15 Month Post-Op Update

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15 Month Post-Op Update

Postby sswinsfba » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:51 pm

It's been just about 15 months since I got my implant.

If you want to read my post-surgical diary, you can find it here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=21069

Anyway, I thought it now would be useful to post some thoughts which may be of use &/or interest to those who of you who just got their implant recently or are still contemplating getting one.

I'm just writing these comments as they occur to me.

They are not listed in any particular order of priority. There will be some redundancy between these comments and what I already said the in thread above but you'd have to dig pretty deep into the 23 page thread to find them. ;)

So, here we go:

1) Dr. Edward Karpman in Mt. View, CA was my surgeon. He implanted a Coloplast Titan in me infra-pubicly on 01/24/2024.

2) I followed Karpman's instructions to the letter & I had no pain, infections or any other problems post-surgically.

3) I started fucking almost exactly a year ago today. I've had no mechanical or any other problems w/the Coloplast Titan implant.

4) My erect size pre-op was 5.5x5.5 and when I started fucking post-op, which was about 3 months post-surgery, my size was 6x6. :D

5) However, my erect size gradually retracted back to my original pre-op 5.5x5.5 size over time. Still a respectable size but I liked it better at 6x6. :(

6) So, I just started pumping to get back to 6x6. :D

7) I can pump it up a bit larger than 6x6 if I keep it pumped up longer but that's not necessarily a good thing because then I develop the post-pumping donut (which goes away when I inflate the implant and goes away by itself over time) but it looks unsightly to me. 6x6 is good enough for me. ;)

8) I'm inflating and pumping my implant 2x's a day -- after I wake up & before I go to bed -- for as long as it takes me to get cleaned up, which is usually about 20-30 mins.

9) As is usually, the case, the increased size from the "pump" lasts only for about 4-6 hours. I just started pumping a few days ago and, while I hope for a permanent expansion in the implant over time, I don't necessarily expect it.

10) I wanted to but did not call Karpman to discuss pumping but he doesn't take phone calls, he doesn't use email and his office is located a long way from where I live and his office is really busy. So, I just did it on my own. No problems w/the implant yet, as a result. Fingers crossed.

11) My size flaccid is now the same as my pre-op erect size 5.5x5.5. It's a big package but after being a grower since birth, I like it better. ;)

12) I bought & have worn Separatec briefs ever since I started fucking. They are the best briefs to wear IMO if you're packing an implant. However, at my size, the sock will leave an indentation in the glans from the seam in the sock. So, I just stopped using the sock and am I now letting my dick hang freely through the hole in the briefs, which I do not find any more/less comfortable than using the sock.

13) Pre-pumping it takes 30 squeezes of the implant ball to get fully erect. While pumping, the squeeze ball is hard; can't use it. Post-pumping it takes about 40 squeezes to get back to full erect after I've deflated the implant.

14) My implant is NOT noisy. ie., the squeeze ball does not squeak when I'm pumping saline into the implant.

15) So, I can pump up my implant w/o my sex partners knowing that that's what I'm doing.

16) I've never mentioned it here before but I'm bi -- more straight than gay but bi, nonetheless -- and I have 2 FWBs (a man & a woman) who I am currently fucking regularly; every week or so. I'm 73 now but don't look my age. Most people who don't know me think I'm in my 50's. The guy is 1/2 my age and the girl is my age. No problems fucking either one anally or vaginally w/my implant.

17) I told the guy but not the girl about the implant. Not sure why I told the guy but not the girl but I think it's better this way. The girl is delighted w/the size but, while she has noticed that I have no problem getting hard (unlike other men my age that she's been with), she still has no clue that I've got an implant.

18) Just discovered the girl likes anal too but she's an anal novice & it would take awhile for her to accommodate my size, which isn't necessary since I've got a boytoy too. So, I'm just inserting small dildo in her ass while fucking her vaginally, which she enjoys. :D

19) I'm taking PreP & Doxy to reduce the risk of HIV & STD infection. I think everyone should do that, if they are sexually activez (and have multiple sex partners and aren't exercising strictly safe sex), even if they aren't bi/gay, because you can catch both from a women even if you're straight.

