Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:07 am

Status report:

It's about midnight 1/25, about 14 hrs, after surgery, dull ache from the penis but no serious pain

Temp increased to 99.8 but got acetometaphin & more antibiotics in IV & temp dropped to 99.1. Almost normal.

BP b4 surgery was really high around 150/90. Dont normally have hi BP. Last reading was around 129/78. Near normal too

Doc said no to using ice post surgery when I asked about it ofc but they've had an ice pack on my balls since surgery.

Food here sucks but fortunately havent had any appetite since surgery Stopped eating qt 830 pm night b4 surgery and havent eaten much since surgery. Needed to lose some weight anyway.

Napped a couple of time but havent really sleptvdue to discomfort. Will have to catch up on sleep when I get otta here.

Really cold in room, asked for several blankets, wc is also making it difficult to sleep.

Developed hiccups. Asked nurse for a pk of sugar wc fixed it after I ate it. Old home remedy. Nurse didnt think it would work It did.

More later . . .
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:33 am

As i write you’re less than 24 hours in and i hope you’re doing well and got some rest.

I normally have perfect blood pressure but day prior to surgery mine was surprisingly elevated at pre-registration. “Are you nervous” the nurse asked. I admitted i probably was, plus, i’d walked 2 miles from hotel to hospital. The day of surgery, i was back to normal. When yours was high you’d just had surgery, and your mind and body were in unfamiliar territory. Understandable that it was high probably.

Hope that mild fever goes away soon. The body does react to all this change, for sure.

Did your doctor use a nerve block to control pain post surgery? Mine makes a point of it and because of that i attribute the ease i experienced for the first 3-4 days. Worked really well and by the time it wore off i’d been healing for 3-5 days and it felt like i’d been given a pass beyond those tenuous first days. However, i trust your pain medication regime will be effective since this is not your doctor’s first rodeo.

Every hour (as you experience life at the moment) and every day that passes us one more day beyond the big moment of implant is forever behind you as your body works it’s inevitable healing magic. Hang in there amigo!
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Jan 25, 2023 6:37 am

ThailandBound wrote:As i write you’re less than 24 hours in and i hope you’re doing well and got some rest.

I normally have perfect blood pressure but day prior to surgery mine was surprisingly elevated at pre-registration. “Are you nervous” the nurse asked. I admitted i probably was, plus, i’d walked 2 miles from hotel to hospital. The day of surgery, i was back to normal. When yours was high you’d just had surgery, and your mind and body were in unfamiliar territory. Understandable that it was high probably.

Hope that mild fever goes away soon. If your thoughts have drifted to the idea of infection because of this, don’t. It would not have happened that fast, and it won’t. The body does react to all this change, for sure.

Did your doctor use a nerve block to control pain post surgery? Mine makes a point of it and because of that i attribute the ease i experienced for the first 3-4 days. Worked really well and by the time it wore off i’d been healing for 3-5 days and it felt like i’d been given a pass beyond those tenuous first days. However, i trust your pain medication regime will be effective since this is not your doctor’s first rodeo.

Every hour (as you experience life at the moment) and every day that passes is one more day beyond the big moment of implant is forever behind you as your body works it’s inevitable healing magic. You’re on the other side now and moving to a new and better life experience.

Hang in there amigo!
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:45 am

Morning update: 640 am 1/25.

Napped off & on all night. Same dull ache from penis all night Cold all night. No heater in room. Sore throat since surgery, difficulty talking. Could be due to ventilator, anesthesia and/or cold. Took cough drops that I had on hand. No temp or BP ck this morning yet

Breakfast to arrive around 7 & doc around 8-830. Cant wait to get up & outta here by around 1030-11.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:47 am


Mentioned the cold to the new nurse who just came in and turned on the heat!!!

At least 5 other nurses & nurse asst didn't have a clue that the thermostat was located right on the wall near the bathroom, wc was out of my line of sight.

Would have told them about it if I'd seen it.

