About to give up

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Re: About to give up

Postby RJ_in_Pa » Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:24 pm

Hey guys. Good news. I hit the sweet spot today. One of our brethren reached out to me on PM and sent me some great info and two very helpful video. The videos promoted using a target area closer to 3 and 9 positions, rather than the 2 and 10, which I have been using.

The other thing that really helped is the video showed a technique of holding the needle with sort of the Okay sign around the penis after the needle is fully pushed in. In other words, the index finger and the thumb come around the penis from the other side of the injection site and hold the needle steady and secure while your other hand is free to depress the plunger. My hands were shaking like crazy, (as usual) and when I reached around and grabbed the needle, I felt in total control and calmed right now. It was going so well, at one point I looked down to see if the needle was still actually still in. :D

Lastly, the video also promoted a very slow injection of the meds. A slight depression of the plunger, a pause, another depression and another pause, and so on. Using the technique of holding the needle mentioned above, it is easy to take as much time as you would like. The video made mention that if the meds do not flow easily from the needle while the plunger is being depressed, you are probably not in the right spot. This slow injection reduces the achy pain associated with the injection. I did this today and I noticed a big difference.

Obviously the member that PM’d with this info is a seasoned veteran and we are lucky to have him on this site.

Thanks brother! I can’t wait to try it again.

64, Radical Prostatectomy in 2023, pills did nothing. Currently on Trimix with great success.

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Re: About to give up

Postby Budward » Thu Apr 04, 2024 6:40 pm

My first attempt was terrible, bent needle. Ouch. I can't do the needle thing. I bought an autoinject 2 and love it. I have had three very successful in a row. I am a beginner. You don't see the needle. I use VED for plump and find the spot, hit the trigger, press the site for about 30 seconds. Put Mr. Happy back in the VED for about a minute and I am hard right away.

I look forward to the process where only dread was were I was at, at the beginning.

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Re: About to give up

Postby Pedi10 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:39 pm

Glad you were successful. Hope you were able to enjoy the results of your success. Paul

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Re: About to give up

Postby ejefowe » Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:31 am

Hi Guys. I had to jump in here. I switched from Alprostadil to Trimix, five injections ago. I worked my way up from 30 to 60 units which seems to be the one that works. My flaccid penis is very small and thin so I have started pumping up with a VED to get a chubbier target. I cannot imagine using a 1/2" needle! (afraid it might come out the other side of my cock! ..lol) so I use a 5/16 insulin needle. BUT I have a buddy who is getting much better results with Trimix since he went up from the smaller to the 1/2" needle. My take-away is that everyone is different and you have to be patient and experiment. I agree that this forum is a god-send for guys.

Urologists are no help. As someone told me....Urologists are PLUMBERS ...and we need ELECTRICIANS!!! Gents...you have to advocate for yourself. If your urologist doesn't suggest stuff, and you have heard or read about something...INSIST that he consider it as well. Early on I suggested switching out Alprostadil for Trimix and was flatly told by him...that's not for you. After several months of a painful, half-hard penis I asked again for a script for Trimix and he said...ya, ok! I wanted to smack him!!!!

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Re: About to give up

Postby Pedi10 » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:45 am

You should have!

Brad M
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Re: About to give up

Postby Brad M » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:14 am

Hey guys. Good news. I hit the sweet spot today. One of our brethren reached out to me on PM and sent me some great info and two very helpful video. The videos promoted using a target area closer to 3 and 9 positions, rather than the 2 and 10, which I have been using.

Can you share which videos?
73 years old, married 30 years, used Levitra successfully for 15 years, tried Cialis, Stendra and Viagra, they never worked, now using Trimix 8-)

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Re: About to give up

Postby Pedi10 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:51 pm

Wife initiated, helped inject and we were successful.

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Re: About to give up

Postby MARKOS2018 » Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:55 pm

Congratulations! Kudos to wife and you!
Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.

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Re: About to give up

Postby Pedi10 » Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:20 pm

Thanks for helping me out.

Posts: 14
Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2022 5:33 pm

Re: About to give up

Postby rvaldes820 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:04 am

After a few failed attempts I figured a method that works for me. For starters never push the plunger on your syringe if you feel resistance. If you do feel resistance move to a new injection site. I also use a pump and a ring. Engorging with blood makes your target area bigger and easier to hit. I haven’t had a miss since employing this method

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