What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

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What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby benefitter » Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:01 pm

I think she'll be awkward when she is told about my implant before we have sex.(especially for young woman.. i'm 24 years old)

it seems that the word 'implant' brings of the image of very unnatural and artificial thing.(though implanted dick's outlook and texture are very natural..)

What's your best strategy??

I want to know your experience.
young 20s male, but i think my only option is implant
not good at english

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Re: What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby geophd » Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:38 am

You have asked this question before. I'm not implanted but research shows that the consensus is:

if it's a one night stand you avoid telling by pumping and deflating discretely, maybe in the bathroom. If she touches your balls or suspects anything then you'll have to tell her.

if it's a girl you like and are interested in dating then you have to tell her at some point, could be before sex or after.

The tell:
I do not have an implant but I think most implanted young guys either have ED due to an injury or due to being born with venous leak. Any other cause can sometimes be overcome (testosterone, psychological) so you should really try to fix those things before going implant if its not either of the previous known causes leading to implantation. Whatever the implant reason you'll want to say you were born with a condition where blood does not get trapped in your penis (venous leak) or you had an injury. Make up whatever injury you want, sex, car crash, soccer, surfing, jiu jitsu could be a cool story or a simple story.... tell her this developed scar tissue in your penis leading to venous leak, this condition is penile fibrosis/peyronie's disease.

I don't have experience with doing this, only reading many others explain how they dealt with it and planning it myself. If the girl has any sense of humanity she will not be deterred by this, you have nothing contagious and as long as it works I think you'll find no significant problems. Your attitude is important here too. I think if you're ashamed by it and very insecure it will affect her perspective. If instead you speak "frankly" to her and describe that you love that modern technology and medicine allows you to live a normal sex life, maybe even improved!, she will likely share your positive outlook and perspective. People are attracted to positivity, enthusiasm, and confidence... The implant (if the surgical outcome is ideal) really should instill these emotions within you anyway so this shouldn't be a problem, if you express them during "the tell" you've done all you can to solicit approval from your partner. If you get a bad response, well, she's probably not worth shooting a load in anyway.

I should note that I find myself thinking about this too but I think it should really be secondary to every other consideration that, personally, should be considered in the following order:

1. Am I able to have satisfactory/enjoyable/stress free intercourse sustained until ejaculation. (If no, go to 2)
2. Do pills provide conditions stated in 1 without severe side effects? (If not, go to 3)
3. Decide if injections or VED are acceptable treatments (If not, go to 4)
4. Determine to the best of your ability if conditions in 1-3 are permanent (if yes, go to 5)
5. Receive implantation from most qualified surgeon available to you. (then go to 6)
6. Adapt to new lifestyle with implant (physical/mental/social)

I think most people on here would agree with this. What I spend time on is determining if lifestyle with the penile implant is an improvement on my current lifestyle of taking pills and constantly thinking about staying erect during sex. That's because my answer to question 2 above is not an emphatic NO right now. But it seems that you have been dealing with this for a long time and you've decided the implant is what you need. Then you should be working on step 5
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

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Re: What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby shooter1000 » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:18 pm

The key word is "Bionic" when you tell a partner about your implant, tell them that you are bionic. You are enhanced beyond what any mere mortal can achieve. Don;t use the word implant. I have never had an issue with it and I tell them upfront. Several of my partners are or have been your age or younger.
Age 75 Implanted by Dr. Andrew Kramer 03/22/2017. AMS 700 LGX 18 CM with 2 Cm RTE for a total of 20 CM. Previously used injections over 1000 no scarring

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Re: What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby smallbutsure » Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:39 pm

shooter1000 wrote:The key word is "Bionic" when you tell a partner about your implant, tell them that you are bionic. You are enhanced beyond what any mere mortal can achieve. Don;t use the word implant. I have never had an issue with it and I tell them upfront. Several of my partners are or have been your age or younger.

Man, you must have great game. You're still able to be with twenty-somethings and you're 73?! I'm impressed!

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Re: What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby StanRydelek » Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:57 pm

Just be honest. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I tell everyone that it can help. One day these will be like women getting breast implants.

Lost Sheep
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Re: What is the best strategy to tell a partner about an penile implant?

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Oct 24, 2017 7:24 pm

shooter1000 wrote:The key word is "Bionic" when you tell a partner about your implant, tell them that you are bionic. You are enhanced beyond what any mere mortal can achieve. Don;t use the word implant. I have never had an issue with it and I tell them upfront. Several of my partners are or have been your age or younger.

I have long had misgivings about the word";bionic" with respect to the manually pumped hydraulically inflatable implant. The word has a couple of advantages(alliteration, as "bionic brotherhood" and the popular history of theword, from the "Six Million Dollar Man"& to modern robotics). But the pure definition implies some sort ofelectronics, which today's implants do not have.

Shooter1000 is likely correct in his assessment that using the word "bionic" is less likely to produce resistance and more likely to intrigue (articularly younger persons), but I have to believe thereis a more accurate term (waiting for me to find it) that would be equally (or be even more) inviting than "bionic".

I entertain no illusion that any idea I might come up withwill replace "Bionic Brotherhood" on this forum, but for piquing interest of sexual partners inexperienced with implants, I am giving it a lot of thought while waiting for my implant date (Nov 6, at long last).

If you want alliteration, "Bioengineered Brother"works.

For now, I think of myself as having my sexual "engine" rebuilt so I can offer a woman an exciting ride on my little "motorcycle". As the Honda advertisement said a few decades ago, "Put something exciting between your legs."


Endurance dong.
Hydraulically heightened and erectile enhanced?
Imperishable, perpetual, perennial penis,
Eternal erection.
G-spot grinder.

Or, just whisper in her ear, "Would you like to know how I can stay erect and stroking inside forever, or at least until you beg me to stop?"
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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