WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby xenine » Sun May 19, 2013 2:05 am

i strongly encourage all of u to think twice about doing p/e exercises. there are thousands of men who are now PERMANENTLY impotent from doing these exercises. there have been dreadful cases where ligaments, nerves and other vital tissue have been torn clean off from the base of the penis. as a result, men suffering from this horror had lost all feeling and erectile ability. no amount of surgery will ever return to these men their sex life.

think twice or suffer the consequeneces! youve been warned.

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby jn1421 » Sun May 19, 2013 12:46 pm

I appreciate your concern for our health but I think that your enthusiasm to warn is exaggerated...just a bit. Where are you gathering your information? Can you provide an example of a single PE injury where someone has become 'impotent' or where a man has 'torn off' his ligaments, nerves or any other vital tissue from the base of his penis?

Injury is certainly possible but most are minor and all are from overly ambitious men who are being foolishly aggressive and not concerned about personal safety...at all. The phrase 'young and dumb' applies in about 95% of all PE injuries. Some guys really do think they are superhuman and therefore suffer from such a mindset.

Within the PE community there are people who actually end up in the ER from being to ambitious with these exercise but never once have I heard of anyone having any injuries that cannot be completely healed within a couple weeks of leaving themselves alone. One thing for sure...in each case, the individuals that have injured themselves admits aggressive behavior and as a result, have become an advocate of PE safety.

Here are a few links form a PE site I belong to. The comments you read will help you understand the severity of common PE injuries...most are minor and embarrassing but nothing like you mention.
http://www.pegym.com/forums/beginners-f ... first.html

http://www.pegym.com/forums/penile-anom ... njury.html

http://www.pegym.com/forums/penile-anom ... hread.html

http://www.pegym.com/forums/penis-devic ... mping.html

I have been 'safely' practicing penis exercises (PE) for over three years now and have never injured my penis. I have overdone it a few times resulting in bruising and soreness, but never had an injury. The sole reason I started PE was to recover from ED and I have to confess I am very, very pleased with the results. If you or anyone reading this response is interested in my ED recovery story, please look at my threads/posts here at FrankTalk. To start, here are a few:


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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby xenine » Mon May 20, 2013 4:46 pm

jn1421 wrote:Xenine,
I have been 'safely' practicing penis exercises (PE) for over three years now and have never injured my penis. I have overdone it a few times resulting in bruising and soreness, but never had an injury. The sole reason I started PE was to recover from ED and I have to confess I am very, very pleased with the results. If you or anyone reading this response is interested in my ED recovery story, please look at my threads/posts here at FrankTalk.

read these for starters:




thats what they all say.. and thats how they all start. theres going to come a time when your penis isnt going to take it any firther. when the penis reaches its physical limit its going to let you know in the most horrific way. your blood vessels and other cital tissue will be permanetly torn. you will rupture the corpus cavernosa which is very delicate and necessary for erections. youll end up with a dead penis.

uros DO NOT recommend these exercies at all. youre going against all sound medical advice. thousands of men are now seeking medical treatment because of this. its your life. but the day your penis cant ge get it up anymore because of your exercises, youre going to have wished you had listened first to all these warnings. i know of 3 guys who are now seeking immediate help and psychological counseling following these exercises that they thought were safe. now they cant please any woman. youre going to end up like them.

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby jn1421 » Wed May 22, 2013 1:02 pm

After reading these links I still don't see where there's any reference to or proof of “thousands of men who are now PERMANENTLY impotent from doing these exercises. there have been dreadful cases where ligaments, nerves and other vital tissue have been torn clean off from the base of the penis. as a result, men suffering from this horror had lost all feeling and erectile ability.”

The first link you provided is a shameless sales pitch to purchase 'Be Firm Herbal Tincture Formula.'

The second link wouldn't never open.

The third link was pretty good. It explains what I was saying in my other post; that these exercise can be dangerous if not done safely. Being educated with the dangers is paramount, just like life in general. If you try to skateboard across the freeway, more than likely you will be killed...instead, be safe, don't be stupid. It also gives a great explanation of the benefits of hanging weights in particular “This increases strength of the penis as well as stamina and at the same time causes the penis to lengthen.” Not many outside the PE community ever admit the benefits of PE, I'm surprised.

