Medical reason sex is delayed?

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Medical reason sex is delayed?

Postby psyched123 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:35 pm

I have seen posts here where guys are pumping and deflating well before the required time for starting sex. Is there something in having an orgasm too early that disrupts the healing and could result in a problem? It seems to me that using the pump is at least as disturbing to the healing tissue as having gentle, non-rough sex. Does anyone know the real reason behind the "no sex" for 4 to 6 weeks requirement?
Implanted AMS CX 700 11/15 by Dr. Morey in Dallas (botched). 6/16 - Surgery by Dr. Kansas in Austin to correct the mistakes. Works great now. Very pleased!

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Re: Medical reason sex is delayed?

Postby RelievedofED1 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:25 am

I suspect there is a medical reason in that no matter a broken bone or a broken but recently fixed penis that the tissues take at least 4-8 weeks to be healed and able to take an oops sorry didnt mean to bend your penis moment. It also lays the ground work for reasonable expectations that most guys will be too sore to consider it way before that. I was one of the fortunate ones able to use it with permission before 4 weeks but most guys on the site have not been ready due to paiin inflating or swelling etc so better to be honest annd cover the majority of us in terms of expectations.
66 year old with ED intermittently for years and consistently for the 2 years before implant. Tried everything. AMS CX 21cm+1 cm RTEs Dr Kramer 4/29/2015.
Revision 5/3/2021 AMS CX 700 21cm+2 cm RTEs.
Revision 2022 Titan XL 24 cm no RTEs.

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Re: Medical reason sex is delayed?

Postby psyched123 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 9:33 am

How long after surgery were you given permission and why? I'm 12 days out and Dr. Morey left me about 50% inflated. I'm, also, getting a pretty decent morning woodie. Looks like some of the erectile tissue is still in there. No pain and seem to be healing very well. Not interested in trying out inflating, but I've enough of an erection to have a little fun.
Implanted AMS CX 700 11/15 by Dr. Morey in Dallas (botched). 6/16 - Surgery by Dr. Kansas in Austin to correct the mistakes. Works great now. Very pleased!

Anonymous 3

Re: Medical reason sex is delayed?

Postby Anonymous 3 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:36 pm

Honestly, at 12 days I wouldn't even think of it. Pain or not you are not healed. There is internal stitching to dissolve and scar tissue to form as well as the external stitching and the incision to consider. You are still a good candidate for an incision infection and you want to keep that clean so vaginal sex would not be that good a plan. All of the internal parts are in the process of being incapsulated, which is why you are partially inflated to ensure there is sufficient room for cylinder expansion as well as room in the reservoir for all the saline to return. Your corpora have been expanded by pushing a metal rod down them, your reservoir and pump spaces may have been created by blunt finger dissection which basically means opened up by ripping the tissue with fingers. It is no small surgery and at 12 days you are not healed. There are all kinds of good medical reasons the docs recommend not to engage in sex or any heavy physical activity for a matter of weeks after surgery. There's no rush. After years of ED you have years of great sex ahead of you. You've come a long way toward recovering your sex life. Don't risk it by being too hasty in the home stretch.

As far as pumping before sex, it is much more of a passive activity and most guys start the process slowly, a few pumps at a time.
Just my humble opinion of course.

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Joined: Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:50 pm

Re: Medical reason sex is delayed?

Postby RelievedofED1 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:43 pm

i would agree with Watsup. Too soon to be pushing or pulling the equipment around. Infections and prblems can happen still and if one happens and you rushed things you will regret it forever. Things are not toughened up yet. You should not do anything with the equipment unntil your doc says it is safe. Hard to wait but definitely worthwhile. Just my two cents.
66 year old with ED intermittently for years and consistently for the 2 years before implant. Tried everything. AMS CX 21cm+1 cm RTEs Dr Kramer 4/29/2015.
Revision 5/3/2021 AMS CX 700 21cm+2 cm RTEs.
Revision 2022 Titan XL 24 cm no RTEs.

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