Implant, libido, worries

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Implant, libido, worries

Postby 25yearsold » Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:54 am

Hi everyone. A little background about me:
25 years old
Sufferin ED for 2 years, no problem before
No-very weak morning erections.
Can't get hard both on my own and partner.
Pills help at max doses, but still losing erections time to time(changin positions or when manual stimulation stops)
Blood tests normal
2 penile dopplers; 1 completely normal, other one weak erection but still no venous or arterial problem ( i dont know how this is possible )
HEAVILY DEPRESSED: Thats why i am writing here. My psychiatrist and urologist both told me to abstain from all sexual activity and thoughts for 3-6 months, simply leave it alone and you will see it will get better. Well its been couple months i dont see its happening. In fact my libido at the moment is lower than it has ever been. I am quite positive that i have a physical problem and impant will be inevitable for me.

My questions: (please keep in mind i do not want to offend anyone, i am depressed, i cant cope with all these like other young brave members here, and my english is not good enough to express my self)

1- Libido: everyone says its a mental thing, but i am having hard time to accept it. When i had no problems with my penis i would usually get a random boner and sexual fantasies and masturbation would come afterwards. Now since i dont have any sort of erection my libido is at bottom. I dont enjoy masturbating with a flaccid or semi hard penis penis. DOES IT GET BETTER WITH AN IMPLANT? I mean when i inflate my implant am i going to have same urges? Is Masturbating with an implant as good as with a normal dick? Or at least better than a flaccid/semi hard one? Anyone had terrible libido along with depression before implant that got better after surgery?

2- Sensations: sensations from inside i want to ask not the outside. I understand when you or someone holds your penis it is not much different than an unimplanted penis. But i am mostly curious about how it is going to feel to me. My penis feels lifeless at the moment, and when i am semi erect, well better but still cannot be compared with a good erection. I want to give an example: last month my urologist made an injection test to me, he used fairly high dose trimix. And i got a good stiff erection(not at the office, when i come back home which is also weird) Erection was harder than i had for last 2 years and felt so good i couldnt resist masturbating. And masturbating felt so good as well. DOES IMPLANT ERECTION FEELS AS GOOD AS INJECTION ERECTION? Or at least close? I know it may sound silly to some, but feeling of erection is the most important thing that makes me horny or makes me realize that i am horny

3- Depression: i am young and i am sensitive unfortunately. This question is for the young members or any member who suffered serious depression before implanted.DID YOU GET BETTER AFTER YOU GOT YOUR IMPLANT?

4- Frequency of use/life time: Well i know one implant wont be enough. And i know everyone and every implant is different. But in my 20s and even my 30s i think i will be using my implant 6 times a week at least( masturbate or sex) if it feels good. Anyone use it that frequent? And how long can i expect it to last if i use it that much?

Sorry for my english, sorry if i offended anyone. Thanks

Posts: 1307
Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:43 pm

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby Anonymous3 » Sun Oct 29, 2017 8:58 am

25yearsold wrote:Hi everyone. A little background about me:
25 years old
Sufferin ED for 2 years, no problem before
No-very weak morning erections.
Can't get hard both on my own and partner.
Pills help at max doses, but still losing erections time to time(changin positions or when manual stimulation stops)
Blood tests normal
2 penile dopplers; 1 completely normal, other one weak erection but still no venous or arterial problem ( i dont know how this is possible )
HEAVILY DEPRESSED: Thats why i am writing here. My psychiatrist and urologist both told me to abstain from all sexual activity and thoughts for 3-6 months, simply leave it alone and you will see it will get better. Well its been couple months i dont see its happening. In fact my libido at the moment is lower than it has ever been. I am quite positive that i have a physical problem and impant will be inevitable for me.

My questions: (please keep in mind i do not want to offend anyone, i am depressed, i cant cope with all these like other young brave members here, and my english is not good enough to express my self)

1- Libido: everyone says its a mental thing, but i am having hard time to accept it. When i had no problems with my penis i would usually get a random boner and sexual fantasies and masturbation would come afterwards. Now since i dont have any sort of erection my libido is at bottom. I dont enjoy masturbating with a flaccid or semi hard penis penis. DOES IT GET BETTER WITH AN IMPLANT? I mean when i inflate my implant am i going to have same urges? Is Masturbating with an implant as good as with a normal dick? Or at least better than a flaccid/semi hard one? Anyone had terrible libido along with depression before implant that got better after surgery?
Libido does and can decrease with a dick that does not work. Since
my implant mine has improved greatly. Due to some problems my wife is having we have only been able to have sex once. It was awarkward but felt great. I jack 3 to 4 time a week abd feels much better than before. I am back to a shooter not dribbler