This statement, “While the practice can stretch the penis extensively, the damage caused to the tissues and nerves is so great, complete impotence is inevitable and erection can not be achieved any more;” reads/sounds authoritative, but where is the authority... they do not provide a single reference to support any of their claims. It is true that the practice can stretch the penis extensively, but it is not true that it will result in inevitable ED. That's just silly, in fact they site no proof about the positive side of hanging either. What you will find by clicking on any of the many hyperlinks, is that this site too is a sales pitch for their products: Androextender penis extender, Androvacuum - medical penis pump, Androerectest - erectile health monitor and Andropharma vigor - libido booster supplement.

Their comments on Clamping:
“It can cause serious permanent damage of great extent to the penis.” I agree and believe all PE has this potential. However, I reiterate education and safety. Ignorance combined with foolishness will not be blissful.
“The principle of the method is to compress the base of the penis tightly during an erection to prevent the blood flow out of the penis using a tool or device - existing, homemade or bought (string, clamp, ring, etc.), and then put off orgasm during masturbation to gain girth.” This is not true. Clamping at the base of your penis only 'restricts' the outflow of blood. It does not 'prevent' it. Having a constant in/out flow of fresh blood is necessary to maintain an erection, especially while clamping.
“and then put off orgasm during masturbation to gain girth.” This last phrase is not PE clamping. This is torture and will cause retro-ejaculation (inside bladder). I have never heard of this type of clamping, nor have I done it. I want to believe they are referring to 'edging,' but they do not make that distinction. You may already know what edging is but if not, it is when a person purposefully masturbates or stimulates themselves to full-throbbing engorgement, but stopping well in advance of orgasm...taking it to the edge. Hence the term 'edging.'

Clamping should be started with a flaccid penis, not an erection. Having the clamp on and in place while flaccid allows for more comfort and control during the engorgement process. You will tighten the clamp at intervals as your erection gets bigger and fuller. Clamping expands the penis in every direction from the inside out. In other words...a boner on steroids! The sensations are expanded also. They are unbelievable, wonderful, indescribable. If one decides to edge while clamped, he should prepare before hand NOT to orgasm while the clamp is on. You can reward yourself by ejaculation 'after' your clamping sessions.

“It is especially dangerous to use a tool or device that is made of hard material, such as metal or wood that can not be bent, broken or cut easily because the trapped blood in the penis can make it impossible to remove it and thus extreme measures such as emergency intervention or even an amputation must be taken.” I disagree with this statement too. A clamp should be of firm material. Plastic is really nice. Or some other light weight, durable material that can easily and quickly be removed. I have seen some ugly photo of surgical procedures where a 'flexible' restriction band/ring had to be removed with irreparable results. I have never seen one because of a firm material was used. Firm or flexible, it should be instantly removable. So don't be foolish if you decide to put any device on your penis. If you choose to clamp make sure you have a proper device. Malehanger (a member here) makes a very good one called Thicker Penis Device (TPD) which is designed specifically for clamping. It is tightened/released by a wing-nut making it possible to dial-in personal comfort, or you can use Cable Clamps. The Cable Clamps are not designed for clamping but they work well. However, they are not as adjustable friendly; only pre-set teeth grip.

“Once again, it is necessary to stress, it is not advised to undergo such hazardous exercises, as the dangers are far greater than possible gains.” To me this comment is proof that the author has never clamped before. If he did, it wasn't more than a few times and no doubt terrified trying. Anyone who commits to clamping and/or hanging for a duration of time will surely achieve very positive gains not only in erection quality and overall penis health but in size as well...it is unavoidable. However, safety is king in the PE game.

If you're still wondering about this PE link, their last sentence explains their motives...”If you still decide to do it, you will probably reach greater results faster, if you combine penis exercises with herbal penis enlargement supplement therapy which increases the blood flow to the penis and thus improves the effect of exercises.” Sales, sales, sales.

I truly appreciate your concern for me and others who practice PE, but try to understand that all of us came here because we already have ED. My dick in particular was already dead. I tried everything available for erection regeneration with little or no results. These exercises are the only thing my penis responded to and it responds very well. My penis has never looked so healthy and the sensations are beyond anything I've ever known.

