Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

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Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

Postby jasainuk » Sat Oct 22, 2022 12:49 pm

Hi All.

I am about 95% sure that an implant is the only real solution for me. The 5% is doubt and thinking a miracle might happen, and my dick miraculously recovers from the venous leakage.

Anyway. The decision is made, and an implant it is.

My question is.......

Has anyone had an implant in the UK with the NHS? I ask as I have an appt in Sheffield, and they possibly do
the implants if the person (me) qualifies. A concern I have (even if I could have it done on the NHS) is there is not much about NHS
surgeons doing the implants apart from Dr Ralph in London, and everyone states here to get the best surgeon possible.

I have been through urology consultants for some time with pills, pumps, and injections and then got a referral to andrology.
It was not that easy to request the urology consultant to refer me; he did try to persuade me otherwise, but I was adamant.

Finances are an issue at the moment, but if I have to save for a few years, then that's what it will have to be.

I have looked through the forum and found a couple of guys that had an implant via the NHS, and one guy was really happy.
However, the experiences I did find are limited, which might just be because not many guys in the UK have implants, on the NHS and/or
use this forum.

Anyone's experiences regarding the NHS and implants are appreciated. Good, bad, ugly, or wonderful!

Thank you in advance.
Last edited by jasainuk on Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS

Postby Bluewhippet » Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:05 am

Read my posts
80 year old Type2 diabetic, long term ED, pills then injections PGE1. After 4 years they became less effective. Implanted 20/3/2018 by NHS. AMS 700 CX 15+4 cm with MS pump. Never had any significant pain. Still working perfectly and used regularly.

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS

Postby Mjefmjef » Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:26 am


I spent massive amount of time in research on this site over the years following my prostate removal through swelling -grapefruit rather than walnut- with aggressive cancer just starting so it saved me from a lot of misery.

I recently had a Boston scientific 3 piece implant at Bristol where a specialist centre is being set up with an experienced if not high volume surgical team.
My own dr said I would not get an implant as not funded, but guess as healthy 66 year old, I got lucky in the system.
Having tried all the various injections and pills recommended on this site, having been proactive, there was nothing else left.
It took another 9 months post acceptance onto waiting list.

I stated a preference for London, but it’s not feasible in the Trust scheme in U.K.
No choices offered, get what surgeon offers or nothing. No real information or aftercare comes with it. I contacted Boston U.K. myself for minimal post op info. Hospital didn’t know anything about frank talk or Perito blogs/website.

Having said that, my operation was as smooth as you could wish for. Out next day, telephone appointment after 6 weeks and 8 week face to face with specialist nurse to cycle when sent off, unless I -in bold- need to go back…..
8 weeks and you begin to appreciate that you are different, and begin to come to terms with the life change, as it is something you need to embrace not reject or regret.
NO going back.

I had no pain at 50% inflation apart from very slight discomfort in reservoir area on the pelvis, minimal swelling and bruising and walking outside day 3. Lot of bed rest for 10 days though.

Followed recommendations from here regarding pre and post preparation, vacuum pumping, disinfectant body wash, pee bottle (2 litre juice carton), jock strap, unneeded painkillers etc etc. Extra wound covers, even extra adhesive, were rubbish from pharmacies!!
Still popping back for reassurance, thanks everyone.

Definitely now a show not grow as you maintain length, so guess little difference over one or 3 piece in that respect. Separatec underwear and Enhancement swimwear now standard. Old is tight and uncomfortable.Trousers, yet to find anything I like.

I’m definitely a happy chappy now. Best thing ever.
Yes you are aware it’s there. No getting away from it.
No hiding it from anyone when in play, unless it’s just wham bam thank you ma’am.
And you definitely have to show your bulge off.

Not found a particularly quick and easy or ‘comfortable’ way to pump yet either as pump might be a fraction high with no slack movement.

Have you looked at Prostate Cancer U.K. forum. A little info there.

End note. Shortly before my op, a patient DID NOT follow advice and pumped early. Result, implant exiting the glans!!

