I need help, or idk if I'll make it

What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
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Re: I need help, or idk if I'll make it

Postby BrokenPiston » Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:01 am

malibog wrote:I think the above replies are on target. Nonetheless, I'll add a few thoughts in a similar vein.

Given that your ED problems are of VERY recent origin, I would doubt it to be anything physical that has gone seriously wrong. I am no expert at all, but I would think that if you were suffering from a physical issue, it would have manifested itself more gradually, over a longer period, unless it were a physical issue due to trauma, and you report no injury or trauma.

I would guess there's a remote chance you might require and implant at a young age, but I regard it as unlikely it is premature at present to be giving it much, if any, thought. You are "catastrophizing" the matter in your head right now and you need to get past that, as others have suggested.

More likely than not, this is but a transitory and minor issue that will be, as doctors like to say, "self-limiting", meaning it will require limited or no medical intervention.

Good points. I would suggest OP google one more thing: "confirmation bias". You can convince yourself you have anything with Google, even though Google is great for so much.
ED since mid '20, with slight Peyronies. Thus begins a search for the right solution(s); 56yo a/o Sep '21. Three months into my quest (12/21), I think PT-141, Cialis/tadalafil 20mg and L-Arginine (maybe other herbs) are a winning formula. For now.

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