20) I can still cum normally post-op but (and I think this is age related), I have difficulty cumming more than once every 2-3 days. Didn't have this "problem" when I was younger (when I could cum 2-3x's in a row) but I'm not young anymore. ;)

21) Sex 1-2x's a week is fine for me and this is only possible because I got the implant. ;)

That's all that I can think of saying at the moment. I hope at least some of you will find this information useful and interesting. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Here's wishing you all as good and problem-free an implant experience as I have had. 8-)
Last edited by sswinsfba on Thu Apr 18, 2024 5:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

Posts: 179
Joined: Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:20 am

Re: 15 month Update

Postby newhope » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:24 pm

sswinsfba wrote:5) However, my erect size gradually retracted back to my original pre-op 5.5x5.5 size over time. Still a respectable size but I liked it better at 6x6. :(

11) My size flaccid is now the same as my pre-op erect size 5.5x5.5. It's a big package but after being a grower since birth, I like it better. ;)

thanks for the update. Post some pic also

Regarding the size, how is it possibile that you are exactly the same size deflated and inflated ? Other users report increase in length with inflation even with titan.
LGX 18 + 1, 90 cc. 2023/12
Pre-OP VED length: 5.5". Post-OP: 4". At 3 months post-op: 5".
Cycling with a lot of pain for the first 5 months, now improving
If you have a motorcycle or a bike stop using it (ED with motorcycle accident).

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Re: 15 month Update

Postby sswinsfba » Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:29 pm

newhope wrote:thanks for the update. Post some pic also

Regarding the size, how is it possibile that you are exactly the same size deflated and inflated ? Other users report increase in length with inflation even with titan.

I said that post-pump I'm now 6.6, as well as 5.5x5.5 flaccid (which was my pre-op erect size). It's staying about 5.5x5.5 flaccid as long as I continue to pump 2x's a day.

Without any pumping at all, my flaccid size post-op started at 6x6 but retracted to 5.5x5.5 erect and 5x5 flaccid. I was a grower and never had any flaccid size to speak of pre-op but was the same size erect both pre & post-op until I started pumping.

Only a minor difference either way but 6x6 is noticeably bigger than 5.5x5.5; at least it is to me. So, I'm going to continue pumping as long as no problems arise.


Sorry I don't like posting graphic pics openly on the Net; anonymously or not.

You'll just have to believe me about the sizes and, since I'm not claiming to be really HUGE pre and/or post-op as some do, you can trust that I'm not exaggerating. ;)
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: 15 month Update

Postby Lester33 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:53 pm

Good for you and glad you’re enjoying it.
IPP on 6/22/2018 by Dr. Perito, Miami, FL.
22cm Coloplast Titan, 2 RTE
Testosterone therapy
Cancer free eight years, married fifty one years, wonderful sex life

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Re: 15 month Update

Postby Jage64 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:54 am

Good to see you post again sswinsfba, seems like it's been awhile. You were implanted just a month or so before me, I'm at the 14 month mark now and share your enthusiasm for implants. My experience was similar to yours in terms of recovery, although we have different doctors, implants and surgical methods.

One thing I will mention, I was recently back in Texas and dropped in on Dr. Clavell for a one year follow up. It was my choice to do so, there was nothing of concern, I just thought since I'm in town and don't know what I don't know, I'd stop in and say hello. He was happy to see me and gave me the big thumbs up. I mentioned to him that I was still cycling daily for about 30-45 minutes during my morning routine, and he advised me that now that I'm 12+ months out there was no need to continue cycling so often. He mentioned that the device is just that, a device, and has a finite life associated with each of it's components. He said that there are no benefits to cycling daily any longer, and just using it for sex when the opportunity arises will be plenty of cycling to address any possible tissue tightening.

I reached my maximum of 7.5" probably at 11 months post op or so, and have not seen any improvement since, so I think he's right. Cycling daily at 12 months+ is unnecessary and just gets you closer to the eventual failure of something. I wonder if you were able to contact Dr. Karpman if he would give you the same counsel?
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant, skipped the injections. 12 mos. later: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4"

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Re: 15 month Update

Postby sswinsfba » Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:55 am

Jage64 wrote:Good to see you post again sswinsfba, seems like it's been awhile. You were implanted just a month or so before me, I'm at the 14 month mark now and share your enthusiasm for implants. My experience was similar to yours in terms of recovery, although we have different doctors, implants and surgical methods.

