Trimix not working very well now and tried something new :-)

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Trimix not working very well now and tried something new :-)

Postby trimix60 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:32 pm

I have been using trimix for a few years now and it worked really well in the beginning but as time marched on, things started to change.

At first with a regular prescription of trimix, .25 cc would keep me rock hard for a couple of hours, even after an orgasm :-) time continued, I had to bump it up to .5 cc and eventually, that did not hold be anymore.

After I would orgasm, I would go limp, leaving my wife hanging for more pleasure....!!! It was ok for me, but not for takes a lot more to get her over the edge....and my job is to please her !!!

So I decided to go for "Super Trimix" and found that I could reduce the amount I injected, but it was still not keeping me hard after I would orgasm...ugggg !!

Yesterday, I decided to try a combination of Viagra and trimix....I took the 100 mg Viagra about an hour before injecting .2 cc of Super Trimix...and wow !!! did that ever work reminded me of when I first started using trimix a few years ago !!!

I was able to blow right through my orgasm and almost got my wife over the edge before I was just to winded to keep going.....we rested a bit and then, we were able to go at it again....:-) Wow, was that a great feeling !!! and my wife loved it and she even asked for more !!!

I stayed hard for sometime after all that but eventually my little friend took a rest....I had some Actifed standing by just in case.

I know that it is not recommended to do what I did, but I just thought I would share my story with those of you that maybe are having simular problems.

Here to good drugs !!!



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Re: Trimix not working very well now and tried something new :-)

Postby dtwarren1942 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:37 pm

I take daily 10 mg of Cialis and 50 mg of Viagra several hours prior to anticipated sex. I have increased my Trimix concentration by three and inject 60 units and still only get an 80% erection level that only lasts an hour. I normally resort to my VED and Osbon tension band to maintain a 100% erection.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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