I am aware that Uros do not recommend PE but I'm not convinced that 'all medical advice' is against them. I choose to do them anyway. Here is a link to a Medical Dr. who practices PE. You will be surprised to know that he began like some guys, being aggressive with himself and ended up in the hospital and had a long embarrassing recovery time. But he has recovered and is now an outspoken advocate for PE safety and is now a penis exercise coach. I think he even has a book available http://www.yourpenisdoctor.com/ You can find all his stuff and testimony here.

Not to be disrespectful to you or anybody else who think that PE practice (by default), will cause all the issues you mention, but I find nothing within these links to support your claims or the claims of the link's business. Only bold unsupported claims and warnings where in the end are trying to sell their product. Please take another look and compare the evidence and comments about PE within the links that I have provided. You will find many thousands of men who confess their personal success and failures while practicing PE. The links you provided do not. Take another look at the size of membership at each of these PE sites: Pegym.com has 75, 307...Thunder's Place has 198, 140. Obviously we have physical, personal proof (with thousands of progress photos) that PE really works and new benefits are still being discovered. The evidence speaks for it's self. Either we are honestly pleased with PE or we are a society of troubled souls in desperate need for attention and we get it by disfiguring our genitals and then tell lies about how beneficial it is.

Before doing PE, my penis was dead. Three days after starting, I had my first 'natural' erection is 5 years and they have gotten better every day since. PE brought it all back, better than before. I have nothing but gratitude. PE is not an easy pill and it requires determination and discipline. I found what worked best for me and stuck with it. I have recovered my penis function and highly recommend PE to every man.


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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby xenine » Wed May 22, 2013 7:32 pm

jn1421 wrote:I am aware that Uros do not recommend PE but I'm not convinced that 'all medical advice' is against them.

Before doing PE, my penis was dead. Three days after starting, I had my first 'natural' erection is 5 years and they have gotten better every day since. PE brought it all back, better than before. I have nothing but gratitude. PE is not an easy pill and it requires determination and discipline. I found what worked best for me and stuck with it. I have recovered my penis function and highly recommend PE to every man.

after reading your links and explanation as to penile exercises i dont find a single shred of proof that p/e works. what is found are thousands of men suffering from the horror of complete impotence from doing these dangerous exercises. the links u posted explained how dangerous these exercises are.

your other link didnt open at all.

the other link showed how these exercises can lead to permanent damage. and it doesnt provide what do to in case of an emergency should the exercises cause serious rupture. all i can say is to stay clear from doing them as it is again dangerous to your sexual health. it also gave info on the psychological impact of impotence. since there are so many cases of men with problems getting erect from doing these exercises, its no surprise to find many many many men seeking counseling and other help for regretting to doing these exercises.

" but it is not true that it will result in inevitable ED. That's just silly". i havent found ANY proof that these exercises are safe and have proven effective. no uro in the world will advocate to any man to do something considered dangerous to their health. your statement is bred from full ignorance and potentially an alterior motive. there are thousands of men suffering from these exercises. there are cases were men fill uro offices because these exercises have caused permanent impotence. many uros have diagnosed these cases and the only solution available for these men is implants. and the majority of men dont want to go down that route. all men want to satisfy their woman from within themselves, not a plastic rod surgically inserted in them.

your other statement:
"“It can cause serious permanent damage of great extent to the penis.” I agree and believe all PE has this potential."
if you agree with this statement, then why do u continue and advoicate doing something dangerous to yourself and others? wouldnt it make more sense to stop waht youre doing and seek real help for youself instead of relying on some "magic bullet" in the form of harmful exercises found on the net??

every serious uro will tell u that good blood flow is needed to establish an erection. not only that, but you also need good nerve network, coordination of venous activity, nitric oxide buildup and deployment, and muscle and tissue involvement. so far, hand exercises like edging and jelqing CANNOT heal or medicate the above requirements for an erection. if they did, pfizer wouldve been out of business a very long time ago. then you mentioned clamping and pumping and how it can help with ED. theres no literature medically to suggest that VED and clamping will heal any ED case. these are just temporary fixes and not life-long solutions. eventually these devices will also cause irrepreable damage and eventually will lead to permanent and complete impotence. theres literature available that further explains this eventuality. and any uro again will repeat whats said here as well.