2- Sensations: sensations from inside i want to ask not the outside. I understand when you or someone holds your penis it is not much different than an unimplanted penis. But i am mostly curious about how it is going to feel to me. My penis feels lifeless at the moment, and when i am semi erect, well better but still cannot be compared with a good erection. I want to give an example: last month my urologist made an injection test to me, he used fairly high dose trimix. And i got a good stiff erection(not at the office, when i come back home which is also weird) Erection was harder than i had for last 2 years and felt so good i couldnt resist masturbating. And masturbating felt so good as well. DOES IMPLANT ERECTION FEELS AS GOOD AS INJECTION ERECTION? Or at least close? I know it may sound silly to some, but feeling of erection is the most important thing that makes me horny or makes me realize that i am horny
the feelings are going to be different , most of the dr remove part of tge spongy stuff to make room for the implant. Now each night I go to bed with enough of an erection ,that if my wife wanted a ride in the middle of the night it would be just climb on. I wake up with that same erection. The head is very sensitive. The thing with the implant you fully control how hard you are. Even deflated you will be a shower. My wife really does not like the bulge so I wear very loose fitting pants/shorts.
If want to show the bulge wear underwear that will support it . Again you control how much , just a little bulge leave it deflated. Want some that when she unzips your pants a stiff dick greets her jusy pump till that point.

3- Depression: i am young and i am sensitive unfortunately. This question is for the young members or any member who suffered serious depression before implanted.DID YOU GET BETTER AFTER YOU GOT YOUR IMPLANT?
If your depression stems from strickly not being able to perform or satisfy your partner yes it should improve, but depression is tricky it can have many causes and take years to treat. With the implant your sexual self confidence will be 100% after you heal. While healing you will have low times
4- Frequency of use/life time: Well i know one implant wont be enough. And i know everyone and every implant is different. But in my 20s and even my 30s i think i will be using my implant 6 times a week at least( masturbate or sex) if it feels good. Anyone use it that frequent? And how long can i expect it to last if i use it that much?

[color=#0000FF]Ther implant manufacturs have done extensive testing , I think one study showed some thing like 150,000 cycles on the pumps. There has been torture test done also. I think adverised lifespan is 10 to 15 years. Remeber it is a mechanical devise and can failure color]
Sorry for my english, sorry if i offended anyone. Thanks

Posts: 101
Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2017 7:12 am

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby 25yearsold » Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:06 pm

hturner12 wrote:
25yearsold wrote:Hi everyone. A little background about me:
25 years old
Sufferin ED for 2 years, no problem before
No-very weak morning erections.
Can't get hard both on my own and partner.
Pills help at max doses, but still losing erections time to time(changin positions or when manual stimulation stops)
Blood tests normal
2 penile dopplers; 1 completely normal, other one weak erection but still no venous or arterial problem ( i dont know how this is possible )
HEAVILY DEPRESSED: Thats why i am writing here. My psychiatrist and urologist both told me to abstain from all sexual activity and thoughts for 3-6 months, simply leave it alone and you will see it will get better. Well its been couple months i dont see its happening. In fact my libido at the moment is lower than it has ever been. I am quite positive that i have a physical problem and impant will be inevitable for me.

My questions: (please keep in mind i do not want to offend anyone, i am depressed, i cant cope with all these like other young brave members here, and my english is not good enough to express my self)

1- Libido: everyone says its a mental thing, but i am having hard time to accept it. When i had no problems with my penis i would usually get a random boner and sexual fantasies and masturbation would come afterwards. Now since i dont have any sort of erection my libido is at bottom. I dont enjoy masturbating with a flaccid or semi hard penis penis. DOES IT GET BETTER WITH AN IMPLANT? I mean when i inflate my implant am i going to have same urges? Is Masturbating with an implant as good as with a normal dick? Or at least better than a flaccid/semi hard one? Anyone had terrible libido along with depression before implant that got better after surgery?
Libido does and can decrease with a dick that does not work. Since
my implant mine has improved greatly. Due to some problems my wife is having we have only been able to have sex once. It was awarkward but felt great. I jack 3 to 4 time a week abd feels much better than before. I am back to a shooter not dribbler

