Cialis daily 2.5 mg and penis shaft pain on first use?

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Cialis daily 2.5 mg and penis shaft pain on first use?

Postby PFracture » Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:02 am

Hy guys. I used daily cialis (official pharmacy pill) for the first time, this month, on saturday 19th at 4:00. Slept 4 hours, woke up no problem. Masturbated and i love the improvement the pill gave me. I was able to keep the erection indefinetly and it was harder than normally is. Let a couple of hours go by, and masturbated again at 22pm on saturday. Went to sleep, woke up the next day, sunday, 20th, with a semi erection. Masturbated a couple of hours later, almost at the end of the pill effect on the system, at around 32-33hours and still with some improvement masturbated normally. 2 or 3 hours later and i had penile pain on my shaft, discomfort and a somewhat hard flaccid.

I was concerned about this so went to the ER, on which i was seen by a GP who called a urologist and said i should be ok and to try not to worry, because it was not a full blown erection and it hadn't lasted for more than 4 hours. I also had the vein on the side pulsating, and the penis was normally coloured and feeling warm.

Do you guys experience this? what should i feel after taking cialis daily?

P.s: i have no medical condition, allergies, or other symptoms with the pill.

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