Injecting Head of Penis

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Injecting Head of Penis

Postby bofu123 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:18 pm

by bofu123 » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:38 am

This may not be the right apot, bu here goes, has anyone ever injected Edex, Trimix or any of the injectionables into the head of their p e n i s, if so what were the results/ Very curious about this. I will pose the same question when the chat room opnes this am. Thanks All

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:28 pm

Please do not inject the head of your penis. The Spongiosum - the tissue making up the head, runs along the bottom of the penis around the urethra. It is entirely different than the cavernosa. It does not work the same way or with the same chemical reaction. The Cavernosa is made up of muscle tissue that is tightly contract at all times except during an erection. The spongiosum is entirely different.
i can't imagine it would not HURT. Call your doctor. But please don't experiment.
If you want the head of your penis to engorge, allow lots of time for recovery...months or years. Also, regular stimulation will also help. For many men, that latent erection will come back. for many, it does not. See if time takes care of this.
BTW - there are studies going on right now with using vacuum pumps and implants. Wait until those result come out. That might be a solution too.

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby antelope » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:14 am

Instructions from my uro were to inject trimix into the shaft about 1" from the abdomen, alternating between "10:00 and 2:00"--or right and left sides. Those instructions have proven to be right on the mark. I get marvelous erections, including a throbbing glans, virtually every time. Injecting directly into the glans--or the head of the penis--has never been suggested to me by my uro or by the compound pharmacist. Just saying.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby JimStars » Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:14 pm


Yeah I tried that once .... (sorry Frank!) .. stupid me!
I used 1/2 of my normal dose -- 10 units (50mcg/ml PGE1 + negligible Phent and Pap).
Not any more painful than a regular stick at the shaft position (using 30ga needle) slowly.
As for injection position, if your penis glans is considered a clock FACE lying flat then I injected at around the 4 o'clock position and 1/4" in from the edge.
Now for the results: It did engorge the glans, and spread to whole shaft in general.
Glans was not any more turgid than a normal injection would have made it and, overall, the shaft was maybe 80% after 10-15 minutes. So the injection did spread to the copora cavenosa penis also.
Because there are more nerve endings (pleasure and pain) in the glans, it did start to ache a little bit from the PGE-1, but I've had much more ache using MUSE in the past.
After 15 mins when things did not seem to be progressing any further, I used the remaining 10 units in the normal 2 o'clock x 1" from base of shaft and everything went up to 100% quality.
So, nothin' ta see here, move along .... just do what the doctor says!
RP 2008 ... MUSE 2008-9 .. TriMix Gel 2009 .. Trimix 2009-2015 ... PGE-1 2016-2019 ..Misoprostal 2019 Onward. All worked.

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby shakerquaker » Thu Aug 08, 2013 8:39 am

Frank Talk Admin wrote:Bofu,
Please do not inject the head of your penis. The Spongiosum - the tissue making up the head, runs along the bottom of the penis around the urethra. It is entirely different than the cavernosa. It does not work the same way or with the same chemical reaction. The Cavernosa is made up of muscle tissue that is tightly contract at all times except during an erection. The spongiosum is entirely different.
i can't imagine it would not HURT. Call your doctor. But please don't experiment.
If you want the head of your penis to engorge, allow lots of time for recovery...months or years. Also, regular stimulation will also help. For many men, that latent erection will come back. for many, it does not. See if time takes care of this.
BTW - there are studies going on right now with using vacuum pumps and implants. Wait until those result come out. That might be a solution too.

Hi Paul
You know much, much more about this whole topic than I do, but please forgive me if I ask about this. I find that Alprostadil from MUSE absorbed through the urethra causes my glans to engorge (although not the rest of the shaft!), so I`m afraid I don`t understand why Alprostadil in Caverject injected into the glans wouldn`t have the same effect. I accept that the injection might be much more painful and might bleed more, but it`s the same drug arriving at the same place in a different way, isn`t it?

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby dtwarren1942 » Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:38 pm

PGE1 is used to Increase blood flow into the Corpuses by dilating the blood vessels leading into the chambers which increases blood flow. It also helps relax the vessels leading out which increases the ability to compress them thus preventing outflow. Accordingly, injections are intended to be intercorperal where the blood is primarily needed to generate an erection.

If you inject into the glans, the PEG1 will probably increase blood flow into the glans, but will have little effect in the Corpuses. This will result in a "fat" head; however, you will not have a hard shaft to push the fat head into a vagina.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby jryancey44 » Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:20 pm

Looks liketo me that injecting into the glans would be not be wise, I have been using injections for over 15 years never heard of this. I have been using trimix does anyone no if caverjet is better?

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby shakerquaker » Fri Aug 23, 2013 5:25 am

Thanks for the recent comments, folks. I particularly liked DT`s comments that injecting the head but not the shaft would engorge the head but it wouldn`t be usable!
Well, being a sucker for experimentation, still seeking the erection quality of my long lost youth, and not having read any real argument against injecting the head, I did a little try last night!! Injecting 3.5mcg of Caverject, I injected 0.5mcg into the glans and the remaining 3mcg into the shaft.
My comments are;
- it is definitely no more painful than injecting the shaft
- it did bleed much more than from the shaft, but soon stopped, although it has left a slight bruise this morning
- it did give me a better total erection than the great shaft but relatively small head that I`ve had when simply injecting the cavernosa.
I think overall for me injecting the shaft and putting a MUSE pellet in the urethra is less aggravation - but somewhat more expensive.
Please don`t misunderstand me - I`m not recommending what I`ve done, just telling how it affected me.

As a PS, I`d add that I`ve noticed that exactly the same dosage of Caverject gives me an erection that lasts twice as long if I also take a dose of Viagra.

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby shakerquaker » Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:58 pm

Apologies, but I should have said that the next experiment is to use half the dose of Caverject with some Viagra to see if that erection lasts as long as a double dose of Caverject without the Viagra. For me that would be a big saving because here in the UK I get the Viagra on the NHS (National Health Service - so it`s free) but have to pay for the Caverject (if you`re outside the UK, don`t ask - it`s so blinking complicated- if you are in the UK, you know exactly what I mean!).

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Re: Injecting Head of Penis

Postby ontopher469 » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:28 pm

I believe one of the main reasons NOT to inject into the head of the penis is because of bleeding bleeding, especially
if you're on blood thinners!

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