We need your questions

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Re: We need your questions

Postby Anonymous1 » Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:09 pm

I have thought about doing a beginning to end tutorial on injecting. I've just been fearful of putting my junk out there to be seen. I have seen videos and images from here poached and put out on the net which i find disturbing so I've resisted doing anything. I agree though that a high quality video of the procedure from beginning to end would be immeasurably valuable to the guys starting injecting.
Married. 50+. Migraines, low T, performance anxiety and transient ED. Trimix user. Yahoo/Trillian: RF8877/Skype IslandGuy2240.

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Re: We need your questions

Postby ohohiakane » Thu Sep 10, 2015 8:13 pm

The pain I spoke of was what I was afraid of..... the one the made me cringe from pokeing I sharp instrument into my best friend, my penis.

My fears quickly disappeared as soon as I got my initial injection at the urologists office. The great results from that shot put my mind at rest, and I have heard most other users of trimix to feel the same way, nothing to overcome, just a simple little poke, and not a bit of pain after penetrating the outer skin .

So buck up me maties, and join the crowd that can enjoy sex with an erection will last for hours.

Good luck all
75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
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Re: We need your questions

Postby oowright » Sat Oct 17, 2015 9:07 am

A lot of information is obtained from this site, plus it's psychologically good to open up to a kind of comradeship. Make an assessment of a yearly contribution and how to pay. (I don't see the donate button anymore as I log in automatically) ...
62. Married 37yrs. Intermittent fasting and exercises for diabetes. ED for over 27yrs. Suspect VL. Tried myriads of supplements and viagra - not working. Afraid of injections but will now try Caverject. Interested in inflatable implants ...

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Re: We need your questions

Postby midwestman » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:46 pm

I guess I had an unusual experience at the urologist - I was counseled significantly before I ever got an injection. Then, when I got the medication in the mail, they did not want me to try it on my own but come into the office. I did the first injection with a female PA observing. First she showed me all the steps and exactly how to do it. She asked if I wanted to do it myself or have her do it. Since I had injected myself in the past with other medications I told her I would do it myself. She helped me inspect my penis to find an appropriate spot. The injection was easy, it only hurt a little at first.

As others have said, before I ever injected I would sure liked to have seen a video or even still pictures of the process - it would have set my mind at ease. Also, thorough explanations of what the mixes are.


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Re: We need your questions

Postby rbrown » Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:34 pm

First, I would pay for a video I could watch at home, with my wife. Second, I have a question--why does it work better some times than others? IN the office I got a great erection, but at home it was weak, even with a slightly bigger dose.
68, married 37 years, tried pills, shots, shock treatment (also diet, exercise, tantra semen retention), now use testosterone gel with great results

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Re: We need your questions

Postby Rickey11 » Thu Nov 12, 2015 2:21 pm

rbrown wrote:First, I would pay for a video I could watch at home, with my wife. Second, I have a question--why does it work better some times than others? IN the office I got a great erection, but at home it was weak, even with a slightly bigger dose.

Hi, I would say the reason is most probably that you didn't give the injection into the corpus cavernosa entirely. It is probable that you injected the trimix into the wrong spot. In the beginning I had a fair amount of trouble getting the injection to work. After I learned how to give the injection correctly, I haven't missed getting an erection in over a year.
Before you inject the trimix, pull the syringe plunger back slightly and look to see if there's blood in the syringe with the trimix. If so, BINGO! You've hit the right spot!

Also, see if the needle sort of feels like it's getting sucked in for a second, this also indicates that you've hit the corpus. Let us know how you do, give me an update!

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Re: We need your questions

Postby rbrown » Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:59 pm

I just started injections, a few weeks ago. In the doctor's office, he injected me once (good erection, a little bruising), then next time he watched while I injected (good erection, no bruising). Then, he sent me home with 5 needles to use, each with a diffe3rent amount of medicine. My question and problem is, I had one injection at home where I clearly hit a vein and turned ALL blue--and I was watching when I injected (with my wife's help) and clearly I did not see a vein on the outside of my penis. 4 of the 5 injections at home had bruising--and I always watched and did not see a vein. Are there veins underneath the skin (I am uncircumcised, so my skin moves quite a bit--I can see the veins on my skin)? How do I avoid hitting the veins underneath? Is there an anatomical diagram I could use to see where the underneath veins are? Otherwise, is it just hit or miss? When I turned all blue, it was two weeks before it cleared up (and I had a huge lump as well after injecting)!! Thank you--I really want this to work!
68, married 37 years, tried pills, shots, shock treatment (also diet, exercise, tantra semen retention), now use testosterone gel with great results

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Re: We need your questions

Postby tomas1 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:42 am

I wonder if taking blood thinners would cause bruising without hitting a visible vein?
85 years
Inject testosterone weekly.
Implant on 1/22/19 by Dr Avila.
Scrotal, hor. incision just over 1"
18cm AMS 700 CX, 3.5cm RTE 100cc res
Gleason 6 prostate cancer. Monitoring it for now.
Update: On my last biopsies the cancer wasn't found.

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Re: We need your questions

Postby ohohiakane » Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:10 pm


You are probably right. I have been on blood thinners since May, and any kind of bump or cut leads to bruising (or bleeding that won't stop for a whole day. Getting bloodwork (injection) done leaves a bruise for several days.

75 Year Old guy in Michigan, married in 1958, ED since late '90s, then surgery in 2008 (not prostate or other genital) damaged some nerves making the ED worse. Now on trimix

Personal email Ohohiakane@yahoo.com
am always willing to discuss stuff and help

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Re: We need your questions

Postby Rickey11 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:34 pm

rbrown wrote:I just started injections, a few weeks ago. In the doctor's office, he injected me once (good erection, a little bruising), then next time he watched while I injected (good erection, no bruising). Then, he sent me home with 5 needles to use, each with a diffe3rent amount of medicine. My question and problem is, I had one injection at home where I clearly hit a vein and turned ALL blue--and I was watching when I injected (with my wife's help) and clearly I did not see a vein on the outside of my penis. 4 of the 5 injections at home had bruising--and I always watched and did not see a vein. Are there veins underneath the skin (I am uncircumcised, so my skin moves quite a bit--I can see the veins on my skin)? How do I avoid hitting the veins underneath? Is there an anatomical diagram I could use to see where the underneath veins are? Otherwise, is it just hit or miss? When I turned all blue, it was two weeks before it cleared up (and I had a huge lump as well after injecting)!! Thank you--I really want this to work!

Hi, some of the very small veins are under the skin, but most are on the surface. It sounds like your foreskin could be complicating the injection process, as they do move around. I've been injecting trimix for a year and a half, and once a month or so I still hit a vein. It looks ugly, but I haven't noticed any bad long term effects, just bruising. I haven't developed any scar tissue buildup on/in my penis.
Pretty much it IS a hit or miss situation regarding hitting those veins, as every man's vein structure in the penis is different. It's kind of like fingerprints-everyone is different.
Just last week I hit a vein and it gave me a horrible-looking blood bump, and it turned the whole left side of my willie blue, and it still is a little blue.
You will get better at injecting as time goes on, and you will continue to hit a vein every once in a while. I also enlist the help of my wife in order to locate veins while I'm injecting, and use direct sunlight too, as it really seems to help when trying to avoid veins.
Keep practicing and it will get better! All in all, it has been a great experience, and trimix has helped my marriage almost immeasurably.

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