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Postby notsostiff » Sat May 14, 2011 5:56 pm

I found this site whilst using the HealingWell.org website. I am 5 months post robotic prostatectomy and still waiting patiently for my first erection.

Had a robotic prostatectomy on 16 Dec 2010, with partial bi-lateral nerve sparing.

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Re: Hi

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sat May 14, 2011 7:14 pm

Hi Notso:

What a great name! Congrats. Welcome to the clan. I am also a PCa victim with robotic surgery and understand your concerns. Since you didn't mention, I assume they got the cancer and you are not having big incontinence issues. That’s a good thing!! It also means 2 of the 3 steps are taken and now we move onto the major one- Penile Rehab.

Since you are only 5 months post-op, you probably won’t have too much response from your favorite body part. But, although I’m not a medical person, I think it is time for some serious Penile Rehab. And unlike most other therapies, Penile Rehab can be/is fun! I would suggest that you take him in hand and fully exercise him as much as you can. You probably have already found that you can reach a climax without an erection (not something I would have believed before my surgery) so keep at it. That “exercise” does induce some blood and nerves to rethink what they use to do and it should help- and of course it feels really good. Consider ordering a “Prelude”. It is mentioned in the Pumping Section. I was amazed how much it helped me when I started. It is not for sex but to draw blood into your shaft, easy to use and great fun to watch him grow again! It comes in 2 sizes as determined by your girth and not length.

Talk with your doc about starting one of the pills. There is evidence they may be able to help everybody down there remember what they use to do. Yes, they can be expensive, but this is war!! You didn't mention so I assume you had no erection issues before your surgery and lack any co-morbidities that would inhibit your rehab. Regardless, they can be addresses by knowledgeable medical professionals. The important thing at this stage is to DO something frequently. The state of medicine on our issue is rather primitive for most docs. You are in a good place as there is a lot of experience here.

For intercourse you are probably limited to a pump with a ring or injections. Sorry, that is the way or our world right now. Both are doable and there are many guys on FrankTalk experienced with each. As I remember your doc may want to wait a bit longer before injections are instituted.

Penile Rehab is a team sport so involve your partner if you have one as much as possible. But this process is also a solo event as you relearn and try and develop your own patterns and successes. If I can be of assistance let me know and feel fee to contact me via a private message as you wish. I also suggest you join in the chat room as there is a tremendous amount of experience there with guys at every stage and many deep experiences. I have always found them helpful, funny and encouraging as I have learned. I gather you may be across the pond so time zones can be interesting. It works; a few days ago some of us were on with a great new guy from Belgium. We’re everywhere.

Again, welcome. You are in a good place!


PCa-surgery 10/06

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Hi

Postby Cajun Jeff » Sat May 14, 2011 9:35 pm

notsostif: I am a PCa guy here also from Healingwell.com. Dick gave you great advise. When you have some free time try to join us in the chat room. Great group of guys to hang out with so to speak. You may have seen some of my post on HW also.. I use the same name on both places.

Cajun jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: Hi

Postby notsostiff » Sun May 15, 2011 3:32 pm

Thanks for the welcome guys. I have a good relationship with my wife and she is helping lots but some chat with guys who have already been throught it is what I am hoping for from this forum. Yes am UK side of the pond. I have been on cialis for nearly five months with only a little response. I didn't have have any problems overcoming the incontinence hurdle and I am perfectly dry now. I exercise my manhood on a daily basis even though the response is small but I am determined to get through this. Five months ago when I had the prostatectomy 5 months seemed a long time but it has gone quite quickly looking back. So in another 5 months I am hoping things will be better still. I see my consultant again tomorrow and so I am hoping for good news. The cancer was T2C and the surgeon seems to have removed all the cancer according to margins in the histology report. My first post op PSA test was <0.05 which was the lower limit of the test. So I seem to have cracked the cancer bit, the incontinence bit and now it is all out war on the ED bit. I am looking forward to some interesting and helpful support from you guys.


I use the same name on HealingWell.
Had a robotic prostatectomy on 16 Dec 2010, with partial bi-lateral nerve sparing.

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