Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

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Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby SammyVegas » Sun Feb 11, 2024 6:51 pm

Hello Gents!

So I’m 7 weeks out and got cleared for sex. It was awesome and my wife flew off me like a bottle rocket I was so pent up. Pain was minimal with some burning due to the stretching. I’ve got most of my girth back and length is improving. I’m very happy except…

My balls are still swollen. Dr. Clavell is awesome and said it would take some time but I feel like I’m an outlier as most seem to have their boys back to normal at this point- mine are twice (sometimes 3) the size. When I wake up in the am they are smaller but as the day goes on they get big and very uncomfortable- plus it makes by junk look smaller which just sucks.

Anyone have any advice or tips? Any thing you took to help the swelling go away? I had some hematomas in the boys that went away, but still have some mass in the center which is near the incision-
Should I massage it?

Also, with my balks being so big it’s very hard to hide my junk, even deflated and I’ve gotten some awkward looks.

I appreciate the help!
22 CM Titan -
Implanted by Dr. Clavell on 12/26/23
Just under 7” pre-op x 5.5 -
Currently 5.5” x 5
Looking forward to cycling and gaining it back!
Peyronies and Narrowing. Stretched and VE before implant

Bent Ben
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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby Bent Ben » Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:01 pm

Keep icing. As soon as you start swelling, ice em. I went thru the same thing for about 9 weeks
51yo, ED 5 years, 45-50° curve/PD. 22cm Titan, IP with no RTE by Dr Hakky on 9/12/2023.
My comments, suggestions, ideas or routines are for entertainment and satirical purposes only. Do not use any of my ideas, suggestions, routines or advice.

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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby SteveD » Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:35 pm

Ice and elevation (laying down vs sitting) are your best friends right now. If you have a large scrotum (hanging testicles) a jock strap should be helpful. You're also on the cusp of being able to use some heat (warm - not hot bath) but recommend you contact Clavell or staff for more specific guidance on using heat.
Somewhere on the journey after prostate cancer surgery 2019 - AMS 15/5 IPP 2 years later - saved by a very supportive wife and a great surgery team at Johns Hopkins.

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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby Drhite » Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:09 am

I took bromeline and arnica
LGX 700 18.5cm 6'23 by Kaiser Dr. Moheydar do not recom. 12 wks LT cyl failure. Rev to Genesis 11'23.Poor inst again, twisted cyli & tub 3rd surgery Dr Odorica Nov24, with near perfect & web removal. Postop length 5.5" near 6" normal.

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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby Txagq8 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:00 am

The PA who did a big chunk of my follow up care (he basically taught me not to be afraid of the implant, it wasn’t gonna be any big deal to inflate/deflate) told me there can be some remnant swelling for 2-3 months.

Granted, I was infrapubic not penoscrotal. What that really means is I had very little swelling in my nutsack, but a whole lot right above my dick. It probably was a couple of months before I felt my pubic bone again, right above my dick and buried beneath a bunch of rather angry tissue.

Ice. Ibuprofen. Time. That’s the way to handle swelling.
Age 68. Physically fit educated red neck in Texas. Very married. 23 cm (18+5) of LGX installed by Dr. Bryan Kansas 12/31/2019. I fought the ED and my wife & I won. I’m either full of shit or sound advice. You decide which.

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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby Crazy_Horse » Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:35 am

I have the same cylinders, same size, same brand, and the same issues: Angry, 300 ml balls. Shooting pain in a penis that isn't the size I remember pre-op, but still wants to stand guard on the lookout for the next Viking raid.

If you look on Amazon you'll find Tonus Elast Suspensory Scrotal Support (XXX-Large). I bought 5 of them. Good scrotal support and it leaves your penis free to do whatever it's going to do whether you like it or not. The problem is, there is no protection for the glans and I end up getting chafed raw.

So I have ordered Separatec Cotton Dual Pouch Men's Underwear Comfortable Soft Everyday Boxer Briefs 7 Pack(M, Assorted Colors). It has a pouch for the penile shaft and if I can hang on until tomorrow, it appears to offer some protection.

As for the swelling: When I get up at 3 AM to pee, I end up standing in the shower under cold water as long as I can bear it. I turn on hot water and continue under the cold until the hot water arrives. Then I figure: "If I'm going to lose another 4 hours of sleep, I might as well soap down." I apply surgical soap from my butt all the way forward to the [scrotal] incision. In this manner I sanitize the entire region to ward off infection. I dry off; balls are almost normal size, and I go back to bed.

How long will the pain last? How long will the swelling last? I'm at least an inch shorter than what I thought to be pre-op, and the girth is down substantially. But it has only been 16 days; I'm 65 years old, and it's time to accept my lot under the sun.

Yes: I have begun cycling because I'm tough. No: It's not fun.

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Re: Make the swelling go away?! Advice?

Postby Rider1400 » Mon Feb 12, 2024 12:39 pm

Crazy_Horse wrote:I have the same cylinders, same size, same brand, and the same issues: Angry, 300 ml balls. Shooting pain in a penis that isn't the size I remember pre-op, but still wants to stand guard on the lookout for the next Viking raid.

If you look on Amazon you'll find Tonus Elast Suspensory Scrotal Support (XXX-Large). I bought 5 of them. Good scrotal support and it leaves your penis free to do whatever it's going to do whether you like it or not. The problem is, there is no protection for the glans and I end up getting chafed raw.

Very common to be an inch short at your point in the process. I was an inch short but it gradually came back over 10-11 months so slowly it was very difficult to even notice and then you begin to notice as it reaches it OEM! Time will heal if it’s sized correctly, and most are.

So I have ordered Separatec Cotton Dual Pouch Men's Underwear Comfortable Soft Everyday Boxer Briefs 7 Pack(M, Assorted Colors). It has a pouch for the penile shaft and if I can hang on until tomorrow, it appears to offer some protection.

As for the swelling: When I get up at 3 AM to pee, I end up standing in the shower under cold water as long as I can bear it. I turn on hot water and continue under the cold until the hot water arrives. Then I figure: "If I'm going to lose another 4 hours of sleep, I might as well soap down." I apply surgical soap from my butt all the way forward to the [scrotal] incision. In this manner I sanitize the entire region to ward off infection. I dry off; balls are almost normal size, and I go back to bed.

How long will the pain last? How long will the swelling last? I'm at least an inch shorter than what I thought to be pre-op, and the girth is down substantially. But it has only been 16 days; I'm 65 years old, and it's time to accept my lot under the sun.

Yes: I have begun cycling because I'm tough. No: It's not fun.
59 years old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast with Classic pump 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong

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