milwakee chicago implant doctors

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milwakee chicago implant doctors

Postby ekimerog » Sat Jun 17, 2017 9:07 pm

Hi all,

Due to having prostate removed due to prostate cancer in fall of 2014 at CTCA in Phoenix AZ. Results were good cancer and leak wise. Still sub 0 PSA and leak free almost 1 week after cath removal.
CTCA suggested the AMS within 6 months post surgery. But doctors have changed since surgery. Could go back to PHX and see Doc that did my surgery but would prefer to do locally.
SO....I am seeking referral for implant doctor in Milwaukee or Chicago.

Did not adhere to penile thererapy, only using pump for sexual activity.
That said did not fully understand its importentance.

After 2-1/2 years now, natural erections just don't happen. a bit of morning piss wood, but nothing useful. use a pump and constrictor ring. getting old. very uncomfortable for wife as ring gets in the way.
''erections'' are better than nothing but still far less than stellar. more like prehard or half hard. ''Erections'' are better using viagra. But the Viagra makes me feel a bit crappy.

Shock wave ''Gainswave'' sounds interesting but,... one doc in Chicago??? skeptic on this.

Tried Muse,suppository. what a burn, if it did work the pain killed any pleasure.

shots in the shaft, not keen on the idea.

So after the stellar reviews of implants, really thinking its the way to go.

Any and all, suggestions welcomed.

Thanks in advance


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