Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

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Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby bp1111 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:34 pm

I really appreciated the information I found on this site over the last few years, which helped me get to where I am today and certainly helped me get comfortable with my decision to get the implant. The site allowed me to learn so much about implants, the surgery, recovery, doc selection, etc., that the final steps over the last few weeks were easy. I want to share my experience with the hope that it helps others going down this same path. Thus far my experience has been good, with no problems, major concerns nor any severe pain and no regrets.

I have been dealing with worsening ED for nearly 10 years and tried all the usual things. With the exception of the ED, I am otherwise healthy, active and try to stay fit. I was implanted by Dr. Clavell on 2/14 with a Titan 22cm, no RTE's and the classic pump. Dr. Clavell and his team were great from the office visit to scheduling to surgery. I first met Dr. Clavell on 2/2 and quickly determined I was ready and comfortable to move forward with scheduling the surgery for 2/14. I had already watched all his videos and seen all the good references here, so I was prepared and it made for an easy decision. I also had a doppler ultrasound during that visit that confirmed venous leak, so I knew things weren't going to get better. I wish I had the doppler many years ago and my timeline to this point may have been accelerated.

I slept well the night before surgery and was not even nervous the next morning, surprisingly. I was ready for the concerns around ED to be behind me. The surgery went well although a little scarring was found. I seemed to wake up relatively easily in recovery, without problems, was able to pee enough to be released and we were home before lunch. The surgery center staff, nurses, etc., were all great and everything went smoothly from pre-op to discharge.

I have been documenting my progress in bullet point format and will share that below. Please pardon any typos and grammatical issues. I hope the information is useful. I welcome any comments or questions.

Since everyone is always keenly interested in size related details I'll include those statistics here:
Pre-surgery measurements: Length just over 7" and girth of 5"
During and post surgery: Doc measured just under 7" length no girth measurement. My observations after through today do not really give me any concern about size, since I know it will take some time to reach max potential. Although beaten up it looks like it did before at ~50% erect. Girth looks about the same, although it looks shorter than it would have with a full erection, but that is to be expected. I guess the big take away is no freak out on size necessary.

2/14 - Day 1 - Surgery
- all went well and very little pain. Main concern was soreness from reservoir placement and concern when getting up/moving. Didn’t want to strain abdominals too much.
- Peeing was slow and i didn’t seem to drain entire bladder. I did go often and the stream was stronger at times and more drained.
- Hospital gave me some pain meds before leaving although I don’t think they were necessary.
- I then took some ibuprofen before sleep about 12 hours later.
- All looked good I.e. appearance of what we could see. Size seemed appropriate but seemed to shrink a very little bit during the day.
- Balls/sack seemed to be swelling under the dressing to me.
- Used ice packs throughout the day.
- My penis was hard when I woke up. Beyond the ~50% inflation. (natural’ish morning wood)
- Some additional feelings in shaft. Not really pain but pulses or prickly feelings maybe
- stronger stream peeing but still not “normal” emptying of bladder.
- Iced throughout the day but more swelling.
- All still seems to be going easily enough with little pain.
- Could feel pump or tubing below bandages. More swelling down below.
- bandages off in morning.
- Somewhat misshapen looking penis and swollen sack, but no real concerns.
- Took shower
- Continued to ice, used washcloth or towel to elevate sack.
- Took a little acetaminophen and Advil, but not much. Took one gabapentin. No severe pain yet.
- Penis look/shape improved during the day. Looks ok, but does appear smaller, but that’s partly just visual because of the extreme size of my balls/sack.
- Sack still very swollen. Ice and elevating sack (w/facecloth) and/or pelvis (w/pillow or adjustable bed) seemed to help.
- I cannot really keep it up against my belly, that would be close to torture.
- Not sure how I am going to be able to go out and hide this next week sometime.
- things seem to be moving the right direction.
- Shape and look improved over time after bandages removed.
- Swelling in sack has been down a bit too. Although seems to increase after standing. Also increased as the day went on.
- Sitting seems more comfortable today, but I have been supporting sack with washcloth.
- Have not been icing today.
- 2 tyl early morning and gabapentin mid day.
- Some discomfort still but no serious pain. It is more of a tingling sensation or pulses.
- Stream is much stronger, even normal when peeing the last couple days.
- There has been some pee leakage, much of which comes from not being able to shake and squeeze as normal but other times a drop appears long after going. Possibly after getting in bed or straining in some way.
- Pretty much more of the same. It’s really been non eventful thus far.
- The sack and balls are sensitive because they are rubbing my legs, couch, etc., with the swelling and also rubbing the pump and tubing on the inside.
- I am trying to position it in different ways and move it around some. I certainly cannot keep it up all the time. It is actually comfortable hanging down.
- I have been walking around the house since the beginning. Getting up and down has become much easier with less concern with straining area impacted by reservoir placement. Swelling increases when on my feet for any length of time though.
- Regarding reservoir placement it seems to be on the right side and right at the waistline/belt line. I wonder how this will be in the future once healed. Probably won’t want to squeeze into any pants that might have gotten too small.
- nothing unbearable pain wise. Did take a gabapentin early morning and ketorlac mid morning. Gabapentin seems effective on the prickling and shooting pain/discomfort. Hoping the ketorlac helps with the swelling.
- Feel like swelling is increasing. Considering icing again. Stopped because of questions about icing delaying healing.
- I have been able to feel the pump since bandages came off. It is placed behind the balls and is riding low and to the right. Also been able to distinguish the bulb and the portion where the release is. Also could feel tubing.
- Yesterday evening I noticed a coil of tubing coming up between my balls and kind of pushing on the sack near the incision. I hope this will settle elsewhere in the long run as it would easily be felt and would likely be visible at times. It’s like a rounded loop arching down from above to the pump below.
- Still nothing to difficult to endure. I have continuing tingling discomfort and sensitivity of sack/balls. Even though I have noticed some things that may concern me, I also know it is early in the process and these concerns and observations will likely resolve themselves.
Implanted 2/14/24 at age 50 w/ a 22cm Titan, no RTE's, classic pump by Dr. Clavell after 9+ years of worsening ED. I tried everything from pills to injections. Venous leak confirmed 2/2/24. Healthy, fit and active.

