Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Gt1956 » Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:14 pm

I'm totally confused. He has an implant but yet seems upset that he still has ED. He doesn't say that the implant has failed to work. I don't think any FT member has said other than an implant is just a treatment for ED, not a cure.
That leads me to think that he expected the implant to cure his depression. It seems to me that after just a few visits with his doctor that the doc would see that the depression was the bigger of the two problems. Thus treated the depression aggressively.
I honestly do feel bad for him but I believe that he has focused on the wrong problem first hoping to cure the second problem.
Perhaps I'm being naive on this. Maybe his doctor should of declined the implant until he was in a better state of mind?
People, please make sure that your expectations & mind are ready for an implant first.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Cnidium » Fri Sep 30, 2022 5:57 pm

snowerhood wrote:
Cnidium wrote:Got my implant at 27. My mindset is very different than yours. I wake up everyday feeling like a champion. Not because of the implant itself, but because I know that, no matter what happens in life, I can and will find the best answer for it. Going through peyronies and the road up to an implant helped develop me in a way that now allows me to tackle all other problems in life.

I understand why you feel the way you do, but I also know that its all about mindset. You don't need to be a victim of your circumstance. You can be a true unit of a man if you want to be.

Just want to express my agreement with you. I'm on the start/middle of this road of struggle, sometimes it's hard and depressing, but sometimes it feels like school of life, you learn to overcome such a big challenges, losses. When you finish this race, everything start to feel possible for you, because you managed to change your attitude, your mindset in a way when you treat your problems as a randomized debafs that everyone in the world has. You learn to look wider and gain some kind of wisdom. Life challenges bring the new philosophy to your life

Yes 100% this. The experience you gain overcoming this will allow you to accomplish so much in life. And, more importantly, you learn how to control your own mind and find peace in any situation.

Something else I have thought about along the way --- I only exist here today because somewhere in my family lineage there was someone who went through an unbelievable amount of hardship. Yet the never gave up. And because of that I have the opportunity of this life. Therefore, I also will never give up and I will remember that there is always a next best step.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Time2Change » Sat Oct 01, 2022 8:05 am

Anatomical suicide wrote:I often read here on Franktalk enthusiastic post where the implant is described as a life-changing choice able to bring back not only a functioning penis but even a stable psychological and mental condition previously devastated by the erectile dysfunction.
The reason why i got surgery was the same reason why other individuals decide to get a prosthesis implanted due to a missing ability; a leg prosthesis gives you the ability to run or even walk again. A harm prosthesis gives you the ability to hold a pen, drive, hug and do things you couldn't do before going for such surgery.
It's all about being able to do something you couldn't do because of a persistent disability.
The only aim I had when I took the plunge was to be able to perform, sexually speaking, in someway. Since pills didn't work, VED was ridiculous and, given my age, injection weren't even an option I was forced to get a 3 piece installed between my legs at 27. I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
I don't want to concentrate my attention on the recovery, on the surgery itself or on what I've been gone and going through to deal with such cataclysm at 27 as if ED weren't enough.
Those are secondary elements.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing. I didn't expect it to be so. Neither did i expect it to transform or cancel the whole of traumatic experiences I lived in the past due to a genetic disorder that took completely and irreversibly away my manhood, my self-esteem, my entire existence as a - supposed - man.
Two silicon cylinders and a bulb cannot restore a manhood which has never existed. I'll always be a biological failure, a freak of nature as well as a victim of the genetic lottery. I lost it.
Since I'm and I'll be until the end all the aforementioned the implant is a consequence of it, not a solution to it. It's the tragic conclusion of a traumatic sequence of predetermined occurrences.
Being able to perform keeps being the only and unique reason behind the choice of getting this kind of surgery. Let alone how. But for the rest, at least in my case, my modus pensandi hasn't been altered and with high probability will never be.
I've never been a man, i don't feel like it right now with a fake dick and I'm realistic enough to consider a penile prosthesis at the age of 27 a condemnation rather than the superpower described here.
Or maybe I have a slightly different conception of superpower.

Given the timing of your post and your use of a term I had used only shortly before in my reply to another member's post, I feel compelled to chime in here. I also want to add to subsequent comments on this topic.

I was headed in a very positive direction in my early 30's after having struggled in different ways in my 20's. Then ED hit. And in many ways I was derailed from that positive trajectory for years. Yes, I maintained my job, marriage, family, house, and general good physical health, but most everything I did was clouded by the effects of my ED on my mental and emotional states. So, I still stand by my use of the word "devastated " to describe ED's impact.

