45 and looking for answers

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45 and looking for answers

Postby Limber » Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:10 pm

I am 45 years old , a bit over weight not overly obese. I take blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I started to suffer from ED in my mid thirties. Weak elections , However, I have an understanding wife (over 20 years married). Cannot sustain an erections and erections come and go. tried Cialis and viagra. Cialis/viagra barely work, ginseng used to give me an added boost. Took citruline as a oxide booster ( moderate results) . I recently tried the Priapus shot known as the “P-Shot.” I did not see a difference and it seems like an expensive gimmick. I haven’t tried trimax. I am thinking of getting an implant.

Additionally, does anyone recommend any over the counter vitamins/supplements for ED?

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby bldoink » Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:06 am

Welcome to the forum. I have no over the counter suggestions as far as drugs or supplements. If you are getting some response you might want to try cock rings along with your Cialis/viagra if you haven't tried them yet. Many of us find they do give us a boost. They come in many styles and materials. It will likely involve trial and error to find what works best for you.

Good luck.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby GoodWood » Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:35 am

Hi Limber,

Welcome to the forum. Hope you get the help you need here. I certainly find it useful.

I second the suggestion of trying a cockring. It REALLY helps my erections. It simply slows the blow flowing OUT of your cock. Since venous leak is a common cause of ED this makes sense.

If you read through lots of posts you’ll see people discuss various OTC supplements but almost never reporting back that they are effective.

Generally the progression goes: oral meds (viagra/levitra/cialis/stendra), injections (monomix, bimix, trimix, quadmix), and finally implant.

Some guys use a VED (vacuum pump) combined with a constriction ring (a specialized cockring specifically designed to be used with the VED).

The best thing you can do is find a great urologist who has experience in men’s sexual health. Some do, some don’t. Find a great doc and let them guide you.

If you can tell us where you are from other guys here might have suggestions for a doc in your area.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby Limber » Sat Dec 31, 2022 7:49 am

Thanks for the information, i live in NYC. Not to sound graphic but if i am really enticed i can get an erection. I can get an erection with pulling and tugging . However , once i stand up and try to insert, the penis starts to lose blood flow and i have to hurry up. For some reason i get hard with oral sex that lasts a bit longer but still slowly loses power.

It is also strange that if i am laying down on my side , i tend to get an erection

I never heard of veinous leak and will try to lose a few more pounds.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby Old Guy » Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:16 am

Welcome to FT Limber. I hope you can find some answers here to help you.
Venous leak is the common cause of ED. That means the blood moves out faster than coming in. As GoodWood said sometimes a constriction ring can help along with pills. Look up cock rings on eBay or any adult store.
I will say when my ED started I tried numerous OTC Men's help pills. Not one did anything for my erection, one gave me serious heartburn. I've been through the whole ordeal, from pills to injections to implant. Have to say I love the implant for the convenience and no longer having to schedule sex via a pill or injection. Or leaving the wife unsatisfied because I couldn't stay hard.
My suggestion is schedule an appointment with a Men's Sexual Health Urologist. They can offer options and run tests to diagnose any issues.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby Limber » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:14 pm

Thanks Old Guy, in your opinion, do you feel 45 is to early for an implant. Are their people
Who had an implant in their 30s. Is the shelf life 12-15 years. Any breakdown mechanically ? What do people prefer inflatable or permanent rod?

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby AmansinCali » Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:43 pm


I too welcome you to FT, this is where the knowledge is, if you spend time here you will get a real education. There are numerous men in the 20's and 30's who have received implants. Age is not a factor if you have tried other methods, which is usually oral medications and then injections. You will learn here that these methods will eventually quit working for you and that leaves the implant. Most insurance companies won't cover you if the pills and injections are working. If all else has failed and you need an implant in order to have intercourse, don't be afraid of it, just learn as much as you can. You will see in your reading here that the selection of the surgeon, a real specialist doing implants, who is considered a high volume implanter, is the way to go.

Best of luck in your new adventure.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby GoodWood » Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:56 pm

Limber wrote:Thanks for the information, i live in NYC…

NYC is a pretty good place for dealing with ED. One of the recognized experts in implantation is in NYC, Dr Eid. A number of guys from around the country have had their implants done by dr Eid and he is highly recommended.

I haven’t gotten an implant yet. An injection and a good cockring have been enough to give me the erection I need for fucking. I can often get by with 40mg of sildinifil and a cock ring for oral and handjobs.

Maze Men’s Health is a comprehensive medical practice dealing with men’s sexual health. Dr Werner is VERY thorough. It wasn’t covered by my insurance and was quite expensive but it was important for me to feel like I left no stone unturned. They have an office in midtown east and might have other locations in the area.

