge that “I could fuck her really good, if she would let me” is a big confidence booster. Of course, if surgery failed, then I would be depressed, but would maybe recover since I know that I gave a valiant fight.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?
Failure can happen because of tube leak — that case it just quits working. I am not sure about the time course.

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months? Depends on your surgeon availability. Could be that you get on the schedule in a couple weeks if you are lucky.

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche? Doubtfully, since if you are on the operating schedule, you will be hopeful and ready to do what it takes to get back in the saddle. For me, once I had a surgery date, my feelings of hopelessness greatly improved since I felt that a solutions coming (though I was scared of possible complications)

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action? Some say that the revision heals quicker than the original; though infection risk is higher. Possibly, then , sex at 4 to 6 weeks post surgery.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with. For women, they have sex with the man, not the penis per se. If she likes you enough to give you pussy, then she likes you, and she will put up with your imperfections. Women have numerous body issues and body insecurities themselves. Women feel great sadness and insecurity if their man fails to get hard in bed; a woman will wonder “is it because I am not sexy enough”. The implant guarantees that you will be hard as you want regardless of whether you drank too much, regardless if you are nervous, regardless of your feelings towards your partner, the implant will deliver an awesome erection every time; you will walk in to the bedroom feeling like you are the boss with bionic capabilities.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless). One of the best parts about the implant is that the flacid looks awesome. For a 100% natural nice looking big flacid, go with the AMS. The titan, especially in the 18 and 20 cm length looks like you have a semi erection all the time since it usually sticks out at around five o’clock — though this is only maybe a problem in the locker room; though, likely not that bigof a deal. I was recently in a nude spa in europe, I walked around feeling proud and great — even though mine sticks out a little semi like.

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example? You can do anything. I have some concerns about riding horses of maybe bouncy lawn tractors. Remember, with titan, the tubes are the failure point, so anything that flexes the tubes repeatedly can lead to materials fatigue and sooner failure ??? So, I avoid the lawn tractor and I avoid horseback riding.

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size. For the Titan, girth gets bigger compared to natural (it is 22mm diameter per cylinder, which compares with 18mm for the AMS). For me, I maintained length. Doctors will tell you that you should expect a half inch length loss. The most common complaint about implant is length loss. the amount you lose will depend on the experience of your surgeon. Do remember that for women, the key parameters for getting satisfied by a penis are “hardness, hardness, hardness, girth” and then to a lessor extent, length is in the least important (but still noticed) factor. Also, do remember that too long a length can be really painful to a women. The reason I wanted a titan was that it has bigger girth. I recognize that titan flacid is not as superb as AMS, but I wanted the biggest hardest dick for sex, and to hell with everything else; thus, I hoped for a titan. The key summary phrase is “The titan is harder in the hard state, the AMS is softer in the soft state.” However, there are many expert urologists who much prefer the AMS because of better flacid and better infection coating. Some women might find the Titan too much for their vagina -- ??^%&$ (I really have no idea about the women, but I have been told that too large a penis can be trouble for them -- the issue is that I do not know what too large actually is.)

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please. For me, sensation is very slightly decreased. I used to have pretty bad premature ejaculation. Now, this problem is better, though I still do come too soon. so, sensation, for me, is totally OK and intact. There might be an issue with sensation being not as good for guys who had the infrapubic incision. Also, repeated infrab]pubic incision might lead to less sensation each time ?????

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis? Yes, constantly aware. But, guys with big dicks in the placid state are also aware, constantly, of there big dick. So, I suppose, I am happy now that I finally have a big flacid that I am constantly aware of. I like it.
Please realize, I do not consider the implant as a foreign body to me. It is now a very important part of my anatomy which I like very much and which I will immediately get replaced should it fail.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one). Big improvement. I have far more confidence. During eye contact, I am happy to make prolonged contact since I have no fear. The erectile dysfunctional male has fear that he might start something that he cannot finish,or something that he might fail with causing a departure in shame. The implanted male knows that the finish will be awesome and will last as long as he and she want with great hardness.

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant? 100% yes. Do realize that “you have what you have” when it comes to penis length; so implant surgery should never be considered a penis enlargement procedure (in fact, as above, you should expect to lose a little (?1/4 inch) of length.

