Supplements for chronic (daily) PDE5 users (tada/silde/varde)

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Supplements for chronic (daily) PDE5 users (tada/silde/varde)

Postby Fourtytwo00 » Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:40 am

This is a post for chronic (daily) PDE5 users.
If you're here on FT, it's unlikely supplements alone could solve your ED. Having said that there are still chances they may improve the effect of your daily PDE5 dose. Even if you have an implant they may sometimes helps with engorgement or libido.

I'm mostly interested in the following:
- yohimbine hcl
- l-arginine / citrulline
- resveratrol

Is there anyone who found some benefits adding a supplement to his chronic PDE5 dose?

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Re: Supplements for chronic (daily) PDE5 users (tada/silde/varde)

Postby BrokenPiston » Fri Jan 07, 2022 12:17 pm

I don't have enough "at-bats" to answer your question, but thankfully that's changing rapidly. I believe in L-Arginine (and sure toss in L-Citrulline too). You have to run the experiment a couple times at least for each supplement, and then try to control for all else. :) And then you start layering in mixtures.

The litany of supplements proffered as ED aids is lengthy, as I splayed out in
ED since mid '20, with slight Peyronies. Thus begins a search for the right solution(s); 56yo a/o Sep '21. Three months into my quest (12/21), I think PT-141, Cialis/tadalafil 20mg and L-Arginine (maybe other herbs) are a winning formula. For now.
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Re: Supplements for chronic (daily) PDE5 users (tada/silde/varde)

Postby » Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:11 am

I d rather not go with supplements but go with additional meds:

First: increase the daily pde5 dosage. E.g. I am taking 20mg tada daily.

2nd: you could add an alpha1 antagonist like doxazosin.

3rd: you could add a high dose on demand pde5i (i usually take 20-40mg vardenafil additionally to the daily pde5i)
ED since 2012
nothing works properly

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Re: Supplements for chronic (daily) PDE5 users (tada/silde/varde)

Postby BrokenPiston » Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:35 pm

I think you keep trying different approaches if you have enough opportunities to experiment. And what works for one won't for the next. Some supplements like L-Arg are so different from PDE5 (and pretty harmless, AFAIK (not a dr so what the hell do I know?!))... they are more than just "more".
ED since mid '20, with slight Peyronies. Thus begins a search for the right solution(s); 56yo a/o Sep '21. Three months into my quest (12/21), I think PT-141, Cialis/tadalafil 20mg and L-Arginine (maybe other herbs) are a winning formula. For now.

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