Yes, it's been awhile. Good to hear from you too. :)

Jage64 wrote:One thing I will mention, I was recently back in Texas and dropped in on Dr. Clavell for a one year follow up. It was my choice to do so, there was nothing of concern, I just thought since I'm in town and don't know what I don't know, I'd stop in and say hello. He was happy to see me and gave me the big thumbs up. I mentioned to him that I was still cycling daily for about 30-45 minutes during my morning routine, and he advised me that now that I'm 12+ months out there was no need to continue cycling so often. He mentioned that the device is just that, a device, and has a finite life associated with each of it's components. He said that there are no benefits to cycling daily any longer, and just using it for sex when the opportunity arises will be plenty of cycling to address any possible tissue tightening.

I reached my maximum of 7.5" probably at 11 months post op or so, and have not seen any improvement since, so I think he's right. Cycling daily at 12 months+ is unnecessary and just gets you closer to the eventual failure of something. I wonder if you were able to contact Dr. Karpman if he would give you the same counsel?

It wouldn't be possible to just "drop in" to see Karpman but my guess is that he would probably say the same thing.


Regarding Size:

I was told that I would see gains in girth & width of an inch or more but that didn't happen for me.

Without pumping, I'm exactly the same size erect at 5.5 x 5.5 both pre and post-op.

The best gains I ever saw was the 1/2 x 1/2" increase in length & girth immediately post-op. It never got better than that and, as mentioned previously, those gains were lost over the past year, which was disappointing.


Regarding Implant Life:

According to one report I read, the "mechanical survival rate" of a penile implant is about 80% after 10 years but, I recall hearing some men here say they had to replace theirs w/in a little as 2-5 years. Then again, I've read claims that they're good for 15-20 years! So, it's hard to know what to think.

Will daily cycling (and in my case, twice daily cycling & pumping) increase the risk of failure? IDK.

That's obviously possible but there's seems to be no clear pattern to when &/or why an implant will fail & I'm willing to take the risk of failure doing what I'm doing in order to regain the size that I gained but then lost, which is about 16.2% (based on volume) and is significant to me.

If my implant fails because of this, I'll just schedule another surgery w/Karpman to replace the implant, which I'm not afraid of doing but, as I get older, the risks of surgery obviously become greater.

I'll just have to cross that bridge if/when the time comes.


Take care & best wishes to you. :)
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: 15 month Update

Postby Jage64 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:01 pm

sswinsfba wrote:It wouldn't be possible to just "drop in" to see Karpman but my guess is that he would probably say the same thing.

Take care & best wishes to you. :)

My "drop in" characterization isn't quite correct, but when I found I would be flying in to Houston from California I reached him by text a few days beforehand and he (his staff) was able to find a slot for me to see him just a couple of days later. It worked well, my flight arrived at 7am and I saw him at 8:30. His office is only about 20 minutes from the Houston airport.

Best wishes to you as well, we're now the old FT guys we relied on over a year ago, and just as they all said "in a year you'll look back and wonder why you didn't do it sooner".
2/22/23 AMS 700 CX 21cm + 1.5cm RTEs. 58 yrs old, wife of 37 yrs. Penoscrotal. 100ml Conceal reservoir. Dr. Clavell. Pills failing and went right to implant, skipped the injections. 12 mos. later: 7 1/2" x 5 3/4"

Posts: 572
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Re: 15 month Update

Postby sswinsfba » Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:49 pm

Jage64 wrote:Best wishes to you as well, we're now the old FT guys we relied on over a year ago, and just as they all said "in a year you'll look back and wonder why you didn't do it sooner".

Yup, thumbs up to that! 8-)
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

Posts: 572
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Re: 15 Month Post-Op Update

Postby sswinsfba » Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:52 pm

Ok, it's been nice revisiting this site for the past few days but it's time to move on again.

Interesting to see many members who were around when I got my implant who are still active here.

I'll check in again to post another update around my 2 yr anniversary in Jan-Feb 2025.

Good luck & best wishes to you all! 8-)
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:14 am

Re: 15 Month Post-Op Update

Postby Mike1987a » Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:12 pm

Good evening, I would like to ask after 4-5 months from the implantation, should I still be afraid of a simple virus during the season, I do not have any health problems

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