99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

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Re: 99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

Postby Bambino09 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:16 pm

Las inyecciones son efectivas cuando tienes fuga venosa?

Lost Sheep
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Re: 99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:59 pm

Bambino09 wrote:Las inyecciones son efectivas cuando tienes fuga venosa?

Bambino09 wrote:Are injections effective when there is a venous leak?

Injections (and oral medications, also) increase blood flow into the penis. The increase can overcome the venous leakage. So, the answer to your question is, "yes".

But, over time, the venous leakage is certain to increase, so oral medications and injections are certain to gradually lose effectiveness.

Le iniezioni (e anche i farmaci per via orale) aumentano il flusso sanguigno nel pene. L'aumento può superare la perdita venosa. Quindi la risposta alla tua domanda è "sì".

Ma, nel tempo, la perdita venosa aumenterà sicuramente, quindi i farmaci orali e le iniezioni perderanno sicuramente gradualmente la loro efficacia.
Lost Sheep
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Re: 99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

Postby Bambino09 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:41 am

Puedes hablarme al privado. Necesito ayuda

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Re: 99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

Postby Bambino09 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:26 am

Txagq8 wrote:I agree with the previous poster.

A good doctor with a background in men’s sexual health issues is going to get more data from taking a detailed history than any labs or imaging could provide.

The various Doppler studies and pressure tests aren’t foolproof, either. The very first one I had done about 1986-87 they were about to declare me leak free until my wife (who was in the room) said “where he really loses his erection is when he moves” so they had me change position and voila’, instant flaccid.

My leaks were very position/movement dependent. Think of thrusting as opening and closing a flood gate. That’s what was going on.

Oral meds and cock rings are first line of defense, they’re reasonably priced, and a doctor will likely use them without elaborate diagnostic tests. Good luck with them/happy new year.

Podrías hablarme acerca de tu difusion y el estudio dopler? La ereccion fue con inyeccion o sin?
Yo tube una ereccion de varias horas con caverject tu crees que tenga fuga?

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Re: 99% sure it's a venous leak/veins problem, but no money to get a cavernosography or ultrasound. what can i do ?

Postby Bambino09 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:49 am

vincentmh wrote:30 years old.

Not a single random boner for the last 2 years.

I have morning erections 2-3 times a week which are half erect penis that goes away within a minute i wake up. And really weak half erection at night from time to time.

The best erection i can achieve is mays 70-80% i have to go fast as fuck or i lose it (no deathgrip, i only masturbate with tips of fingers). most time my arm get so tired i stop and lose completely my erection in less than 15 seconds.
I started seeing a girl (first woman i have been with in 2-3 years). If we start foreplay i can get a weak erection that goes aways within 1-2 minutes. every time. and THIS IS NOT PERFORMANCE ANXIETY. i am not stress at all with or. i'm completely relax because i know i can make her come in other ways. (but no penetration still sucks)

(not in my head), i saw a real size shrinkage in the last 2-3 years. my penis is a little bit smaller than it was 5 years ago and my glans is often ''white'' like there was little bloodfloow.

My Dr. cant help but prescribing me viagra and cialis. Both didnt really help. Yes when i take it my erection is faster but i still lose it. my dick just CANT retain any blood...

I had 2 bloodwork 2 months apart this autumn. Everything is perfect. actually im at the best i have ever been in my life physically and mentally.

Its public medecine where i live (canada, quebec province). So he put me on an urology waiting list but it could take up to 2 years before seeing one.

So my only options is to resolve to private medecine. There are only to urology clinic in my city. one doesnt even mention ED in their website and the other one is 300$ for a first 15-20 minutes meeting. After that it all depends on what tests and protocols i have to do but it could easily racks up in thousands $$.. i dont have that money :(

I feel terrible these days.. i dont feel manly at all without penetration. no penetration for the rest of my life makes me feel completely depressed. (penile implant seems the last resort but it is absolutely scary and anyway im not covered. so i dont have freaking 20k $)

if anyone could help me a little, any advices are welcomed ! :(

Hola hermano me pasa exactamente lo mismo que a ti. Tengo erecciones matutinas debiles y cuando me despierto empiezan a bajar.
Solo logro erecciones completas acostado.
Tu crees que sea fuga venosa? O algún musculo pelvico debil he leído que puede ser.
Tu estabas bien y empezó de repente o tuviste algún trauma en el pene o en el cuerpo?

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