Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

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Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Thu Oct 19, 2017 9:26 pm


Day 16-18(now): So I went back to work on my 16th day post op. I worked 10 hours straight. Experienced some discomfort, but nothing that made me want to stop or think that I should stop. On day 17 and 18, the discomfort was even less, and I did 10hr shifts on both of those days as well. No pain meds at all. So ya, for me I was able to do all day semi-physical work by the 16th day post op.

As far as pumping, I reached 23 pumps on day 16. Hard as a rock, looks bigger than my pre-op size, but not certain. Whatever it is, I am very happy with it. If this was the max size I had, I would be happy. However, I do think there is still more increases in pumps to come. I will try to add an extra pump every day or every other day.

Ok, time to address something that I might not be pleased about. I can feel tubing near the lower left base of my shaft. Maybe 1/3 of an inch away from my abdomen. I don't think it will prevent me from doing anything, but it does concern me for a few reasons. Firstly, I think a girl might feel the tubing when I go balls deep. There is a clear lump there, as the tubing is surrounded by scar tissue and molded around the base of my dick, and her pussy may or may not be able to feel it as something different (good chance she wouldn't even know). If shes grabbing my dick during foreplay or giving me head, there is no one she wont feel something different there. No girl who has been around the block at least once will not be able to notice something different. Lastly, since the tubing will be in the line of fire so to speak, I feel that there might be a significant amount of stress placed on it during sex. Titans' weak points are the tubing, and Id rather not have it exposed like that if possible. But, at the end of the day, o fucking well. This is the only real thing that is 'bad', if its even a bad thing at all, I just don't know yet. I'm not sure how most other titan guys tubing is, so if this is the norm then I'm not going to think about it. However, with the addition of the pump in my scrotum, I think it will be difficult to hide this from anything other than a short term partner. Again, its not something that will cause me anxiety or stress, its just not something that is ideal, and for the sake of transparency on this forum it needed to be told. Whatever happens with it I'm not going to give a fuck.

If things go according to plan I can tell you about when I first use it. I'm going to go out halloween, but I still can't do much as Eid said not to get to crazy until 4 months post op (although I can have sex by week 3). After that 4 week mark I am going all out.

Ill update in a few days.
Last edited by Cnidium on Mon Oct 23, 2017 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Xomanow » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:41 pm

Glad that you finally got it done......welcome to the club......
Implanted Jan 4 2017 by Dr. Eid - 70 yo and single...ED gradually over 15 yrs...tired of pills, injections, cock rings....happy with my choice and results. Titan OTR - one 20cm cylinder - one 20cm+1 RTE...."got a rocket in my pocket"....

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Greg1956 » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:50 pm

Congratulations and welcome e to our brotherhood. I am envious you took charge and got your implant in a relatively short time after your accident. Best wishes.
I am 64 and had ED from a VL. Implanted by Dr. Ronald Anglade in Atlanta on 9/18/17. I have an AMS700LGX 21 cm via a Penoscrotal incision. Very happy with results. 6" soft and 6 3/4” x 5 5/8” hard.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby geophd » Fri Oct 20, 2017 12:34 am

Oh man, this is going to be a fucking awesome thread.............
CONGRATULATIONS... You've been on a journey.

There's a lot of different stories on FT but there are a few general classes of penile implant candidates that I find most people fall into.

1. venous leak since birth (refractory to other treatments/treatments became ineffective)
2. Post prostate surgery issues
3. Aging related(?) and treatments became infective
4. Penile trauma (e.g., peyronies, fracture, priapism etc)

I have a feeling your experience is going to be particularly invaluable to those who have undergone penile trauma, especially at a young age. ED is shit but it is experienced a little differently depending on how you got it. Based on how thorough your posts are it seems you are aware of how valuable your log is for the many other men that will or have undergone penile trauma and are searching out similar stories/experiences.

I have a few questions that hopefully you will answer:
Over the past 4 years did you ever experience anxiety and depression due to the onset of ED? Did you get through hard patches with medication and has the implant relieved any of this? Do you anticipate a relief of ED related mental issues at this point? Please continue to comment thoroughly on your mental health as things go.