2- Sensations: sensations from inside i want to ask not the outside. I understand when you or someone holds your penis it is not much different than an unimplanted penis. But i am mostly curious about how it is going to feel to me. My penis feels lifeless at the moment, and when i am semi erect, well better but still cannot be compared with a good erection. I want to give an example: last month my urologist made an injection test to me, he used fairly high dose trimix. And i got a good stiff erection(not at the office, when i come back home which is also weird) Erection was harder than i had for last 2 years and felt so good i couldnt resist masturbating. And masturbating felt so good as well. DOES IMPLANT ERECTION FEELS AS GOOD AS INJECTION ERECTION? Or at least close? I know it may sound silly to some, but feeling of erection is the most important thing that makes me horny or makes me realize that i am horny
the feelings are going to be different , most of the dr remove part of tge spongy stuff to make room for the implant. Now each night I go to bed with enough of an erection ,that if my wife wanted a ride in the middle of the night it would be just climb on. I wake up with that same erection. The head is very sensitive. The thing with the implant you fully control how hard you are. Even deflated you will be a shower. My wife really does not like the bulge so I wear very loose fitting pants/shorts.
If want to show the bulge wear underwear that will support it . Again you control how much , just a little bulge leave it deflated. Want some that when she unzips your pants a stiff dick greets her jusy pump till that point.

3- Depression: i am young and i am sensitive unfortunately. This question is for the young members or any member who suffered serious depression before implanted.DID YOU GET BETTER AFTER YOU GOT YOUR IMPLANT?
If your depression stems from strickly not being able to perform or satisfy your partner yes it should improve, but depression is tricky it can have many causes and take years to treat. With the implant your sexual self confidence will be 100% after you heal. While healing you will have low times
4- Frequency of use/life time: Well i know one implant wont be enough. And i know everyone and every implant is different. But in my 20s and even my 30s i think i will be using my implant 6 times a week at least( masturbate or sex) if it feels good. Anyone use it that frequent? And how long can i expect it to last if i use it that much?

[color=#0000FF]Ther implant manufacturs have done extensive testing , I think one study showed some thing like 150,000 cycles on the pumps. There has been torture test done also. I think adverised lifespan is 10 to 15 years. Remeber it is a mechanical devise and can failure color]
Sorry for my english, sorry if i offended anyone. Thanks

Thank you very very much for your reply Hugh. "Not being able to perform" is not the only reason of my depression unfortunately. It has several reasons:
1- Idea of having implant at 25 years old instead of a normal working dick that i was born with.
2- Fear of the uncertainity, complications about first surgery itself and many revisions i am going to have in future.
3- Fear of not being able to enjoy intercourse, oral sex, masturbation and anything else that is related with sexuality as much as i used to because it will be "different"

I know there is nothing i can do about them. But it is not preventing me from being anxious and depressed. Especially 3rd one, i know it will be "different" . I know it wont be good as good as natural. But am i going to be enjoy sex/masturbation as much as before with implant? Or at least is it going to be close? I am not talking about a kind of satisfaction "I can keep my erection as much as i want" or "I can satisfy/orgasm my partner even more than non- bionic men because i am able go on and on and on" My concern is am i going to enjoy fucking, be horny, can't sleep because i did not masturbate and throw out my load, feel aroused when i hold and stroke my penis etc. There is little info about that aspect on whole forum; everybody, even young members, are focusing size, partner reaction, sensation from outside, hardness which are also important, but it would be great if you and other FT members could give more insight about my concerns. I think it would greatly help other implant candidates as well.

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Location: South Florida, USA

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby LMCatman » Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:20 pm

agreeing with Hugh: sexual self-confidence....being able to perform puts your head in a whole different place....KNOWING....'I CAN fuck her'........(will she let me is a whole other thing))))...)

Go for it...and good luck!!!
73 Years old. RP Oct 2010, No erections after, Botched Titan implant April, 2013, Successful Titan revision, April , 2014 by Dr. Paul Perito, Miami. Titan failure Feb 2017. Rev. by Dr Perito March 1st, 2017. Titan failure Nov 2020. New Titan January 2021

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Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby David_R » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:20 pm

25yearsold wrote:1- Idea of having implant at 25 years old instead of a normal working dick that i was born with.
2- Fear of the uncertainity, complications about first surgery itself and many revisions i am going to have in future.
3- Fear of not being able to enjoy intercourse, oral sex, masturbation and anything else that is related with sexuality as much as i used to because it will be "different"

1 - The first guy I knew who had an implant was in his 30s who was in my prostate cancer support group. We will never know how many guys of any age have one, since this is such a private matter that new implantees don't usually share the subject with most people.
2 - My implant lasted 12 years and then was replaced with a newer model. (The replacement was easier to go through than the first one was since everything was already "in place" from the first one.)
3 - I enjoy intercourse, oral sex, masturbation and other things that are "related with sexuality" (although I'm not quite sure what that means). Does my penis feel the same? Not exactly: I no longer get hard as I get aroused but rather pump up whenever I want to have a hard penis (aroused or not). Are my orgasms the same? Yes, yes. ;) Do I look "normal" soft/uninflated and hard/inflated? Yes to both. PM me if you have any other questions, brother.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby Lost Sheep » Sun Oct 29, 2017 3:38 pm


Do not neglect the "Emotional and Mental Support" part of There are many men who experience emotional turmoil and that part of the forum is meant to be a good resource for sharing thoughs and solutions.

