Are you proud of your implant?

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Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Whywhywhy » Mon Mar 15, 2021 9:19 pm

Hey guys, strange question but are you proud or ashamed of your implant? I understand that a lot of you older guys probably don’t give a fuck about a lot of things, but to the younger guys, if word got out that you had a implant do you think you would feel ashamed or proud of your superhuman abilities?
Reason I ask is if I were to happen to get intimate with some girls in my social circle and word spread about my implant, based on your sexual experience with an implant and what you had before, how do you think you would feel?

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby williamb » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:34 pm

I am neither ashambed or proud of my implant. After Prostate surgery the only thing that worked was injections and the pain afterward made it not worth it so I am extremely glad of the implant option. I will talk to anyone rhat wants to talk about it.
My girlfriend is 25 years younger than I am and she loves it and thinks that it almost as good of an invention as the wheel or sliced bread.
The implant does not define who I am but it does define what I am able to do and enjoy. It don't make me a better or worse person. I read these comments here about being afraid of someone finding out and don't understand them. So what, this is a health issue like the Prostate cancer, I did nothing to cause it and I am going to crawl in a hole and hide because of it. I am going to live life to my best ability.
Well I did tell one lie here, I am going to continue to get in one hole as much and as long as I am able. Love is good, Life is good so enjoy your life to the fullest that you can.
born 1949, Cancer 2014, 1st Implant AMS CX 18 + 3 RTE, Oct 2015 by a Houston Doctor. Left with loss of length, Floppy Glans and pain, a very poor job. Revision in Dec 2016 by Dr. Kramer, 21 + 3 1/2 RTEs, LGX, Regained length, Glans supported and no pain.

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Txagq8 » Mon Mar 15, 2021 10:38 pm

Whywhywhy wrote:Hey guys, strange question.....

There are no strange questions. Just strange people. LOL.

Sorry. I couldn’t resist. When I was teaching part time at a nearby JR College I loved saying “there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.”

I am neither proud nor ashamed of my implant. I felt no shame in the inability of my vascular system to maintain an erection. I was born that way. I was no more and no less a man as a result.

If I’m proud of anything, it is pride in medical researchers and good doctors who found a way to effectively treat the problem.

I might take a certain pride in the fact that I was willing to admit to a problem that embarrassed many men, and actually take positive steps to fix it.

I don’t advertise it but I don’t deny it. When one of my friends was diagnosed with prostate cancer, after his surgery and recovery I told him what I’d had done and told him to let me know if he decided to pursue a similar path. Unfortunately, he had a bad Gleason score (9) and had a pretty rapid recurrence. The hormonal therapy he’s on right now has shot down his libido and he’s focusing on survival, not bedroom antics.

Pride isn’t the right word. If you have a leg blown off in combat, and you are fitted with and master the use of an artificial aren’t really proud. You’re relieved and happy to have been made wholly functional.

That describes how I feel about my implant. Relieved and glad to be fully functional. Not proud.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Whywhywhy » Mon Mar 15, 2021 11:07 pm

Txagq8 wrote:
Whywhywhy wrote:Hey guys, strange question.....

There are no strange questions. Just strange people. LOL.

Sorry. I couldn’t resist. When I was teaching part time at a nearby JR College I loved saying “there are no stupid questions, just stupid people.”

I am neither proud nor ashamed of my implant. I felt no shame in the inability of my vascular system to maintain an erection. I was born that way. I was no more and no less a man as a result.

If I’m proud of anything, it is pride in medical researchers and good doctors who found a way to effectively treat the problem.

I might take a certain pride in the fact that I was willing to admit to a problem that embarrassed many men, and actually take positive steps to fix it.

I don’t advertise it but I don’t deny it. When one of my friends was diagnosed with prostate cancer, after his surgery and recovery I told him what I’d had done and told him to let me know if he decided to pursue a similar path. Unfortunately, he had a bad Gleason score (9) and had a pretty rapid recurrence. The hormonal therapy he’s on right now has shot down his libido and he’s focusing on survival, not bedroom antics.

Pride isn’t the right word. If you have a leg blown off in combat, and you are fitted with and master the use of an artificial aren’t really proud. You’re relieved and happy to have been made wholly functional.

That describes how I feel about my implant. Relieved and glad to be fully functional. Not proud.

hahaha, I am aware that I think about things in a different way that the majority of the people don't see the point of. Most of these questions are shower thoughts that I have while sitting in my bathtub. Please understand that Im 29 years old and possibly about to change my life forever and not be able to go back. I want to make sure I understand and I'm as prepared as possible for what Im about to do.
The reason why I used the word "proud" is because I have gotten it engrained in my mind that with an implant, You obtain superhuman abilities. You are able to become ultra hard indefinitely and last as long as you want. From where I am right now, and I'm sure from my recent sexual partners point of view , it seems like it would be something to be proud of, being able to provide a sexual experience that is above the norm.
The purpose of of this post is to get your take, since you have a implant and I do not, is this the case? or am I missing something and expecting a fantasy that isn't going to be reality?
If anyone were to try to demean me for having an implant, It would not bother me as much if I knew that they could never provide a sexual experience that is possible with an everlasting erection. Is this the case?