I have never thought that I don't have ED since I got my implant. I still have ED. But I now have what is for me the best possible treatment I can have for my ED. And, for me, it's an excellent treatment.

I don't think the implant has been a cure for all my problems which came as a result of my ED. But it has removed a significant barrier to me being a healthier person mentally and emotionally. I can fuck like I am a young man now. And, at this point I'm adept enough at inflating to do it while my wife is giving me a hand job, closely approximating getting hard naturally through stimulation. Given my state two years ago, this far exceeds what I imagined my sex life would be like.

Removing this barrier has been like removing a gigantic weight from all areas of my life. The pain is healing, but as I've said elsewhere, I still have a lot of healing left to do.

I cannot begin to imagine the psychological damage being unable to get hard ever must have had on you. It must have been extremely painful during your teens and 20's.

But you've suggested you are now able to have sex successfully. That's a very good thing. You're a young man. If I were you, I would now start to work on healing the inner wounds you've suffered. You have a long time ahead of you--a lot of pussy to fuck. 8-) It seems like you may want to make the best of it.
55; ED for 22+ years; Coloplast Titan implant on 10/26/20; Dr. Martin Gross; Happy to share my experiences in private messages

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby aslanglobal » Sat Oct 01, 2022 11:44 pm

You’re thinking too much and not “acting” enough. If you’re gonna make this about proving yourself, prove yourself to your girlfriend you can protect her and love her and give her the best orgasms of her life. If you don’t have a steady gf yet, focus on using it regularly with partners.

You’re choosing to be miserable now. I’m not saying it isn’t hard. I wrote a post recently on how weird it can be, even a year later. But at this point, you’ve been gifted a surgery many young men would kill for, and you’re choosing to see only the negative. If you’re gonna obsess about your dick, focus on what you can do with it. I don’t mean to sound harsh and am not dismissing concerns, but you’re on the winning side now.

Anatomical suicide wrote:I often read here on Franktalk enthusiastic post where the implant is described as a life-changing choice able to bring back not only a functioning penis but even a stable psychological and mental condition previously devastated by the erectile dysfunction.
The reason why i got surgery was the same reason why other individuals decide to get a prosthesis implanted due to a missing ability; a leg prosthesis gives you the ability to run or even walk again. A harm prosthesis gives you the ability to hold a pen, drive, hug and do things you couldn't do before going for such surgery.
It's all about being able to do something you couldn't do because of a persistent disability.
The only aim I had when I took the plunge was to be able to perform, sexually speaking, in someway. Since pills didn't work, VED was ridiculous and, given my age, injection weren't even an option I was forced to get a 3 piece installed between my legs at 27. I didn't have any alternative apart from suicide which, by the way, is still in my head 24 hours a day.
I don't want to concentrate my attention on the recovery, on the surgery itself or on what I've been gone and going through to deal with such cataclysm at 27 as if ED weren't enough.
Those are secondary elements.
The aspect that I'd like to share and outline is that AFTER surgery NOTHING changed as for the way I think, conceive thinks and consider myself. I was born with a crippling disability which has prevented me since day one from having erections and thus a normal, fulfilling sexual life that the vast majority of the guys of my age have without being even aware of it. A true, severe venous leakage is not a clinical issue or a treatable condition. Is a crippling disability whose onset can EASILY lead the individuals suffering from it to an indescribable dimension in which the end of your existence becomes a relentless desire. The only one crossing your mind. All the rest ceases to exist.
The implant in my case wasn't life-changing. I didn't expect it to be so. Neither did i expect it to transform or cancel the whole of traumatic experiences I lived in the past due to a genetic disorder that took completely and irreversibly away my manhood, my self-esteem, my entire existence as a - supposed - man.
Two silicon cylinders and a bulb cannot restore a manhood which has never existed. I'll always be a biological failure, a freak of nature as well as a victim of the genetic lottery. I lost it.
Since I'm and I'll be until the end all the aforementioned the implant is a consequence of it, not a solution to it. It's the tragic conclusion of a traumatic sequence of predetermined occurrences.
Being able to perform keeps being the only and unique reason behind the choice of getting this kind of surgery. Let alone how. But for the rest, at least in my case, my modus pensandi hasn't been altered and with high probability will never be.
I've never been a man, i don't feel like it right now with a fake dick and I'm realistic enough to consider a penile prosthesis at the age of 27 a condemnation rather than the superpower described here.
Or maybe I have a slightly different conception of superpower.
37, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Sun Oct 02, 2022 12:49 am

I don't think any man should have to "prove" himself sexually to any number of women. That sounds like something a teenager would try to do under peer pressure. It also makes it sound like he has to have a partner or he's a failure. Just because you have an implant doesn't mean you have to have sex everyday. If that's what goes on, I'd like to see a study on the correlation of IPP and STDs. The Bible says it's okay to be married or single. There's nothing wrong with being single.

