First time to post. Need some feedback

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First time to post. Need some feedback

Postby jmurph36 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 7:35 pm

Here is my story. I had an accident when I was about 20 that resulted in me becoming completely impotent. In May of this year I opted to have the prosthetic surgery. I chose the AMS LGX to be implanted. My doctor informed me he implanted a total of 21 cm with 11 distal. I am almost 6 months post-op and am still experiencing a burning pain when inflate the device. I also have numbness in the glans still. I have read on other forum posts that some people have experienced growth and stretching throughout the entire first year. I have also read that people have experienced numbness that didn't subside until 6 to 9 months post-op. I have been very depressed because I am only 30 and have this device. My sex drive is practically non-existent and I have missed out on several opportunities to have girlfriends because of this issue. I did a great deal of research before I opted for the surgery. Everything I read basically praised the implant as a miracle cure. So far I have not felt this way. Has anyone had any similar experiences? I would greatly appreciate some feedback.

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Re: First time to post. Need some feedback

Postby avlis26 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:25 pm

Welcome to Frank talk.

I'm 31 and also got my implant about 6 months ago.
I have not experience numbness in the glans, but I still have some pain when pumped to max after 45 min or so. This is getting better every month, but it's a slow process.
I try to pump my device every day and I think the pain is also a sign that the penile tissues are stretching.
just give it time and try to pump it up every day. You'll be fine.. The girls I have been with loved the implant.

Anonymous 3

Re: First time to post. Need some feedback

Postby Anonymous 3 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:31 pm

I am sorry to hear that you are not happy with your implant. I also had my implant in May and still have some of the same sensations, although maybe to a lesser degree than you. I feel a little discomfort in the prostate area and also a bit of discomfort in the glans but that only happens if I pump up to the absolute max or stay inflated for several hours. The discomfort goes away when I deflate the prosthesis although if I have been pumped up for several hours the discomfort does continue for a while, maybe a day. I believe it is caused by the implant cylinders stretching out the cavernosa in both directions and I expect that some discomfort will continue for a while longer. The procedure is highly invasive and to still be feeling some effects does not surprise me. Most of the time, though, I don't even feel the components. I do not have numbness in the glans, maybe the opposite because if I accidentally bump my penis against something it is a bit startling :o

As for low sex drive, depression can certainly cause that. Medications such as most antidepressents, beta blockers etc etc can also cause low libido as well as low testosterone levels. I am speaking from experience here. Have you checked out your problems with a doc?

Despite the "growing pains" I am pleased with the result and the confidence I recovered. I hope you continue to heal quickly and can hang in there. It will be worth it in the end.

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