On recent thread you may want to follow is this one

but there are many other threads which describe exactly what you feel (and how the sufferers recovered and one who did not).

Good luck, and remember, where there is life, there is hope.

Lost Sheep.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter


Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:38 am

25yearsold wrote:Hi everyone. A little background about me:
25 years old
Sufferin ED for 2 years, no problem before
No-very weak morning erections.
Can't get hard both on my own and partner.
Pills help at max doses, but still losing erections time to time(changin positions or when manual stimulation stops)
Blood tests normal
2 penile dopplers; 1 completely normal, other one weak erection but still no venous or arterial problem ( i dont know how this is possible )
HEAVILY DEPRESSED: Thats why i am writing here. My psychiatrist and urologist both told me to abstain from all sexual activity and thoughts for 3-6 months, simply leave it alone and you will see it will get better. Well its been couple months i dont see its happening. In fact my libido at the moment is lower than it has ever been. I am quite positive that i have a physical problem and impant will be inevitable for me.

My questions: (please keep in mind i do not want to offend anyone, i am depressed, i cant cope with all these like other young brave members here, and my english is not good enough to express my self)

1- Libido: everyone says its a mental thing, but i am having hard time to accept it. When i had no problems with my penis i would usually get a random boner and sexual fantasies and masturbation would come afterwards. Now since i dont have any sort of erection my libido is at bottom. I dont enjoy masturbating with a flaccid or semi hard penis penis. DOES IT GET BETTER WITH AN IMPLANT? I mean when i inflate my implant am i going to have same urges? Is Masturbating with an implant as good as with a normal dick? Or at least better than a flaccid/semi hard one? Anyone had terrible libido along with depression before implant that got better after surgery?

2- Sensations: sensations from inside i want to ask not the outside. I understand when you or someone holds your penis it is not much different than an unimplanted penis. But i am mostly curious about how it is going to feel to me. My penis feels lifeless at the moment, and when i am semi erect, well better but still cannot be compared with a good erection. I want to give an example: last month my urologist made an injection test to me, he used fairly high dose trimix. And i got a good stiff erection(not at the office, when i come back home which is also weird) Erection was harder than i had for last 2 years and felt so good i couldnt resist masturbating. And masturbating felt so good as well. DOES IMPLANT ERECTION FEELS AS GOOD AS INJECTION ERECTION? Or at least close? I know it may sound silly to some, but feeling of erection is the most important thing that makes me horny or makes me realize that i am horny

3- Depression: i am young and i am sensitive unfortunately. This question is for the young members or any member who suffered serious depression before implanted.DID YOU GET BETTER AFTER YOU GOT YOUR IMPLANT?

4- Frequency of use/life time: Well i know one implant wont be enough. And i know everyone and every implant is different. But in my 20s and even my 30s i think i will be using my implant 6 times a week at least( masturbate or sex) if it feels good. Anyone use it that frequent? And how long can i expect it to last if i use it that much?

Sorry for my english, sorry if i offended anyone. Thanks

Please create a signature. It makes things much easier to answer your questions without asking a lot of questions. Here's how you do it Click on your name in the top right corner and select "user control panel"

Then under the big letters "User Control Panel" there is a row of words... select "Profile" Then down the left had side of the "User Control Panel" select "Edit Signature" (You might have Create Signature or something. I don't know exactly what you'll get because I already have a signature to edit)

Most guys put something like what I have, but you can put whatever you want. Here is mine: "AMS 700 (18 + 2 rte's). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Great surgeon. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 24, 2017... I can't wait". From Belleville, Ontario CANADA.

Don't get too carried away with the doctor like his name, address, phone number, etc (anything that looks like advertising for him).. you can certainly say Dr. Jones (great

If you need further help, please ask, that's what I'm here for.:)


Posts: 77
Joined: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:38 am

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby Eveready » Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:17 am


I can't answer your question 4 as I've only had my implant since May. At 60, it may last longer than I do.

