Cialis 5mg Daily PT Use - Muscle Pain?

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Cialis 5mg Daily PT Use - Muscle Pain?

Postby Stew52 » Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:04 pm

I started on a PT regimen of 5mg daily of generic Cialis in early October 2020. It is an emerging protocol for penile health with Uros (probably at the urging of big pharma!) and mine suggested it. It seemed to be having a beneficial effect on the junior member in addition to 2-3/week injections and some mild pumping between. I had regular and frequent nocturnal tumescence and morning wood (not firm enough for sex).

However by mid-March (5 1/2 mos), I was having extraordinarily bad pains in my back, cranky knees, cranky shoulder, and especially the leg muscles after working or working out vigorously. The legs and back would be in pain for a couple of days and restrict activity. It seemed to come on quickly or at least I noticed it suddenly.

From WebMD: Common side effects of Cialis: "Headache, stomach upset, back pain, muscle pain, stuffy nose, flushing, or dizziness may occur." Clicking on "muscle pain" leads you to this on "Myofascial pain syndrome" : ... n-syndrome I know I had some of those symptoms long ago on Viagra but not muscle pain.

Now, I do have some idiopathic foot peripheral neuropathy and chronic lower back issues and pain that could be causing or contributing to this. I am seeing my neuro on a PN eval update and orthopedist on the lower back. The neuro thinks the back could be contributing, but the ortho not. AN upcoming EMG test may clarify. I mentioned Cialis use to both and the neuro suggested stopping the Cialis for a while to see if that makes a difference. I've cut back 80% the past two weeks and it seems to be improving. I did some strenuous outside work this AM and while tired and overheated, the legs are nowhere near as sore, nor is my back. The knees still a bit cranky.

Has anyone else on regular use had this occur??

Admin: I'd really like to see a Rx and supplements folder as it is obviously one of the major avenues to treat and manage ED. There is so much here we don't know and so much voodoo.
NOT an MD. 71, M51 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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