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby bp1111 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 4:41 pm

I will also try to add some pictures to my post.
Implanted 2/14/24 at age 50 w/ a 22cm Titan, no RTE's, classic pump by Dr. Clavell after 9+ years of worsening ED. I tried everything from pills to injections. Venous leak confirmed 2/2/24. Healthy, fit and active.

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby bp1111 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:15 pm

1 Yr Ago Erect..jpg
1 Yr Ago Erect..jpg (874.4 KiB) Viewed 828 times

Day 1.jpg
Day 1.jpg (997.51 KiB) Viewed 828 times

Day 4.jpg
Day 4.jpg (990.19 KiB) Viewed 828 times
Implanted 2/14/24 at age 50 w/ a 22cm Titan, no RTE's, classic pump by Dr. Clavell after 9+ years of worsening ED. I tried everything from pills to injections. Venous leak confirmed 2/2/24. Healthy, fit and active.

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Location: Houston, TX

Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby bp1111 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 5:20 pm

Day 3 Dressing Removed.jpeg
Day 3 Dressing Removed.jpeg (215.86 KiB) Viewed 817 times

Day 6.1 .jpeg
Day 6.1 .jpeg (288.94 KiB) Viewed 825 times

Day 6.20.jpeg
Day 6.20.jpeg (201.65 KiB) Viewed 825 times

Pretty beaten up looking with the incision, swelling and bruising. Actually started icing again today because the swelling was increasing so much. Fortunately it doesn't feel as bad as it looks.
Implanted 2/14/24 at age 50 w/ a 22cm Titan, no RTE's, classic pump by Dr. Clavell after 9+ years of worsening ED. I tried everything from pills to injections. Venous leak confirmed 2/2/24. Healthy, fit and active.

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby Cazcade » Mon Feb 19, 2024 6:02 pm

I was implanted almost 4 weeks ago by Dr Clavell as well. I was on the lucky side, I had very minimal swelling and 0 bruising. The little swelling subsided after about a week.

I got the clear to begin cycling last Saturday, 24 days post op at the time, and it's been going pretty well. Only issue I have is I can't seem to get it deflated 100%. I've tried squeezing bending etc but penis remains semi erect and unfortunately pointing straight out. Fully inflated I'm around 5.5 inches and the most I've managed to deflated to is a little under 4 inches but I don't know if it's just my anatomy or the titan because my penis sticks straight out even when deflated.... it won't bend or curl down at all. I have to just tuck to the side and of course have the all too familiar "titan bulge".

I'd kind of welcome the dog ears at this point just to reduce the obvious chubby in my pants. In my work pants it's barely noticeable but in sweats or shorts the entire silhouette of my penis is visible. Was hoping for clever suggestions in concealing aside from the seperatec underwear, which are helpful but only so much. My biggest concern is when it comes time to get back in the gym, I feel like it's gonna be super obvi. I'm 35 and single with a pretty active sex life. Recently had 2 girls ive slept with in the past hit me up and I'm running out of excuses. Going to ask about being cleared for sex this coming weekend.

The only tubing I feel that is somewhat annoying is right at the base of my penis on the right side. Only if I'm laying down flat on my back it kind of pops up. I'll be honest it does kind of look like a big vein so I'm not worried about the sight of it as much as I am damaging something. During sex it will definitely take some rubbing to it and that has me a little worried.