As for question 3, I'm fortunate in that I've never suffered from depression, but I have lived with several family members who have. And loss of libido was common in them while they remained depression sufferers. It would not be surprising if your ED and depression are strongly related, each contributing to the other. But I'm no doctor, and it's not for me to say whether having an implant would help with your depression OR raise your libido.

1. - In my case, the implant has increased my libido. Not by a whole lot, but it sure helps to be confident that the cock will be hard as steel whenever I want. And in THAT respect, it's even better than when I was a teenager. Nil recovery time necessary.

2. My impression from reading others' experiences is that results do vary. Some guys don't have good results at all from this surgery. But the majority certainly do. In my case, the glans is less sensitive than before, but the shaft seems to be more sensitive - go figure. Was it worth it? Hell yeah! Made me realise what I'd been missing for far too long.

Above all, don't give up hope.
Melbourne, Oz. Radical prostatectomy & titan implant at 60. Size uncertain, but big enough to hang onto. Nah, it's huge!

Posts: 12
Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:23 am

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby DepressedSwede » Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:28 am


I am 29 years old and suffered from major depression for years before getting implanted.
It was so bad that I was home laying in the bed without any mental energy and I lost my education, my relationship and my social life.
The implant possibly saved my life during that stage.
However, I am now back to being as depressed or even worse because I might have a late infection of the implant.

25yearsold wrote:Hi everyone. A little background about me:
25 years old
Sufferin ED for 2 years, no problem before
No-very weak morning erections.
Can't get hard both on my own and partner.
Pills help at max doses, but still losing erections time to time(changin positions or when manual stimulation stops)
Blood tests normal
2 penile dopplers; 1 completely normal, other one weak erection but still no venous or arterial problem ( i dont know how this is possible )
HEAVILY DEPRESSED: Thats why i am writing here. My psychiatrist and urologist both told me to abstain from all sexual activity and thoughts for 3-6 months, simply leave it alone and you will see it will get better. Well its been couple months i dont see its happening. In fact my libido at the moment is lower than it has ever been. I am quite positive that i have a physical problem and impant will be inevitable for me.

My questions: (please keep in mind i do not want to offend anyone, i am depressed, i cant cope with all these like other young brave members here, and my english is not good enough to express my self)

1- Libido: everyone says its a mental thing, but i am having hard time to accept it. When i had no problems with my penis i would usually get a random boner and sexual fantasies and masturbation would come afterwards. Now since i dont have any sort of erection my libido is at bottom. I dont enjoy masturbating with a flaccid or semi hard penis penis. DOES IT GET BETTER WITH AN IMPLANT? I mean when i inflate my implant am i going to have same urges? Is Masturbating with an implant as good as with a normal dick? Or at least better than a flaccid/semi hard one? Anyone had terrible libido along with depression before implant that got better after surgery?

2- Sensations: sensations from inside i want to ask not the outside. I understand when you or someone holds your penis it is not much different than an unimplanted penis. But i am mostly curious about how it is going to feel to me. My penis feels lifeless at the moment, and when i am semi erect, well better but still cannot be compared with a good erection. I want to give an example: last month my urologist made an injection test to me, he used fairly high dose trimix. And i got a good stiff erection(not at the office, when i come back home which is also weird) Erection was harder than i had for last 2 years and felt so good i couldnt resist masturbating. And masturbating felt so good as well. DOES IMPLANT ERECTION FEELS AS GOOD AS INJECTION ERECTION? Or at least close? I know it may sound silly to some, but feeling of erection is the most important thing that makes me horny or makes me realize that i am horny

3- Depression: i am young and i am sensitive unfortunately. This question is for the young members or any member who suffered serious depression before implanted.DID YOU GET BETTER AFTER YOU GOT YOUR IMPLANT?

4- Frequency of use/life time: Well i know one implant wont be enough. And i know everyone and every implant is different. But in my 20s and even my 30s i think i will be using my implant 6 times a week at least( masturbate or sex) if it feels good. Anyone use it that frequent? And how long can i expect it to last if i use it that much?

Sorry for my english, sorry if i offended anyone. Thanks
Swedish 29 year old, implanted with a Titan 2016.

Posts: 1307
Joined: Thu Aug 03, 2017 9:43 pm

Re: Implant, libido, worries

Postby Anonymous3 » Mon Nov 27, 2017 8:30 am

The infection thing is something we all worry about. If you think you have one contact your dr. Infection rates have gone down drastic in the past few years. Worst case would be a revision. Contact Larry he went thru it

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