ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby Andy425 » Fri May 03, 2013 11:22 pm

rschweiger wrote:Hey Andy,
I just ran across your topic here,very interesting.
I would always tel my girls when ever I knew it was going in that direction
My god I HATED those f'n talks I always felt so bad.
But I don't have to have them any more as now I am implanted.got implanted 9 mos ago at age 41.....
And trust me my brother those days are not gone once you find your solution you'll be suprised at the confidence that return......some may even call it cocky
I have one girlfriend that says I act like a man whore now....lol.
I say I lived four years not feeling like a man or even a being. I'm gonna strut around for a little while. :D
Best of luck on finding your solution and hopefully landing the new girl.

Thanks for your thoughts.

The confidence thing: I just have this feeling that she -- or any other woman -- will laugh (maybe not literally) when I tell her. I know it's mostly just my very pessimistic mind playing games with me, but the thought is still there. :( But as Jim(?) said above, just explain to her that I'm still recovering from PC surgery, which is true.

Update on Miss Perfect Pelvis:

After kissing me on the cheek twice in as many days, I resolved to get the jump on her, and give her a little surprise in return: I was going to plant one on her lips. So the next day I was talking to her AND SHE KISSES ME ON THE LIPS! And the next day she did it again. WTF? Ok, I see the checkered flag . . .

So today I was there and was going to ask her point-blank if she was involved with anyone -- before we get into hugging, which seems to be next on the list, haha. I've been wanting to know for 3 months now, and none of the guys who work there knew for sure. But she wasn't there, she had the day off. Grrrr . . .

Oh well, I will see her Monday.
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Location: Woodypecker41@gmail.com

Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby Peckerwood » Sat May 04, 2013 10:14 am

Don't ask her if she's involved with anyone. Obviously, she wants to be involved with you. If you don't ask her out the next time you have a private moment, you will "appear" clueless. "Faint heart ne'er won fair maiden." It's time for you to act. Best wishes!

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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby trimix60 » Sat May 04, 2013 10:38 am

Andy- Are you set up now with trimix ?? have the routine down..?? Does it work well for you ??

Sounds like " Miss Perfect Pelvis" is going for you....if she is giving you unsolicited kisses on the lips....she is giving you a signal....go for it please, please, please !!!!

I also have dated and had to deal with trimix and sex with a couple of new partners....I waited until the time was right for sex....gave myself the shot and jumped back into bed, then some foreplay.....then the little guy would come to life...it is all really pretty natural :mrgreen: :o

Then....when it stays hard for an hour or so and you can do her twice.....she will think you are amazing....they don't really care how you get it to work....that it just works !!!! Then you can explain everything to her, she will not laugh at a 1-2 hr hard-on, believe me !!!! :shock:

Let us know what happens....we are all waiting :D



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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby Andy425 » Sat May 04, 2013 11:11 am

Haha, you guys are great! It's open bar: Image

Peckerwood said
Don't ask her if she's involved with anyone. Obviously, she wants to be involved with you. If you don't ask her out the next time you have a private moment, you will "appear" clueless. "Faint heart ne'er won fair maiden." It's time for you to act. Best wishes!

Yeah, I know, it's the needle problem (mentally) that's holding me back. I would have asked her out a long time ago if it wasn't for that. But fuck it, at this point there's no turning back, nor do I want to. :D

trimix60 wrote:Andy- Are you set up now with trimix ?? have the routine down..?? Does it work well for you ??

Sounds like " Miss Perfect Pelvis" is going for you....if she is giving you unsolicited kisses on the lips....she is giving you a signal....go for it please, please, please !!!!

I also have dated and had to deal with trimix and sex with a couple of new partners....I waited until the time was right for sex....gave myself the shot and jumped back into bed, then some foreplay.....then the little guy would come to life...it is all really pretty natural :mrgreen: :o

Then....when it stays hard for an hour or so and you can do her twice.....she will think you are amazing....they don't really care how you get it to work....that it just works !!!! Then you can explain everything to her, she will not laugh at a 1-2 hr hard-on, believe me !!!! :shock:

Let us know what happens....we are all waiting :D



Yeah, I'm doing good with the trimix; I've done it 10 times now, although the early problem I had was getting it to go down after 3-4 hours. But if I pop 4 Sudafeds they work good.

But I dunno, I think I have to tell her about the needle beforehand. "Beforehand" meaning when she's breathing hard and wet. So even if it does weird her out a bit, hopefully she'll still want it.