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS

Postby Griffin » Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:10 am

Hi there
I've been exactly where you are and mate and it can be a little trickier finding NHS implanted men on here or at least getting readily available answers to you questions.
I was implanted on the 4th in Nottingham through the NHS and received an AMS 700 CX 21cm (18cm + 3cm rte) with MS pump. I haven't got around to changing my signature yet.
It's taken little over two years to get mine and if you've already been down the road of pills and tried injection's through the NHS then you just need to be put on the waiting list for the op, simple as.
If you were to spend a fortune going private it's a trip to London but you will be able to choose the model you want whereas the system likely won't give you an option.
My surgeon (Dr Bazo) uses the CX, the LGX for larger guys and the TItan seems to be held back for the guys with severe Peyronie's bending. I'm not saying that's what everyone would do that's just how Notts City Hospital works I was placed in the list in February and was told he does two a month.
I was implanted around 10am and woken up around 12 with an erection, a catheter,a drip and a drain I was given some coffee and toast the drip was taken off then I was taken to a ward. I was uncomfortable but never in any bad pain. I was very well looked after and given Oromorph in case of any pain also other regular meds such as Paracetamol, antibiotics etc.
I didn't move from my bed untill the catheter was removed and I was deflated around 10am the next morning because I'm a big baby. The drain was removed a couple of hours later and I was encouraged to get up and walk around which I did and was slowly mobile around the ward untill they kicked me out that afternoon.
It's been a couple of weeks or so now and yes I'm a little uncomfortable and a little tender in places but I'm not sorry I had it done at all. Everyone on here will tell you the same, at first it's alien and you feel somewhat disappointed or scared because it's not you anymore but time is your friend and so far I'm very happy with my results.
I was activated with a few pups at my 10 day follow up (I didn't feel comfortable for her to put any more in) then deflated again.
I've inflated a few times since and even got it upto about 20 pumps! I did suffer a bit the rest of that day though (yesterday)
Without engorgement my erection looks a little slim and oval shaped as you'd imagine but if I'm in the mood and get engorgement like I normally would it's great. I don't seem to have lost any size, that I have noticed anyway. It's hard, its a sure thing and it's a good shape. So far I'm happy and can only see things getting better for me the more it becomes part of me and having a larger flaccid is great.

We are very lucky to have a way of getting this done for free and with free aftercare.

What they don't tell you is operating the pump is very hard on your nutsack and is sore for a while afterwards, I imaging this to become water off a ducks back with time.
Oh and having a catheter pulled out of an erection is an experience! Not painful but not pleasant.

Hope all that helps mate
Good luck and don't be afraid to msg me with any concerns.
42 UK, Peyronie's plaques. No bending, just substandard functionality and some miss-shaping. Jumped through all the NHS hoops (various pills, VED, injections) finally getting implanted 04/10/22

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS

Postby jasainuk » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:29 pm

Bluewhippet wrote:Read my posts

Thank you. As mentioned I had been through the ones I could find, and yours was one of them.
It took me a while to wade through your posts that actually talk about anything NHS as you have obviously been very active here.

You seemed to have had a pretty easy time with all of it even the referral to implant, and then post-implant.

I hope my experience is close to as good as yours and wish the same for any of the other UK guys.


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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS

Postby jasainuk » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:40 pm

Griffin wrote:Hi there
I've been exactly where you are and mate and it can be a little trickier finding NHS implanted men on here or at least getting readily available answers to you questions.
I was implanted on the 4th in Nottingham through the NHS and received an AMS 700 CX 21cm (18cm + 3cm rte) with MS pump. I haven't got around to changing my signature yet.
It's taken little over two years to get mine and if you've already been down the road of pills and tried injection's through the NHS then you just need to be put on the waiting list for the op, simple as.
If you were to spend a fortune going private it's a trip to London but you will be able to choose the model you want whereas the system likely won't give you an option.
My surgeon (Dr Bazo) uses the CX, the LGX for larger guys and the TItan seems to be held back for the guys with severe Peyronie's bending. I'm not saying that's what everyone would do that's just how Notts City Hospital works I was placed in the list in February and was told he does two a month.
I was implanted around 10am and woken up around 12 with an erection, a catheter,a drip and a drain I was given some coffee and toast the drip was taken off then I was taken to a ward. I was uncomfortable but never in any bad pain. I was very well looked after and given Oromorph in case of any pain also other regular meds such as Paracetamol, antibiotics etc.
I didn't move from my bed untill the catheter was removed and I was deflated around 10am the next morning because I'm a big baby. The drain was removed a couple of hours later and I was encouraged to get up and walk around which I did and was slowly mobile around the ward untill they kicked me out that afternoon.
It's been a couple of weeks or so now and yes I'm a little uncomfortable and a little tender in places but I'm not sorry I had it done at all. Everyone on here will tell you the same, at first it's alien and you feel somewhat disappointed or scared because it's not you anymore but time is your friend and so far I'm very happy with my results.
I was activated with a few pups at my 10 day follow up (I didn't feel comfortable for her to put any more in) then deflated again.
I've inflated a few times since and even got it upto about 20 pumps! I did suffer a bit the rest of that day though (yesterday)
Without engorgement my erection looks a little slim and oval shaped as you'd imagine but if I'm in the mood and get engorgement like I normally would it's great. I don't seem to have lost any size, that I have noticed anyway. It's hard, its a sure thing and it's a good shape. So far I'm happy and can only see things getting better for me the more it becomes part of me and having a larger flaccid is great.