A good urologist that WAS covered by my insurance and seemed pretty knowledgeable about ED is Dr Matthew Lemer. I’ve had a good experience with him and recommend him.

Please feel free to send me a PM (private message) if you want to discuss this stuff in any more detail.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby Txagq8 » Mon Jan 02, 2023 12:29 am

Howdy Limber. NYC huh? That’s about as far removed from my little Texas hill country town of 700 as I can imagine. We do have a stop light, however.

You’ve got a lot of options and things you can pursue before you take the final step and opt for an implant. I tell people that if I’d known what I know now, I would have had it done 35 yrs ago. I also tell people that it’s the final option, not to be chosen until the others have been tried and found lacking.

You’re taking oral meds with limited success. Couple those with a cock ring for sure. My ED developed or was at least diagnosed before viagra or any oral meds. I preferred one of those leather straps that went around both cock and balls. The construction slowed the leakage down enough to keep something resembling an erection without squeezing the urethral area so much that ejaculation would be difficult.

I used injection therapy from about 1987 thru 2019. That’s 32 +/- years. It was pretty experimental when I started, all we had was bimix. Later there was prostaglandin E1 (Caverject), Trimix (my best results) and Quadmix. Giving yourself a shot is no big deal although the thought of it is daunting at first.

A vacuum device is good in lots of ways. It can help you get an erection which is okay for sex. But it also pulls in blood and nourishes tissues within the penis, stretches it out, and helps eliminate too much shrinkage from ED. That way, if you end up having to go the implant route, your doc can size you well and your penis dimensions will stay pretty much the same.

Implants aren’t cheap out of pocket, so if you’re looking down the road several years you may want to make sure you are on a health insurance plan that covers them. Many do not. After they rip out your wiring to put in an implant, there will be no more spontaneous erections. Some guys (I’m one) retain some capacity for glans engorgement and a bit of dilation in the corporal area. That’s why due diligence and approaching the ED fight in a sane, methodical manner is wisest course of action.

The body is an interesting machine. I had venous leakage, apparently me entire life. I thought erections lasted maybe 1.5-2 minutes. Mine were very position dependent. On my back I could maintain pretty well, on my belly or knees it was mixed results, and standing was instant erection loss. If you are healthy, really physically fit…your arteries can pump enough blood to minimize the problems venous leakage causes. Obviously, your circulatory system at 30 is better than at 45 and 45 is better than 65. That’s one of the reasons that pills and shots lose effectiveness over time. It’s not simply your body gets immune to the medication. It’s that the boost these drugs give your circulatory system are no longer enough to overcome the leaks and allow you to maintain an erection.

This website is a pretty good resource for guys with ED. Other guys have dealt with the exact same shit you’re plowing thru. I was blessed with a damned good wife too and despite a few moments (more than just a few) of sexual frustration she’s been a real trooper, very supportive, so you’ve got that going for you.

No two guys deal with implants and surgery alike. Except for the long road to get my original size back, the whole thing was a piece of cake. I found it less trouble than a colonoscopy and a hell of a lot more comfortable than a kidney stone. Still, you’ve got miles to go before an implant becomes the most viable alternative.

I’m not sure about those PRP shots or shock wave treatments either. I hear quite a few less than glowing reviews about results.

Good luck going forward. Post your ?s whenever. It’s a good idea to read a bunch of older stuff though, many guys before you may gave asked and had answered the same questions.

Happy 2023 to you/your family.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: 45 and looking for answers

Postby slipnslider » Thu Jan 05, 2023 5:21 pm

Limber wrote:I am 45 years old , a bit over weight not overly obese. I take blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I started to suffer from ED in my mid thirties. Weak elections , However, I have an understanding wife (over 20 years married). Cannot sustain an erections and erections come and go. tried Cialis and viagra. Cialis/viagra barely work, ginseng used to give me an added boost. Took citruline as a oxide booster ( moderate results) . I recently tried the Priapus shot known as the “P-Shot.” I did not see a difference and it seems like an expensive gimmick. I haven’t tried trimax. I am thinking of getting an implant.

Additionally, does anyone recommend any over the counter vitamins/supplements for ED?

I'm 46 and my ED started in my late 20s. Pills worked but gave me bad side effects so i moved to trimix injections. They work great for me, but the downside is they last too long and you can't have spontaneous sex, it always requires planning. I'm considering an implant, but am glad injections work in the meantime.

Only supplement I ever tried was Citruline which gave a little boost, but not enough for reliable sex. Beware of the snake oil products out there. Almost all of them are total scams and will do nothing but waste your money.
44, ED problems began around age 28 when I was on finasteride for hair loss, and also got circumcised so I lost a lot of sensation. Pills gave me bad headaches and other side effects. Now using trimix 30/1/20. So far so good.

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