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function.
The complications are as follows:

fection is the most dreaded complication. This happens between 0.4% up to 3% of the time depending on how good your surgeon is.
Here is the list of complications from the below medical paper:
Mechanical Malfunction (3% rate per year)
Corporal Crossover (common)
Infection (0.6% up to 1%)
Glans Bowing (SST deformity) up to 10%
Reservoir herniation (0.7%)
complications.jpg (176.45 KiB) Viewed 3659 times

22) - Are you happy?
very much so, yes. I have a good job, good family, loving wife, good health, and enough money. So, “the things that count” are all at 100%. However, my ED really bothered me, and it did place a cloud over everything, even though it looked like I had everything else.
Failure in bed, to me meant failure as a man. While the pills worked, I was fine emotionally. While the injections worked, I was very fine emotionally. However, once everything stopped working, I became depressed, and I stopped enjoying life. Just seeing a pretty girl in the supermarket or at the airport bummed me out because it reminded me of my ED.
Watching a movie where there was a love scene bummed me about because it reminded me of my ED and how I was no longer part of that “world of sex, sensuality, and passion.” Thus, it was as if something was dead in me, and depression was a real problem.
So, for me, ED absolutely leads to depression for sure. Now that I have undergone a surgical cure for depression, I have returned to my baseline happy state. I am much more outgoing in social situations and much more engaging with women (my mind seems to think that “somehow, the women sense that I would be good in bed” as they maybe treat me slightly better now post implant).
So, my depression was cured by two things: the penile implant and also testosterone replacement (I had low testosterone). The frequency of sex is not as much as I would like, but the KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE FULLY CAPABLE IN THE BEDROOM
within 40 seconds anytime and anyplace is PRICELESS. As written by one of my favorite franktalk brothers
"Sexual confidence: Being able to perform puts your head in a whole different place. KNOWING....'I CAN fuck her' life changing......(will she let me is a whole other thing) LMCatman

Go for it...and good luck!!!

"Strive to find the best surgeon--experience really matters"
(63 yo, Titan 22cm implant Feb 2017 by Dr Eid) I'm super pleased with my length/girth/implant performance. See my story at "The road to becoming a bionic male: Answers ..."

Posts: 525
Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:38 pm

TANGERINE wrote:1) - How long do 'most' implants last?
. AMS survival val rate (ji et al).png
As shown in the above graph, the mechanical survival rate of implants is roughly 75% at 10 years. In other words, if you take 100 frank talk brothers, 75 of them still have a working implant at ten years. That is why some surgeons (for example, Dr Eid) provide a ten year guarantee with regards to their surgical fee. If you are lucky, you might get twenty years. Another paper cites that the failure rate is “3% per year”, so, after ten years, expect that 30% of the implants have failed. When I pressed Dr Eid about what I can do to maximize the implant lifespan, his reply was “when you pump, try not to torque and bounce the ball too much since that can maybe lead to tube fatigue. " Also, he does not think that daily inflation just to stretch things out is a great idea since “the more cycles, the sooner you will wear it out” THOUGH, he quickly points put that “the entire point of the implant is to use it, so definitely use it for love making” Personally, I do think that
activities which lead to pump bouncing (for example horseback riding or motorcycle are maybe not a good idea; but I do not know)

2) - As I am from the UK, I only have access to one implant specialist. A Dr David Ralph. However, he is not the best of the best. Would it be prudent for me to seek the best possible option in the world, that being Dr Eid or Dr Kramer in the US?

Your surgeon should do at least one implant a week (50 per year). If they do over 200 per year, then they are a real expert and one of the few. If you can afford the $28,000 cash price, then yes you should get a celebrity surgeon. There are complications with implant surgery, and unlike other surgery, placing a “bionic implant” with multiple parts takes huge skill. With the install of a bionic implant, if the install is not done just right, the implant will not get better just because you heal nicely; the result depends totally on a correctly done install at the outset. Since my penis and its function represent a central part of my self identity (just the way I think), I would prioritize the $28,000 over spending on a car or on any house remodeling project. Easily, I would work a second job at night for a whole year to pay for an implant if that is what I needed just to have the likelihood of an awesome result from a celebrity surgeon.

3) Indeed, would you advise anyone from anywhere in the world to seek the very best or would local implant specialists suffice?
The issue is follow-up care. The majority of patients who see a super expert get the surgery, and then have a two week follow-up appointment, and then disappear for a decade or more having life with a great implant. HOWEVER, if there are surgical complications, you need to be financially ready to return to the doctor who did your surgery (because most docs will not take care of another surgeon’s complications — unless it is a life threatening situation). For me, i spent four days in New York, and had follow up at home at two weeks by local urologist since I had no post operative issues.

