Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.

Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby PFracture » Sat May 21, 2016 12:30 pm

Introduction: The inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) has been used to treat erectile dysfunction for 40 years. Loss of penile length following IPP remains the single biggest patient complaint. We describe a preoperative and postoperative patient preparation protocol to assist in setting realistic patient expectations and decreasing the complaint of reduced penile length. Materials & Methods: 750 Patients are instructed to use a vacuum erection device for 10 minutes each day for up to 2 months prior to IPP implant. After two months, maximization of cylinder length is accomplished regardless of IPP manufacturer. Cylinders are left partially inflated in the post-operative period and daily inflation for 3 months immediately upon patient tolerance. The average implanted cylinder length has increased dramatically with the preoperative vacuum usage when compared to the authors’ previous implantations and when compared to the national average of implanted cylinders obtained from one manufacturer. Results: Preoperative use of the vacuum device has allowed maximization of cylinder length. After the vacuum program, patients tend to experience less pain following implantation allowing earlier device instruction cycling and use. The average implanted cylinder length continued to increase annually for the first 5 years as the protocol evolved and seems to have remained stable for the last five years. Conclusions: Preoperative vacuum usage and postoperative capsule management has nearly eliminated patient complaints of reduced penile length. We believe this to be the result of larger size cylinders being implanted when compared to our previous implantations absent of the patient participation protocol.27133

http://www.scirp.org/journal/PaperInfor ... erID=27133

There are some very interesting points on the document that some members who have been implanted by top doctors mention here, specifically about size maintenance. Like ''when you are properly sized, the cylinders are completely stretched when erect, but flaccid you have some kinks. '' cases like c_lab and merrix come to mind. (merrix, what do you think of this?)

In my opinion this article should be showed to all new members who are scheduled for surgery, and even if not it should be standard knowledge to anybody considering having an implant, given the profound implications it might have on a person, in terms of happiness and satisfaction!!!!

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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby roninhouston » Sat May 21, 2016 1:03 pm

This is the VED Protocol Therapy. The number one IPP complaint maybe length, the number one benefit is a reliable erection on demand.

Worked for me.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby roninhouston » Sat May 21, 2016 1:58 pm

Markings on my vacuum tube , May to August 2015. One morning I woke up with an erection, Morning Wood, marked on tube before VL set in. Not sure of what week it happen.

VED Protocol Markings.jpg
Pre-Op VED Tube Markings
VED Protocol Markings.jpg (208.54 KiB) Viewed 4408 times
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.

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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby woodturner » Sat May 21, 2016 4:17 pm

Maybe my experience will throw a bit of light on the subject. I developed 100% ED in 2010 after a Da Vinci prostatectomy.
My insurance would NOT pay for an implant. In 2014 my insurance changed and I got an implant about 4-1/2 years after the prostatectomy.
During the intervening 4-1/2 years I did everything I could to maintain blood flow to my penis. That was comprised of ED meds and Daily use of a VED.

While using the VED I would mark a line on the tube. It is the only way I could tell if I was making any progress.
I managed to gain the 1-1/2" I lost as a result of the prostatectomy

About 2 months after I got my implant I was still coming up about a 1/2" short. Recently I measured again and I have recovered that 1/2".
I have measured several times since then to make sure it wasn't some sort of fluke or bad measuring on my part.

My surgeon says the daily VED use is the reason I probably didn't loose any length.

Bottom line, I recommend anybody contemplating a implant that they get a VED and start using it daily.
Maybe my experience will throw a bit of light on the subject. I developed 100% ED in 2010 after a Da Vinci prostatectomy.
My insurance would NOT pay for an implant. In 2014 my insurance changed and I got an implant about 4-1/2 years after the prostatectomy.
During the intervening 4-1/2 years I did everything I could to maintain blood flow to my penis. That was comprised of ED meds and Daily use of a VED.

While using the VED I would mark a line on the tube. It is the only way I could tell if I was making any progress.
I managed to gain the 1-1/2" I lost as a result of the prostatectomy

About 2 months after I got my implant I was still coming up about a 1/2" short. Recently I measured again and I have recovered that 1/2".
I have measured several times since then to make sure it wasn't some sort of fluke or bad measuring on my part.

My surgeon says the daily VED use is the reason I probably didn't loose any length.

Bottom line, I recommend anybody contemplating a implant that they get a VED and start using it daily.
!IMG_1005.jpg (77.7 KiB) Viewed 4372 times


Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby PFracture » Sat May 21, 2016 5:01 pm

Awesome! Those pics really give a sense of the size regained. Hope the mods notice this thread. Really curious about what other members have to say about this. I am also very curious to know about what other members have combined with the ved. Like traction, what model, what protocol, what their doctor said etc.

Whilst I think we are not going to change the world, we can make a difference! The more guys are aware of this, the more doctors will be asked, and the more chance there is they try this.

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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby KMeister » Sat May 21, 2016 5:08 pm

The efficacy of vacuum pump therapy prior to implant surgery as a method for improving penile length has been well documented. Here's a very influential study that was published back in 2009.
http://digital.healthcaregroup.advansta ... tid=20#/28

Any physician who refutes this reality just doesn't know what s/he's talking about.


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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby Boulder » Sat May 21, 2016 5:37 pm

I've been using the X-4 Extender. You can google it. Along with the VED I have regained most of the 1 1/2 inches I lost due to deVinci prostatectomy. It works, I used it 3 hours a day.


Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby PFracture » Sat May 21, 2016 7:14 pm

It is well documented, yet, we don't see members here recommending it, and we don't see a joint effort being it from physicians nor people in general on it being used. As in... ''the path everybody should go''. I never seen it mentioned here in a year, no this board.

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Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby roninhouston » Sat May 21, 2016 11:05 pm

Awesome! Those pics really give a sense of the size regained.

"Regained" is the wrong word as my picture is Pre-OP. Anybody who thinks they are going to achieve with an IPP what they were able get in the vacuum tube, will be sadly disappointed. The purpose of the study was to reduce the complaints of those who claimed to lose Pre-Op length. One thing vacuum tube marking does is it document what length you were Pre-Op. IMHO many complaining of loss of length did not have a realistic idea of their size Pre-Op.

The VED Protocol Therapy has been talked about on FT for a couple of years, it was not a secret. On FT is where I found out about the paper(s). As far as the doctors rallying behind it, cannot speak for them. Maybe they don't know about it or don't get many complaints about shortness of length so it is of no concerns to them.

I did let my doctor know I was following the Dr. Dineen VED Protocol and sent him the above picture Pre-Op. My hopes were that he would not hesitate to be aggressive in sizing the cylinders. I wanted him to know I was concerned about loss of length and was proactive in doing what I could do. Additionally Post-Op after inflation, I have recycled.

Bottom line for me is I followed the therapy, my doctor correctly sized my cylinders and six months after my IPP I had retain my Pre-Op length.
Bionic with AMS CX on August 14, 2015. Inflated September 15th by Dr. Robert Cornell.
Was 69 with VL
. Pre-Op VED Protocol Therapy and Post-Op VED Protocol Therapy: Pre-Op length by 6th month.


Re: Going for an implant? follow this protocol for size regain

Postby PFracture » Sun May 22, 2016 3:11 am

Either I don't get your post, the article, or merrix is lying, or..... I don't know. Shouldn't this protocol be able to make you gain size, close to what you had before ed, or at least close?

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