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Gt1956 » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:22 am

Lets turn your question around & ask it differently. What does your social circle think of you because you're not trying to bang all the women??
What do they think after you failed to get an erection with the easiest girl in the group??
Basically they're probably already speculating about you one way or the other. Get the implant & bang the hell out of a couple. It won't matter after that.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Enzo11 » Tue Mar 16, 2021 12:23 am

I think I can relate to whywhywhy as I’m still young myself 39 and in process of taking next steps to getting an implant. I feel it is going to be quite the adjustment and we may feel so type of embarrassed or be ashamed but to get a full on hard on when ever for as long as you like. Does any of that really gonna matter lol. I so look forward to that day and have a lot of making up to do. This has been ruining our lives
40 years old from NY. Suffering for 5/6 years All pills,injections, shock wave, prp shot, pumps failed or stop working. VL recently confirmed. Implanted 5/21/21 Dr Eid

Lost Sheep
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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Mar 16, 2021 1:40 am

Whywhywhy wrote:Hey guys, strange question but are you proud or ashamed of your implant? I understand that a lot of you older guys probably don’t give a fuck about a lot of things, but to the younger guys, if word got out that you had a implant do you think you would feel ashamed or proud of your superhuman abilities?
Reason I ask is if I were to happen to get intimate with some girls in my social circle and word spread about my implant, based on your sexual experience with an implant and what you had before, how do you think you would feel?

Warning: This post is chock full of judgement and opinion.

edited to add: I composed this before reading any of the other posts. I did this on purpose so as not to influence my writing with what had gone before. What you get here are my unalloyed thoughts.

There are four possibilities: Women-con, Women-pro, Men-con and Men-pro

Some women may view you as "damaged goods", unable to get an erection like other men.

Some women may view you as an enhanced version of manhood, able get up at will and stay up for as long as you both want. Look up the term "cyborg" (person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body)

Some men may view you as less virile and denigrate you for that.

Some men may view you with envy or admiration for your enhanced sexual ability (there may be a lot of overlap between that first group of men and the second)

Either gender may admire you (if you carry it well) for your courage and candor at the risk you take in opening up on such a sensitive subject. People admire other people who are not shy about telling truths. It is an admirable trait to be unashamed of yourself.

How you are perceived (and more importantly, how you feel about how you are perceived and how you feel about yourself) is GREATLY affected by how you respond to such things.

My advice is to "own" it. Much as Jason Staitham and Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson (and, in an earlier erea, Yul Brynner, Telly Savalas and Bruce Willis) own(ed) their baldness. You are a major determining factor in how you are perceived and accepted. If you are ashamed, you will be shamed. If you are proud, you will be respected. Not by everyone, for sure, but by those who count - those who are worth having as friends.

Take a hint from the attitudes suggested by the comments in this thread


and maybe have one of those t-shirts made or get one of the ones shown in this thread


Also, think of how you would be viewed if girls in your circle of friends spread knwledge of your E.D.? Which would be worse? Knowledge of you E.D. or knowledge that you had successfully treated your E.D. and can now perform as well as any "intact" man?

I posted on a dating web site that I was functionally impotent and seeking a "lab partner" to journey with me through the transition from E.D. to implant. The overwhelming majority of responses were positive for my candor and courage (which actually was borne of desperation). Of course most respondents were mature women, experienced in sex and relationships. So young women without the experience and maturity to actually be called "women" instead of "children", so if your social circle is that immature, they should not be having sex anyway (judgement call on my part). But, that is how they learn to be mature, so make you own judgements about who you bed, how you do it and what you tell them before you do.

Back to my point. What you tell your sexual partners about your E.D. or implant or whatever will be VERY important in what happens next.

Short answer: Sort of. I am not "proud" of my implant. I am proud of myself and unashamed for having addressed a physical ailment with an implant.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby barrylandon » Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:06 am

First of all, I don't give a damn what anybody else besides my wife and I think because nobody besides my wife (girlfriend, boyfriend, significant other, whatever...fill in the blank) knows about my implant. It's nobody else's business. Secondly, you bet your ass I'm proud. No more embarrassing ED and now I have a flaccid hang that's a full 3" longer than pre-surgical. Yep, proud as hell to look at my body in the mirror and see that snake hanging down!!! :o
Implanted 5/6/20 by Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA; AMS 700 LGX 18 cm w/2 cm RTEs. I'm 76 & fit but had ED for 20 years. Pills/injections ultimately failed, including 3 ER trips for Priapism; Shockwave & embryonic stem cell therapies didn't help either.

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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Old Guy » Tue Mar 16, 2021 8:38 am

I am proud of my implant, although I don't go around showing it off. My wife and the surgeon are the only ones who know what's in my pants. Now on the other hand, IF I were a young single guy with a good circle of friends and had an implant I'd be trying to get into every females pants. And you know how girls talk. Before long I'm sure many of the females in your circle would know what you have and be waiting in line to test it out.
That reminds me of a high school thing. A bunch of guys were out doing pranks when home owner surprised them. They all jumped a fence to get away, unfortunately one didn't make the jump and ripped one testicle off. Once the word got around school of his "change" the girls were lining up to see if he still worked.
Nov. 8, 2019
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Re: Are you proud of your implant?

Postby Bailey » Tue Mar 16, 2021 9:44 am

I’m very proud of my implant & wish I would have done it several years earlier. It helps in so many ways.
77 yo with ED for over 20 years.Tried everything, & found injections were the only thing that worked.I am so grateful for FT. Was implanted 6/18/19 with a 18cm AMS LGX w 3.0cm RTE,100ml reservoir, infrapubic procedure by Dr. Richard Roach, “Bailey”

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