to clamp something made of plastic, wood or metal to one of the most vital organs of your body, your penis, and expect healing is not only stupid it promotes erectile death. its sick for you to actually promote clamping to anyone online instead of asking him to visit his uro for a followup. i think you shouldnt recommend something thats considered dangerous as if youre a uro which youre clearly not.

your views on healing ED are completely convoluted with penis size. i'm sure that these exercises, as dangerous as you admitted them to be, can enlarge girth and length of the penis but at a great cost. again, to reiterate whats said, the many men who are now facing ED and utter impotence from these exercises thinking that they would solve the problem of a small penis. i'm sure stretching and elongating physically the penis has and does promote greater penis size. but in so doing, these exercises have done nothing but rip and tear crucially needed tissue, destabilize cellular growth and repair, impair nitric oxide production and channeling, impede needed blood flow and venous interaction before, during an erection and peforate the corpus cavenosum. add to this fibrosis and early stages of peyronies, and you got a recipe for erectile disaster that a man cannot be prepared for or even find a solution for. its been proven time and again that all these devices and exercies will prevent an erection sooner or later.

your statement here is alarming:
"“Once again, it is necessary to stress, it is not advised to undergo such hazardous exercises, as the dangers are far greater than possible gains.”" To me this comment is proof that the author has never clamped before."
why would u not agree with this author's warnings about these hazardous exercises? not doing so suggests something is wrong with your thinking. it also highlights possible alterior motives that raise huge, blazen red flags about the type of person you are. i would NEVER trust anyone who 1) suggests performing to these foolish exercises without 1st visiting a uro, which u havent done, and 2) disagree with those who warn others of the dangers of these exercises. something is definitely wrong with your way of thinking.

on speaking on behalf of concerned men and myself, i really dont appreciate your lack of concern for yourself and others who may be put to heightened risk of health. your penis was never dead. it just needed a bit of a placebo effect to wake it up from long, dormant sleep. faith in these exercises was what was needed. the xercises themselves are NOT what helped you regain your erection ability. it was the BELIEF per se in the exercises that enabled you to get erect, nothing more. as a matter of fact, the more one performs these exercises, the more damage is incurred. anyone reading your story would easily fall prey to getting motivated in trying these exercsies and be one step closer to getting physically sick.

you also said that you tried "erection regeneratiion." do u mean to say that you tried stem cells and PRP, which fall under the category of regenerative mediine? you need to consult with your uro. youre in absoilute danger of becoming completely impotent and you dont even know it. by saying that youre not convinced that all med advice is against these exercises tells me that your going to learn the hard way (or soft way? pun intended) that youre

there are many reasons why men have ED. youre advocating a one size fits all approach. and you shouldnt do that. you have many cases like, mental trauma, venous leaks, improper NO production, CC decay, and physical trauma to the penis, and depending on what part of the penis, diff medical approaches should be taken. keep in mind that not all ED is the same.

no ofense, but i do believe that you possess an alterior motive as to why youre advocating p/e exercises. i may be wrong and i hope i am. but i've seen dozens of men recommending hazardous approaches to ED only to find out why they did in the 1st place which has nothing to do with promoting health. rather, it was to get unsuspecting men in the bandwagon of suffering so they wouldnt feel alone in their own suffering. based on how much you greatly and questionably defend these exercsies, i have no choice but to surmise that you may have this alterior motive. and the link you provided also mention the dangers associated with p/e which i happen to be the only person to have brought to light. you havent, which leads me to question your recommendation of these exercsies. if u visit thunders place or pegym, youll find many men complaining of impotent due to p/e exercies. add to this the peyronies forum, youll no doubt come across literally hundreds of men who ended up on the forum because of these exercises.

the evidence speaks for itself.. p/e exercises are DANGEROUS and should be avoided at all cost. the best source for help is your uro. only he has the medical tools, experience and education to diagnose whats the root cause of your ED.. not a forum, where theres no censorship and u can say anything u want, and not a bunch of men on the net who dont even know a CC from a glan.

lastly, you have psycogenic ED. its not possible that 3 days after doing p/e that u got a "natural erection" for the 1st time in 5 yrs. it doesnt make sense that your penis being "dead" for 5 yrs would be resurrected after ONLY doing exercises for 3 days. you have a classic case of sexual psychosis. the execises built up enthusiasm and confidence in u. theres nothing wrong with u physically. it was all in your head. any uro will tell u. if u dont see this, then anyone readon this will question your advocacy of these unhealthly exercises as possible alterior motives.

