Ejaculation Issues

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Ejaculation Issues

Postby sirgawain » Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:29 pm

I’m writing just mainly out of frustration, specifically with urologists. I’ve gone to three separate ones over the same issue: over the course of the last 5 years, I have gone from being a “shooter” when I ejaculate to now barely having even drips come out. Like someone turned off the faucet. Since I’m over 50, nobody cares. Nobody wants to look into, nobody cares that it changed quickly. One, a female, said “well, less mess then!” I think I embarrassed her when I said my wife loves the mess, so it’s become a bit of a problem. They throw out “retrograde ejaculation” but won’t actually check if it’s that or a blockage. They figure since I’m not trying to get anyone pregnant, it’s not a big deal.

FRUSTRATING. I’m okay with gradual change as we age. I am not okay with a dramatic change pretty quickly. Going from pornstar loads to firing air is a weird experience.
57 years old, artificial heart valve. TRT started May, 2020. ED/libido issues never fixed by TRT. Not super responsive to viagra/cialis. Started Trimix 2/2021. 20/7.5/.25 mix.

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby brickbat » Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:54 pm

Bro. Age happens and that is what is probably going on with you. Try some supplements. Lecitin, l arginine, and maca increased my loads in my fifties and made me ejaculate more and thus have more pleasurable orgasms in sex. Others here may also tell you supplements which helped them. I can attest to the three I mentioned.
74 years young GYMRAT. Married 48 years. On cialis 5mg daily. Into MMOs, prostate orgasms, and ruined orgasms to help erectile health. Thinking of an implant. Monogamy is good for a man.

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby stmfttr » Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:31 pm

sirgawain wrote:I’m writing just mainly out of frustration, specifically with urologists. I’ve gone to three separate ones over the same issue: over the course of the last 5 years, I have gone from being a “shooter” when I ejaculate to now barely having even drips come out. Like someone turned off the faucet. Since I’m over 50, nobody cares. Nobody wants to look into, nobody cares that it changed quickly. One, a female, said “well, less mess then!” I think I embarrassed her when I said my wife loves the mess, so it’s become a bit of a problem. They throw out “retrograde ejaculation” but won’t actually check if it’s that or a blockage. They figure since I’m not trying to get anyone pregnant, it’s not a big deal.

FRUSTRATING. I’m okay with gradual change as we age. I am not okay with a dramatic change pretty quickly. Going from pornstar loads to firing air is a weird experience.


At 53, regarding ejaculation, you may not have a "cum geyser" but you should still produce fluid. Saying that, understand that those of us that have had a prostate procedure have retrograde ejaculation. A TURP (trans urethral resection procedure) done on our prostate we can piss like a race horse BUT we also have retrograde ejaculation. If you haven't had your prostate "opened" up, you shouldn't have retrograde ejaculation.
As painful as it sounds, for 2 weeks, lay off cumming, either manually or with a partner. Then, give it a go and see if you "shoot". Drink plenty of liquids, except alcohol.
That's my 2 cents,
77 yo. Married 54years - Coloplast Titan, 22cm and no RTE's - Installed June 2019 Nebraska Medicine Dr. Deibert (urologist/surgeon)
ED started in 1994 Tried VED, Viagra and Cialis, and injections.

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby sirgawain » Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:19 pm

At 53, regarding ejaculation, you may not have a "cum geyser" but you should still produce fluid. Saying that, understand that those of us that have had a prostate procedure have retrograde ejaculation. A TURP (trans urethral resection procedure) done on our prostate we can piss like a race horse BUT we also have retrograde ejaculation. If you haven't had your prostate "opened" up, you shouldn't have retrograde ejaculation.
As painful as it sounds, for 2 weeks, lay off cumming, either manually or with a partner. Then, give it a go and see if you "shoot". Drink plenty of liquids, except alcohol.
That's my 2 cents,

I haven't had an operation for prostate as that (knock on wood) has not been an issue for me. It used to be a lot of quantity, and white. It's now clear and not a ton (like drops instead of streams). I realize age is a thing, but I was more frustrated that (1) it happened so quickly and (2) uro's didn't seem to care nor have an explanation nor curiosity about why. If a part of the body has a dramatic change, I kinda want to know why in case something else is bad...them, not so much.
57 years old, artificial heart valve. TRT started May, 2020. ED/libido issues never fixed by TRT. Not super responsive to viagra/cialis. Started Trimix 2/2021. 20/7.5/.25 mix.

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby mikestap » Mon Apr 19, 2021 7:32 pm

Not sure where you live, but a doc whose practice focuses on sexual health may be a good alternative for you. As a prostate cancer survivor, I am happy to have sex even if I no longer ejaculate, but my doc may be interested in your situation.

