New Member - Loss of Sensation

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Joined: Fri Nov 24, 2023 7:54 am

Re: New Member - Loss of Sensation

Postby Never_Enough » Mon Apr 01, 2024 3:13 pm

bldoink wrote:
Never_Enough wrote:In what way has it had a significant effect on the relationship?

Ok, I'll opine:

It depends on the woman. The varity is bewildering. Some can't seem to get over no longer being the cause of the erection. Of course they still are, they're why we're injecting, or whatever ED solution is being used. Some women are just very shallow being brought up to be a spoiled princess. They get upset if things don't work the way they think they should in their perfect dreams. It may be all about them and they don't want to make any comprimises as life changes things. They just want things the way they want them and have no patience. Choose your mate wisely.

Fortunately many women are kind, wise and love their man. They will be patient and try to make things work to bring pleasure to both parties in the relationship.

Yes I guess I find it hard to understand how couples in later years that have been married for so long could let these kinds of things become issues in a relationship that's obviously been very strong. I

Maybe I'm just fortunate to have had relationships where sex was and is not that important - it's. Great but can both live without, piv sex fairly comfortably if we needed too.

I'm not disparaging people I just find it intriguing.
38 m UK

Psychogenic ED since a teenager, no problems being fully erect alone.
2 kids, long term partner but also a new relationship.
Chronic pelvic pain developed in late 2023 making ED worse.
Extreme stress levels
Cialis 5 mg daily and 15 mg as prn

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