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby jn1421 » Wed May 22, 2013 7:46 pm

Whew, I guess I can relax and take a nap now that you've diagnosed my life and motives. Who knew?

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby xenine » Wed May 22, 2013 9:42 pm

jn1421 wrote:Whew, I guess I can relax and take a nap now that you've diagnosed my life and motives. Who knew?

and we can all relax now that i'm sure i helped prevent some men from taking your advice that can render them potentially impotent. glad i can help men stay clear of bad advice.

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Thu May 23, 2013 4:47 pm

Please avoid making diagnoses on this board. Please be civil, kind, and well-mannered. Above all be respectful. You are all free to express your opinions and I invite you to do so. But there may be no accusations of anything, anyone, at any time. I am not taking anyone's side in this debate. Just please keep the tone of the highest level of respect at all times.
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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby dtwarren1942 » Thu May 23, 2013 9:04 pm

I believe there are dangers involved In doing PE, but most of them are a result of doing them to excess. Some PE exercises are intended to increase blood supply to the penis which is natures way to promote healing. Anything taken to extreme is dangerous, including doctor prescribed medications. Hence the four hour warning on Viagra commercials. I personally inject Dr. Prescribed Trimix and if you read through the Injection Forum, you will find many examples of guys rushing to the ER following excess injections.

I am also fully aware of the dangers of excess pumping with and without a doctor prescribed VED, yet many doctors write prescriptions for VEDs as a treatment for ED. Some actually recommend pumping as a means to rehabilitate penises after prostate surgery.

I believe there is a case to me made for both sides of the argument. It is never good to make blanket statements either positive or negative and it is never good to advocate a potentially dangerous activity without providing appropriate precautions. PE exercises have some positive aspects as well as dangerous potential. Each individual should approach PE cautiously and beware of the dangers - weigh the risk verses the reward.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: WARNING!!! P/E Exercises Are Dangerous! WARNING!!!

Postby xenine » Sat May 25, 2013 1:57 pm

dtwarren1942 wrote:I believe there are dangers involved In doing PE, but most of them are a result of doing them to excess. Some PE exercises are intended to increase blood supply to the penis which is natures way to promote healing. Anything taken to extreme is dangerous, including doctor prescribed medications. Hence the four hour warning on Viagra commercials. I personally inject Dr. Prescribed Trimix and if you read through the Injection Forum, you will find many examples of guys rushing to the ER following excess injections.

I am also fully aware of the dangers of excess pumping with and without a doctor prescribed VED, yet many doctors write prescriptions for VEDs as a treatment for ED. Some actually recommend pumping as a means to rehabilitate penises after prostate surgery.

I believe there is a case to me made for both sides of the argument. It is never good to make blanket statements either positive or negative and it is never good to advocate a potentially dangerous activity without providing appropriate precautions. PE exercises have some positive aspects as well as dangerous potential. Each individual should approach PE cautiously and beware of the dangers - weigh the risk verses the reward.

so if there are dangers then why do men complain about them? ask the hundreds of men suffering from doing these exercises and theyll tell u that they performed them safely. again, its not anatomically possible to increase blood flow permanently into the penis. it may be possible to do so in the moment, which can be considered a prolonged masterbation. but long term, there are no studies proving that blood flow is increased, especially to the point where no devices or pills

"Anything taken to extreme is dangerous, including doctor prescribed medications."
but doctors DONT recommend these exercises. to clump these exercises in with a doc's routine round of treatments is nonsense.

then u mention injections. these are prescribed by docs. yes i agree theyre dangerous too. but believe it or not, there are more dire cases involving p/e exercises than those from injections.

again, i ask all of u to steer clear of p/e exercises. the forums are full to the hilt with complaints from men who have used them safely as well as from those whove used them excessively. these exercises are like russian roulette.. youre gambling with the most vital part of your sexual health. once thats gone for good, no doc in the world will help u..

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