37 year old athlete implant journal

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37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby Iwillbeatpd » Mon Oct 16, 2023 4:45 pm

Hey everyone- I just scheduled my surgery for end of November to be implanted with a Coloplast Titan (estimating 26cm XL) via penescrotal approach , so I figured I would start my official journal to log a quick summary of my journey with Peyronies and thoughts(and fears) leading up to the surgery date.

History of my situation:

About exactly a year ago, I noticed a small bump on my penis. That was my only symptom so I didn’t think much of it, but did go get it checked and was told it could be Peyronies, but since I had no symptoms not to worry about it. Within a couple months I noticed that my congenital curve was getting slightly worse. Shortly after that I got a dent on one side, which soon progressed into a full hourglass. At this point, sex was impossible as I couldn’t get hard enough due to reduced blood flow. I was crushed. Up until this point I had always had a phenomenal sex life. I scheduled another urologist appointment and the doctor basically told me to take tadalfil to help and to give it time. I also got a restorex and VED at this time and used both pretty consistently. I also tried pentox for a while but never really knew if it was helping or not. I’m assuming it did not since my condition got worse. After about 5 months, my penis stabilized. I no longer had pain with the careful sex I was having and the hourglass didn’t get any worse or better- just stable. I continued having careful sex for about 3 months until I had a sex injury. It was honestly not even that bad of a “slip”, but the hourglass and instability was so bad, almost anything could cause this. Thankfully I didn’t have to go to the ER for this injury but it did cause another plaque to develop. Generally my penis still looked the same though and does to this day. Oddly enough, it’s now straighter than it’s been in my entire life, but the hinge/hourglass is the main issue. I’m about 8 inches in length or slightly more, so that make the hinging even worse. With tadalfil I can get an erection hard enough for sex, but its risky. No way I could have a girl on top. Trimix gave me good erections too, but the hinge is still too bad.

Current situation:

I had to decide between having a careful sex life forever while constantly relying on pills or injection, daily VED/Restorex use, and lastly, risking additional length and girth loss over time…or, proceeding with the implant. The advantage of the implant is I can stop worrying about pills and injections. No more questioning if I can get hard enough or if my dick will break in half. No more fooling around with the VED and restorex daily. It’s tiring. My hourglass should definitely improve, and hopefully be close to unnoticeable after cycling a few months. My dick will also be straight for the first time in my entire life.

The obvious disadvantage of the implant at 37 years old is the multiple revisions. But if you ask me, I’d rather have 30 years of good sex starting now, than 30 years of sex leading into my 70’s and 80’s (if I even live that long). Also the risk of infection, but I am using a well known implant surgeon and I’m healthy, so I think the risk is very minimal there. I just scheduled my surgery for the end of November so now I have about 6 weeks to mentally prepare while they get authorization from my insurance.

My main concerns leading up to surgery:

1. I’m an athlete so being active is my life. I’m hoping this will not affect my lifestyle, and the journals and research I’ve done have indicated it will not.
2. Appearance of my hourglass. I hope it fixes this from a cosmetic stand point, or at a minimum I get a 50% improvement in how it looks. I would be content with that. Even though the dr did say this surgery is for rigidity and not cosmetic purposes- it sounds like most people with a titan overcome the hourglass with cycling.
3. Recovery. Im planning for 6 weeks out of the gym, but really hoping to be back to some normal life activities by the 4 week mark. The dr said with the penescrotal approach it can take 2 months to fully heal, so I’ll prob stay away from the gym until then.
4. Lastly, just praying everything goes well and it’s a great outcome.

I will keep you all posted here on anything leading up to my surgery and after my surgery. Definitely feeling mixed emotions right now. Both excited and scared at the same time. Going back and forth in my head by the hour on if I really want to do this. But logic tells me I need to based on facts and pros/ cons.
Fit/active/37/ Lifetime congenital left curve, which later progressed to Peyronies (2022) and severe hourglass/narrowing. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan Touch 26 cm XXL. Reservoir 130 cc saline. Pre surgery measurement: 8.25 Length 5ish Girth.

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby lifeisgood1990 » Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:39 pm

Best of luck. I am a 33 year old male dealing with similar issues, thinking about getting the implant in the next few years. Looking forward to hearing a journey of someone our age.

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby portageriver » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:49 pm

You are far too young to be here, I am sorry for that. If any condolence, your headspace indicates to me that if anyone can navigate this experience at your young age - you are the person to do so.

I have no experience with Peyronie's - just read/learned about PD being here. I do know about being implanted, that's all I can speak to.

Yes - god willing, you will have to experience a revision in your lifetime. For what it's worth, I hope to live long enough (and should?) to have a revision as well. Nothing I experienced pre/post implant surgery would stop me from doing it again. In my experience, it was a four-day inconvenience, nothing more.

To your main concerns:

1. You don't describe what being an athlete looks like for you. I can lift, walk, jog, run, bike - the only thing I don't want to do anymore is wrestle or roll with anyone (due to the pump in my sack). My pump literally feels like a lego block, I don't want that smashed against my undercarriage, lol. I've had discussions with others here who do judo and roll without fear of/for their implant, but me, no way. I assume they are heavyweights and have some cushion in their game.

If you're doing "normal" athlete stuff - jock it up and you are fine in any exercise.

2. Yes - I have heard of many with Peyronie's being very satisfied with the straightening and shape via the AMS cx or Titan specifically.

3. Per recovery - you will likely be back at it quicker than you think. Docs orders come first of course but if you are typical and not extreme in your exercise routine, two or three weeks is my guess.

