Gollam's story.

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Re: Gollam's story.

Postby Larry10625 » Mon May 29, 2017 7:26 am

moreorless wrote:This is so so hard.. I talked with him a few times, he helped me in my lowest moments, he supported me and I really appreciate that. He made me feel better
It's hard for me to understand why he did not expect to get the implant, I think he would have been happy with it, but I'm not in his head and reading his story he was having a really bad time and he would have his reasons, but maybe if he would have waited a little more..
Anyway this is so sad he was a good person who took all his life with the damn venous leak and he was strong until he did sclerotherapy, after of that he completely lost his erections and functionality, he deserved to be happy, only if you had waited a little more gollam just a little more..
Thank you so much for helping people Gollam , I hope that wherever you are, you are happy, my prayers go with you.
RIP Gollam

He committed suicide in a hotel room, perhaps he had been to a doctor to discuss an implant and did not like the news he got... just a thought.

Very sad story. I hope the doctor that ruined his life know of his fate.


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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:35 am

Re: Gollam's story.

Postby defiant » Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:21 am

This is frankly shocking news and fills me with the deepest levels of sadness.

May he rest in peace. His emotional and psychological turmoil seem to have been astronomical.

I wish dearly that he had received an implantation. I'm quite sure that his quality of life would have improved markedly. I don't know the full ins and outs and viability of an implant in his case but from what I understand, it is viable for virtually all cases.

I apologise if I am displaying rudimentary knowledge.

May this man rest in peace, I hope there is life after death for all kinds of reasons and I hope that he is enjoying his.

This story MUST be brought to the attention of those that contributed to his fate.

Godspeed, Gollam.
37, mild to moderate ED since age 21, 3 Dopplers - 1 result VL & 3 later results 'no physical problem', dependent on cialis (efficacy now waning), overcame Lymophoma at age 26, ED causing immense/profound psychological distress. Considering implant.


Re: Gollam's story.

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:23 am

moreorless wrote:This is so so hard.. I talked with him a few times, he helped me in my lowest moments, he supported me and I really appreciate that. He made me feel better
It's hard for me to understand why he did not expect to get the implant, I think he would have been happy with it, but I'm not in his head and reading his story he was having a really bad time and he would have his reasons, but maybe if he would have waited a little more..
Anyway this is so sad he was a good person who took all his life with the damn venous leak and he was strong until he did sclerotherapy, after of that he completely lost his erections and functionality, he deserved to be happy, only if you had waited a little more gollam just a little more..
Thank you so much for helping people Gollam , I hope that wherever you are, you are happy, my prayers go with you.
RIP Gollam

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51 years old, married 29 years. Implanted Mar 30/17 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. (AMS 700 CX 18 + 2). Had implant removed Apr 29/17 due to Septic Shock. Liposuction By Dr. Gan and re-implant by Dr. Brock (AMS LGX 15 + 2) Dec 14/17.

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Re: Gollam's story.

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:26 am

moreorless wrote:This is so so hard.. I talked with him a few times, he helped me in my lowest moments, he supported me and I really appreciate that. He made me feel better
It's hard for me to understand why he did not expect to get the implant, I think he would have been happy with it, but I'm not in his head and reading his story he was having a really bad time and he would have his reasons, but maybe if he would have waited a little more..
Anyway this is so sad he was a good person who took all his life with the damn venous leak and he was strong until he did sclerotherapy, after of that he completely lost his erections and functionality, he deserved to be happy, only if you had waited a little more gollam just a little more..
Thank you so much for helping people Gollam , I hope that wherever you are, you are happy, my prayers go with you.
RIP Gollam

Maybe cost is why he didn't get the implant ;(



Re: Gollam's story.

Postby rocco84 » Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:46 pm


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Re: Gollam's story.

Postby ringo1 » Fri Jan 25, 2019 5:55 pm

rip Golam..I didn't know him.. but after my failed experimental surgery I can very much relate to what he felt...guess ED takes a fucking toll on your complete existence….yes I am pretty much there ...don't have any more courage to fight this shit...I try to gather all m courage to start and fight ED everyday...everyday is about fighting it & giving up ..no matter how hard I tired losign more and more ....yeah i am at a very dark dark place .. so all all the young dudes sending me PM ..about the vein strippign surger I had .... cant you see what these vein surgeries do to you...my whole exsistannce is shattred from the inside out...i can t fight this shit any more i dont wanna stay sober ever in my life ever...befor emy surgery ife was bad but wasa not that bad..the fuckign dr told me there is nothign to lose and outcome is always better if not woarse...i laid under local anestisia for 7 hours ... hours to get my dick destoryed and i paid usd 15000.00+ usd 5000 for hotel and lodgying for that...what a fuckign loser i am ....i deserve this...hostely experiacnign impotance is just like experiacing death...u r alive but u have no soul..i am already dead...for a man life with no potency is death...its just i am trapped in a body
37 yrs...ed due to single episode of trauma...had penile vein stripping... worst outcome ever..now trying towards an implant

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Re: Gollam's story.

Postby ED2013 » Thu Feb 21, 2019 9:44 pm

Rip Gollam. He sent me a few pms and I replied to all. To anyone struggling with the living hell that is ED, there is hope. Never give up.

Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Feb 07, 2019 7:27 pm

Re: Gollam's story.

Postby Mkonor » Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:37 pm

RIP Gollam
ED for 2 years.
AMS 700 ms. 21+2 rte.
implanted 10/09/2019 By Dr. Kramer

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