After your trauma, was severe ED immediate or did it progress? You mentioned that you didn't know about it for months, so were you still getting erections?

At what stage over the past 4 years did a urologist recommend an implant?

The erection activity you mention (glans engorgement), would you get this before the surgery without pills but just not a full erection? Are you taking any ED meds that might induce this?

I think it's good to not dwell on size but cmon you didn't measure :| ?? Does it "look" like your penis prior to accident/surgery?

Has Eid mentioned what revision cost's will be in future? Can you get health insurance that might cover these future revisions? Did you try to find health insurance that would have covered this surgery? Maybe you could have paid a high premium for a good plan that might have covered it?

I have a million questions, sorry.
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby AirWolf » Fri Oct 20, 2017 9:14 pm

Congrats on taking the step. You seem like you have a good attitude and experience thus far.

My scrotum was way too swollen to even find the pump. I'm so impressed that on day 3 you could pump (I was about day 19). I had the incision in the scrotum though so tugging on the scrotum to find and push the pump seems tricky as it seems easy to pull on the stitches too. Were you penoscrotal, or infrapubic?
ED since 35 with no known cause -- injections successful for over a decade with 10/1/30 and less than 20units but that became ineffective. Implanted penoscratally by Dr. Kramer of Baltimore on 9/13/17 with AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 0.5cm RTE at 47 years old

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Fri Oct 20, 2017 11:22 pm


Was your ED immediate or progressive? I lost my sex drive after the accident for a few weeks, then got busy with catching back up with work. I wasn't able to go out for a few months after the accident (had to heal), and when I finally did, and started to engage women again, I noticed my response in my dick wasn't normal. For example, previous to the accident, I could be in a night club dancing or talking with a girl, and even by just flirting with her I would often get rock hard. After the accident, the physical response wasn't the same, I knew something wasn't right. I very rarely masturbate for personal non-religious reasons, so I didn't have that as a gauge. After going out two or three times and noticing something was wrong with my response to female attention, I actually tried masturbating after that just to see, and it wasnt getting as hard as it used to. So I can't say for sure if the ED was immediate or progressed. Im guessing it was immediate because the level of erection I could achieve at the 2 month mark after the accident was about the same as it was right before my implant, if my memory is serving me right.

Anxiety and Depression?I did feel anxiety and depression afterwards. However, I never would take medication for anxiety or depression. In fact, I never take medication at all. I don't get sick (last time was Sep 2008) and I also don't believe in most of the medical industry, therefore it wasn't even an option. I personally believe medication should be reserved for acute scenarios where you have no other option.

Did I expect a relief from ED related mental issues at this point? Well, I guess I didn't because I already got over all of my ED mental issues a long time ago. I guess I just stopped giving a fuck about them. However, I did feel immediately empowered to go out and smash vagina about 5 hours after waking up from the surgery once the anesthesia wore off. Therefore, I would say, the implant has definitely restored my confidence in my ability to go out and find women, since prior to having the implant I had 0% chance of doing so because of a very real physical reality (as opposed to just a mental one)

At what stage over the past 4 years did a urologist recommend an implant? I never had a urologist recommend an implant. Of the approximate 8-10 urologists i saw prior to Dr. Eid, the majority of them said it was all a mental thing. O ya? A mental thing? I had an MRI showing scarring in my left Cavernosum (following a major car accident) and then I had Eid confirm venous leak with a duplex ultrasound? A mental thing? Good call dumbfucks. Real high grade doctors here, top of their field. Really these guys were the most infuriating part of this whole process. I wanted to go back with the duplex confirmation and shove it down their mouths. Anyways, a few doctors did understand that, according to the MRI, that there was physical damage. They prescribed cialis and viagra, which I tried without any real success. I am thankful for these doctors because they let me try a known potential fix that would eventually lead me to deciding on an implant. Unfortunately, viagra and cialis cannot reverse and cure venous leak. But ya, none of them ever mentioned an implant.

