How do you stop premature ejaculation

One out of Three men in America suffer with PE. It's the largest sexual dysfunction there is. Since there is no discussion board dedicated to PE so far, we will try to fill the need here!
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How do you stop premature ejaculation

Postby russelltonya729 » Fri May 03, 2024 6:17 am

Managing premature ejaculation can be done in a number of ways, including:

For a few seconds, gently squeeze the base of the penis while pausing stimulation. This is done when you're getting close to max. This helps put off ejaculation.
Do exercises for your kegels: Kegel exercises can help you control your ejaculation by strengthening the muscles in your pelvic floor.
Mindfully Masturbate: Learn your arousal patterns by stroking and stopping before the peak and then starting up again. This makes you more aware and in charge.
Deep breathing: Take slow, deep breaths during contact to calm your excitement and keep your performance going longer.
Use products that calm you down: Over-the-counter creams or sprays can make you less sensitive, which can delay ejaculation.
Communication: Be honest with your partner about your worries. Performance anxiety can be eased with understanding and help.
Try Different Positions: Changing positions that stimulate you less can help you wait to ejaculate.
Get Professional Help: If you keep ejaculating before your time, talk to a doctor or therapist who specializes in sexual health for specific advice and support.

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Re: How do you stop premature ejaculation

Postby RJ_in_Pa » Fri May 03, 2024 9:03 am

Great post Russell. The act of stopping just before your peak/ejaculating is what some call “Edging”. Getting right to the edge without going over. As a young man, this was very sexy and stimulating. Sometimes having to stop every 10 seconds or so, which could go on for a long time until you can’t stand it any more and let it go. If your partner knows you well enough and can sense where edge is, it is even better. I miss those days!

You can also edge solo.
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Re: How do you stop premature ejaculation

Postby sogwap » Fri May 03, 2024 10:37 am

I've had ED/PE issues for what seems like forever.

Two years ago I started using Trimix. One of the reasons for Trimix is that you can stay erect even after ejaculation.
With Trimix, I am fully erect in 5-10 minutes and the erection will last for an hour or more. Even after ejaculation.

About a year ago I had a Doppler ultrasound. My urologist confirmed that I have good blood flow and that I don't have Venous Leak.
So I asked what is the cause of my ED? The only answer was psychological, or performance anxiety.

Before using Trimix. I tried all sorts of remedies. Start/stop, sprays, pulling, squeezing, etc
For three years I took a low dose (10mg daily) of Paroxetine (Paxil), Which helped delay ejaculation from 1 minute or less to maybe 3-5 minutes. Which was still too short to satisfy my wife.
I also practiced what I call slow sex. So instead of thrusting. I tried slowing sex down. This helped. But left my wife frustrated often telling me she couldn't feel anything.

Seems the only thing that worked was Trimix. Trimix doesn't stop the ejaculation, But it does allow me to stay erect and continue sex even after ejaculation. However, I have to be very careful. Since my wife claims I lose my mojo. So now when we have sex, I have a silent ejaculation. After which I actually feel energized and can continue the sex with more vigor. Now often when she has her's it feels to me like I can then have another dry orgasm.

PS Two things I have not tried.
First is to take a higher dose (30 mg) of Paroxetine 2-3 hours before sex. I've never tried this since it's almost impossible to plan sex. Also, I would note I no longer take Paroxetine.
The second is to take my beta blocker 30 minutes before having sex. Normally I take it in the morning. But a couple of times I took it before bedtime and was unable to ejaculate. Whether this was coincidental (meaning something else was going on) or if it indeed caused delayed ejaculation I don't really know.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD

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