Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Tgruen » Mon Sep 26, 2016 5:52 pm

i sent you a pm razor1. would be nice if you could answer

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby AVL_UK » Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:03 am

I've been back and forth with this clinic, trying to get my old doppler result transferred to them, but not found them to be overly helpful thus far.

I was wondering if a 3D-CT using dye is better as a diagnostic tool, but they don't offer it in this country, only in Vienna for €500.

So like Tgruen, I am wondering about having one done in the UK, but don't know anyone who does it. If it can better see any prospective damage than a doppler, it seems like the next logical step for me. Other than the sclero, which obviously has had heavily mixed reviews.

Or I just wait for nanotech, so another 20 years or so :lol:.

It's very frustrating, I'm at an age where I would like to think about settling down and having a normal relationship and maybe a kid within the next 5-10 years. With E.D that seems like it would be very difficult.
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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby premium » Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:01 am


After reading all the posts there is not much to do if you dont want to go for an implant.
Can anybody tell me if they tryed with stem cells for ED or any successful history with this treatment?
There is several clinics in United States that offer this procedure.
Any feedback would be nice!

Thank you!

Dr Pepper
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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Dr Pepper » Thu Nov 10, 2016 4:16 pm

Also interested in sclero...
Had venous leak from jelquing. Superficial dorsal vein leaked all blood from glans/cs. When I pinched the vein everything was good. Had it tied off, perfect erections. Tie came off a few months later, had another surgery, doctor missed it. Last surgery he removed it entirely but I think he damaged my bucks fascia because after surgery things were great but swollen then suddenly the swelling was gone and there was a cord in the penis which I think is where the bucks fascia split (he went to deep). Erections are satisfactory with ed meds but still not like they used to be. I get morning wood every now and then but lacks rigidity and glans/can can get soft after penetration especially on bottom. I think the leak is now through the cs as when I press it the blood stays in glans. So it's the prostatic plexus that is draining or the pudental veins.. internal pudental I believe. Any more results with sclero??


Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby PFracture » Thu Nov 10, 2016 10:47 pm

how exactly did you diagnose that you have venous leak? who is to say you don't have artery blockage? cardiac disease.... or some other condition hindering your erections?

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Anonymous2 » Fri Nov 11, 2016 5:27 am

AVL_UK wrote:I've been back and forth with this clinic, trying to get my old doppler result transferred to them, but not found them to be overly helpful thus far.

I was wondering if a 3D-CT using dye is better as a diagnostic tool, but they don't offer it in this country, only in Vienna for €500.

So like Tgruen, I am wondering about having one done in the UK, but don't know anyone who does it. If it can better see any prospective damage than a doppler, it seems like the next logical step for me. Other than the sclero, which obviously has had heavily mixed reviews.

Or I just wait for nanotech, so another 20 years or so :lol:.

It's very frustrating, I'm at an age where I would like to think about settling down and having a normal relationship and maybe a kid within the next 5-10 years. With E.D that seems like it would be very difficult.

Hi The treatment your looking for, Get in touch with the NHS and ask them who does it in the UK the dye treatment your on about, if its being done anywhere in the UK they will know. OK

Last edited by Anonymous2 on Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dr Pepper
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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Dr Pepper » Sat Nov 12, 2016 1:02 pm

Well I don't think it's arterial as my inflow is good via Doppler and also I'm only 25 and have had this issue since injury jelqing at 21. Tying off the bad vein gave me perfect elections again till it opened. Also in good cardiovascular and overall shape so pretty sure it's outflow. Also saw a pelvic floor therapist and it isn't my pelvic floor.
I'm just hoping my doctor didn't remove my deep dorsal as well as my superficial dorsal vein with the last surgery. He claims he didn't but I have little trust for most doctors and the op report mentioned cutting out a second vein so I'm hoping this isn't the case as it would basically make sclerotherapy not an option.

Anybody in the USA doing sclero? Honestly though I've compromised before for someone closer I'd rather go to the source and get it done right if it came down to it than living with regrets, which has happened to me with an orthopedic condition.


Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby PFracture » Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:57 am

Dr Pepper wrote:Well I don't think it's arterial as my inflow is good via Doppler and also I'm only 25 and have had this issue since injury jelqing at 21. Tying off the bad vein gave me perfect elections again till it opened. Also in good cardiovascular and overall shape so pretty sure it's outflow. Also saw a pelvic floor therapist and it isn't my pelvic floor.
I'm just hoping my doctor didn't remove my deep dorsal as well as my superficial dorsal vein with the last surgery. He claims he didn't but I have little trust for most doctors and the op report mentioned cutting out a second vein so I'm hoping this isn't the case as it would basically make sclerotherapy not an option.

Anybody in the USA doing sclero? Honestly though I've compromised before for someone closer I'd rather go to the source and get it done right if it came down to it than living with regrets, which has happened to me with an orthopedic condition.

Did you bend your penis while doing jelquing? while erect or semi erect?tell me more about your injury!

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Anonymous2 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:26 am

PFracture wrote:
Dr Pepper wrote:Well I don't think it's arterial as my inflow is good via Doppler and also I'm only 25 and have had this issue since injury jelqing at 21. Tying off the bad vein gave me perfect elections again till it opened. Also in good cardiovascular and overall shape so pretty sure it's outflow. Also saw a pelvic floor therapist and it isn't my pelvic floor.
I'm just hoping my doctor didn't remove my deep dorsal as well as my superficial dorsal vein with the last surgery. He claims he didn't but I have little trust for most doctors and the op report mentioned cutting out a second vein so I'm hoping this isn't the case as it would basically make sclerotherapy not an option.

Anybody in the USA doing sclero? Honestly though I've compromised before for someone closer I'd rather go to the source and get it done right if it came down to it than living with regrets, which has happened to me with an orthopedic condition.

Did you bend your penis while doing jelquing? while erect or semi erect?tell me more about your injury!

PFracture If you know anything about jelqing your know that you cant jelq with an erection, jeilqing and stretching is done with just a semi, as some of the stretching moves you could not do if erect.

Check it out on www.pegym.com look down penis exercises, your find that just under the header banner. OK

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Re: Dr. Ralf Herwig claims that he cures Venous Leak

Postby Slavicguy123 » Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:52 am

Greetings guys,im lurking at ft for some time,im young guy and long story short am in almost identical situation likeyou dr pepper.fr the past year my hobbie became penile anatomy :) and i really think that my problem lays in retrocoronal venous plexus wich is part of ddv distal system.i have scar tissue in distal cavernosa.if i press sdv i have normal erections ,you can look at newest penile venous anatomy blueprint and you will see that retrocoronal plexus have shunt to sdv,im in process of saving money and reaserching.and i didnt talk to any venous surgeon yet bu i think that your best bet would be to send mail to dr.herwing and others who do these types of penile venous embolisation surgerys and ask them their opinion,im convinced there are other guys out there who had same situation like ours and drs. Managed to fix their problem.i readed almost all embolo sclero penile papers and drs preformes these types of penile surgerys in turkey and italy also,i read in dr.ralph herwig sclerotherapy paper that they are always sclerosing same vein,more precisely deep dorsal vein(periprostatic venous plexus)at the base of the penis.again i think that will be worth it to send him emal,there is great possibility that he had similar case.
Pfracture i was lurking on ft post and i read almost all your posts i really hope that you will find satisfactory solutions for your problem.im young guy 25 years old so i feel your pain bro,im on my mobile phone so thats it for now.More later.best regards from Croatia.

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