I'm paranoid about the reservoir. I'm very lean and Dr Clavell did an awesome job at hiding it. Can't see it at all and there's a tiny little bulge I can feel right below my waistline but not visual at all. I'm pretty athletic and in the gym alot and the thought deep squatting 3 plates and feeling that sucker pop out in to my nut sack has me terrified.

All in all I think we both chose a very good surgeon and now I'm just hoping for longevity with this thing. I want to be realistic but I would be extremely happy if I went 10 years without a revision.

Sorry for the rant bro

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby Rider1400 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:38 pm

Cazcade wrote:I was implanted almost 4 weeks ago by Dr Clavell as well. I was on the lucky side, I had very minimal swelling and 0 bruising. The little swelling subsided after about a week.

I got the clear to begin cycling last Saturday, 24 days post op at the time, and it's been going pretty well. Only issue I have is I can't seem to get it deflated 100%. I've tried squeezing bending etc but penis remains semi erect and unfortunately pointing straight out. Fully inflated I'm around 5.5 inches and the most I've managed to deflated to is a little under 4 inches but I don't know if it's just my anatomy or the titan because my penis sticks straight out even when deflated.... it won't bend or curl down at all. I have to just tuck to the side and of course have the all too familiar "titan bulge".

I'd kind of welcome the dog ears at this point just to reduce the obvious chubby in my pants. In my work pants it's barely noticeable but in sweats or shorts the entire silhouette of my penis is visible. Was hoping for clever suggestions in concealing aside from the seperatec underwear, which are helpful but only so much. My biggest concern is when it comes time to get back in the gym, I feel like it's gonna be super obvi. I'm 35 and single with a pretty active sex life. Recently had 2 girls ive slept with in the past hit me up and I'm running out of excuses. Going to ask about being cleared for sex this coming weekend.

The only tubing I feel that is somewhat annoying is right at the base of my penis on the right side. Only if I'm laying down flat on my back it kind of pops up. I'll be honest it does kind of look like a big vein so I'm not worried about the sight of it as much as I am damaging something. During sex it will definitely take some rubbing to it and that has me a little worried.

I'm paranoid about the reservoir. I'm very lean and Dr Clavell did an awesome job at hiding it. Can't see it at all and there's a tiny little bulge I can feel right below my waistline but not visual at all. I'm pretty athletic and in the gym alot and the thought deep squatting 3 plates and feeling that sucker pop out in to my nut sack has me terrified.

All in all I think we both chose a very good surgeon and now I'm just hoping for longevity with this thing. I want to be realistic but I would be extremely happy if I went 10 years without a revision.

Sorry for the rant bro

Hate to tell you this but for the time it’s simply the tubes are very rigid and firm. Try wrapping a wash cloth around it and gently squeezing ful hand and hold gentle pressure for a few minutes. If you can force it to bend at a pretty sharp angle it’s probably deflated more than you think. It may be a little difficult to hide for the time but after it gets broken in it gets WAY softer. I can put mine straight down or any other way I want and it’s not visible except for the longer length. At first it didn’t go down much at all in length. Now after about 21 months it shrinks up by 1-1/4” or more and gets much less girth. I was always a grower but within 10-12 months you become so used to your shower that it’s just a natural thing now. Good luck with the ladies, enjoy your never ending hard dick!!
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby monkfroot » Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:30 pm

Rider1400 wrote:
Cazcade wrote:I was implanted almost 4 weeks ago by Dr Clavell as well. I was on the lucky side, I had very minimal swelling and 0 bruising. The little swelling subsided after about a week.

I got the clear to begin cycling last Saturday, 24 days post op at the time, and it's been going pretty well. Only issue I have is I can't seem to get it deflated 100%. I've tried squeezing bending etc but penis remains semi erect and unfortunately pointing straight out. Fully inflated I'm around 5.5 inches and the most I've managed to deflated to is a little under 4 inches but I don't know if it's just my anatomy or the titan because my penis sticks straight out even when deflated.... it won't bend or curl down at all. I have to just tuck to the side and of course have the all too familiar "titan bulge".

I'd kind of welcome the dog ears at this point just to reduce the obvious chubby in my pants. In my work pants it's barely noticeable but in sweats or shorts the entire silhouette of my penis is visible. Was hoping for clever suggestions in concealing aside from the seperatec underwear, which are helpful but only so much. My biggest concern is when it comes time to get back in the gym, I feel like it's gonna be super obvi. I'm 35 and single with a pretty active sex life. Recently had 2 girls ive slept with in the past hit me up and I'm running out of excuses. Going to ask about being cleared for sex this coming weekend.

The only tubing I feel that is somewhat annoying is right at the base of my penis on the right side. Only if I'm laying down flat on my back it kind of pops up. I'll be honest it does kind of look like a big vein so I'm not worried about the sight of it as much as I am damaging something. During sex it will definitely take some rubbing to it and that has me a little worried.