We are very lucky to have a way of getting this done for free and with free aftercare.

What they don't tell you is operating the pump is very hard on your nutsack and is sore for a while afterwards, I imaging this to become water off a ducks back with time.
Oh and having a catheter pulled out of an erection is an experience! Not painful but not pleasant.

Hope all that helps mate
Good luck and don't be afraid to msg me with any concerns.

Thank you very much Griffin for your lengthy reply. It's much appreciated.

When you say it took a little over two years to have the operation, is that from the first appointment with andrology?
Or is that after they agreed you can have the implant done (i.e., once agreed you was on a waiting list that took 2 years)?

Well done for getting it done and I look forward to seeing how things go for you.
Looks like all the worst is out the way for you and now you just have to progressively improve and use it.


on the road of life
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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

Postby on the road of life » Sun Oct 23, 2022 12:58 pm


Last week the annual meeting of the EAU Section of Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons (ESGURS) took place in Madrid

I pass you the twitter of the meeting:


where maybe you can get some name of interest for you.

Some names in GB are
P. Anderson, Dudley (GB)
D. Ralph, London (UK)

I have no reference to them but, supposedly, the participants are among the best in Europe

Maybe it's a good place to start the search
I don't know if any belong to the NHS

56. Bionic 10/21/2022. Titan 22+2. OTR pump. Penoscrotal.
ED due to Venous Leak, for years compensated, good incoming arterial blood flow to the penis, healthy heart and arteries.
Vacuum pumps
Interventional Radiology Embolization.

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

Postby Pau1pau1 » Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:21 pm

Hi I also had implant done on nhs. Took 6 months to get it done once on the waiting list. I'm from Manchester but had it done in london by Ralph's team. I got to choose which model I wanted and I choose a Titan .
Stayed overnight and sent home deflated. Checkup 3 weeks later and shown how to pump.
Quite sore for 4 weeks , bloody miserable as it was quite stiff when flacid. Now much more comfortable
Now easy to inflate and sex is great . Wish I had done it years earlier .
Pm me if you need advice about referring to london

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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

Postby Griffin » Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:51 pm

No problem mate I'm happy to give back on here it's a massive help to all of us.
To answer you question it's been little over two years from the day I decided to see my doctor, got referred to a urologist who in turn referred me to my current urologist/surgeon.
6 Months of being made to take a full Sildanafil every other day to help slow the disease, £200+ on a prescription VED then made to try two injectables. One injectable did nothing and the next had some effect so I was sent away and told I had to try at least 8 injections before I could state my case. Unfortunately Brexit had caused a shortage and I was unable to get any for a couple of months but this didn't sway me I wasn't prepared to stick needles in my dick when your only damaging it more by doing by doing so and the implant would be the end result anyway.
As you probably know needles, temperatures, life spans etc made the injection's undesirable.
I had a couple but went back as soon as I was allowed and said I'd done loads and pleaded my case that they weren't for me. I was put straight in the list and here I am, it feels surreal now I have one it's still sinking in but in all honesty I'm exited about the future now and already feel more confident even if it's premature :lol:
42 UK, Peyronie's plaques. No bending, just substandard functionality and some miss-shaping. Jumped through all the NHS hoops (various pills, VED, injections) finally getting implanted 04/10/22

Posts: 19
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Re: Anyone UK Had Implant with NHS?

Postby jasainuk » Mon Oct 24, 2022 9:39 am

on the road of life wrote:hi

Last week the annual meeting of the EAU Section of Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgeons (ESGURS) took place in Madrid

I pass you the twitter of the meeting:


where maybe you can get some name of interest for you.

Some names in GB are
P. Anderson, Dudley (GB)
D. Ralph, London (UK)

I have no reference to them but, supposedly, the participants are among the best in Europe

Maybe it's a good place to start the search
I don't know if any belong to the NHS


I know of Dr Ralph, but never heard of Dr Anderson. I shall look into the twitter post.

Thank you. Much appreciated.

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