Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

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Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby billylee » Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:37 am

What is arrousal like? Where you once felt your penis swelling and getting hard, what feeling takes the place of that? Or, do you perhaps mentally "make" your arrousal.

Why I ask. I get arroused easily and I, of course, like the feeling, however although I can get a good erection, it just does not last. With the addition of often having PE I just feel like such a failure, to myself and partner. My partner does not complain, but I believe she is frustrated with sex due to this and perhaps the hint of low libido at her age, all takes from good sexual moments. Meds like Cialis make me feel terible and about half sick at my stomach, and do not seem to work well. Partner is spontaneous so planning is out of question which means daily Cialis, which translates to "yukkey" feeling daily all for just that once, maybe, a week desire. Injection or pump takes from spontaneous needs.

Am I wrong to want an implant? How will I have arrousal? I am curious if the small amount of blood flow in corpus spongionsum still gives the arrousal, "blood filling", erectional sensation? How do you handle those moments? Is it a great difference from before your need for implant?

Thanks in advance to those that respond.

72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby fnrldir07 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:53 am

I am 5 months after my implant, I have to have mine redone correctly this time, but i still get an erection with my implant if I get excited. I am sure I will love mine more once i get re implanted and it works finally.

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby ED2013 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:50 pm

I'm only at a month post implant. I have blood flow when I get turned on. It feels good, just need to take the extra step to pump it.

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby JerGeezer » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:34 pm

Even after receiving the implant some blood still does make it into the penis during arousal. For me, the arousal feeling after implant is the same as before. A bonus is that you can get it up for your partner even when you aren't aroused and could care less about having sex. I've heard the ladies have been doing this for us for a long time.
I'm 75 and got an AMS Ultrex in 1995. Had it replaced in 1999. Got a new AMS 700 LGX in 2013.

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby billylee » Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:53 pm

OK, so one gets aroused, that is what I wanted to hear, but how does it differ. I know it is probably hard to put in words, however is there a slight erection or feeling of such, then with this feel you know to start the pump. Do glans swell any due to arousal?

I like the option that jergeezer mentioned that although you may not be in the mood nor aroused but partner is, one can take care of business.

Thanks again, your replies mean a lot in my decision making. As I mentioned in OP, my situation is somewhat different and although in a way an emergency, it is not entirely such.
72, ED & PE worsened with age, TURP 2008, Prostrate 1.71, T-559,
Coloplast Titan OTR 21 cm (20+1 cm rear tip extender) on 3/11/2014 by Dr. Allan Morey UT-SW Medical/Dallas

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby JerGeezer » Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:58 pm

When the mental arousal exists (speaking only for myself, of course), the penis does indeed begin to fill with blood, just as it did prior to ED. Previously, for me, the blood wouldn't stay there and I would lose it. The sensation or feeling is the same as before implant. If my partner was sexually super-exciting, either before implant or after implant, the blood would continue to flow and things were as good as they had ever been - even as good as before experiencing ED problems. Something that I haven't seen posted here - although it may very well have been - is that some ladies are much more sexually exciting than others (and some are just the opposite - as I'm sure is also true of us guys), so keep this in mind.

After having implants (I'm about to get my third), I must say that sex is as good or better for me now as it was before having ED problems at all. The "better" is a result of my being able to keep in up for her even after I'm ready to have that cigarette or fall asleep. You might be pleasantly surprised how satisfying it is to be able to do that for her.
I'm 75 and got an AMS Ultrex in 1995. Had it replaced in 1999. Got a new AMS 700 LGX in 2013.

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Re: Questions for those that are four months PLUS post-implant

Postby Steven1111 » Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:34 pm

It's been 28 weeks for me since I got my AMS CX implanted. I do indeed feel a sensation of engorgement in my cock when I get aroused, from the head down thru the shaft. It actually rises up some. It doesn't feel quite the same as it did before I had the implant but it still feels good. Sometimes my partner even jokingly says I don't even need to pump it up I'm so much bigger when I get turned on. But it's not enough to have sex with. So I still need to pump up for that. The feeling of having my cock swell still is really cool and I love it when it happens. It can do it in all sorts of situations, looking at hot porn, or playing with my lover and things in between. I had a hard time healing from the implant myself and it took me months to enjoy sex so it didn't hurt, but now it's so wonderful I can't believe that I went thru that whole ordeal. It's definitely worth it. And the issue of pleasing your partner is a big one I agree. My partner loves my implant and playing with it and having it in him. He gets off big time when we have sex with it and we both love it a lot. Giving him that pleasure is a big deal to me. It's like I got the implant for us both, not just myself. It's great and I recommend it if you get to that point.

Best of luck to you in deciding what to do,
64 year old gay man. Brachytherapy Radiation for Prostate Cancer Oct. 2010. Permanent ED Nov. 2012. Failed pills, pumps and injections. Happily implanted with AMS CX May 9th, 2013. Sex Rocks again! Thanks to everyone for such caring support.

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