Cold all night bc of this stupidty.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby frank66665 » Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:56 am

sswinsfba wrote:WTF!

Mentioned the cold to the new nurse who just came in and turned on the heat!!!

At least 5 other nurses & nurse asst didn't have a clue that the thermostat was located right on the wall near the bathroom, wc was out of my line of sight.

Would have told them about it if I'd seen it.

Cold all night bc of this stupidty.

congratulations friend, again dull and hard penis, the worst thing for me is the drainage that I will have to keep until Friday, I hope this post op passes soon, the penis constantly in etection is annoying more than painful for me
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:46 pm

9am: Drain & catheter out.

Physician's asst (PA) took them out and was very rough doing that & pinch my balls & scrotum deflating the implant like she was in a big rush. Only rime I felt pain in the peocess.

The PA initially said doc would not be coming by but he did a few mins later

Doc came in & told me that it was "a very good result." Pump bulb is very obviously placed. Easy to access now.

Still gotta pee. Took me a long time when this happened b4.

Havent touched it much yet but was told to pull it down when peeing and when taking showers/baths starting tomorrow & the day after.

Glans looks smaller than shaft when fully & partially inflated. Doc says glans is same size, just loooks larger bc shat is wider

Put on some clothes bc it is still so cold in the room. Cold makes it harder 4me to pee too.

Stiil very tense down there. Drank & peed a lot all night. They must have emptied out at least 2 qts of pee. So, there's more than enuf pee in there.

Just have to relax enuf to go.
Last edited by sswinsfba on Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:58 pm

sswinsfba wrote:9am: Drain & catheter out. Still gotta pee. Took me a long time when this happened b4.

Doc came in & told me that it was "avery good result."

Put on some clothes bc it is still so cold in the room. Cold makes it harder to pee too.

Stiil very tense down there. Drank a lot all night. Try must have empties out at least 2 qts of pee. So, there's more than enuf pee in there.

Just have to relax enuf to go.

I had a certain apprehension myself regarding the requirement to urinate before I was discharged. Somehow I had it in my mind that it was going to hurt. They told me if I could not P within six hours then they would insert a catheter. By the way, if I had a catheter during surgery, it was removed by the time I got to the recovery room, so I feel like I really never even had one.

In the room, the nurse gave me an option to escort me to the toilet to P, or I could use a plastic container that had been placed bedside. My choice. I told the male nurse that I would try to use the plastic container, and he left me alone for a while.

I rolled over onto my side and put my bandaged penis into the receptacle and did my best to P. I felt like I had a strong urge, but I just could not pee. I laid there on my side for quite some time, when oddly, I felt the urge to pee dissipate. I thought that was strange. So I laid there a while longer.

After a while, I gave up and decided to put the receptacle onto the side table when I noticed it was about halfway full! Because of the numbness down below, I had Peed and had not even felt it. Did not feel a thing. That was such a great relief. When the doctor came in and saw the container already filled. He remarked “wow! That was really fast!“.

I was much relieved. Literally and figuratively.

That really sucks about your frigid night last night. Go figure. It’s not the most comfortable of nights anyway and then obviously made it worse. Continued best wishes.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:16 pm

10:10am: I'm all packed & ready to go as soon as I pee & get another 1/2 hr of antibiotic via IV.

Signed the release papers already too. Feel fine. Just a dull ache in the penis & scrotum.& lower pubes.

Peeing is going to be the hardest thing to do. Will try to take my mine off of it to let it happen rather than force ot.
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Implant Scheduled for Jan 24, 2023

Postby sswinsfba » Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:54 pm

Almost 12 noon & still can't pee. Was told if I can't pee in 6 hrs (by 3pm), they'll send me home w/a catheter. Hope that's not necessary.

Fully dressed, sat on toilet 4 awhile 2c if that helped and went thru my normal cleanup routine (wash face, brush teeth, shave & brush hair) to take my mind off of it but to not avail.

Oh well . . .
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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