He offers video consults.
Tariq Hakky, MD

If you open your search to good docs like him, you may find a solution. In any event, Hakky will talk to you straight and you will know it.
64 Years. RALP 2013. Received 22cm Titan Dec 20, 2017 by Dr Hakky. See results at download/file.php?id=5320 and download/file.php?id=4754
Revision 3-25-21 24 cm XL No RTE

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby Jagtstein » Tue Apr 11, 2023 3:54 pm

I am now 77 years old and have masturbated regularly for 68 years. Now I have trouble getting an erection and having an orgasm. When I masturbate I have no feeling and I can't achieve an erection. Although I am not circumcised and keep my foreskin closed, I have almost no feeling in the glans. If I still manage to trigger an orgasm, then the orgasm is very shallow and almost not felt and there is only a small amount of sperm that only comes out gradually. Could this effect be triggered by the medication I have to take for my heart failure? This issue bothers me a lot because as a habitual masturbator I am used to regular masturbation. :o
Masturbation is better than sex. :)

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby scharff » Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:26 am

I've eperienced a significant decrease in my ejaculate. Some of that I attribute to lifestyle issues. I tend not stay hydrated and I drink too much. But my urologist says it's probably the beginning of prostate issues and obviously an age thing. I some ways, I don't mind. The climaxes still feel great and one of my partners will give oral to completion now but wouldn't before due to the volume. I guess there is an upside!

Lost Sheep
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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Sep 05, 2023 4:30 pm

sirgawain wrote:I’m writing just mainly out of frustration, specifically with urologists. I’ve gone to three separate ones over the same issue: over the course of the last 5 years, I have gone from being a “shooter” when I ejaculate to now barely having even drips come out. Like someone turned off the faucet. Since I’m over 50, nobody cares. Nobody wants to look into, nobody cares that it changed quickly. One, a female, said “well, less mess then!” I think I embarrassed her when I said my wife loves the mess, so it’s become a bit of a problem. They throw out “retrograde ejaculation” but won’t actually check if it’s that or a blockage. They figure since I’m not trying to get anyone pregnant, it’s not a big deal.

FRUSTRATING. I’m okay with gradual change as we age. I am not okay with a dramatic change pretty quickly. Going from pornstar loads to firing air is a weird experience.

As a prostate cancer survivor, I recommend having your PSA levels checked. Not an expensive or invasive test (just a draw of blood).

And check for retrograde ejaculation. After a long time of no orgasms (long enough that you would expect a large amount of ejaculate) get an orgasm where you would expect a lot of ejaculate (sex, sex with a condom or masturbation) and check for ejaculate. Then, urinate into a clear container and check for clarity. If you urine is cloudy, that is a pretty good sign your ejaculate is retrograde (entering your bladder). This may be fixable. Sometimes it is a side effect of medications. Are you taking anything, particularly with regard to urinary problems?
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby sirgawain » Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:34 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:
As a prostate cancer survivor, I recommend having your PSA levels checked. Not an expensive or invasive test (just a draw of blood).

And check for retrograde ejaculation. After a long time of no orgasms (long enough that you would expect a large amount of ejaculate) get an orgasm where you would expect a lot of ejaculate (sex, sex with a condom or masturbation) and check for ejaculate. Then, urinate into a clear container and check for clarity. If you urine is cloudy, that is a pretty good sign your ejaculate is retrograde (entering your bladder). This may be fixable. Sometimes it is a side effect of medications. Are you taking anything, particularly with regard to urinary problems?

I'll try that again. I have in the past tried it. I get *some* ejaculate, it's just mostly clear, which is indicative of some kind of gland block. I'm not on any meds other than warfarin, but this started long before that. My frustration was mostly around how the doctors just don't care. I feel, often, that male sexual health is an under served aspect of the medical community.

I even had a urologist tell me that the fact that trimix works means I absolutely do not have venous leakage, which I know to be false -- it just means the trimix is doing a good job counteracting it.
57 years old, artificial heart valve. TRT started May, 2020. ED/libido issues never fixed by TRT. Not super responsive to viagra/cialis. Started Trimix 2/2021. 20/7.5/.25 mix.

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Re: Ejaculation Issues

Postby ape1100 » Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:15 am

sirgawain wrote:I’m writing just mainly out of frustration, specifically with urologists. I’ve gone to three separate ones over the same issue: over the course of the last 5 years, I have gone from being a “shooter” when I ejaculate to now barely having even drips come out. Like someone turned off the faucet. Since I’m over 50, nobody cares. Nobody wants to look into, nobody cares that it changed quickly. One, a female, said “well, less mess then!” I think I embarrassed her when I said my wife loves the mess, so it’s become a bit of a problem. They throw out “retrograde ejaculation” but won’t actually check if it’s that or a blockage. They figure since I’m not trying to get anyone pregnant, it’s not a big deal.

FRUSTRATING. I’m okay with gradual change as we age. I am not okay with a dramatic change pretty quickly. Going from pornstar loads to firing air is a weird experience.

i understand your frustration all too well. it seems like we are in a similar situation with what is in your signature. for me the issues started with the trimix use. i have not been able to orgasm normally in over a year. i get some desensitization and it takes me 1-2 hours to orgasm and then its only with my hand because i need a lot of friction in which i nearly throw out my shoulder. the amount of ejaculate is also diminished from what it used to be. every doctor i have seen has no idea why or wants to help. the uro that gave me trimix, i had to convince to give me cabergoline after reading about it here. i think it may have helped once but i cannot really tell. i still take it out of fear that if i dont, i wont have an orgasm at all. i know i doubt hightly that i have retrograde but as usual that is what they throw out. i know age is also a factor but as you say, for it to come on all of a sudden is not normal. i have got to the point where i have accepted the fact that they dont care.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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