Erection Activity question: Yes I still got 'erections' without pills prior to surgery. My glans and spongiosum would fill, but the cavernosums didnt completely fill. What I had were erections that were enough to penetrate at first (although not very well) with decreasing hardness over the next few minutes. Prior to surgery my glans was often cold, even when engorged. Now, my glans is warm all the time, no matter what my level of arousal is. Im not sure why this is.

Did I measure post-op? No I have not measured. I couldn't justify bringing the tape measure into the bath tub while I inflate. My dick, when inflated, actually looks bigger than my post-accident erection, but I cant really remember my pre-accident erection look. Its been 4 years, which almost half my adult life. I know alot of guys, like Merrix, found that they had gradual increases in size as their cycling continued over the course of many months. So I will measure eventually, probably when I can inflate outside of the tub. Ill let you know the good word.

Future Costs: Eid said that if the implant fails within the first 10 years then he waives his personal surgical fee and the implant is warrantied as well (as long the reason for failure is device malfunction, as opposed to say your ex-girl friend stabbing you in the dick). You still need to pay for the surgical center and the anesthesiologist, which, as of right now, would cost me $3050.00. So the vast majority of the costs for failure are 'insured' by Eid and Coloplast. Im pretty sure you own rights to the implant for life, so say after 10 years, I go to a different Doctor (say Eid retired), I wouldnt pay the ~$8700 for the impolant (assuming malfunction).

Insurance?: My employment (and my field in general) doesn't offer insurance better than a bronze plan on the marketplace. I can actually get a bronze plan on the marketplace cheaper than what my employers can offer me. Now that just means I have a glorified catastrophe insurance. I could not find anything on the marketplace that would cover the implant AND let me choose my surgeon. Thats second part is very important. I don't trust most doctors. Most doctors are not top of their class or field. And getting an implant installed is not something you just let anybody do. Basically, if I wanted insurance to cover Eid, I would need to move to NYC, get an insane premium grade insurance, and then fight to have him be my urologist. You don't get to really choose who your doctor is or which doctor's belong in your network. Even if every health insurance network covered every doctor in the states, it would still be cheaper for me to not have a premium level insurance and to save the money for the surgery itself. A lot of these guys on this forum have old guy insurance, medicare or medicaid (whatever the hell it is) that just isn't available to younger people and they are willing to go with their local surgeon (who may very well be an excellent surgeon). Or, the older guys belonged to a strong business that could afford to offer its employees great insurance.


My implant was done penoscrotal, its really the only way Eid does it. My incision is on my scrotum, but its very small.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Sat Oct 21, 2017 2:17 am

To Eid patients,

When did you stop taking his recommended baths? I have to do them at the end of the day and they dehydrate the hell out me, making me drink a lot of water, making me not able sleep till I piss. I also don't like baths in general, probably havent taken one since I was 5.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:28 am

So glad your doing well. I couldn't be happier (or my wife)'with mine.
Welcome to the club!
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby geophd » Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:41 pm


I'm not sure you intended to edit your original post. As far as I can tell we can no longer see your original post, your update has replaced it.

Congrats on good sizing! Doesn't sound too bad about the tubing, would you be willing to post a picture of the tubing situation? This will give us a better idea of what the bump and tubing look like. The way you explain it I would find it very unlikely that a girl would feel it during sex but if she was stroking you and groping you she might feel it.

Were you planning on trying to hide this from long term partners?

Do your glans engorge? Can you get blood into the head and get a full erection?

Is your penis sensitive? Can you ejaculate?
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

Posts: 453
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:10 pm

Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:55 pm


Shit I didnt realize I replaced my original post, definitely didnt want to do that. Is there anyway a moderator can replace it, and move whats in its place down the thread?

Was I planning on hiding is from long term partners? - I don't know yet. I certainly dont care to tell them, but if they don't need to know then I don't need to tell.

Does my glans engorge? - Yes. I still get discomfort when I pump to the max, so Im not exatly horny. But, if I think of something sexual while pumped up, my glans will engorge as big as it use to.

Is my penis sensitive? - Yes, it feelings and sensations are just like they were before. Doctor said no sex until at least week 3, so I haven't tried to ejaculate yet, but I am sure I can.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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