Thanks to all for the support! If it happens, at some point down the road, I will snap a pik of her hips and post it here -- assuming it's not against the rules.
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby rschweiger » Sat May 04, 2013 1:25 pm

You already have the trimix and it works your good to go
You don't even have to say anything if you don't want? Like someone said just stick,let it work then play.(I wish I had that problem,I had to have the talks when it wouldn't work at all......that sucks.)
And noone will laugh hell I'm 42 and implanted and noone has laughed at me
I'm w/a 31 year old now and all she ever said was she gives me credit for being proactive when I got ED......then after our first time she wanted to thank my dr. Lol.
Best of luck ,Rich.

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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby trimix60 » Sat May 04, 2013 2:11 pm

Andy- I am 62 and my fiancé is 37....she is very happy with my use of trimix....only praise, and she does laugh at what a wonderful thing we have going for us...

Enough said....have fun !!!!



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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby Andy425 » Sun May 05, 2013 12:36 pm

rschweiger wrote:Andy,
You already have the trimix and it works your good to go
You don't even have to say anything if you don't want? Like someone said just stick,let it work then play.(I wish I had that problem,I had to have the talks when it wouldn't work at all......that sucks.)
And noone will laugh hell I'm 42 and implanted and noone has laughed at me
I'm w/a 31 year old now and all she ever said was she gives me credit for being proactive when I got ED......then after our first time she wanted to thank my dr. Lol.
Best of luck ,Rich.

To do it on the sly would be difficult. Let's say I take her out to dinner. I have to be prepared ahead of time in case she wants it on the first date. If we go back to her place I would have to have a loaded needle in a cooler with me, not a problem as far as that goes, but trying to stick myself in her house, on the sly, seems like it would be difficult, if not silly. And I would also need a loaded needle in my fridge at home in case we go there instead.

It all sounds overly-complicated, not to mention being a bit deceitful. Telling her up front just seems much more comfortable. Maybe she will even appreciate that I did it that way.

Oh well, I will see what happens when I drop the hammer on her tomorrow. For all I know she may have a steady dick and is just fucking with my mind. LOL, I kinda doubt that though.

If you don't mind me asking, how did you get ED at such a young age?
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby trimix60 » Sun May 05, 2013 3:09 pm

Andy- I just carried a loaded syringe in my pocket...no need to keep it refrigerated for that use...when you are ready...just excuse yourself to the bathroom, shoot up and away you go....

For me...I just spilled the beans once both of use were getting hot and ready...."I have a surprise for you" I said...I just help myself along a little for a guaranteed 2 hr hard-on :o ....no big deal...I love it :-)

You will figure out the best way for you...but you have to try first !!!!

Good luck,


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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby Andy425 » Mon May 06, 2013 7:01 pm

Well I got shot down. Plane's lost, I had to parachute. Pretty roughed up, but nothing's broken (besides my dick).


She comes up today and gives me one right on the lips again. There were at least two other guys there. One guy says "Hey! Where's mine?", haha. I've never noticed her having lipstick before, but she had it on today and it smelled and tasted great.

So a while later we kind of met at a door and I said, "If you kiss me again, I'm going to have to see you outside of our work environment." Heh, she thought for a couple of seconds and shook her head or something, but I could tell by her expression so I said something like, "Can't do it, huh?" Nope. One of the guys there told me back in February that he thought she had a BF but that she said he was a bum or something. So who knows. Time will tell which way it goes. I got no problem being the next in line.

So then she says, "But I'll give you another kiss," which she did.

So there it is. I'm going to back off a bit, but I'm not giving up this easily. She is too hot to not give it my best effort, needle-dick or not. Image
RP in 2012 because of prostate cancer. 100% ED, also some leakage problems.

Posts: 125
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Re: ED and a new woman . . . ? Sheesh

Postby rschweiger » Mon May 06, 2013 10:31 pm

Hey Andy, its Rich.
Sorry to hear the initial attemp at showing your interest was a little rough,but like you said don't give up.
To answer your question my Ed was listed as organic in cause? Meds, 3 packs a day for many years? Prob all had a part to play?I suffered from 37 to 41 when I was implanted(I may never know an exact answer but I don't care.) I couldt take the mental abuse of ed any longer . And my implant has given me back EVERYTHING I lost plus....I couldn't be happier.

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