I'm paranoid about the reservoir. I'm very lean and Dr Clavell did an awesome job at hiding it. Can't see it at all and there's a tiny little bulge I can feel right below my waistline but not visual at all. I'm pretty athletic and in the gym alot and the thought deep squatting 3 plates and feeling that sucker pop out in to my nut sack has me terrified.

All in all I think we both chose a very good surgeon and now I'm just hoping for longevity with this thing. I want to be realistic but I would be extremely happy if I went 10 years without a revision.

Sorry for the rant bro

Hate to tell you this but for the time it’s simply the tubes are very rigid and firm. Try wrapping a wash cloth around it and gently squeezing ful hand and hold gentle pressure for a few minutes. If you can force it to bend at a pretty sharp angle it’s probably deflated more than you think. It may be a little difficult to hide for the time but after it gets broken in it gets WAY softer. I can put mine straight down or any other way I want and it’s not visible except for the longer length. At first it didn’t go down much at all in length. Now after about 21 months it shrinks up by 1-1/4” or more and gets much less girth. I was always a grower but within 10-12 months you become so used to your shower that it’s just a natural thing now. Good luck with the ladies, enjoy your never ending hard dick!!

you lost girth after 21 months?
Titan OTR implanted on 1/26/24. PE and Anxiety of varied degrees since age 19. Varicocele issues past 30 years. Type 2 Diabetic since 2013, pills didnt work, minimal reaction to shots, some VL, still had morning/overnight wood, but moderate quality.

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby jasejuk » Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:05 am

:P Congrats Bro.

I had my implant surgery the day before you 13th Feb.

Similar experience as of now.

My balls ache and the shaft. It's not really pain but more of uncomfortable and aching.

I do also have an issue about where to position my dick. Lying, standing and sitting require different placement to stop discomfort.

Certain positions cause dog ears or kind of buckles in the cylinders or tubing which might increase the discomfort. Does not work for me for the dick to be upright.

Bought seperatec boxers but they are useless with an implant as the dick folds down.

Waiting on briefs to come today to see if I can angle the dick right..

I take some codeine and paracetamol daily which helps loads.

Like you I am extremely grateful for FT and all the advice. I was very well prepared.

As soon as I got out the operation theatre I have been absolutely thrilled. How great it is to have this opportunity.

If I measure this in terms of other challenges including Gastritis and IBS the last 6 months. It is like having a spained ankle.....shit makes us stronger.

The best is yet to come for us mate.

I hope you find the best way to hang and place your dick haha

Never thought I would have an issue with my dick being a bit too big.
Age 50. ED since 25 yrs old. Used pills etc. Last 10 years, everything, including injections --did not work. Doppler test diagnosed VL. Implanted Coloplast Titan 22cm UK NHS ( --13/02/2024 Coloplast with Dr Win Gan Lee -- UCLH London UK)

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Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby Never_Enough » Tue Feb 20, 2024 5:39 am

jasejuk wrote::P Congrats Bro.

I had my implant surgery the day before you 13th Feb.

Similar experience as of now.

My balls ache and the shaft. It's not really pain but more of uncomfortable and aching.

I do also have an issue about where to position my dick. Lying, standing and sitting require different placement to stop discomfort.

Certain positions cause dog ears or kind of buckles in the cylinders or tubing which might increase the discomfort. Does not work for me for the dick to be upright.

Bought seperatec boxers but they are useless with an implant as the dick folds down.

Waiting on briefs to come today to see if I can angle the dick right..

I take some codeine and paracetamol daily which helps loads.

Like you I am extremely grateful for FT and all the advice. I was very well prepared.

As soon as I got out the operation theatre I have been absolutely thrilled. How great it is to have this opportunity.

If I measure this in terms of other challenges including Gastritis and IBS the last 6 months. It is like having a spained ankle.....shit makes us stronger.

The best is yet to come for us mate.

I hope you find the best way to hang and place your dick haha

Never thought I would have an issue with my dick being a bit too big.

Is win gan Lee one of David Ralph's guys?
38 m UK

Psychogenic ED since a teenager, no problems being fully erect alone.
2 kids, long term partner but also a new relationship.
Chronic pelvic pain developed in late 2023 making ED worse.
Extreme stress levels
Cialis 5 mg daily and 15 mg as prn

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Joined: Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:54 pm

Re: Implanted 2/14/24 - First Five Days

Postby Oscar2024 » Tue Feb 20, 2024 8:29 am

Hello, for the aching penis I would wrap it with smooth gauze then wrap lightly with stretching self adhesive 1" wide bandage.
Light pressure seems to work great.
Hope this helps.
Implant 1-31-24 PD ED 22cm Titan 125 cc

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