The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby jwjwjw » Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:02 am

I'm 68 and had been using Cialis,etc for 10 years or with good success but then their effectiveness dropped off dramatically about a year ago.
Started using Trimix about 7 months ago a couple times per week with 95% success rate.

5 to 10 minutes after injection I have a Excellent erection and my wife is super impressed.I last longer now than when I was 35.

Trimix may not be for everybody but it has been Life Changing for me....

ALSO.... Alcohol seems to not hurt my performance at all when using Trimix

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby qcswral » Mon Mar 04, 2024 6:24 am

I'm another satisfied Trimix user after taking ED pills for some 5 years when ED raised its ugly head ( no pun intended) in my early 50's. I am now 69, and have been using Trimix for about 10 years..around once a week. Trimix was a game changer as it gave me much more of a reliable erection. When the pills started to be less effective, I read an article as to the most likely reason that happens. The article indicated it's not so much the medication becomes less effective, due to your tolerance it's more the underlying medical issue causing the ED has worsened. With me it was heart disease which I later learned ED is a precursor to cardiac issues later down the road. I eventually had to under go cardiac by-pass surgery as I had a major blockage in my LAD artery. When you think about it it makes sense. The artery feeding blood to your penis is much smaller than the arteries around the heart and most likely begin to clog years before the heart arteries.. I always strongly recommend if your ED is not caused by some prostrate issue, get yourself checked for cardiac artery blockages.
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby easymoney » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:56 am

I agree with qcswral about the cardiac issues .. I had ED every once in a while in my late 30's early 40's for no real reason found. I kept complaining about being tired .. chest pain ..etc .. they kept telling me it was nothing. Fast forward age 45 did a 2nd heart cath found I was 95% blocked on top and 100% blocked on the bottom of my arteries. This caused damage to my heart never worked again. Since then I have had 11 heart caths and 5 heart stents and a couple of strokes. You know your body and when something is not right, if your Dr. won't listen or fluffs you off get a different dr. They now know years later that ED can be one of the first signs of cardiac issues.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby Hardonrescue » Mon Mar 04, 2024 8:38 pm

Yes I have read about ED being an indicator for cardiac issues. This has me worried that maybe I should go get a heart scan or something. Yet I feel fine, do cardio 4x a week, etc. etc. etc. Never get fatigued with exercise. So not sure the concern applies to me. I'm guessing my problem is borderline low T. Doc says my T is ok but free T is scraping the bottom of what is acceptable.
64, fit, active, healthy, gym/cardio/yoga buff, no prob my whole life til several years ago. Lately getting worse. No meds exc C/V. Bloods OK, T OK. C/V worked for awhile, effectiveness is declining. Now titrating 30 Pap/3 Phen/20 PGE1 trimix blend.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby qcswral » Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:45 pm

Hardonrescue wrote:Yes I have read about ED being an indicator for cardiac issues. This has me worried that maybe I should go get a heart scan or something. Yet I feel fine, do cardio 4x a week, etc. etc. etc. Never get fatigued with exercise. So not sure the concern applies to me. I'm guessing my problem is borderline low T. Doc says my T is ok but free T is scraping the bottom of what is acceptable.

I would still get the cardiac work-up....especially considering your age. Do you know what symptom 50% of the people who have heart attacks experience?? Sudden death..the other 50% like myself are the lucky ones. I was and am very physically active and looking back I was getting a little tired working out but I chalked it up to age and work stress. Then I started having what I thought was heart burn...which obviously it wasn't. I convinced myself I had GERD and went to a gastro doc,,,One of the first things he said to me was "You're a man in his 50's. The first thing I would do is send you for a cardiac work=up." What the cardiac nurses and physicians told me was exercise saved my life because it provided the ideal conditions to experience the symptoms. Otherwise as my cardiologist told me, too many men in their 50's and 60's who look and felt otherwise healthy are found somewhere..well you get it. I don't mean to scare you or anyone else reading this, but I wouldn't screw around with your health. And to tell you the truth I would think any competent physician ( URO included( would look at your age and ED difficulties and recommend a cardiac work-up. Good luck and keep us posted. All the Best to you!
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby Hardonrescue » Sat Mar 09, 2024 1:46 pm

qcswral wrote: I would still get the cardiac work-up....especially considering your age. Do you know what symptom 50% of the people who have heart attacks experience?? Sudden death..the other 50% like myself are the lucky ones. I was and am very physically active and looking back I was getting a little tired working out but I chalked it up to age and work stress. Then I started having what I thought was heart burn...which obviously it wasn't. I convinced myself I had GERD and went to a gastro doc,,,One of the first things he said to me was "You're a man in his 50's. The first thing I would do is send you for a cardiac work=up." What the cardiac nurses and physicians told me was exercise saved my life because it provided the ideal conditions to experience the symptoms. Otherwise as my cardiologist told me, too many men in their 50's and 60's who look and felt otherwise healthy are found somewhere..well you get it. I don't mean to scare you or anyone else reading this, but I wouldn't screw around with your health. And to tell you the truth I would think any competent physician ( URO included( would look at your age and ED difficulties and recommend a cardiac work-up. Good luck and keep us posted. All the Best to you!

