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Hey Guys

Postby airhead » Tue Jan 02, 2018 2:14 am

I've been lurking here for several weeks now, and I'm very happy I found this place. It's probably time to say “Hi” and tell a little about how I got here. First let me say, I feel that anything I say here will sound like whining next to the challenges some of you are going thru. My heart goes out to you guys. Your strength and resolve are amazing! My problem pales in comparison.
Secondly, I didn't mean to write a book, but here it goes.

I'm 60 years old, I've been married to the same beautiful woman for almost 40 of them, kids, grand kids, etc. 2 years ago I had a heart attack. They put in a stent and sent me home and put me on a regiment of pills I will probably have to take every day for the rest of my life. Those pills include beta blockers. A few weeks later, as I was allowed to resume normal “activity”, I noticed things 'down there' weren't functioning like they used to. It's not that things weren't working at all, just not like they used to. It required way more physical stimulation to get and KEEP the show going than it used to. And there were a few times the show got canceled altogether. I could go from erect to flaccid in just a few short seconds. I mentioned this to my cardiologist. Apparently this is not an uncommon story. CAD combined with the medication. He changed some meds around, and it may have helped a little, but still the problem persisted. He asked if I'd like to see a urologist. I told him that my wife and I can deal with it, it was just very frustrating. This went on for almost two years until my most recent check up when he asked if there were still erection issues. I acknowledged that nothings really changed. This time he didn't ask if I'd like to see a urologist, this time he referred me to a urologist right then and there. Johnny on the spot! This all transpired in a very very large medical facility in Minnesota, and Urology was under the same roof. However, it turned out that Urology couldn't work me in that day, so I made an appointment for a few weeks later.

The Visit:
I showed up for my appointment and was told that the guy I was scheduled to see had been called away, and I would be seeing someone else. A gal. So the nerves I was already dealing with before I walked in just got an unneeded shot in the arm. I was trying to figure out in my head how I would go about starting this conversation, when in walked her assistant. Another gal! My nerves were put to rest though when she said she already knew my story. My cardiologist had brought them up to speed. And in a very friendly, personable and professional manner she started talking about ED and asking me questions. I mentioned I felt that perhaps the beta blockers might be to blame for part of my problem. Her reply? “Yup, sometimes those can be real downers”, followed by a look as if to say, “See what I did there?” I very much appreciated her levity. Then the Urologist came in and she asked some more questions, told me about the several different ways they could go about treatment. She mentioned pills, and I just laughed. I told there was no way I was going to spend $65 a pill for an erection even if I COULD afford it. Which I can't. She went on to explain there are ways around that. Then she had my attention. She wrote me a script for generic Sildenafil with instructions on how to make it affordable. Then she went on to talk about injections and Trimix. But before she would write a script for Trimix I'd have to be taught how to do a self injection. I said I have no place else I have to be today, and she set me up for the training. But as she left the room she told her assistant to do an 'exam'. So, drop my pants. As uncomfortable as that sounded, it too was performed in a very professional manner.

The Training:
So I'm waiting in the room where I will be trained for self injections, when in walk a nurse and an assistant in training. Guess what? Yup! Gals!! The nurse explained a little bit about what was going to happen, then left as they had me watch a video on self injections. After the video they both came back in the room with a tray containing a vile (not trimix, but a bimix), a syringe and wipes. Then after explaining a couple more things, it's time to drop my pants again. With them looking on of course. I prepared the site and loaded the syringe per the video. I pointed to where I planned on putting the needle, got the nod, and with a nervous, not so steady hand, proceeded to inject my self. I barely felt it at all. On a scale of 0-10, the pain was less than a 1. Then they told me to get dressed and they'd be back if 20 minutes. The time went by and the only thing I got out of that shot was maybe a slight twinge lasting 10-15 seconds. I was a little disappointed. But the nurse said the twinge meant I had found the right spot. She handed me a script and a list of pharmacies where I could buy it. I left that day feeling encouraged that something I could afford could be done to improve my condition. Also, as I was leaving, I must have had the strangest look on my face as I thought about the only woman for the last 40 years to ever see me naked and touch me there. And then to have, in one afternoon, 4 women, complete strangers, seeing, touching, and asking questions about my penis. LOL!

The idea was to send me home and allow me to try the Sildenafil and then if that didn't work out, then the Trimix. Here's the thing. The Sildenafil DID work. Just 60mg and I was back in the saddle. However the side effects were very noticeable, for me anyway. The nasal stuffiness, and the heartburn. And it was BAD heartburn. But still, I was able to enjoy sex with my wife again. And the heartburn only lasted a few hours. The stuffiness was gone in 2 hours or so. Still, I decided to fill the prescription for the Trimix, and take it slow. When I found some alone time, I injected 5 units of 30/1/10. I got a flaccid chubby. A EHS of 1. But with a little manual stimulation, in less then a minute I was almost a 4. And if I stopped the stimulation, it didn't wilt away! I was impressed. The next time I went for 10 units. Started out with a EHS of 2, but again could easily turn it into a 4. The next time I went for 13. (The thought of a priapism scares me to death. So I'm taking it slow) This time was with my wife watching. A little fondling, and I was ready! We had some of the best we've had in recent times that afternoon due to trimix. I asked her what she thought of the Trimix. Her response, with a smile on her face, “I think I'm going to be sore tomorrow” LOL. So, I'll give the Trimix a couple of more tries, then go back and try the Sildenafil a little more. But right now, I'm leaning towards the trimix, for my problem anyway. It works. And as long as I'm careful, I shouldn't have the side effects to deal with. I just wish I would have sought out help a lot sooner.

I still have questions, and will reach out from time to time for your input. So far it's been a very interesting journey. Bottom line, I'm able to make love to my wife again with out the frustration. And that is everything. To be able to do it like I was a twenty-something? Well, that's just icing on the cake! :D
Married 42 years. Heart attack at 58. Stented. CAD. Heart meds along with the CAD are raising hell with Willy's willingness to come out and play. Sildenafil works, but with annoying side effects. We're having a VERY enjoyable experience with Trimix!

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Re: Hey Guys

Postby Anonymous3 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:20 am

Welcome. Get use to dropping your shorts. It bothers you more than it bothers them. They see dicks everyday. To them it just another body part.

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Re: Hey Guys

Postby Greg1956 » Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:26 pm

I have always had male doctors but throughout the 30 years I was treated for ED, every nurse, physician’s assistant, ultrasound technician, Doppler technician, etc. was female. The only time I was grateful I could not get an erection was when a pretty young woman was running the ultrasound device all over my balls. If I had been like I was pre-ED I would have been hard in seconds. As Hugh said above, we are more self-conscious about it, but it’s their job and far from sexual to them. If it gets us the help we need, it’s fine with me.

I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: Hey Guys

Postby antelope » Tue Jan 02, 2018 12:42 pm

Your experience sounds much like mine, except that my docs are all men (except the optician) and my referral to urology was from my Internist. The "less invasive to more invasive" approach, the injection training, the low dose to higher doe protocol: all right on the money. Sounds to me like you're in good hands. It also seems you are blessed with a loving spouse. Stay healthy! Stay hard!
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Dec 18, 2017 1:41 pm
Location: Minnesota

Re: Hey Guys

Postby airhead » Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:03 pm

Thanks guys!!
Married 42 years. Heart attack at 58. Stented. CAD. Heart meds along with the CAD are raising hell with Willy's willingness to come out and play. Sildenafil works, but with annoying side effects. We're having a VERY enjoyable experience with Trimix!

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