Hello from Haines City, Florida

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Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:04 pm

Hello from Haines City, Florida

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:33 pm

I found you as I was searching for info on penis pumps. I had radiation for prostate cancer in 2009. I am doing great but the treatments made my ED worse.
I am using trimix with good results although my erection is not as hard and doesn't last very long. My urologist suggested I consider using a pump or surgery.

I am not too keen on the implant as my brother had one and had lots of problems and 3 replacements. It will be great to talk to guys that understand the frustrations concerning ED.
I am waiting to make an appointment to try the pump.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:21 pm

new member

Postby golfnut » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:59 am

I am 74 and my health plan would not pay for a pump . Yesterday I ordered a Encore Revive Premium Battery ED pump($88.)
It looks like it's about the same as the medical grade pump that my insurance turned down.
In good health ,play golf almost every day and weigh the same as I did in high school. I can get an erection with pills but some times
it just goes away in a few minutes. I have been reading a lot here and just wanted to thank everyone for all their input.
Should have the pump in a week or so and have made lots of notes on how to get started. Thanks for sharing -- golfnut

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Re: Hello from Haines City, Florida

Postby dtwarren1942 » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:10 pm

Hey Golfnut!

Where did you get the Encore pump for $88? The website lists it for $128.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

Posts: 7
Joined: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:21 pm

Re: Hello from Haines City, Florida

Postby golfnut » Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:20 am

It was on their web site--but I called and changed my order to the one for $125 both electric and manual- carrying case --several bands-lube

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