Hmmm....thanks...Question, did your ED improve after the bypass surgery? ...I do have some circulatory issues, mainly due to varicose veins in my legs. I also have very low resting BP. Went to a vein clinic because of some foot pain and after testing they told me my veins were in terrible shape, they were surprised I didn't have more severe symptoms, ie, leg pain and lethargy. I had no symptoms except a little foot pain in one foot that isn't bad at all. THey said likely my overall fitness and health habits prevented worse symptoms. I went in for a procedure and they blasted away some bad veins and I hoped it would improve my ED. But...6 months later, nada. But according to them, I have plenty more inefficient veins in my legs that they can treat. I'm left wondering if I go thru all that expense and hassle, if it would improve my ED. I researched the subject and seems there are a few scattered cases where this procedure improved ED, but not in the vast majority of patients. All I know is, in the vast plethora of things I tried for a boner boost, was various pressures and sizes of compression socks/stockings, and none helped at all. I told my self if wearing thigh high nylon stockings helped, fuckit, I'd wear em!!! Would take some splaining, though, at any sexual encounters lol.
64, fit, active, healthy, gym/cardio/yoga buff, no prob my whole life til several years ago. Lately getting worse. No meds exc C/V. Bloods OK, T OK. C/V worked for awhile, effectiveness is declining. Now titrating 30 Pap/3 Phen/20 PGE1 trimix blend.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby Budward » Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:26 pm

try Melanotan 2 and PT 141. Check them out.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby qcswral » Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:15 am

Hardonrescue wrote:
qcswral wrote: I would still get the cardiac work-up....especially considering your age. Do you know what symptom 50% of the people who have heart attacks experience?? Sudden death..the other 50% like myself are the lucky ones. I was and am very physically active and looking back I was getting a little tired working out but I chalked it up to age and work stress. Then I started having what I thought was heart burn...which obviously it wasn't. I convinced myself I had GERD and went to a gastro doc,,,One of the first things he said to me was "You're a man in his 50's. The first thing I would do is send you for a cardiac work=up." What the cardiac nurses and physicians told me was exercise saved my life because it provided the ideal conditions to experience the symptoms. Otherwise as my cardiologist told me, too many men in their 50's and 60's who look and felt otherwise healthy are found somewhere..well you get it. I don't mean to scare you or anyone else reading this, but I wouldn't screw around with your health. And to tell you the truth I would think any competent physician ( URO included( would look at your age and ED difficulties and recommend a cardiac work-up. Good luck and keep us posted. All the Best to you!

Hmmm....thanks...Question, did your ED improve after the bypass surgery? ...I do have some circulatory issues, mainly due to varicose veins in my legs. I also have very low resting BP. Went to a vein clinic because of some foot pain and after testing they told me my veins were in terrible shape, they were surprised I didn't have more severe symptoms, ie, leg pain and lethargy. I had no symptoms except a little foot pain in one foot that isn't bad at all. THey said likely my overall fitness and health habits prevented worse symptoms. I went in for a procedure and they blasted away some bad veins and I hoped it would improve my ED. But...6 months later, nada. But according to them, I have plenty more inefficient veins in my legs that they can treat. I'm left wondering if I go thru all that expense and hassle, if it would improve my ED. I researched the subject and seems there are a few scattered cases where this procedure improved ED, but not in the vast majority of patients. All I know is, in the vast plethora of things I tried for a boner boost, was various pressures and sizes of compression socks/stockings, and none helped at all. I told my self if wearing thigh high nylon stockings helped, fuckit, I'd wear em!!! Would take some splaining, though, at any sexual encounters lol.

Sorry for this late response. It's been 12 years since my by-pass surgery and I do recall my stamina increasing at the time. When I went to an all vegan/vegetarian diet is when I noticed a real difference in my erections. I still need Trimix, but it's firmer and I can get an erection with pills with stimulation. Has doctor placed you on any meds for your legs? I take Pentoxyfiline and really helps with the ED. I have no vein issues in my legs but stumbled upon a few research studies of how the blood thinner Pentox which is usually prescribed for PAD (Peripheral artery disease) helps with ED. I've been on it from my URO ever since I brought the research to his attention. Google Pentoxyfiline and'll see various articles on the subject. Good Luck to you
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby Nycflugel » Wed May 01, 2024 9:20 pm

Time to get an implant

Was worth it first few weeks was crazy.

Now after cumming I am still able to have fun and keep going

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Re: The drugs don't work (as well as they did)

Postby Flavio » Fri May 03, 2024 3:27 pm

Cialis stopped working for me after 10 years of regular use, I changed to udenafil and it's been great.
Age 40. Psychogenic ED for over 20 years. Current regimen: Udenafil 200 mg, oral phentolamine mesylate 40 mg, Seredyn.

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