Question for long term users

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Question for long term users

Postby Robert66 » Mon May 17, 2021 8:54 pm

Ok at only 2 years i am still a rookie i noticed my mix not doing as it did before so i start thinking. Too old ((( so i used a edex))) that was fresh still useable but 15 min at most not like before.. Ok maybe my injection method possible but 4 times in a row? OK NEW DRUGS I STARTED IN LAST 6 MONTHS? A/// B COMPLEX/// MULTI VIT //// DAFLON FOR NERVES TO REPAIR IMPROVE BLOOD FLOW /// FISH OIL A BLOOD THINNER THEY SAY /// any of these jump out as ohhhhh thats not good?

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Re: Question for long term users

Postby Brian99 » Mon May 17, 2021 9:41 pm

Hello Robert,

I have been a regular user of Trimix (3 to 4 times a week) for more than 6 years.

It hasn't been a gradual thing, more like a bit irregular, but I have found than I have had to both increase the strength of the mix and increase the size of the dose over the years.

So roughly on average, I have had to increase the dose by 50% each year. So at the end of each year, my dose has been 50% higher than it was at the end of the previous year.

When I started 6 years ago, I was using 5 units of a standard mix. I am now using 13 units of a mix 4 times stronger.

I have looked at forums over the years, but haven't seen much on the need to increase the amount of Trimix used after a long history of injections (I have had about 1150 shots). So I hope my experience is of help to other long term users.

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Re: Question for long term users

Postby Robert66 » Tue May 18, 2021 9:06 am

Could my trimix be affected by the daflon and fish oil i started taking

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Re: Question for long term users

Postby phallus » Tue May 18, 2021 9:42 am

I did read somewhere that pills, injections etc chemically inflict changes in the veins over time,
and will increase the leaked if you have VL. Explains why many doing initially good on pills, injections etc needs to get implanted a couple of years down the road.
Born 1995
Possibly VL since 16.
Experimenting with PGE1 injections
which occasionally works too good and other times,
too poorly. Confusing situation.

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Re: Question for long term users

Postby Old Guy » Tue May 18, 2021 9:52 am

I used Trimix for about 4 years, then moved up to Quadmix. It was similar with both, started out with a 10-15 units dose for a good erection. With Trimix I had to keep increasing my dose and upping the strength. By 4 years I was up to 60-80 units and it was hit or miss. Moving to Quadmix the first few doses at 10 units did great. By the time the first vial was empty I was using 25-30 units. The second vial from the freezer at 25 units gave me a partial erection, and from there my dose increased to 45 units with mostly a hit or miss result. Then my penis ached for two days after injecting. I was done with injections after that.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
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Re: Question for long term users - progression of ED

Postby StanWest » Tue May 18, 2021 2:12 pm

Hello the Thread. I have wondered several times, will post the thought here. I have used trimix now close the 3 years, dose about the same. 12-15 units. Could it be that what ever the cause of ED for some of us, the ED disease it is still progressing. That might be the cause why some of us have to increase the dosage to compensate ED progression?

Stan, 69 years old, no erection for 2 years, mild atrophy now restored my pump, using injection/ring, venous leakage, still adjusting mix.

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Re: Question for long term users

Postby texcal56 » Wed May 19, 2021 7:42 pm

I’ve been using the same formulation of trimix for 4 years. I have had to gradually increase the dosage every six months or so. Now, I am using 16 units for a 10/10 erection that lasts 90 minutes. At my last Uro appointment, he confirmed this was standard. Also said at some point I would likely be using an implant.
Age 67, Ojochal, Costa Rica. ED related to relapsing remitting MS. Increasing doses of Viagra worked for 10 yrs. Been injecting trimix for last 10 yrs with >95% effectiveness. Erection 10/10 for 2 hours.

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