4. Pray - doesn't hurt, probably doesn't help either. Enjoy either end on that.

Good luck brother. I will try and keep an eye on your progress.
Age 55, Ohio - Implant AMS 700 LGX, 21+ 3 following RAP for prostate cancer (Gleason 6). Implanted June 2021 and loving it!

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby Rider1400 » Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:04 am

I can’t speak any knowledge about PD but I have been implanted about a year and a half now. I had an unusually good recovery in my opinion, a few days of discomfort, followed by a few weeks of a little discomfort. I don’t work out but I do a lot of strenuous work. I can lift anything I ever could, bend, roll, or anything else I could do before. It will take a few months for everything to really settle down and begin to feel normal though…. You have two inflatable rods in your shaft and a big pump in your sac!! Lol. Obviygo by Drs orders but just go gently back into your routine and listen to your body. If it hurts or starts to hurt early on just stop right then! Build slowly. You will have a whole new workout routine with your pumping though. It was a lengthy process which I did twice daily for 30 minutes first 6-8 months, then at least once daily til the year mark. Now I pump for sex or masterbation. 2-3 times a week. Good luck w your implant. You will reap the benefits!
58year old ED started mid 40s pills failed after 10 years. Injections works but diminishing results with pain. Implanted 5-22 Baylor,Scott,and White Dallas.Dr Michael Wierschem, infrapubic Coloplast 20cm and 1cm RTE. Going strong and loving it!

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby TexasMax » Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:43 am

i to am curious who life will be changing for me next month. I lift 5-6 times a week and am a brown belt in JiuJitsu. I have tried to message a few guys from here who said they were in jiujitsu also but no replies. So i will be figure this out on my own. lol. I'll be happy to share with you as I learn. Im pretty nervous to say the least.
41, Clavell Implant Titan 11/2023

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby Musson » Wed Oct 18, 2023 9:51 am

Good luck on your journey. I’m a few months behind you. Similar story as yours. I’m just a lot older with substantial size loss from PD. I’ll be nowhere near a 26cm.
63yr old. PDwith 40% dor. Curve. Pre-PD 7”x6”.lost 2 in. due to PD. ED prior to PD. Switched from Sildalifil to Trimix Nov 2023 . Currently titrating Trimix for optimization.

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby 19cmbonepressed » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:18 pm

mind showing a before pic? what does hourglass mean? on only one side?

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:31 pm

My guess is that you’ll be good to roll again.

Although not practicing now, i was a high school and college wrestler, and did do some job jitsu training in my early 50s. I am well aware of the demand on your core that grappling entails.

I can tell you that the only exercise i did in the beginning was walk. I started at 1 mile at week 3, and increased to 3 mikes daily by week 6. Just walking. 50% inflated the entire time. Can’t help but this kept things loosened up in my scrotum so that when cycling season (pumping, not riding) began at 6 weeks, it all went well henceforth.

At 6 weeks i got back into the gym doing the lightest of workouts. Low intensity elliptical, ridiculously light weight workouts. Leave your ego at the door for awhile.

By about 3 months i was back up to pre-implant levels in terms of weight and intensity. The only thing i was reluctant to do was squat. These days i just do the incline leg press. 275 pounds (I weigh 175). These days that’s less about concerns in my core and more knee related as they’ve become a bit shaky/weak as i’ve aged.

I’d suggest you begin rolling with trusted friends who understand that you’re recovering from some type of abdominal surgery (nobody need know specifics) who you trust to just go through the motions initially and take it easy. Build up your confidence and stamina until you’re ready to get in the group and go after it.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby Iwillbeatpd » Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:48 am

Hey everyone-

Really appreciate all of your responses and support. I don’t have anyone to talk to this about so it means a lot. To clarify, by athlete I mean mostly just regular, intense gym workouts, circuit training, and occasional recreational sports. I’ve done fitness competitions previously, so fitness and being active is a huge part of my life.

Im posting a side by side photo below, with the left being pre Peyronies, and the right being about 8 months into Peyronies. You’ll see by the pre photo that I’ve always had a congenital curve. In retrospect, I’m surprised the curve didn’t bother me before. In my Peyronies photo, oddly enough I seem straighter and maybe longer, but you’ll see I’m definitely smaller in girth midshaft where the hourglass is. I’d attribute any potential length gain to regular Restorex use, more frequent erections and occasional VED use.

IMG_2555.jpeg (146.71 KiB) Viewed 1523 times
Fit/active/37/ Lifetime congenital left curve, which later progressed to Peyronies (2022) and severe hourglass/narrowing. Implanted by Dr Hakky 11/28/23 with Titan Touch 26 cm XXL. Reservoir 130 cc saline. Pre surgery measurement: 8.25 Length 5ish Girth.

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Re: 37 year old athlete implant journal

Postby zyzzsalive » Thu Oct 19, 2023 11:37 pm

Damn, bro that sucks. I'm 27 my case is milder but still. I have a tiny lump and a dent is forming but it is all mostly in flaccid state, it disappear almost entirely while erect.
This all started 2 months ago after an injury
My plan is an anti-fibrotic diet/supplements until I find a urologist that uses low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy(focused not radial)
it is key to get it done by a professional with a real shockwave machine, not that bullshit gains wave that just hits you with air
This German urologist seems to know his stuff, especially regarding shockwave therapy https://www.youtube.com/@UroChannel1A
Im thinking about that route before considering an implant, even stem cells before the implant.
Think about it, in my case and your case we would be throwing both cavernosal bodies just because less than 10% of the tunica albuginea(not even the corpora) has fibrosis.
Sometimes i even consider just eating pussy before an implant but maybe Im wrong and the implant might be the best choice

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