And lets be honest and real here about women. They are human just as much as men, and they have their flaws and issues as well. Do that many men really think women are that judgmental of a guy? I don't think any good and reasonable woman would be that way. God made Adam and then he made Eve as his helper. I don't think women are supposed to be critical monsters.

One thing I think we can all agree on. The OP made his decision for better or worse. Hopefully all went well, and he's not in some sort of constant pain or discomfort. If everything works as it should, then yes it is very true he is on the winning side and will be ready for whatever arises. ;) However if the OP isn't really satisfied with the total outcome, I'm sure he's not the first and won't be the last. Hopefully with time and adapting he will become more adjusted and accepting. I think it probably takes some time to adjust to the healing both physically and psychologically to what he put his body through.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby FreddyFree » Sun Oct 02, 2022 6:47 am

When you have a leak in your roof, you don’t fix it by buying a car.
AMS 700 CX 18cm. x 12mm. With 3cm. RTEs. 10/10/18

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby aslanglobal » Sun Oct 02, 2022 9:07 am

Ok, perhaps my metaphor was off. I empathize with post-surgery confusion or regret. But his dick actually works now. There are plenty of other obstacles in life now, but that’s one that has been slightly taken care of. I know about 10 guys who are in line or are saving up for this surgery. To dismiss everything and still walk around with your head down, saying “nothing has changed”, seems to be choosing to see only the bad.

quote="PSSDorAmINormal"]I don't think any man should have to "prove" himself sexually to any number of women. That sounds like something a teenager would try to do under peer pressure. It also makes it sound like he has to have a partner or he's a failure. Just because you have an implant doesn't mean you have to have sex everyday. If that's what goes on, I'd like to see a study on the correlation of IPP and STDs. The Bible says it's okay to be married or single. There's nothing wrong with being single.

And lets be honest and real here about women. They are human just as much as men, and they have their flaws and issues as well. Do that many men really think women are that judgmental of a guy? I don't think any good and reasonable woman would be that way. God made Adam and then he made Eve as his helper. I don't think women are supposed to be critical monsters.

One thing I think we can all agree on. The OP made his decision for better or worse. Hopefully all went well, and he's not in some sort of constant pain or discomfort. If everything works as it should, then yes it is very true he is on the winning side and will be ready for whatever arises. ;) However if the OP isn't really satisfied with the total outcome, I'm sure he's not the first and won't be the last. Hopefully with time and adapting he will become more adjusted and accepting. I think it probably takes some time to adjust to the healing both physically and psychologically to what he put his body through.[/quote]
37, Implanted 8/10/21. 22 cm Titan, Dr. Tariq Hakky.

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby markwal6 » Mon Oct 24, 2022 7:01 pm

We all have bad crap happen..but it's taking the hits and getting back up is what counts! If we were all ok, we wouldn't be on this page now, would we??
Implanted June 2022..Ams cx 24cm 2 rt EX

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Re: Just a honest, brutal and unpopular opinion

Postby Raiderjay0331 » Tue Oct 25, 2022 5:19 pm

Man I’m gonna be brutally honest with you and it comes from a place of caring. You need to
Get some help. See a counselor there is no way having that experience hasn’t weighed on you a ton and now you feel no different with a functioning dick because the dick isn’t what makes you a man. Is it nice to have a dick that I can use for days non stop surpassing other 33 year olds almost always sure but that isn’t what makes me a man. Many men here feel better after because they feel their body matches the man they are mentally finally. Sounds like your issue is that you have never in your mind been that man so penis or no penis it won’t fix the issue. There are so many things that can bring joy to your life other than your dick. You are a man and you just need to see someone who can help you feel right and when you do I guarantee you you will feel complete.
33 year old implanted October 2021 by The Dr. Clavell in Houston Texas . 24cm titan. Best decision of my life so far.

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