4) - If one were to travel to the US, would that mean all future revisions would have to be completed by the same surgeon? This cost outlay begins to make one shudder.
No, you can get a great install the first time, and then the next install should be almost as good since they can use the same size implant. Revisions are difficult, so you need a good surgeon for those, but anyone who is an expert can and will do it since it is a start new for that surgeon.

5) - Being (just about) 34, I would most likely require at least 4 revisions in my life (were I to live a normal lifespan). By the 4th, would my penis not be at risk of being completely demolished?
No. Many have noticed that the revision, if done years later, might actually be longer than the original since the surgeon is not as scared of oversize complications — IE, surgeon might choose an implant just a little bigger than the original figuring you will be OK. Also, medical progress means new model implants might be better . Do realize that infection complications are higher for a re-do; so going to a real expert is key. Also, a revision operation is easier on you, but harder on the surgeon, so must be done by a high volume surgeon.

6) Would you advise against those on the younger side getting implanted?
Young males really need to have a well functioning penis.
. EVERY SINGLE BIONIC MALE states that they with they had done this sooner (includes me). Once your wife or partner hits menopause (? age 52), sex desire declines. Peak sex years, therefore, are between age 20 and 50. Also, erectile dysfunction is “catastrophic” for a younger male, while an older man might just learn to pursue other hobbies. That being said, the odds are that you will need a new implant every 10 to 15 years. Note, you do not HAVE to get the implant fixed if you are in a position where sex is not important (for example, you are penniless, uninsured, and aged 60 and no girlfriends)

7) - How do you go about inflating when you are about to have sex/foreplay with someone? I would imagine this vastly depends upon who you are having sex with. If it is a long term partner, the will likely know and then I'm sure there are all kinds of fun ways to inflate? But what about at the beginning of relationships or one-night-stands?

Many have written about this and it is definitely possible. Techniques are as follows:
a) have a hole in your pocket so you can pump with pants on (and wear boxers so pump access is easy)
b) pump to a level hard enough so you can still keep penis bent in your pants thirty minutes prior to sex, then during foreplay, pump the extra 5 pumps to make it to sex hardness level
c) rub your penis along the girls lower leg and shin, you can hold your penis with one hand and pump with your other hand — she will not notice because it can look like you are just scratching your balls (technique devised by franktalk brother MAXXX)
d) during cunnilinugus, you can easily pump up taking as much time as you want
e) during fore play you can get behind your girl, kiss the nape of her neck, finger her clit and nipples, while pumping with one hand
f) between position changes, you can give two pumps between each new position; especially effective during the shift to doggy style since she will be looking else where

Many of us, including me, have a pump placed far back where it is hard for a girl to feel. However, it is likely that the girl might notice the pump in your scrotum if she feels your balls a lot. The standard answer: “yes, I had some surgery down there after an accident; do not worry, everything works totally fine and it is all hardly noticeable” or you can say: “yes, I had some work down there but do not worry, everything works totally fine and you won’t notice anything different except that I get harder and last longer than most men—and when she asks what do you mean, you can say that you are one of the few men capable of multiple orgasms” or you can say: “ yes, I got that thing (called a bolita) in the phillipines back when I was young and dumb since they told me it supposedly makes doggy style sex more pleasurable for the woman since the scrotum will bang pleasurably into her butt during doggy style.

8) - Did you feel a degree of regret post-operatively? If I were to go through with this, I fear that my mind being unstable at present, I might swap one form of depression for another.
When the injection treatment stopped working, I became depressed since I faced the notion that my sex life was over. The implant is a surgical cure. For me, if I am having sex, I am happy. If I know that I can perform spectacularly with any woman at anytime, I am super happy. That mindset is what the implant is all about. Sure, I can only have sex with those who are willing, but having the knowledge that “I could fuck her really good, if she would let me” is a big confidence booster. Of course, if surgery failed, then I would be depressed, but would maybe recover since I know that I gave a valiant fight.

9) - When the implant fails, mechanically, do you get advanced warning? As in, can you feel the decline in its function? Or do you attempt to inflate one day and it just doesn't work?
Failure can happen because of tube leak — that case it just quits working. I am not sure about the time course.

10) - On the topic of mechanical failure (end of implant lifespan), typically, how long might it take from day 1 of failure until revision completion? Weeks, months? Depends on your surgeon availability. Could be that you get on the schedule in a couple weeks if you are lucky.

11) - During that period of being out-of-action, does this time spent without erections not have a terrible impact upon mood, the state of one's relationship and psyche? Doubtfully, since if you are on the operating schedule, you will be hopeful and ready to do what it takes to get back in the saddle. For me, once I had a surgery date, my feelings of hopelessness greatly improved since I felt that a solutions coming (though I was scared of possible complications)

12) - How long does a successful revision take to heal and be ready for action? Some say that the revision heals quicker than the original; though infection risk is higher. Possibly, then , sex at 4 to 6 weeks post surgery.

13) - How have you found the general reaction/reception of partners to the news of your being implanted? Favourable? Dismissive? Nasty? I am of the firm belief that an educated, grounded person, a good person, one who loves YOU, would never ever have an unfavourable reaction. If they do, they are not someone you want to be with. For women, they have sex with the man, not the penis per se. If she likes you enough to give you pussy, then she likes you, and she will put up with your imperfections. Women have numerous body issues and body insecurities themselves. Women feel great sadness and insecurity if their man fails to get hard in bed; a woman will wonder “is it because I am not sexy enough”. The implant guarantees that you will be hard as you want regardless of whether you drank too much, regardless if you are nervous, regardless of your feelings towards your partner, the implant will deliver an awesome erection every time; you will walk in to the bedroom feeling like you are the boss with bionic capabilities.

14) - Does your flaccid appear larger now than before? (Unimportant really but interesting nonetheless). One of the best parts about the implant is that the flacid looks awesome. For a 100% natural nice looking big flacid, go with the AMS. The titan, especially in the 18 and 20 cm length looks like you have a semi erection all the time since it usually sticks out at around five o’clock — though this is only maybe a problem in the locker room; though, likely not that bigof a deal. I was recently in a nude spa in europe, I walked around feeling proud and great — even though mine sticks out a little semi like.

15) - Can one engage in strenuous physical activity. Of course this thing is designed to withstand the throes of sexual intercourse but what about heavy lifting at the gym for example? You can do anything. I have some concerns about riding horses of maybe bouncy lawn tractors. Remember, with titan, the tubes are the failure point, so anything that flexes the tubes repeatedly can lead to materials fatigue and sooner failure ??? So, I avoid the lawn tractor and I avoid horseback riding.

16) - Have you lost length and girth? If so, how much? Has your size returned to normal? Tell me about the effects your implant has had upon your size. For the Titan, girth gets bigger compared to natural (it is 22mm diameter per cylinder, which compares with 18mm for the AMS). For me, I maintained length. Doctors will tell you that you should expect a half inch length loss. The most common complaint about implant is length loss. the amount you lose will depend on the experience of your surgeon. Do remember that for women, the key parameters for getting satisfied by a penis are “hardness, hardness, hardness, girth” and then to a lessor extent, length is in the least important (but still noticed) factor. Also, do remember that too long a length can be really painful to a women. The reason I wanted a titan was that it has bigger girth. I recognize that titan flacid is not as superb as AMS, but I wanted the biggest hardest dick for sex, and to hell with everything else; thus, I hoped for a titan. The key summary phrase is “The titan is harder in the hard state, the AMS is softer in the soft state.” However, there are many expert urologists who much prefer the AMS because of better flacid and better infection coating. Some women might find the Titan too much for their vagina -- ??^%&$ (I really have no idea about the women, but I have been told that too large a penis can be trouble for them -- the issue is that I do not know what too large actually is.)

17) - What effects, if any, has having the implant had upon your sensitivity? Do you feel more able to cum, less able? Has your sensation diminished at all? Tell me about this aspect please. For me, sensation is very slightly decreased. I used to have pretty bad premature ejaculation. Now, this problem is better, though I still do come too soon. so, sensation, for me, is totally OK and intact. There might be an issue with sensation being not as good for guys who had the infrapubic incision. Also, repeated infrab]pubic incision might lead to less sensation each time ?????

18) - Are you constantly aware of the implant's presence? I guess what I am trying to ask here is, do you have a constant feeling of having a foreign body within your penis? Yes, constantly aware. But, guys with big dicks in the placid state are also aware, constantly, of there big dick. So, I suppose, I am happy now that I finally have a big flacid that I am constantly aware of. I like it.
Please realize, I do not consider the implant as a foreign body to me. It is now a very important part of my anatomy which I like very much and which I will immediately get replaced should it fail.

19) - What effects, if any, and I'm sure there are many, has this had upon the quality of your relationship, (if you have one). Big improvement. I have far more confidence. During eye contact, I am happy to make prolonged contact since I have no fear. The erectile dysfunctional male has fear that he might start something that he cannot finish,or something that he might fail with causing a departure in shame. The implanted male knows that the finish will be awesome and will last as long as he and she want with great hardness.

20) - Are you satisfied with your implant? 100% yes. Do realize that “you have what you have” when it comes to penis length; so implant surgery should never be considered a penis enlargement procedure (in fact, as above, you should expect to lose a little (?1/4 inch) of length.

21) Is there a risk an implant surgery could be so botched or encounter catastrophic circumstance that you lose any hope of being implanted thus losing ALL erectile function.
The complications are as follows:

fection is the most dreaded complication. This happens between 0.4% up to 3% of the time depending on how good your surgeon is.
Here is the list of complications from the below medical paper:
Mechanical Malfunction (3% rate per year)
Corporal Crossover (common)
Infection (0.6% up to 1%)
Glans Bowing (SST deformity) up to 10%
Reservoir herniation (0.7%)

22) - Are you happy?
very much so, yes. I have a good job, good family, loving wife, good health, and enough money. So, “the things that count” are all at 100%. However, my ED really bothered me, and it did place a cloud over everything, even though it looked like I had everything else.
Failure in bed, to me meant failure as a man. While the pills worked, I was fine emotionally. While the injections worked, I was very fine emotionally. However, once everything stopped working, I became depressed, and I stopped enjoying life. Just seeing a pretty girl in the supermarket or at the airport bummed me out because it reminded me of my ED.
Watching a movie where there was a love scene bummed me about because it reminded me of my ED and how I was no longer part of that “world of sex, sensuality, and passion.” Thus, it was as if something was dead in me, and depression was a real problem.
So, for me, ED absolutely leads to depression for sure. Now that I have undergone a surgical cure for depression, I have returned to my baseline happy state. I am much more outgoing in social situations and much more engaging with women (my mind seems to think that “somehow, the women sense that I would be good in bed” as they maybe treat me slightly better now post implant).
So, my depression was cured by two things: the penile implant and also testosterone replacement (I had low testosterone). The frequency of sex is not as much as I would like, but the KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE FULLY CAPABLE IN THE BEDROOM
within 40 seconds anytime and anyplace is PRICELESS. As written by one of my favorite franktalk brothers
"Sexual confidence: Being able to perform puts your head in a whole different place. KNOWING....'I CAN fuck her' life changing......(will she let me is a whole other thing) LMCatman

Go for it...and good luck!!!


This was just the most motivating and uplifting, insightful, useful reply I could have hoped for and I hope others will follow suit.

Thank you so much, TANGERINE!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby radioradio » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:53 pm

TANGERINE is, as usual, right on the money. Couldn't agree more.
Great questions and great answers.
Bob 2.3.1
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby defiant » Fri Jan 12, 2018 8:03 pm

Trying to revive this for any of you implanted folk out there

For someone seriously considering this route, I really would love to hear your thoughts!
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby jmaqQK » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:05 am

TANGERINE is right on the money....fully agree...for me I never got into or bothered about the penis size stuff - selected a good surgeon and just went with whatever the outcome (followed the recommended cycling regime etc) - to this day I have no idea what my exact erect penis size was before or after implant and just don't care, as the trauma from ED is pretty overwhelming in itself (and no post-implant complaints at all / just compliments from the various ladies in two different countries now - maybe 12 different ladies I have had intimate sex with now)....a happy camper that just gets on with life :) )
63 year old single guy, battled ED since late 40 y/o (spinal-pelvic injury). Had an AMS 700 LGX (21cm + 1cm RTE) fitted on 23rd Sept 2017 (Dr. Tanwar at GNH hospital - medical tourism) and all going well so far ;) ...on a new bionic 'journey'

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby Smetro » Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:28 am

Tangerine and I were both implanted almost a year ago. We are bionic brothers in the true sense of the word and he accurately and humanly answers all these questions with great care and accuracy.
I agree that the implant is now part of me and gives me immense self confidence with women in general.
Life is much better without ED.
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Re: The Ultimate Implant Questionnaire

Postby jackhammerdreamz » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:26 pm

Length is definitely a guy thing. We want to be big and bad! (hence my username lulz)
But really I can give my girlfriend a body shaking orgasm with a 4-inch glass dildo.

I'm excited to add my thoughts to this questionnaire.
Going under the knife on February 6th!
39yr old
Revision installed 1/2/2024
Coloplast w/ Genesis pump
PenoScrotal 20cm + 3cm RTE(right) & 2cm RTE(left)
Initial install: 2/6/2018
Coloplast Titan Touch
PenoScrotal 20cm + 1.5RTE
Failure: 9/2/2023
Dr. Bodie U of MN
ED for 20+ years

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